1 Sebastian Bernasek 7-14-2015 Intro to Optimization: Part 1

Optimization tutorial

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Page 1: Optimization tutorial


Sebastian Bernasek7-14-2015

Intro to Optimization: Part 1

Page 2: Optimization tutorial


What is optimization?

Identify variable values that minimize or maximize some objective while satisfying





minimize f(x)

where x = {x1,x2,..xn}

s.t. Ax < b

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What for?Finance

• maximize profit, minimize risk• constraints: budgets, regulations

Engineering• maximize IRR, minimize emissions• constraints: resources, safety

Data modeling

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Given a proposed model:y(x) = θ1 sin(θ2 x)

which parameters (θi) best describe the data?

Data modeling

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Which parameters (θi) best describe the data?

We must quantify goodness-of-fit

Data modeling

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A good model will have minimal residual error

Goodness-of-fit metrics

where Xi,Yi are data

and y(Xi) is the model, e.g.

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Least Squares

Weighted Least Squares

Goodness-of-fit metrics

gives greater importance to more precise data

all data equally important

We seek to minimize SSE and WSSE

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Log likelihood

Define the likelihood L(θ|Y)=p(Y|θ)as the likelihood of θ being the true parameters given the observed data

Goodness-of-fit metrics

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Log likelihood

Given p(Yi iid Y | θ) we can compute p(Y|θ):

the log transform is for convenience

Goodness-of-fit metrics

We seek to maximize ln L(θ | Y)

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Log likelihood

So what is p(Yi|θ) ?

Assume each residual is drawn from a distribution. For example, assume ei are Gaussian distributed with

Goodness-of-fit metrics

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Log likelihood

Goodness-of-fit metricsmaximize ln L(θ | Y)

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Least Squares• simple and straightforward to implement• requires large N for high accuracy

Weighted Least Squares• accounts for variability in precision of

variables• converges to least squares for high N

Log Likelihood• requires assumption for residuals PDF

Goodness-of-fit metrics

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Given a proposed model:y(x) = θ1 sin(θ2 x)

which parameters (θi) best describe the data?

Data modeling




minimize SSE(θ)

where θ = {θ1,θ2,..θn}

s.t. Aθ < b

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Given a proposed model:y(x) = θ1 sin(θ2 x)

which parameters (θi) best describe the data?

Data modeling



θ = {5,1}

SSE(θ) = 277

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minimize f(x)where x = {x1,x2,..xn}

s.t. Ax < b

So how do we optimize?

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Types of problems

There are many classes of optimization problems

1. constrained vs unconstrained2. static vs dynamic3. continuous vs discrete variables4. deterministic vs stochastic variables5. single vs multiple objective functions

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Types of algorithms

There are many more classes of algorithms that attempt to solve these problems


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Types of algorithms

There are many more classes of algorithms that attempt to solve these problems

current scope


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Unconstrained Optimization

Zero-Order Methods (function calls only)• Nelder-Mead Simplex (direct search)• Powell Conjugate Directions

First-Order Methods• Steepest Descent • Nonlinear Conjugate Gradients• Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno Algorithms (BFGS)

Second-Order Methods• Newton’s Method• Newton Conjugate Gradient

Here we classify algorithms by the derivative information utilized.


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All but the simplex and Newton methods call one-dimensional line searches as a subroutine

Common option:• Bisection Methods (e.g. Golden Search)

General Iterative Schemeα=step size

dn = search direction

Unconstrained Optimization in 1-D

linear convergence, but robust

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1-D Optimization

root finding

Calculus-based option:• Newton-Raphson

Unconstrained Optimization in 1-D

can use explicit derivatives or

numerical approximation

we want:

so let:

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Move to minimum of quadratic fit at each point

can achieve quadratic convergence for twice differentiable functions

Newton Raphson

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Newton’s Method in N-Dimensions 1. Construct a locally quadratic model (mn)

via Taylor expansion about xn:

2. At each step we want to move toward the minimum of this model, where

points near xn…



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Newton’s Method in N-Dimensions 3. The minimum of the local second-order

model lies in the direction pn.

Determine the optimal step size, α, by 1-D optimization

Search directionGeneral Iterative Schemeα=step size

dn = search direction

Golden search, Newton’s method, Brent’s Method, Nelder-Mead Simplex, etc.

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Newton’s Method in N-Dimensions 4. Take the step

5. Check termination criteria and return to step 3

possible criteria:

• Maximum iterations reached• Change in objective function below

threshold• Change in local gradient below threshold• Change in local Hessian below threshold

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BFGS Algorithm (quasi-Newton method)

• Numerically approx. H-1(xn)• Multiply matrices

Newton’s Method in N-Dimensions How do we compute the Hessian?

