Level Up Using the Loti scaffold to improve your level of technology integration

Level up with Loti

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Level Up

Using the Loti scaffold to improve your level of technology integration

What is Loti?







Level 0: Non Use

Lack of technology access

Competing institutional interests

Level 1: Awareness

Teachers beginning to use technology for themselves

Teacher centered instruction

Using technology for lower level Blooms

Internet research

Level 2: Exploration

Teacher centered instruction with technology enrichment activities

Teacher starting to explore technology use with students

Multi media presentations

Note taking

Level 3: Infusion

Moving to focus on higher order Blooms

Tasks may involve student choice

Evaluation of information

Starting use technology to look beyond the classroom

Online collaboration

Level 4: Integration

Student enquiry

Problem/Project Based Learning

Using technology for authentic tasks

Online student reflection and collaboration

a) Mechanical

b) Routine

Level 5: Expansion

Using technology to collaborate beyond the classroom

Student created links to experts

Cross curricular projects

Student created personal learning environments

Level 6: Refinement

Student choice of curriculum aligned to personal goals

Seamless access to advanced digital tools

24/7 learning

Full student autonomy

Where do you sit on Loti?

Use the Loti scale to determine where you sit?

What do you need to reach the next the level?