Bestiary of FP Tomasz Kogut - @almendar 2016.09.03 with Cats

Bestiary of Functional Programming with Cats

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Bestiary of FP

Tomasz Kogut - @almendar


with Cats

About me:

• Software / Data Engineer at

• Develops AdTech Platform

• Research department

• Works on processing lots of data really fast

• Scala since ~2011


• This presentation is intended to be practical guide how

to start with FP and cats

• May contain inaccurate information on purpose

• May contain simply wrong information because of my

mistake for which I sincerely apologize - I’m no expert

• Questions during presentation will be highly


Why this talk? (1)

• FP is a different kind of beast

• Does not reassembles anything you know

• Reading blogs do not help, it makes it probably even


• It’s frustrating

Why this talk? (2)

• There is much to learn

• Accepting this is the first step you have to make

• I’ve made some of the hops and I want to share so

you don’t have to go through some of the daunting


What FP is all about?


• Functions?

• Higher order functions?

• Immutability?

• Referential transparency?

What FP is all about?


• How stupid it may sound FP is about values

• Values are: bits, ints, data structures,

functions, types

• What FP does for us it allows us to

combine values and look at them as a new


• This is what we’ll be doing throughout the





class Foo

class Bar

case class FooBarProduct(

foo: Foo,

bar: Bar


Tuples and cartesian product anyone?

SemigroupTake two values and produce one

trait Semigroup[A] {


trait Semigroup[A] {

def combine(a1: A, a2: A): A


Group-like structures

Totalityα Associativity Identity Divisibility Commutativity

Semicategory Unneeded Required Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded

Category Unneeded Required Required Unneeded Unneeded

Groupoid Unneeded Required Required Required Unneeded

Magma Required Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded

Quasigroup Required Unneeded Unneeded Required Unneeded

Loop Required Unneeded Required Required Unneeded

Semigroup Required Required Unneeded Unneeded Unneeded

Monoid Required Required Required Unneeded Unneeded

Group Required Required Required Required Unneeded

Abelian Group Required Required Required Required Required


Why “Semigroup” and not “ValuesCombiner”

object SuperAdder {

def add[A : Semigroup](a1: A, a2: A): A = Semigroup[A].combine(a1,a2)


case class ComplexNumber(x: Double,i: Double)

object ComplexNumber {

implicit val semiGroup = new Semigroup[ComplexNumber] {

def combine(a1: ComplexNumber, a2: ComplexNumber): ComplexNumber =

ComplexNumber(a1.x+a2.x, a1.i + a2.i)



SuperAdder.add(1,2) //res1: Int = 3

SuperAdder.add(ComplexNumber(1.2, 2.3), ComplexNumber(2.4, 3.4)) //res2: ComplexNumber = ComplexNumber(3.5999999999999996,5.699999999999999)

SuperAdder.add("Hello ", "world") //res3: String = Hello world

What about Semigroup

for List, Option,


<console>:13: error: class Option takes type parameters

val optionSemigroup = new Semigroup[Option] {}

val optionSemigroup = new Semigroup[Option[Int]] {}

This would do the job but we can do better

Higher Kinded Types

• Option, List ect. are type constructors.

Like normal constructors but for types.

• They take a type as argument

• Some say that they have a “hole”

• Scala compiler knows about this

scala> :kind -v String

java.lang.String's kind is A


This is a proper type.

scala> :kind -v Either

scala.util.Either's kind is F[+A1,+A2]

* -(+)-> * -(+)-> *

This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type.

scala> :kind -v Option

scala.Option's kind is F[+A]

* -(+)-> *

This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type

Now the scary part

scala> :kind -v trait Foo[X[_]]

Foo's kind is X[F[A]]

(* -> *) -> *

This is a type constructor that takes type constructor(s): a higher-kinded type.