Newton’s Method

• Define H(xn) expressions• Invert it and multiply

• Accurate• Costly for high N• Requires 2nd derivatives

• Avoids solving system• Only req. 1st derivatives• Crazy math I don’t get


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Gradient Descent Newton/BFGS make use of the local

Hessian Alternatively we could just use the

gradient1. Pick a starting point, x0

2. Evaluate the local derivative3. Perform line-search along gradient

4. Move directly along the gradient

5. Check convergence criteria and return to 2

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Gradient Descent Function must be differentiable Subsequent steps are always

perpendicular Can get caught in narrow valleys

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Conjugate Gradient Method Avoids reversing previous iterations by ensuring

that each step is conjugate to all previous steps, creating a linearly independent set of basis vectors1. Pick a starting point and evaluate local

derivative2. First step follows gradient descent

3. Compute weights for previous steps, βn


is the steepest directionPolak-Ribiere Version

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Conjugate Gradient Method Creates a set, si, of linearly independent

vectors that span the parameter space xi.

4. Compute search direction, sn

5. Move to optimal point along sn

6. Check convergence criteria and return to step 3

*Note that setting βi = 0 yields the gradient descent algorithm

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Conjugate Gradient Method For properly conditions problems, guaranteed to

converge in N iterations Very commonly used scipy.optimize.fmin_cg

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Powell’s Conjugate Directions Performs N line searches along N basis vectors in

order to determine an optimal search direction Preserves minimization achieved by previous

steps by retaining the basis vector set between iterations1. Pick a starting point and a set of basis vectors

2. Determine the optimum step size along each vector

3. Let the search vector be the linear combination of basis vectors:

is convention

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Powell’s Conjugate Directions4. Move along the search vector

5. Add to the basis and drop the oldest basis vector

6. Check the convergence criteria and return to step 2


Problem: Algorithm tends toward a linearly dependent basis set

Solutions: 1. Reset to an orthogonal basis every N iterations 2. At step 5, replace the basis vector corresponding to the largest change in f(x)

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Powell’s Conjugate DirectionsAdvantages

No derivatives required only uses function calls Quadratic convergence

Accessible via scipy.optimize.fmin_powell

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Nelder-Mead Simplex AlgorithmDirect search algorithmDefault method:


Method consists of a simplex crawling around the parameter space until it finds and brackets a local minimum.

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Nelder-Mead Simplex AlgorithmSimplex: convex hull of N+1 vertices in N-space.

2D: a triangle 3D: a tetrahedron

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Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm1. Pick a starting point and define a simplex around

it with N+1 vertices xi

2. Evaluate f(xi) at each vertex and rank order the vertices such that x1 is the best and xN+1 is the worst

3. Evaluate the centroid of the best N vertices

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Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm4. Reflection: let

If replace xN+1 with xr

worst point(highest function val.)

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Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm5. Expansion:

If reflection resulted in the best point, try:

If then replace xN+1 with xe

If not, replace xN+1 with xr

worst point(highest function val.)

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Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm6. Contraction: If reflected point is still the worst, then try contraction

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Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm7. Shrinkage:

If contraction fails, scale all vertices toward the best vertex.


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Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm Advantages:

Doesn’t require any derivatives Few function calls at each iteration Works with rough surfaces

Disadvantages: Can require many iterations Does not always converge. Convergence criteria are

unknown. Inefficient in very high N

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Nelder-Mead Simplex Algorithm


Required Typical

α > 0 1β > 1 2γ 0 < γ < 1 0.5δ 0 < δ < 1 0.5

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Algorithm Comparison

min f(x) iterations f(x) evals f'(x) evalspowell -2 2 43 0

conjugate gradient -2 4 40 10gradient descent -2 3 32 8

bfgs -2 6 48 12simplex -2 45 87 0

f(x) = sin(x) + cos(y)

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Algorithm Comparison

f(x) = sin(xy) + cos(y)

Simplex & Powell seem to similarly follow valleys with a more “local” focus

BFGS/CG readily transcend valleys

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2-D Rosenbock Function

min f(x) iterations f(x) evals f'(x) evalspowell 3.8 E-28 25 719 0

conjugate gradient 9.5 E-08 33 368 89gradient descent 1.1 E+01 400 1712 428

bfgs 1.8 E-11 47 284 71simplex 5.6 E-10 106 201 0