The Ques(on 5+5=? Answers to a ques1on The Pedagogy The Assessment ?+?=10 Ques1ons to an answer Project/Problembased learning Experiencebased learning Lecturers from real world prac((oners eg. 1 2 1. Venture Lab offers free online courses from top universi(es and work with other students from around the world on course projects and assignments. Students engage in team work, meaningful discussion and ac(vi(es, and create connec(ons with other learners that last well beyond the course's end. 2. LearnRev provides courses on reallife, workplace skills that are taught from experts working at some of the best companies in the world. 3. HireArt uses work samples and video interviews to assess candidates' job skills, so that companies can hire allstars who will hit the ground running. 4. Mozilla is collabora(ng with the world to develop an open badge ecosystem that makes it possible to recognize skills, literacies, and interests across the web. 4 3 Classroom knowledge transmission

How to teach what adds up to 10

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Page 1: How to teach what adds up to 10

The  Ques(on  

5+5=?  Answers  to  a  ques1on  

The  Pedagogy  

The  Assessment  

?+?=10  Ques1ons  to  an  answer  

•  Project/Problem-­‐based  learning  •  Experience-­‐based  learning  •  Lecturers  from  real  world  prac((oners  eg.  



1.  Venture  Lab  offers  free  online  courses  from  top  universi(es  and  work  with  other  students  from  around  the  world  on  course  projects  and  assignments.  Students  engage  in  team  work,  meaningful  discussion  and  ac(vi(es,  and  create  connec(ons  with  other  learners  that  last  well  beyond  the  course's  end.  2.  LearnRev  provides  courses  on  real-­‐life,  workplace  skills  that  are  taught  from  experts  working  at  some  of  the  best  companies  in  the  world.  3.  HireArt  uses  work  samples  and  video  interviews  to  assess  candidates'  job  skills,  so  that  companies  can  hire  all-­‐stars  who  will  hit  the  ground  running.  4.  Mozilla  is  collabora(ng  with  the  world  to  develop  an  open  badge  ecosystem  that  makes  it  possible  to  recognize  skills,  literacies,  and  interests  across  the  web.  



Classroom  knowledge  transmission