We need a type that when you put inside a type that when put inside another type creates a type. You follow?

trait SemigroupK[F[_]] {

def combineK[A](fa1: F[A], fa2: F[A]): F[A]


implicit val optionSemigroupK = new SemigroupK[Option] {

def combineK[A](fa1: Option[A], fa2: Option[A]): Option[A] =

fa1 orElse fa2


implicit val listSemigroup = new SemigroupK[List] {

def combineK[A](fa1: List[A], fa2: List[A]): List[A] = fa1 ++ fa2


listSemigroup.combineK(List(1,2,3), List(4,5,6))

//res3: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)


• TypeK is a thing

• “K” stands for kind

• Our effect works on higher-kinder types

• SemigroupK, MonoidK, FunctionK

Semigroup(K) in Cats

• Both effects are provided by cats

• For std types there are ready instances

• The whole thing is to do the right imports

import cats._

import cats.implicits._


//res0: Int = 3

SemigroupK[List].combineK(List(Some(1), Some(3)), List(Some(2)))

//res1: List[Some[Int]] = List(Some(1), Some(3), Some(2))


What is this?

object Semigroup extends SemigroupFunctions[Semigroup] {


final def apply[A](implicit ev: Semigroup[A]): Semigroup[A] = ev


Creating Effects

• This is very common in Cats

• TypeConstructor[X].someMethod

• Heavy use of implicits and packages


• import cats._

make all types available in scope like

Semigroup, Monad, Applicative ect.

Like Predef for Scala.

• import cats.implicits._

puts ALL implicit into the scope using

package object trick

package object instances {

object all extends AllInstances

object either extends EitherInstances

object function extends FunctionInstances

object list extends ListInstancesobject option extends OptionInstances

object set extends SetInstances

object stream extends StreamInstances

object vector extends VectorInstances

object map extends MapInstances

object future extends FutureInstances

object string extends StringInstances

object int extends IntInstances

object byte extends ByteInstances

object long extends LongInstances

object char extends CharInstances

object short extends ShortInstances

object float extends FloatInstances

object double extends DoubleInstances

object boolean extends BooleanInstances

object unit extends UnitInstances

object bigInt extends BigIntInstances

object bigDecimal extends BigDecimalInstances

object try_ extends TryInstances

object tuple extends TupleInstances


package object syntax {

object all extends AllSyntax

object applicative extends ApplicativeSyntax

object applicativeError extends ApplicativeErrorSyntax

object apply extends ApplySyntax

object bifunctor extends BifunctorSyntax

object bifoldable extends BifoldableSyntax

object bitraverse extends BitraverseSyntax

object cartesian extends CartesianSyntax

object coflatMap extends CoflatMapSyntax

object coproduct extends CoproductSyntax

object comonad extends ComonadSyntax

object compose extends ComposeSyntax

object contravariant extends ContravariantSyntax

object either extends EitherSyntax

object eq extends EqSyntax

object flatMap extends FlatMapSyntax

object foldable extends FoldableSyntax

object functor extends FunctorSyntax

object functorFilter extends FunctorFilterSyntax

object group extends GroupSyntax

object invariant extends InvariantSyntax

object list extends ListSyntax

object monadCombine extends MonadCombineSyntax

object monadFilter extends MonadFilterSyntax

object monoid extends MonoidSyntax

object option extends OptionSyntax

object order extends OrderSyntax

object partialOrder extends PartialOrderSyntax

object profunctor extends ProfunctorSyntax

object reducible extends ReducibleSyntax

object semigroup extends SemigroupSyntaxobject semigroupk extends SemigroupKSyntax

object show extends Show.ToShowOps

object split extends SplitSyntax

object strong extends StrongSyntax

object transLift extends TransLiftSyntax

object traverse extends TraverseSyntax

object traverseFilter extends TraverseFilterSyntax

object tuple extends TupleSyntax

object validated extends ValidatedSyntax

object writer extends WriterSyntax


package cats

object implicits extends syntax.AllSyntax with instances.AllInstances


trait ListInstances extends cats.kernel.instances.ListInstances {

implicit val catsStdInstancesForList:


with MonadCombine[List]

with Monad[List]

with CoflatMap[List]

with RecursiveTailRecM[List] =

new TraverseFilter[List]

with MonadCombine[List]

with Monad[List]

with CoflatMap[List]

with RecursiveTailRecM[List] {

def combineK[A](x: List[A], y: List[A]): List[A] = x ++ y








trait SemigroupSyntax {

implicit def catsSyntaxSemigroup[A: Semigroup](a: A):

SemigroupOps[A] = new SemigroupOps[A](a)


final class SemigroupOps[A: Semigroup](lhs: A) {

def |+|(rhs: A): A = macro Ops.binop[A, A]

def combine(rhs: A): A = macro Ops.binop[A, A]


List(1) |+| List(2, 2, 4)

We can do both:List(1) combine List(2, 2, 4)


trait Monoid with Semigroup[A] {

def empty: A



trait MonoidK[F[_]] extends SemigroupK[F] { self =>

def empty[A]: F[A]


• @typeclass annotation comes from simulacrum

• It generates code

• “Jump to source” might not work in Cats src code

Monoid examples

• type: Int

combine: +

empty: 0

• type: Int

combine: *

empty: 1

• type: String

combine: +

empty: “”

Can we always create a monoid?

type NEL[A] = (A, List[A])

val nelMonoid = new MonoidK[NEL] {

def combineK[A](n1: NEL[A], n2: NEL[A]): NEL[A] =

(n1._1, (n1._2 :+ n2._1) ++ n2._2)

def empty[A]: NEL = ???


