AngularJS Deep Dive 13 September 2014 Troy Miles

Advanced AngularJS

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Page 1: Advanced AngularJS

AngularJS Deep Dive13 September 2014 Troy Miles

Page 2: Advanced AngularJS

Troy Miles

Over 30 years of programming experience

Blog: http://therockncoder.blogspot.com/

Twitter: @therockncoder

Email: [email protected]

GitHub: https://github.com/Rockncoder

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AgendaHow AngularJS works




Unit testing


Providers & services



Directives Deep Dive


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What We Won’t Cover

Modern JavaScript Programming

Design Patterns

Other Frameworks

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How AngularJS Works

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AngularJSCreated by Miško Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2009

JavaScript MVC

106 kb production version (minimized, not gzipped)

Declarative programming for UI

Imperative programming for business logic

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AngularJS <!DOCTYPE html><html ng-app="moduleName"> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>NG-Skeleton</title></head> <body><div ng-controller="aController"> </div><div ng-controller="anotherController"> </div><!-- if using jQuery it goes here --> <script src="../libs/angular.min.js"></script><!-- other libs and script files --> </body> </html>

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Declares the boundary of an Angular app

The first ng-app found will be auto-bootstrapped

ng-app can optionally name a module

Can encompass the entire page <html ng-app>

Or only part of it, <div ng-app>

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What the Browser Does?

Loads the HTML

Parses it into a Document Object Model or DOM

The angular.js script is loaded and parse

Angular waits for the DOMContentLoaded event

AngularJS’ bootstrap code executed

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DOMContentLoaded vs load event

The load event fires once everything has loaded

The DOMContentLoaded event fires once the DOM has been created

DOMContentLoaded doesn’t wait for CSS, images, or iFrames to load

DOMContentLoaded fires well before load

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AngularJS’ Bootstrap

Bootstrap looks for the ng-app directive

There can only be one of these

The module specification is optional

The module specification tells the $injector service which defined module to load

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The $injector serviceCreates $rootscope

The mother of all scopes

Linked to the DOM

Creates the $compile service (like a shepherd)

Walks the DOM looking for directives

How ng sees directives no matter how defined

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AngularJS Key FeaturesModel View Controller (MVC)

Data Binding

HTML Templates

Dependency Injection

Deep Linking


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Model View Controller

Uses MVC or MVVM or MV* depends on who you ask

The goal is clear separation of concerns

The model is only concerned with data

The view presents the data to the user

The controller applies the business logic

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Data Binding

In Angular, binding is built into the framework

Replaces text content of HTML element with the value of the expression

{{ expression }}

<ANY ng-bind=“expression”>…</ANY>

<ANY class=“ng-bind: expression;”>…</ANY>

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HTML Templates

Many JavaScript MVC Frameworks use a client-side templating engine

AngularJS doesn’t

Angular uses HTML as its templating engine

No extra markup, no extra libraries

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Dependency InjectionA software design pattern that implements inversion of control and allows a program design to follow the dependency inversion principle

Allows a dependency to be passed to an object

Allows code to clearly state dependencies

Leads to code which is easier to debug and test

Makes it possible to minimize apps without breaking them

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Dependency InjectionThe DI pattern in AngularJS looks funky due to JavaScript’s shortcomings

The pattern is name of module, dot, name of provider, name of object, an array with the list of dependencies in strings and a function as the last item in the array

tempApp.controller('CurrentCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.temp = 17; }]);

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Deep Linking

Deep Linking enables a website to restore state from a URL

URL and bookmarks are key part of the web

Early Single Page Apps lacked deep linking

They broke SEO and user expectation

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“The coolest feature of AngularJS” - Misko Hervey

Attach behavior to DOM elements

Can nearly turn HTML into a DSL

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InheritanceClassical Inheritance

Most object oriented languages use classes as their inheritance mechanism

Prototypical Inheritance

Objects inherit from other objects, no need for classes

Demo child inheriting from parent

Once a property is added, everyone on the inheritance chain gets it, regardless of when created

