Azure Service Fabric Notes: If you experience audio issues during the webinar, you can dial in through telephone details provided to you in your registration confirmation email. Please feel free to post questions in the questions dialog and we will try to answer as many as we can at the end. Recording of this session will be shared in next 24-48 hours. You can also write to us at [email protected] for any clarifications or information.

Azure Service Fabric

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Page 1: Azure Service Fabric

Azure Service FabricNotes: If you experience audio issues during the webinar, you can dial in through telephone details provided

to you in your registration confirmation email. Please feel free to post questions in the questions dialog and we will try to answer as many as we can

at the end. Recording of this session will be shared in next 24-48 hours. You can also write to us at [email protected] for any clarifications or information.

Page 2: Azure Service Fabric

Session Speaker

Viplove Sharma

Senior Technical ConsultantWinWire Technologies

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Service Fabric Advantages

Service Fabric Architecture

Introduction to Service Fabric

Microservices Overview




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Evolving Business Needs

In a cloud-driven world, competitive business pressures demand

1 Faster delivery of features and capabilities to market

2 Massive scaling of infrastructure

3Higher availability of services

4 Improved resource utilization to reduce costs

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Programming Languages

May be written in different programming languages and use

different data storage technologies

Fully Automated Deployment

Built around business capabilities and independently deployable by

fully automated deployment machinery

Suite of Small Services

An approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in

its own process and communicating with

lightweight mechanisms

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Monolithic vs Microservices Design

Monolithic Design

Microservices Design

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Stateless vs Stateful Microservices

• Scale with partitioned storage• Increase reliability with queues• Reduce read latency with caches• Write lock managers for state

consistency• Moving parts managed differently

Stateless Microservices

Stateful Microservices

• Application state lives in compute tier• Low latency reads and writes• Partitions are first class for scale-out• Built-in lock managers based on primary

election• Fewer moving parts

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Azure Service FabricService Fabric is a distributed systems platform that makes it easy to package, deploy, and manage scalable and reliable microservices and addresses the significant challenges in developing and managing cloud applications

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Service Fabric Architecture

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Service Fabric Programming Models

Guest Executable

Arbitrary executable written in any language

Service Fabric handles orchestration, manages execution of the executable

Does not benefit from full set of Service Fabric features

Reliable Services

Framework for writing services that integrate with Service Fabric platform

Gives full control over design and implementation choices

Services can be stateless or stateful

Reliable Actors

Built on top of Reliable Services, implements Virtual Actor pattern

Uses independent units of compute and state with actors

Provides built-in communication and state management for actors

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Service Fabric Application Model

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Building a Service Fabric App

1 Choose a programming model (Guest Executable, Reliable Services or Reliable Actors)

2 Define service state (externalized or co-located)

3 Build services (C++, Java, ASP.NET)

4 Setup communication between services (protocol, discovery, resolution)

5 Describe each service (ServiceManifest.xml)

6 Describe the application (ApplicationManifest.xml)

7 Package the application

8 Deploy the application to local cluster via Visual Studio or Powershell

10 Debug the application in Visual Studio

9 Monitor the application via Service Fabric Explorer

11 Deploy the application to Production


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ServiceManifest.xml (Example)

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ApplicationManifest.xml (Example)

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Service Fabric Advantages











Low Latency

Programming Model Flexibility

Health Monitoring

Coordinated Upgrades

Deploy Quick, Deploy Anywhere


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Services Powered by Service Fabric

Azure SQL Database

Azure DocumentDB

Cortana Intelligence

Power BI

Azure Event Hubs

Azure IoT Skype for Business

Microsoft Intune

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Creating a Service Fabric App in Visual Studio, Managing it in Service Fabric Explorer


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Q & ANext Webinar



[email protected]


Topic : Azure ARM Templates

When: June 22nd, 2016 at 9am PT