Volksrust Recorder - Column / Rubrieke 10 Recorder 26 June 2015 Change Your Story With Jacques de Villiers Attention is Superior to Intention eenvoudig “God het so gesê” en dit is al wat belangrik is. Jak. 2:23 En die Skrif is vervul wat sê: En Abraham het God geglo, en dit is hom tot geregtigheid gereken, en hy is ‘n vriend van God genoem.God se eis vir die mens is om Hom te glo en in daardie geloof Hom te volg en natuurlik te gehoorsaam. Gehoorsaamheid is nie altyd maklik nie omdat ons as mens altyd na ons vermoë kyk en maklik kan sê: Ek sien nie kans nie: Ek kan dit nie doen nie: Ek kan dit nie nou doen nie: Die Here maak ’n fout om dit van my te vra/verwag ensovoorts. God sal nie iets van ons verwag wat onmoontlik is om te doen nie. 2Kor. 3:5 Nie dat ons uit onsself bekwaam is om iets as uit onsself te bedink nie, maar ons bekwaamheid is uit God. Fil. 4:13 Ek is tot alles in staat deur Christus wat my krag gee. God praat met Sy kinders en Hy verwag gehoorsaamheid. Hy verwag van Sy kinders dat hulle Hom sal vertrou omdat Hy weet wat Hy doen! Rom. 11:33 o Diepte van die rykdom en wysheid en kennis van God! Hoe ondeurgrondelik is sy oordele en onnaspeurlik sy weë! Vertrou die Here met u hele hart, verstand en al u krag. Volg Hom en gehoorsaam Hom ongeag wat Hy van u verlang want HY is betroubaar. Groete in Sy Naam Ds. Jan Keyser It was when I was rereading Etsko Schuitema’s Intent: Exploring the Core of Being Human the other day that I came across this aphorism: Attention is Superior to Intention.Eckhart Tolle made the same observation when he said, “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus on your life.And, to add some more weight to this, Carlos Castaneda said, “A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.These quotes and more, highlight the weakness in setting goals for our lives.Our goals are full of good intent. We want the fancy car, we want to lose weight, we want to quit smoking, we want to travel, we want to be rich, we want a loving relationship and the like.However, most of us are not prepared to pay attention to the process of getting our intention.Unless we focus on the actions and do the work to get to our end destination, all the visualisations and affirmations in the world won’t get us any nearer to our dreams.I believe that many of us miss the boat because we’re not prepared to pay attention to the work we have to do in the moment to achieve our dreams. Just in case you think I’m judging, I’m not … I’m as guilty as the next man of not working as hard as I should. I miss the boat plenty. Perhaps some of us are just not prepared to pay the price to get what we want. Perhaps I can just be blunt enough and say it, “We are lazy and want our success handed to us on a plate”.As Thomas Edison said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.I think many of us have bought into the saying “work smarter and not harder”. And, maybe it has given us an excuse not to work too hard. The problem is that we are not working smarter either. So, if we take away hard work and smarts, we’re pretty much left with nothing.We are also misled by the media’s portrayal of people that are ‘overnight successes’. I think if we interrogate these so- called ‘overnight successes’ we’ll find the opposite is true. We’ll find that they worked extremely hard, over a long period of time whilst enduring failure after failure to achieve ‘overnight success’. 99% of ‘overnight success’ stories are myth.I suppose the trick is to figure out what it is that we really want in our lives. Then set action plans to achieve what it is we want and then use every moment wisely and knuckle down and do the work. Because as you know, the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. For further information: Jacques de Villiers [email protected] 082 906 3693 Volksrust Seme Business Column Safety Mentors Who Matters Willem Hüsselmann - 082 415 7725 Freddie Kapp - 017 735 4444 Johan Botha - 082 335 7274 Ashraf Moola - 082 558 5515 Ahmed Chotia - 082 554 4886 Old Koos has been a busy boy of late. In between studying and working for some prestigious clients at world renowned locations. Koos fingers have been worked to the bone. Typing like a monkey… So much typing, that the other day while interviewing an engineer as part of a review of a Permit To Work system, the engineer looked at the small laptop balanced on Safety Koos’ legs and said; “You could play the organ! Did you learn to touch-type at school?”Koos stopped to think. Initially he thought the guy was calling him a monkey (you know, like those monkeys who used to turn the handle next to the guy playing the organ).Then Koos realised what he meant. His typing skills were developed through lots of typing. Nothing more.