Marketing Strategy Infographic

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There’s no question that the right marketing strategy for your business will depend on your brand, your business capabilities, your solutions, and most importantly, your market. But knowing the distinct trends can and should influence your marketing priorities. What key tactics best fit our Marketing Strategy? What B2B marketing tactics are working now for others, and how well? Where should we emphasize or deemphasize our marketing focus? While the right B2B marketing strategy will vary by type of product and industry, we do see distinct trends. In working with leading global B2B companies, our Fusion Marketing team is extremely familiar with the cost/benefits of various lead generation programs. In fact we work closely with the management teams of numerous B2B product and services companies to build and help execute a marketing strategy that fits their industry and their sales model. Knowing the most effective tactics can help you refine or enhance your strategy. The marketer’s challenge is to combine the right mix of programs to build market awareness and fill the sales funnel each month at a low blended cost per lead. With that in mind, we examined the recorded effectiveness of the many online lead generation options. Our experiences are summarized in this B2B marketing strategy infographic. http://greatb2bmarketing.com/content-marketing-2/b2b-marketing-strategy-know-the-trends-pick-the-right-strategy/

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