Presented by , Sameena M.S UGC Junior Research Fellow, Dept. of Sociology Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, Kerala, India

Sociological Research Methods- Qualitative and quantitative

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Presented by,

Sameena M.SUGC Junior Research Fellow,Dept. of SociologySree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit,Kalady, Kerala, India

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Research- “systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach valid conclusions”

This systematic investigation progresses through a method or logic of enquiry

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Method that has been adopted Competency of method In what way it has contributed to theoretical

understanding Therefore, success of any research is greatly

influenced by the methods adopted

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Methods- “tools of data generation and analysis”

Chosen on the basis of criteria dictated by the major elements of the methodology in which they are embedded

Methodology- “the science of methods” Contains standards and principles employed

to guide the choice, structure, process and use of methods as directed by the underlying paradigm

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“Methods refer to particular procedures and tools of research (e.g. interview) whilst methodology is about theory of how research is carried out or the broad principles of how to conduct research and how theory is applied (e.g. Survey research methodology or experimental methodology)”


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1830s- modern social science began Applied scientific method to study human

thought and behaviour By 1930s- social sciences divided Formed separate departments in Universities Divisions on the basis of research methods Later there was a shift away from seeing

scientific method (quantitative) as the only valid way of gaining data – but also a realization that both methods are needed

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“consist of the process of seeking answers to questions about the social world”

To answer these questions, social scientists employ wide range of methods

QuantitativeSocial research methods


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“The term quantitative method refers in large part to the adoption of natural science experiment as the model for scientific research , its key features being quantitative measurement of the phenomena studied and systematic control of the theoretical variables influencing those phenomena”


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Positivistic Collect data using standardized

approaches on a range of variables Test given theory by confirming or

denying precise hypothesis Conceptualizes reality in terms of

variables and relationships between them

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It rests on measurement Prestructures data, research questions,

conceptual framework, design etc. Larger sample and generalization

through sample Well developed n codified methods for

data analysis Common quantitative methods- surveys

and experiments

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most commonly used Based on using statistical sampling

methods Takes representative sample from a given

population, apply standardized and structured instrument

Enables descriptive and explanatory generalization.

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Used to study the causal relationships between variables

Studying the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable by keeping the other independent variable constant through some type of control

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Produces data which is clear, powerful and easily verifiable

Conclusions reached are scientific, objective, reliable and valid

Generalization possible Clear data analysis strategy Easily replicable

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Do not pay attention to social meanings No place for participants Very artificial Closed method, strictly planned Instrument chosen before the study begins

and no option for correction or adjustment Can’t be so precise, people change Social situation is too complex for numerical


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“Methods that are associated with a variety of theoretical perspectives and uses a range of tools which focus on the meanings and interpretation of social phenomena & social processes in the particular contexts in which they occur”

-SAGE Dictionary of Social Research Methods

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“Interpretative”, Tries to explore subjective meaning through which people interpret the world

Deals with cases and researcher gets closer to what is being studied

Aims at in-depth holistic understanding Less formalized methods Greater flexibility Sampling- theoretical not probabilistic

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Open ended to explore interpretations Allow collection of detailed information Commonly used qualitative methods-

interviewing, ethnography, observations, focus groups, case studies and content analysis

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“a two way systematic conversation between an investigator and an informant, initiated for obtaining information relevant to particular study”

Involves conversation, learning from respondent’s gestures, facial expressions and pauses and his environment

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A method of enquiry through observation of institutions, cultures and customs

Helps the researcher to understand systematically about the world people see and to develop theories about the social world, irrespective of his preconception

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“systematic viewing of a specific phenomenon in its proper setting, for the specific purpose of gathering data for a particular study”

Includes seeing, hearing and perceiving

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Held with a group of participants to stimulate discussion among people and bring to the surface responses that otherwise might lay dormant.

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“an in-depth comprehensive study of a person, a social group, an episode, a process, a situation, a programme, a community, an institution or any other social unit”

Most common qualitative method

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A method for making inference by objectively and systematically identifying specified characteristics of contents of documents

Gathers data from archival records, documents, newspapers, diaries, letters etc.

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Presenting a more realistic view of the world

Stressing interpretations and meanings Achieving a deeper understanding of the

respondent’s world Humanizing research process by raising the

role of the researched Researching people in natural settings Allowing higher flexibility

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Problem of reliability caused by extreme subjectivity

Risk of collecting meaningless & useless information

Very time consuming Problem of representativeness &

generalisability of findings Problem of objectivity & detachment Problem of ethics (entering the personal

sphere of subjects)

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“there’s no such thing as qualitative data. Everything is either 1 or 0”

-Fred Kerlinger “all research ultimately has a qualitative

grounding”-D.T Campbell

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Comparison dimension

Qualitative method Quantitative method

Objective To understand underlying reasons

Quantify data & generalize results

perspective interpretative positivisticsample Small no, non-

representative cases

Large no, representing the population

Type of research

exploratory descriptive

Data collection Unstructured/semi structured


administration Requires interviewer with special skills

Fewer special skills required

analysis Subjective, interpretive

Statistical, summarization

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Ability to replicate Low highHardware Tape recorders,

projection devices, videos..

Questionnaires, computers, printouts..

Data Involves words Involves numbersRole of the researcher

Objective observer

Subjectively immersed in the subject matter

generalization inductive Deductive, time and context specific

Flexibility of design

Flexible, can be changed

Not flexible, Standardized and fixed design

theory Builds theory Tests theory

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Combing qualitative and quantitative methods

To capitalize strengths, to compensate weaknesses

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Success of any research is greatly influenced by the method adopted

Qualitative and quantitative methods present only a choice of alternative methods according to the appropriateness of research problem

Sound mix of both is always advisable “whether we use words or number, we

might as well use them right”-Lewis Beck

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New Delhi: SAGE. Devi, Laxmi (1997) Encyclopedia of Social Research, New Delhi: SAGE. Henn, Matt. Weinstein, Mark and Nick, Foard (2006) A Short Introduction To Social

Research, New Delhi: Vistaar publication. Japp, Victor (2006) The Sage Dictionary Of Social Research Methods, New Delhi:

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Creatively About Method, New Delhi: SAGE. Mukherji, Partha Nath (2000) Methodology in Social Science Research: Dilemmas

And Perspectives, New Delhi: SAGE.

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Porta, D and Keating, M (2008) Approaches To And Methodologies In The Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective, U.K: Cambridge University Press.

Punch, K, F (2008) Introduction To Social Research Qualitative And Quantitative Approaches, New Delhi: SAGE.

Singleton, R, A. Bruce, J, R and straits, C (2005) Approaches to Social Research (IV edtn), New York: Oxford University Press.

Sotirios, Sarantakos (1998) Social Research; II edtn, London: Mc Millan. Tashakkori, Abbas and Teddie, Charles (1998) Mixed Methodology:

Combining Qualitative And Quantitative Approaches, New Delhi: SAGE. Williams, Malcome (2003) Making Sense of Social Research, New Delhi:

SAGE. Young, Pauline, V (1996) Scientific Social Surveys and Research, New

Delhi: Prentice Hall of India. URL Sources: http://www.snapsurveys.com/techadvqualquant.shtml http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/research/f.cfm http://www.gifted.uconn.edu/siegle/research/qualitative/qualquan.htm http://www.kelcom.igs.net/nhodgins/quant_qual.html http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/corpus3/qual.htm

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