• One may end-up writing effect class for some data

structure that it is impossible

• http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32477292/fold-on-


• It took me about 2 hours to realize this

trait Ord

case object GT extends Ord

case object LT extends Ord

case object EQ extends Ord

object Ord {

implicit object OrderingMonoid extends Monoid[Ord] {

def empty(): Ord = EQ

def combine(x:Ord, y: Ord): Ord = x match {

case EQ => y

case LT => LT

case GT => GT




Monoid example

def palindromeFirst(s1: String, s2: String): Ord

def shorterFirst(s1: String, s2: String): Ord

val res = List(palindromeFirst _, shorterFirst _).map{ f =>



Foldable[List].fold(res)(implicit OrderingMonoid)

// res0(: Ord = GT


• Fold is surprisingly powerful


• Foldable has most of the collections api on it:

find, exists, forAll, filter, isEmpty,

• It allows to reduce collection to single element

• It can make use of Monoids

Foldable and monoid

example 2

def foldMap[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B)(implicit B: Monoid[B]): B =

foldLeft(fa, B.empty)((b, a) => B.combine(b, f(a)))

val lineItems: List[LineItem] = ...

//explicit summoning Foldable

val totalInvoiceValue = Foldable[List].foldMap(lineItems){_.value}

//using syntax ops

val totalInvoiceValue = lineItems.foldMap { _.value }


trait Functor[F[_]] {

def map[A,B](fa:F[A])(f: A=>B): F[B]


Functor[List].map(List(1,2,3))(_ + 1)

Composing functors

val k = Functor[Try] compose Functor[List] compose Functor[Option]

k.map(Success(List(Some(22), Some(33), None)))(_+1)

//res19: scala.util.Try[List[Option[Int]]] = Success(List(Some(23), Some(34), None)))


The story of derived combinators

//we want map for this function

val addTwoInts = {(_:Int) + (_:Int)}

addTwoInts(2,3) //res0:Int = 5

trait Applicative[F[_]] {

def map2[A,B,C](fa:F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A,B) => C): F[C]

def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]


Let’s get some stuff for free!!!


trait Applicative[F[_]] {

def map2[A,B,C](fa:F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A,B) => C): F[C]

def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]


trait Applicative[F[_]] {

def map2[A,B,C](fa:F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A,B) => C): F[C]

def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]

def map[A,B](fa:F[A])(f: A=>B): F[B] =

map2(fa, (): Unit))((a,_) => f(a))


trait Applicative[F[_]] {

def map2[A,B,C](fa:F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A,B) => C): F[C]

def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]

def map[A,B](fa:F[A])(f: A=>B): F[B] =

map2(fa, (): Unit))((a,_) => f(a))

def product[A,B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A,B)] =

map2(fa,fb)((a,b) => (a,b))


trait Applicative[F[_]] {

def map2[A,B,C](fa:F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A,B) => C): F[C]

def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]

def map[A,B](fa:F[A])(f: A=>B): F[B] =

map2(fa, (): Unit))((a,_) => f(a))

def product[A,B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A,B)] =

map2(fa,fb)((a,b) => (a,b))

def lift[A,B,C](x: A => B): F[A] => F[B] = { fa:F[A] =>


} //pimp my API


trait Applicative[F[_]] {

def map2[A,B,C](fa:F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A,B) => C): F[C]

def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]

def map[A,B](fa:F[A])(f: A=>B): F[B] =


def product[A,B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A,B)] =

map2(fa,fb)((a,b) => (a,b))

def lift[A,B,C](x: A => B): F[A] => F[B] = { fa:F[A] =>

map(fa)(x) } //pimp my func

def traverse[A,B](as: List[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[List[B]] =

as.foldRight(unit(List[B]()))((a,fbs) => map2(f(a), fbs)

