How to “Know” What Your Customers Really Want? Pandith Jantakahalli

How to know what your customers really want?

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How product managers can leverage the jobs-to-be-done framework to make better product decisions

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How to “Know” What Your Customers Really Want?

Pandith Jantakahalli

Why Jobs-to-be-Done?

• User or customer’s lens for uncovering – Jobs or outcomes they are trying to achieve

while hiring your product– Causes for hiring your product– Situations, motivations, triggers, and

considerations while hiring your product

“When you identify what people truly use your product to accomplish, you protect yourself from competition”

Clayton Christensen

Jobs: Provides Clarity on Competition

• Same job (overcoming a boring commute) fulfilled by different products

Image Source: Intercom.io blog

Jobs: Provides Clarity on Competition

• Products in the same product category fulfilling different jobs

Treat Breakfast on the go

“Identifying with a product category is outsourcing your strategy to the past”

Ryan Singer

Jobs: Provides Clarity on Purpose

• Jobs helps you identify what causes people to buy your products

“The fact that you are 18-35 years old with a college degree does not cause you to buy a product. It may be correlated with the decision, but it does not cause it”

Clayton Christensen

Typical Conversations: Product Focused

• What your product does?– (What can we do to improve our product?)

Drill holes Information on temperature, humidity, rain

Send, receive documents

How to Identify Jobs?

• Why people use your product?

Hang a painting What should I wear, carry an umbrella, by

when should I reach home?

Get signatures on a document

You’ve Identified the Job, What Next?

• Understand which situations are causing them to hire your product?

• What aspects of the current solution are they unhappy or struggling with?

• What criteria are they applying in choosing between solutions?

Jobs are Timeless

• Customers do not just buy products, they just switch from something else

• Customers do not just leave a product, they switch to something else

• Dimensions or hiring criteria change over time

How to Uncover Causality?

• One of the methods to uncover causality of purchase is to conduct JTBD interviews with people who have– Purchased your product recently– Fired your product recently

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion”

Dale Carnegie

What to Focus on in JTBD Interviews?

Adapted from the Re-Wired Group, Ash Maurya’s Blog Post

Push of a situation Make progress / something better

Magnetism of the new solutionWhat will my life look like?

Anxiety of the new solutionAm I making the right choice?

Habit of the presentWhat is holding them back?

Scope of JTBD Interviews

Passive lookingKnow you need to make a change

Active lookingSpend effort in seeking a solution

DecidingMaking trade-offs based on hiring criteria




ConsumingUsing the product

SatisfactionEvaluation of product against hiring criteria

Adapted from the Re-Wired Group

First Thought Consumption

Post Interview Analysis

• Best done as a team, who have participated or listened to the interview– Do each of the below steps individually and

then discuss as a group

• List struggling moments in current situation

• Identify dimensions that are valuable to the customer

• Identify trade-offs made while making a decision

Post Interview Analysis

• List emotions experienced, “social” aspects

• List anxieties and habits that hold them back

• Name the jobs• Build hypothesis on causality• Test your hypothesis in subsequent



Think Less About

Think More About

Competitors in your product category

Alternatives for achieving the same outcomes/jobs

Personas of users

Situations, and struggling moments with current solution

Rational reasons for purchasing your product

Emotions and behaviors demonstrated while buying your product

Why they use your product

What your product does

Takeaways for PMs

• Consider prioritizing based on hiring criteria and their relative importance

• Identify attributes that are important but are under served (low satisfaction)

• Understand comparable anchors that prospects while evaluating your product

• What can you do to reduce anxiety and help prospective customers to overcome existing habits and behaviors?

• How can you improve messaging to speak to situations and emotions?

“Questions are places in your mind where answers fit. If you haven’t asked the question, the answer has nowhere to go ”

Clayton Christensen


What Next?

Want to practice JTBD interviews?

Google Hangout Session: 13-Sep-2014, 11 AM(8 Slots Only + 1 Person who recently made a purchase)

Twitter: jppandith Email: [email protected]

Bangalore JTBD Meetup Group

Blog: https://medium.com/@jppandith

Sources / Acknowledgements

• Re-Wired Group (Bob Moesta, Chris Spiek)– www.jobstobedone.org– Resource page, JTBD radio, JTBD handbook – Udemy Course

• Clayton Christensen – HBR articles, milkshake video

• Alan Klement, and the Jobs-to-be-done collection that he curates on Medium

• 37 Signals Team (Ryan Singer in particular)• Intercom.io Team (Des Traynor in particular)• Photos belong to their respective copyright owners


Pandith Jantakahalli

Blog: https://medium.com/@jppandith

Twitter: jppandith

Email: jppandith at gmail.com