…makes you think. This reminded Koos that there were indeed people who had played a role in shaping him and his career. Firstly there was Oom Kobus, without whom Safety Koos would never have entered the field of health and safety.Being able to ask somebody questions with more knowledge and experience was of as much value as obtaining a decent qualification. Safety mentors who matter Then there was oom Sarel who was really old, even when Safety Koos met him the first time. When Koos was only 27, oom Sarel was 73, old enough to be Koos’ oupa.Oom Sarel was the most gentlemanly gentleman you could hope to meet. His language and elocution skills were of the highest order. Everything he did, was just so.Koos had the privilege toanage oom Sarel, who was an excellent health and safety trainer and consultant too. This was just due to circumstance, and the fact that Oom Sarel was an associate and effectively retired.Oom Sarel treated everyone with dignity and respect and Safety Koos never ever saw him lose his temper. He was patient and kind, and despite carrying himself in a manner that clearly distinguished him from the factory workers, he would regularly interact with, he was able to connect with them and discuss the most detailed of subjects in a manner that was not condescending, but helped people to learn.So Koos knew that there was a wonderful opportunity to learn. Oom Sarel did not know he was mentoring Safety Koos, but Koos viewed oom Sarel as a mentor. A mentorship style for every occasion Some mentorship is an equal trade-off. One person in the relationship assumes the mentor role in a given situation, and then it switches to the other person who becomes the mentor in a different situation.Wikus was a couple years older than Safety Koos and had a bit more life experience, having roughed it in various jobs, from lift engineering to maintaining milk machines, and cutting his teeth in health and safety as a Safety Officer on mega construction projects.While Koos was more administra-tive and business- minded in nature, Wikus was a hands-on guy who got his hands dirty. Learning from one another was of mutual benefit and that relationship continues today. Wikus helped Koos to learn about construction health and safety, an area that Safety Koos now specialises in. Mentors give and receive Then there was Bongani. Actually Bongani is two persons. Both are from Zimbabwe. For the purposes of this article they shall be one person. Bongani was new to health and safety, having recently passed the NEBOSH diploma (an extremely underestimated qualification among South Africans), but he clearly needed guidance in health and safety consultancy.Bongani had a hunger and enthusiasm for knowledge and this inspired Koos. Safety Koos truly learned the value of mentorship, by being Bongani’s mentor. Koos freely gave information, as he recieved.There is as much value to be gained by being a mentor as there is for the person who is being mentored. It is also surprisingly good to see how much one has progressed by seeing the appreciation on the face of the mentoree. Bongani is progressing well and it will be good to see where his career goes in the coming years. You can be a mentor Safety Koos remembers his mentors with respect, and recognise their contribution to what he may have achieved and whom he has become.I hope oom Sarel reads Sheqafrica.com there on the other side.This is how you leave a lasting legacy – empower others to become and to be more, just because they had the opportunity to meet you in this life. And maybe they will remember you and also pay respect later.There doesn’t have to be an official mentorship scheme for mentoring to take place. One can be mentored and be a mentor, both simultaneously.We never stop learning. Just keep looking for mentorship opportunities. It’s about giving and taking. Find someone you can look up to, and someone you can help in turn. Although this article reflects on Safety mentoring, mentoring can take place in all spheres of life. As Business Chamber we would like to call upon seasoned business owners, who are willing to step up to the plate, and mentor some of our younger business owners. We need the opportunity to tap into your knowledge and skills, to ensure a better future for us. SAVF LOUIS HILDEBRANDT KINDERHUIS / CHILDREN'S HOME WANTS TO SAY "THANK YOU" On behalf of the Management Board, staff members and children we would like to send a word of sincere appreciation to the following sponsors: Mr and Ms Loutjie Moll ( Donation of meat and financial contribution) Dutch Reformed Church, Wakkerstroom (Financial contribution) Ms Irene Wessels and friends from Richards Bay (Donating knitted bedsocks for all our children) Ms Johanni Malan - Pioneer Primary school (Cup cakes for all our children). Gen. 12:1 En die HERE het aan Abram gesê: Gaan jy uit jou land en uit jou familie en uit jou vader se huis, na die land wat Ek jou sal wys. Gen. 12:4 Toe het Abram weggetrek soos die HERE hom gesê het, Abraham se geloof was so onwrikbaar in die Here dat hy getrek het sonder om te weet waar die pad agter die Here aan hom sou bring.Heb. 11:8 Deur die geloof het Abraham, toe hy geroep is, gehoorsaam weggetrek na die plek wat hy as ‘n erfenis sou ontvang; en hy het weggetrek sonder om te weet waar hy sou kom.Omdat hy die Here vertrou het, het hy gedoen wat die Here gesê het. Geloof en gehoorsaamheid kan nie geskei word nie. Iemand wat sê “ek glo God” moet Hom ook gehoorsaam sonder voorwaarde of bevraagtekening. Abraham se geloof het oorgaan in gehoorsaamheid en dit herinner ons aan die apostel Paulus se woorde: Rom. 8:28 En ons weet dat vir hulle wat God liefhet, alles ten goede meewerk, vir hulle wat na sy voorneme geroep is. Abraham se geloof was geloof eis gehoorsaamheid

