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New Teeth Implants Specialists in Rutherford Bust 15 Cavity Myths, PART 1

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Page 1: New Teeth Implants Specialists in Rutherford Bust 15 Cavity Myths, PART 1

NewNewNewNewTeethTeethTeethTeeth ImplantsImplantsImplantsImplants SpecialistsSpecialistsSpecialistsSpecialists inininin RutherfordRutherfordRutherfordRutherford BustBustBustBust 15151515CavityCavityCavityCavityMyths,Myths,Myths,Myths, PARTPARTPARTPART 1111

This four-part article series focuses on explaining the facts and dispelling the myths behinddental cavities, which are tiny holes in your teeth that can cause them to become decayed.

We all know what cavities are - just about every toothpaste ad warns us against them, as does ourdentist during our bi-annual appointments. But a closer look reveals an astounding number ofmyths, some of which prevent us from understanding the true nature of this dental problem andwhat causes it. In this four-part article series, we speak to a specialist of newnewnewnew teethteethteethteeth implantsimplantsimplantsimplants ininininRutherfordRutherfordRutherfordRutherford about cavities and get 15 myths busted!

MythMythMythMyth #### 1:1:1:1: SugarSugarSugarSugar CausesCausesCausesCauses CavitiesCavitiesCavitiesCavities

TheTheTheThe Facts:Facts:Facts:Facts: “Sugar doesn't cause cavities directly, but indirectly, yes,” says the new teeth implantsspecialist in Rutherford. “Sugar encourages bacteria to multiply, so the higher your diet is incarbohydrates (which is sugar) and sweet beverages and foods, the faster bacteria is going to growand proliferate in your mouth. Just like all other living organisms, bacteria produce waste productsand these are very acidic. It’s the acid in bacterial wastes that cause your enamel to erode, formingpits and holes in your teeth.”

“These imperfections provide bacteria with a nice little hiding place away from your toothbrush,which allows the cavities to deepen and get larger from further acid erosion,” continues the newteeth specialist in New York NY. “Most foods contain sugar and carbohydrates, including the onesregarded as being healthy, such as fruits, vegetables, rice and potatoes, so you can’t avoid italtogether. What you can avoid or at least cut down on are sugar-packed sodas and fruit juices,which, to make matters worse, are also very acidic.

Page 2: New Teeth Implants Specialists in Rutherford Bust 15 Cavity Myths, PART 1

“Another important factor in cavity formation is the length of exposure of your teeth to sugar andcarbohydrates, so try not to sip on sugary beverages all day, because that will greatly increase yourrisk of tooth decay.”

MythMythMythMyth #### 2:2:2:2: EatingEatingEatingEating AcidicAcidicAcidicAcidic Foods,Foods,Foods,Foods, LikeLikeLikeLike TomatoesTomatoesTomatoesTomatoes andandandand Lemons,Lemons,Lemons,Lemons, CausesCausesCausesCauses CavitiesCavitiesCavitiesCavities

TheTheTheThe Facts:Facts:Facts:Facts: “Acidic foods don’t cause cavities, but they do soften your dental enamel, making itmore vulnerable to cavities,” explains the new teeth implants specialist in Rutherford. “Repeat andlengthy exposure to acid can also cause your enamel to dissolve, exposing the softer and morevulnerable underlying dentine.”

MythMythMythMyth #### 3:3:3:3: ChildrenChildrenChildrenChildren SufferSufferSufferSuffer FromFromFromFromCavitiesCavitiesCavitiesCavitiesMoreMoreMoreMore ThanThanThanThan AdultsAdultsAdultsAdults

TheTheTheThe Facts:Facts:Facts:Facts: “With the right preventative dental care, such as good oral hygiene, fluoridated waterand dental sealants, developing teeth can effectively be protected against cavities. In fact, theincidence of tooth decay in American children has been reduced by an incredible 50% over the past20 years,” says the specialist of newnewnewnew teethteethteethteeth inininin NewNewNewNew YorkYorkYorkYork NYNYNYNY. “To say that children are more proneto cavities than adults is only true if they have not received the appropriate preventative dental carewhile the adults have.”

“Elderly people face their fair share of problems, too. One common side effect of many chronicmedications is dry mouth, a condition characterized by the impeded production of saliva. Since thisis your body’s natural defense against bacteria, and also helps to neutralize acid and wash awaysugary residues and food debris, dry mouth can lead to a greater risk of cavities and tooth decay.”

StayStayStayStay TunedTunedTunedTuned ForForForFor PartPartPartPart 2222

To read more about the myths and misconceptions surrounding cavities and tooth decay, stay tunedfor the second installment of this four-part article series.

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