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Scope Inheritance

Scopes can be nested to limit access to app properties

Provides access to shared model properties

Nested scopes are either "child scopes" or "isolate scopes"

Child scope inherits prototypically

An isolate scope does not

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Plain Old JavaScript ObjectsAngular uses dirty checking to keep the model and view in sync

Dirty checking runs equality checks over the data the view depends, it is a brute force method

Watch expressions are run every time data could change

Watch expression should be fast and idempotent

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Watches for model mutations

$watch(watched expression/function, handler, …)

Watch expression must be fast and idempotent

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Called when you are transitioning from non-angular world into angular world

calls $digest

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A digest is just plain old dirty checking

It works on all browsers and is totally predictable

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Digest Loop

Possibility of an endless loop

Will only go 10 deep before exception is thrown

NOT like a game loop

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Evaluates expressions, safely

Bridges gap between the DOM and AngularJS

Used by AngularJS to interpolate values

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A collection of configuration and run blocks which get applied to the app during bootstrap

Most apps will have one module

Most 3rd party libraries will come with their own

You inject dependent modules into yours

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Configuration Blocks

Get executed during the provider registration and configuration phase

Only providers and constants can be injected into configuration blocks

Shortcut methods available for some common configuration blocks

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Configuration Shortcuts

value(‘constantName’, 123)

factory(‘factoryName’, function(){return 123;})

directive(‘directiveName’, …)

filter(‘filterName’, …)

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Run Blocks

Closest thing Angular has to a main method

Executed after services have been configured

Typically contains code which is hard to unit test

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Order of Execution

Configuration blocks

Run blocks

Directive compile functions


Directive link functions

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guaranteed to fire after current digest loop

If you use a setTimeOut, you will also need to do $apply

$timeout does this for you

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Lab - $scope

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Understanding FiltersUsed to format data displayed to user

Strictly front-end, doesn’t change model data

Accessible using declarative or imperative syntax

{{ expression [| filter_name[:parameter_value] ... ] }}

$scope.originalText = 'hello';$scope.filteredText = $filter('uppercase')($scope.originalText);

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A tour of built-in filterscurrency









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Lab - Using Filters

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Using Filters in Controllers

The filter must be injected into the controller

Use the mangled name, <filterName>Filter

Filters can also be used with services and directives

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Building custom filterstempApp.filter('minimum', [function () { return function (arrTemp, minimum) { var filteredArray = []; var min = minimum ? minimum : 15; angular.forEach(arrTemp, function (value, key) { if (value.temp >= min) filteredArray.push(value); }); return filteredArray; }; }]);

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Lab - Custom Filters

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Unit Testing

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The default unit tester for angularjs

Others will also work

Behavior driven approach

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Describe - test suite

Describe is a global jasmine function

Two params

string - name of the test suite

function - implementation of the suite

Can be nested

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it - specs

it is a global jasmine function

Looks like describe

A spec contains one or more expections

If all expectations true, it is a passing spec

If any expectation fails, it is a failing spec

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Expect function

One param

The actual

Chained to a Matcher function

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Take the output of the expect function and compare it to something

Implement a boolean compare between actual value and expected

Reports to Jasmine if the expectation is true or false

Any matcher can be negated with a not before it

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Some matchers

toBe - compares using ===

toEqual - works for literal variables and objects

toMatch - for regular expressions

toBeDefined - compares against 'undefined'

toBeUndefined - also compares against ‘undefined'

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Some matchers (CONTINUE)

toBeNull - compares against null

toBeTruthy - truthy boolean casting

toBeFalsy - falsy boolean casting

toContain - finds an item in array

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Some matchers (CONTINUE)



toBeCloseTo - precision math comparison

toThrow - should throw an exception

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beforeEach / afterEachAre setup and teardown functions

called before and after each spec it


beforeEach, it, and afterEach share the same this

it is cleared before call spec call

any beforeEach not included in a describe block is executed before any Jasmine test

can use this to add custom matchers

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Disabling suites and specs

prepend an 'x' before describe or it

specs inside a disabled suite are not ran

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Lab - Unit Testing

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Introduction to Directives

jQuery integration

Using a jQuery UI Widget

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Markers on a DOM element that attach a behavior to it