Attention is Superior to Intention

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Volksrust Recorder - Column / Rubrieke10 Recorder 26 June 2015


With Jacques de Villiers

Attention isSuperior to Intention

eenvoudig “God het so gesê” en dit is al watbelangrik is. Jak. 2:23 En die Skrif is vervulwat sê: En Abraham het God geglo, en dit ishom tot geregtigheid gereken, en hy is ‘nvriend van God genoem.God se eis vir diemens is om Hom te glo en in daardie geloofHom te volg en natuurlik te gehoorsaam.Gehoorsaamheid is nie altyd maklik nie omdatons as mens altyd na ons vermoë kyk enmaklik kan sê: Ek sien nie kans nie: Ek kan ditnie doen nie: Ek kan dit nie nou doen nie: DieHere maak ’n fout om dit van my te vra/verwagensovoorts. God sal nie iets van ons verwagwat onmoontlik is om te doen nie. 2Kor. 3:5Nie dat ons uit onsself bekwaam is om iets asuit onsself te bedink nie, maar onsbekwaamheid is uit God. Fil. 4:13 Ek is totalles in staat deur Christus wat my krag gee.God praat met Sy kinders en Hy verwaggehoorsaamheid. Hy verwag van Sy kindersdat hulle Hom sal vertrou omdat Hy weetwat Hy doen! Rom. 11:33 o Diepte van dierykdom en wysheid en kennis van God! Hoeondeurgrondelik is sy oordele enonnaspeurlik sy weë! Vertrou die Here met uhele hart, verstand en al u krag. Volg Hom engehoorsaam Hom ongeag wat Hy van uverlang want HY is betroubaar.Groete in Sy NaamDs. Jan Keyser

It was when I was rereading Etsko Schuitema’sIntent: Exploring the Core of Being Humanthe other day that I came across thisaphorism: Attention is Superior toIntention.Eckhart Tolle made the sameobservation when he said, “Realize deeplythat the present moment is all you have. Makethe NOW the primary focus on your life.And,to add some more weight to this, CarlosCastaneda said, “A man of knowledge livesby acting, not by thinking about acting.Thesequotes and more, highlight the weakness insetting goals for our lives.Our goals are fullof good intent. We want the fancy car, wewant to lose weight, we want to quit smoking,we want to travel, we want to be rich, we wanta loving relationship and the like.However,most of us are not prepared to pay attentionto the process of getting our intention.Unlesswe focus on the actions and do the work toget to our end destination, all thevisualisations and affirmations in the worldwon’t get us any nearer to our dreams.Ibelieve that many of us miss the boat becausewe’re not prepared to pay attention to thework we have to do in the moment to achieveour dreams. Just in case you think I’mjudging, I’m not … I’m as guilty as the nextman of not working as hard as I should. Imiss the boat plenty. Perhaps some of us arejust not prepared to pay the price to get what

