Bernard Bernard is small but still looks similar to those in his caste. He is not as muscled, leaning toward being thin. His clothing and hair are like what we wear today, showing his want for change, back to when things were like they are today. In this picture he is slouching which shows his insecurity in his caste.

Brave New World Characters

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Page 1: Brave New World Characters


Bernard is small but still looks similar

to those in his caste. He is not as

muscled, leaning toward being thin.

His clothing and hair are like what we

wear today, showing his want for

change, back to when things were like

they are today. In this picture he is

slouching which shows his insecurity

in his caste.

Page 2: Brave New World Characters


Helmholtz is perfect, not too buff, thin or fat, with strong features, perfectly

styled hair and dressing impeccably. In this photo he looks contemplative, like

he’s wondering what he could do to put his way with words to better use. His

posture is not stressed out, showing his ease with which he can do everything in

his life.

Page 3: Brave New World Characters


Lenina is perfectly groomed,

keeping up her appearances for

those around her. In here eyes is a

hint of rebellion that might spark

into something bigger, but for

now is kept in check so that she

appears to be a perfect citizen.

Her expression and body

language show she is calm and

under control because of the

soma she takes to temper “bad”