Can be an attribute, element name, comment, or CSS

The HTML compiler traverses the DOM at bootstrap and matches directives to DOM elements

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Directives Names<div timePicker></div>

<div time-picker></div>

<div time:picker></div>

<div time_picker></div>

<div x-time-picker></div>

<div data-time-picker></div>

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Directive Location

Tag name: <timePicker></timePicker>

Attribute: <div data-rnc-time-picker></div>

Class: <div class=“time-picker;”></div>

Comment: <!— directive:time-picker —>

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Built-in Directives











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jQuery Integration

AngularJS includes a mini version of jQuery called jqLite

It is perfectly compatible with the full version of jQuery

jQuery must be loaded before Angular or it won’t see it

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Using a jQuery Widgetapp.directive('timePicker', function () { var today = new Date(new Date().toDateString()); return { require: '?ngModel', link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, ngModel) { var initialized = false; ngModel = ngModel || { "$setViewValue": angular.noop }; // where is the missing time value? setTimeout(function () { initialized = $element.timepicker() .on('changeTime', function (ev, ui) { var sec = $element.timepicker('getSecondsFromMidnight'); ngModel.$setViewValue(sec * 1000); console.log("sec = " + sec); }); }); ngModel.$render = function (val) { if (!initialized) { //If $render gets called before our timepicker plugin is ready, just return return; } $element.timepicker('setTime', new Date(today.getTime() + val)); } } }});

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Lab - jQuery UI Widget

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ng-bind vs ng-modelng-bind is one way data binding, aka output

ng-bind renders a property on scope

ng-bind has a shortcut, {{expression}}

ng-bind is preferred over shortcut

ng-model is for two-way data binding

ng-model is intended for form elements

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What are providers?

Types of providers




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What are providers?

Objects that are instantiated and wired together automatically by the injector service

The injector creates two kinds of objects:

services - defined by the developer

specialized objects - Angular framework pieces, controllers, directives, filters, or animations

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Types of providersConstants






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Substitutable objects that are wired together using DI

Used to organize and share code across app

Only instantiated when an app component depends on it


Built-in services always start with “$”

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Introduction to shared components

Dependency injection deep dive

Building custom factories & services

Persisting data to a Web API service

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Server-side Routing vs Client-side Routing

Traditionally changing the URL triggers server side request

Angular watches $location.url() and tries to map it to a route definition

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Provides routing and deep linking services and directives

Must include angular-route.js in HTML, after angular.js

Must mark ngRoute as a dependent module

Use ng-view indicate where partials will be displayed

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Pushstate URLs vs hash based URLs

By default Angular uses hash “#” based URLs

It can use HTML5 push state, with fallback


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Lab - Routing

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Facilitates communication with a remote HTTP service via the XMLHttpRequest object or JSONP

Based on deferred/promise API

Requires two parameters:

method - the HTTP method to call

url - the location of the HTTP service

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A free service for testing JSON based application


Echo JSON returns a customized JSON object

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Lab - $http

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Directives Deep Dive

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jQuery vs Directive<body> <div id="myElement" my-directive></div> </body> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#myElement').myPlugin({pluginOptions: options}); });

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Directives are …

The heart of AngularJS


Data driven


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Is a shortcut to the same method on compiler provider

Same pattern used in controllers, services, and filters

Not actually a a directive definition but a factory

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$scope - the scope for this instance of the directive

$element - the jQuery wrapped element

$attrs - any attributes attached to the element

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Return value

a configuration object

a function

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Returns a functionangular.module('myApp.directives', []) // this is a factory method which actually creates .directive('myAwesomeDirective', ['api', function () { // one time initializations return function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { // directive work goes here }; }]);