we want. Perhaps I can just be blunt enoughand say it, “We are lazy and want our successhanded to us on a plate”.As Thomas Edisonsaid, “Opportunity is missed by most peoplebecause it is dressed in overalls and lookslike work.I think many of us have bought intothe saying “work smarter and not harder”.And, maybe it has given us an excuse not towork too hard. The problem is that we are notworking smarter either. So, if we take awayhard work and smarts, we’re pretty much leftwith nothing.We are also misled by themedia’s portrayal of people that are ‘overnightsuccesses’. I think if we interrogate these so-called ‘overnight successes’ we’ll find theopposite is true. We’ll find that they workedextremely hard, over a long period of timewhilst enduring failure after failure to achieve‘overnight success’. 99% of ‘overnightsuccess’ stories are myth.I suppose the trickis to figure out what it is that we really wantin our lives. Then set action plans to achievewhat it is we want and then use every momentwisely and knuckle down and do the work.Because as you know, the only place wheresuccess comes before work is in thedictionary.For further information:Jacques de [email protected] 906 3693

Volksrust SemeBusiness Column

Safety MentorsWho Matters

Willem Hüsselmann - 082 415 7725Freddie Kapp - 017 735 4444Johan Botha - 082 335 7274Ashraf Moola - 082 558 5515Ahmed Chotia - 082 554 4886

Old Koos has been a busy boy of late. Inbetween studying and working for someprestigious clients at world renownedlocations. Koos fingers have been worked tothe bone.Typing like a monkey…So much typing, that the other day whileinterviewing an engineer as part of a reviewof a Permit To Work system, the engineerlooked at the small laptop balanced on SafetyKoos’ legs and said; “You could play theorgan! Did you learn to touch-type atschool?”Koos stopped to think. Initially hethought the guy was calling him a monkey(you know, like those monkeys who used toturn the handle next to the guy playing theorgan).Then Koos realised what he meant.His typing skills were developed through lotsof typing. Nothing more.…makes you think.This reminded Koos that there were indeedpeople who had played a role in shaping himand his career. Firstly there was Oom Kobus,without whom Safety Koos would never haveentered the field of health and safety.Beingable to ask somebody questions with moreknowledge and experience was of as muchvalue as obtaining a decent qualification.Safety mentors who matterThen there was oom Sarel who was really old,even when Safety Koos met him the first time.When Koos was only 27, oom Sarel was 73,old enough to be Koos’ oupa.Oom Sarel wasthe most gentlemanly gentleman you couldhope to meet. His language and elocutionskills were of the highest order. Everythinghe did, was just so.Koos had the privilegetoanage oom Sarel, who was an excellenthealth and safety trainer and consultant too.This was just due to circumstance, and thefact that Oom Sarel was an associate andeffectively retired.Oom Sarel treated everyonewith dignity and respect and Safety Koosnever ever saw him lose his temper. He waspatient and kind, and despite carrying himselfin a manner that clearly distinguished him fromthe factory workers, he would regularlyinteract with, he was able to connect withthem and discuss the most detailed ofsubjects in a manner that was notcondescending, but helped people to learn.SoKoos knew that there was a wonderfulopportunity to learn. Oom Sarel did not knowhe was mentoring Safety Koos, but Koosviewed oom Sarel as a mentor.A mentorship style for every occasionSome mentorship is an equal trade-off. Oneperson in the relationship assumes the mentorrole in a given situation, and then it switchesto the other person who becomes the mentorin a different situation.Wikus was a coupleyears older than Safety Koos and had a bitmore life experience, having roughed it invarious jobs, from lift engineering tomaintaining milk machines, and cutting histeeth in health and safety as a Safety Officeron mega construction projects.While Kooswas more administra-tive and business-minded in nature, Wikus was a hands-on guywho got his hands dirty. Learning from oneanother was of mutual benefit and thatrelationship continues today. Wikus helpedKoos to learn about construction health andsafety, an area that Safety Koos nowspecialises in.Mentors give and receiveThen there was Bongani. Actually Bonganiis two persons. Both are from Zimbabwe. For

