Some interesting facts about animals 동동동 동동 동동동동 동동 동 동동 동 동동동 동동동동 2 동동 동동동동동 동동동동 동동 동동동동동동 .

Some interesting facts about animals

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Page 1: Some interesting facts about animals

Some interesting facts

about animals동물에 관한 흥미로운 사실 몇 가지

이 자료는 초등학교 2 학년 학생들에게 읽어주기 위해 만들었습니다 .

Page 2: Some interesting facts about animals


Housefly : 집파리Musical abilities: 음악적 능력To hum : 소리를 낸다Key of F : ‘ 파’ 음

Houseflies live 14 days.

They have musical abilities.

They always hum in the key of F.

Page 3: Some interesting facts about animals


Ostrich :

Run faster : 더 빨리 달린다Male ostrich : 수컷 타조Roar : 으르렁거리다 .

Ostriches can run faster than horses.

The male ostriches can roar like lions.

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Mammal : 포유류To fly : 날다

Bats are the only mammals that can


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Tail: 꼬리Balance: 균형To lift: 들어올리다Hop: 깡충 뛰다

Kangaroos use their tails for balance.

If you lift a kangaroo’s tail, it can’t hop.

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On average: 평균적으로Per square meter : 1 평방미터당In green areas : 녹지Think twice : 두 번 생각하세요 .

On average, there are about 12

spiders per square meter in green ar-

eas. Think twice before going outside

unless you’re this guy.

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Fur : 털Stripe : 줄무늬Skin : 피부Same strips : 똑같은 줄무늬

Tigers have strips on their fur.

They also have strips on their skin.

No two tigers have the same stripes.

Page 8: Some interesting facts about animals

Useful tip : 유용한 팁To escape a jaw: 턱을 피하려면Push your thumb: 엄지로 눌러라Eyeball : 눈알

Here’s a tip that might be useful.

To escape a crocodile’s jaw, push

your thumb into its eyeball —it will let

you go instantly.


Page 9: Some interesting facts about animals

Jump : 점프하다Height: 키Equivalent : 동일한

Fleas can jump up to 200 times their

height. This is equivalent to a man

jumping the Empire State Building in

New York.


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To smell : 냄새맡다

Elephants can smell water up to

5 kilometers away.


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Teeth : 치아Never stop growing: 자라기를 멈추지 않는다 .

Gnaw : 갉다Otherwise: 그러지 않으면Brain: 두뇌

Beavers’ teeth never stop growing.

They must constantly gnaw on objects

— otherwise, their teeth would

eventually grow into their brain.


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One million ants: 백만마리의 개미For every human: 한 사람 당They never sleep: 그들은 전혀 잠자지 않는다 .

Lung: 폐 , 허파

Beware an ant uprising! There are

one million ants for every human in

the world. They also never sleep and

do not have lungs.


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To change gender: 성별을 바꾸다Mating: 짝짓기

Oysters can change gender depending

on which is best for mating. 


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Two compound eyes:

Thousands of lenses: 수천개의 렌즈Yet: 하지만

Butterflies have two compound eyes

consisting of thousands of lenses.

Yet, they can only see the colors red,

green and yellow.


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To peck : 쪼다Per second: 1 초마다Average: 평균적인

A woodpecker can peck on wood 20

times per second. Their average total

pecks are 8,000 to 12,000 a day.


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Largest species: 가장 큰 종Bone: 뼈Skeleton: 골격 , 뼈대Cartilage: 연골 ( 귀 , 코 안에 있는 )

Sharks, one of the largest species of

fishes, don’t have bones in their bod-

ies. Their skeleton is made of cartilage.


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Are located on its tongue: 혀에 위치하다Up to 3 years : 3 년 까지Without any break : 한 번도 쉬지 않고

Garden Snail have about 14,175 teeth

that are located on its tongue.

Also snails can sleep up to 3 years

without any break.


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Existed on earth : 지구상에 존재했다 .

400 million years ago: 4 억 년 전에100 feet: 100 개의 다리Over 300 legs: 300 개가 넘는 다리

Centipedes existed on earth about 400

million years ago.  Although centipede

means 100 feet, some of them have

over 300 legs.


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Hyrax : 바위너구리Rabbit liked animal: 토끼같이 생긴 동물Cousin: 사촌The nearest relative: 가장 가까운 친척

A Hyrax is a small rabbit liked animal.

But this animal is known as the cousin

of elephant. Yes, guys, it’s true, this

animal is the nearest relative of an



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참고한 웹사이트

• http://list25.com/25-amazing-facts-you-didnt-know-about-animals/• http://www.yesiknowthat.com/10-interesting-facts-about-animals/