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Returns an objectangular.module('myApp.directives', []) // this is a factory method which actually creates .directive('myAwesomeDirective', ['api', function (api) { // one time initializations // return a configuration object return { restrict: ‘A’, priority: 10, terminal: false, template: '<div<h3>{{title}}</h3></div>', templateUrl: 'myDirective.html', replace: true, compile: function (element, attributes, transclude) {}, link: function($scope, $element, $attrs){}, scope: true, controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs){}, require: 'ngModel', transclude: true }; }]);

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Configuration objectrestrict











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restrictDefines use of directive

Styles (EACM)

E - element

A - attribute, the most common


M - Comment - RARELY USED

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E - element

Very semantically accurate

Looks cool

Internet Explorer issue

will read in as div

to fix, in headdocument.createElement(‘my directive')

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A - attribute

The default if restrict not defined

Protects from IE troubles

Provides some semantic meaning

Best practice

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Specifies in what order the directives should be executed

There may be multiple directives on the same node

default is 0

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Related to priority

terminal dictates whether or not directive execution should stop after the priority level

default is false

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Both template properties function mostly the same

For templateUrl, compile/link process will be suspended until the template is loaded

Can contain other directives nested within them

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Whether the whole element should be replaced with the template, or just the element's inner HTML

If replace - must have only one root node

default is false

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compile - tasks requiring restructuring of the DOM

link - attaches scope to the compiled element

Could replace the configuration object with a link function

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default - null - same scope as attached object

true - new scope plus inherits from parents (prototypal inheritance)

{} - isolate scope object

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can store many of the properties or methods that you might normally attach to scope

if attached to the controller itself, they can be shared with other directives

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requireTells Angular to grab the instance of one directive's controller and make it available to another directive

?ngModel, means that requirement is optional

^ngModel, traverse up from the element node through the DOM tree <div ng-model="data.property"> <input autocomplete-input /> </div>

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provides ability to have isolate scope

but still have access to parent scope's properties

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jQuery UI Widget Walk-thru

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Project Organization

Recommend seeding with Yeoman

Yeoman will create the app scaffolding

It also includes both Jasmine for unit tests

And Karma as a test runner

Getting Yeoman running on Windows is slightly challenging

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Scaffolding for modern web apps

Yeoman is a node package module, so node is required

It is free and open source


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Promises / $q

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Why promises?$.get('api/gizmo/42', function(gizmo) { console.log(gizmo); // or whatever});

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But quick can turn into…$.get('api/gizmo/42', function(gizmo) { $.get('api/foobars/' + gizmo, function(foobar) { $.get('api/barbaz/' + foobar, function(bazbar) { doSomethingWith(gizmo, foobar, bazbar); }, errorCallback); }, errorCallback); }, errorCallback);

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What is a promise?

A promise is an object that represents the return value or the thrown exception that the function may eventually provide

A promise can also be used as a proxy for a remote object to overcome latency

Resolution of a promise is always asynchronous

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What is $q?

Inspired by the Kris Kowal's Q library

Q has more features than $q

Q is also bigger

$q is bound to the $rootScope for faster propagation

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The promise pattern

A promise has two components

Deferreds - represents a unit of work

Promises - represents data for the Deferreds

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The deferred API




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The promise API




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Lab - $q

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Best PracticesKeep watch expression fast and idempotent

Write unit tests

Keep your code organized

Keep controllers simple

Business logic belongs to models, not controllers

No DOM code in controllers, use directives

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SummaryHow AngularJS works




Unit testing


Providers & services



Directives Deep Dive


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BooksGreen, Brad & Seshadri, Shyam


O'Reilly Media


Vanston, Alex

AngularJS Directives

Packt Publishing


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Books…Ford, Brian & Ruebbelke, Lukas

AngularJS in Action

Manning Publications


Knol, Alex

Dependency Injection with AngularJS

Packt Publishing


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Books…Hahn, Evan

JavaScript Testing with Jasmine



Kozlowski, Pawel & Darwin, Peter Bacon

Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS

Packt Publishing


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Angular Linkshttps://angularjs.org/





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Testing Links





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Misc. Links