the purposes of this article they shall be oneperson. Bongani was new to health andsafety, having recently passed the NEBOSHdiploma (an extremely underestimatedqualification among South Africans), but heclearly needed guidance in health and safetyconsultancy.Bongani had a hunger andenthusiasm for knowledge and this inspiredKoos. Safety Koos truly learned the value ofmentorship, by being Bongani’s mentor. Koosfreely gave information, as he recieved.Thereis as much value to be gained by being amentor as there is for the person who is beingmentored. It is also surprisingly good to seehow much one has progressed by seeing theappreciation on the face of the mentoree.Bongani is progressing well and it will be goodto see where his career goes in the comingyears.You can be a mentorSafety Koos remembers his mentors withrespect, and recognise their contribution towhat he may have achieved and whom hehas become.I hope oom Sarel readsSheqafrica.com there on the other side.Thisis how you leave a lasting legacy – empowerothers to become and to be more, justbecause they had the opportunity to meetyou in this life. And maybe they will rememberyou and also pay respect later.There doesn’thave to be an official mentorship scheme formentoring to take place. One can be mentoredand be a mentor, both simultaneously.Wenever stop learning. Just keep looking formentorship opportunities. It’s about givingand taking. Find someone you can look upto, and someone you can help in turn.Although this article reflects on Safetymentoring, mentoring can take place in allspheres of life. As Business Chamber wewould like to call upon seasoned businessowners, who are willing to step up to the plate,and mentor some of our younger businessowners. We need the opportunity to tap intoyour knowledge and skills, to ensure a betterfuture for us.

SAVF LOUIS HILDEBRANDTKINDERHUIS / CHILDREN'SHOME WANTS TO SAY "THANKYOU"On behalf of theManagementBoard, staffmembers andchildren we wouldlike to send a wordof sincereappreciation to the

following sponsors:• Mr and Ms Loutjie Moll ( Donationof meat and financial contribution)• Dutch Reformed Church, Wakkerstroom(Financial contribution)• Ms Irene Wessels and friends fromRichards Bay (Donating knitted bedsocksfor all our children)• Ms Johanni Malan - Pioneer Primaryschool (Cup cakes for all our children).

Gen. 12:1 En die HERE het aan Abram gesê:Gaan jy uit jou land en uit jou familie en uitjou vader se huis, na die land wat Ek jou salwys. Gen. 12:4 Toe het Abram weggetreksoos die HERE hom gesê het, Abraham segeloof was so onwrikbaar in die Here dat hygetrek het sonder om te weet waar die padagter die Here aan hom sou bring.Heb. 11:8Deur die geloof het Abraham, toe hy geroepis, gehoorsaam weggetrek na die plek wat hyas ‘n erfenis sou ontvang; en hy hetweggetrek sonder om te weet waar hy soukom.Omdat hy die Here vertrou het, het hygedoen wat die Here gesê het. Geloof engehoorsaamheid kan nie geskei word nie.Iemand wat sê “ek glo God” moet Hom ookgehoorsaam sonder voorwaarde ofbevraagtekening. Abraham se geloof hetoorgaan in gehoorsaamheid en dit herinnerons aan die apostel Paulus se woorde: Rom.8:28 En ons weet dat vir hulle wat God liefhet,alles ten goede meewerk, vir hulle wat na syvoorneme geroep is. Abraham se geloof was

geloof eis