{ _ :: _ }



trait Applicative[F[_]] {


def unit[A](a: => A): F[A]

def map2[A,B,C](fa:F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A,B) => C): F[C]

def map3[A,B,C,D](fa: F[A], fb: F[B], fc: F[C])

(f:(A,B,C) => D): F[D] =

map2(map2(map2(unit(f.curried), fa)(_(_)), fb)(_(_)), fc)(_(_))


def curried[A,B,C](f: (A,B) => C): A => B => C = { a => { b =>



trait Applicative[F[_]] {


def map3[A,B,C,D](fa: F[A], fb: F[B], fc: F[C])

(f:(A,B,C) => D): F[D] =

map2(map2(map2(unit(f.curried), fa)(_(_)), fb)(_(_)), fc)(_(_))


trait Applicative[F[_]] {


def map3[A,B,C,D](fa: F[A], fb: F[B], fc: F[C])

(f:(A,B,C) => D): F[D] =

map2(map2(map2(unit(f.curried), fa)(_(_)), fb)(_(_)), fc)(_(_))

def apply[A,B](fab: F[A=>B])(fa:F[A]): F[B] =



trait Applicative[F[_]] {


def map3[A,B,C,D](fa: F[A], fb: F[B], fc: F[C])

(f:(A,B,C) => D): F[D] =


def apply[A,B](fab: F[A=>B])(fa:F[A]): F[B] =



trait Applicative[F[_]] {


def map3[A,B,C,D](fa: F[A], fb: F[B], fc: F[C])

(f:(A,B,C) => D): F[D] =


def map4[A,B,C,D,E]

def map5[A,B,C,D,E,F]

def apply[A,B](fab: F[A=>B])(fa:F[A]): F[B] =




Writting combinators

• It turn out that applicative can be expressed with

different set of operations

• map2 + unit

• apply + unit

def apply[A,B](fab: F[A=>B])(fa:F[A]): F[B] =


def map2[A,B,C](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A,B) => C): F[C] =


map2 and apply

Usage of Applicative

case class Charts(

books: Seq[Book],

music: Seq[Album],

games: Seq[Game]


def topBooks: Future[Seq[Book]] = ???

def topMusic: Future[Seq[Album]] = ???

def topGames: Future[Seq[Album]] = ???

Applicative[Future].map3(topBooks, topMusic, topGames)(Charts(_,_,_))

Another use case is Validation

Cats Applicative helpers

import cats.implicits._

(topBooks |@| topMusic |@| topGames) map { Charts(_,_,_) }

Applicative builders using code generation

/* Very, very, very high level view on how this works */class CartesianBuilderN {

def |@|(a: Applicative): CartesianBuilderN+1

def map(f: FunctionN): Applicative


Applicatives compose

val futOptAppl =

Applicative[Future] compose


futOptAppl.map2(Future(Some(22)),Future(Some(33))) { _ + _ }

//res47: scala.concurrent.Future[Option[Int]] = Success(Some(55))


• You use them every day map/flatMap

• Monads are powerful abstraction

• They have most of the combinators

• At the same time not all data structures

can be expressed as Monads

class DBRepo[F[_]] {

def getUserLoging(id: Long)(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[String] =


def getUserEmail(id: Long)(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[String] =


def getUser(id: Long)(implicit F: Monad[F]) : F[User] = {

F.flatMap(getUserLoging(id)) { login =>

F.map(getUserEmail(id)) { email =>

User(login, email)





val repo1 = new DBRepo[Future]

val repo2 = new DBRepo[Task]

class DBRepo[F[_]] {

def getUserLoging(id: Long)(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[String] =


def getUserEmail(id: Long)(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[String] =


def getUser(id: Long)(implicit F: Monad[F]) : F[User] =

for {

login <- getUserLoging(id)

email <- getUserEmail(id)

} yield User(login, email)


val repo1 = new DBRepo[Future]

val repo2 = new DBRepo[Task]


for {

i <- List(Option(1), Option(2))

j <- List(Option(3), Option(4))

} yield i + j

Monads don’t compose (usually), so the two below won’t work

Monad[List] compose Monad[Option]


this will, but it’s ugly

val p = for {

i <- List(Option(1), Option(2))

j <- List(Option(3), Option(4))

} yield {

for {

k <- i

l <- j

} yield k+l


Monad transformers

val k = for {

i <- OptionT(List[Option[Int]](Option(1), Option(2)))

j <- OptionT(List[Option[Int]](Option(3), Option(4)))

} yield i + j

…this will also and it’s nice:

Monad transformers

• Cats have multiple instances of those

• EitherT, IdT, OptionT, StateT, WriterT

• TypeT[F[_], A] wraps F[Type[A]]

• E.g. OptionT[List, Int] wraps List[Option[Int]]

Effectful functions

• A => F[B]

• Returned value in some kind of


• More common than one might think

// Id => Future[Long]

def getCustomerById(long: Id): Future[Customer]

// CharSequence => Option[String]

def findFirstIn(source: CharSequence): Option[String]

//Int => List[Int]

def listFromZeroToN(n: Int): List[Int]

we want to combine those


final case class Kleisli[F[_], A, B](run: A => F[B])

• It has all the good’ol combinators: flatMap, map, compose, apply ect.

• Used for composing effectful functions

• What kind of combinator can you use depends on what F is

• If you can have implicit effect for F you can call certain methods

def map[C](f: B => C)

(implicit F: Functor[F]): Kleisli[F, A, C] =

Kleisli(a => F.map(run(a))(f))

def flatMap[C](f: B => Kleisli[F, A, C])

(implicit F: FlatMap[F]): Kleisli[F, A, C] =

Kleisli((r: A) => F.flatMap[B, C](run(r))((b: B) => f(b).run(r)))


(A => B) andThen (B => C) => (A => C)

(A => F[B]) andThen (B => F[C]) => won't work

Kleisli(A => F[B]) andThen Kleisli(B => F[C]) => Kleisli(A => F[C])

There is more…

• Xor

• State

• Validated

• FreeMonads and FreeApplicatives

• Show

• Traverse

Simple RPC

• Let’s build a quick RPC API with

focus on HTTP

• We’ll take building blocks from what

we’ve seen

package object http {

type Service[A,B] = Kleisli[Future, A, B]


package object http {

type Service[A,B] = Kleisli[Future, A, B]

type HttpService = Service[Request, Response]


package object http {

type Service[A,B] = Kleisli[Future, A, B]

type HttpService = Service[Request, Response]

//Future[Either[A, B]]

type DecodeResult[T] =

EitherT[Future, DecodeFailure, T]


object Service {

def lift[A,B](f: A => Future[B]): Service[A,B] = Kleisli(f)


object HttpService {

def apply(f: PartialFunction[Request, Response]):

HttpService = Service.lift(liftToAsync(f))

def liftToAsync[A,B](f: A => B): A => Future[B] =

(a: A) => Future(f(a))


val httpService = HttpService {

case r1 @ Request(Get, "/") => Response(Ok)

case r2 @ Request(Post, "/") = Response(NotFound)





We can reuse the HttpService type

val httpClient: HttpService = ???

val jsonResponseFromPipeline = httpService.map(_.body[Json])

val jsonFut: Future[DecodeResul[Json]] =


class AHClientWrapper(realClient: AHClient)

extends Request => Future[Response] {

def apply(req: Request): Future[Response] = {

//call realClient and return response



val httpClient: HttpService =

Kleisli(new AHClientWrapper(new AHClient))


httpService.map(_.body[Json]) // Kleisli[Future, Request, Json]


case class Response(code: HttpCode) extends Message {

def body[A](implicit decoder: EntityDecoder[A]):

DecodeResult[A] =




trait EntityDecoder[T] { self =>

def decode(msg: Message): DecodeResult[T]

def map[T2](f: T => T2): EntityDecoder[T2] =

new EntityDecoder[T2] {

override def decode(msg: Message): DecodeResult[T2]

= self.decode(msg).map(f)



type DecodeResult[T] =

EitherT[Future, DecodeFailure, T]

This map is interesting

object EntitiyDecoder {

implicit def stringInstance = new EntityDecoder[String] {

def decode(msg: Message): DecodeResult[String] =

EitherT.pure[Future, DecodeFailure, String]("SomeString")


implicit def jsonInstance: EntityDecoder[Json] =



trait Json

object Json {

implicit def fromString(s: String): JsonOps = JsonOps(s)

case class JsonOps(s: String) {

def toJson = new Json {}




• This stuff is hard

• You must want to learn it

• There is no other way as building your knowledge from the ground up

• Approach it without being biased - this is just a tool

• It will help you understand/read/write high-level scala code

• Not everyone will appreciate that style of coding and that’s fine.

Thank you