Creative Process in Advertising Submitted By: Anup Thapa Chhetri Dwaipayan Regmi Guru Khanal Chapter 4

Creative process in advertising

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Page 1: Creative process in advertising

Creative Process in Advertising

Submitted By:Anup Thapa ChhetriDwaipayan RegmiGuru Khanal

Chapter 4

Page 2: Creative process in advertising

Creative Method and Process

Creative Visualizer and Visualization Process

Advertisement Copy: types and process of print

copy development

Components of a print copy: headline, sub

headline, body text, illustration and signature

Requisites of a good advertisement copy

Advertisement Layout: functions and principles

of good layout


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Free Association Method:

-forming association networks of things

-focuses on key word

-things associated are identified and described

Synectics Methods

-focuses on unrelated topic

-uses techniques of drawing analogy

-based on concept of problems solving

Creative Methods in Advertising

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-pooling ideas from a group of experts

-criticism free idea generation

-best idea is selected from various

Lateral Thinking

-concerned with creative ad development

-analyzes ad problems in multiple ways

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-classical thinking methods

-identifies several elements and dimension

-correlated to generated new idea

Story Telling

-complete information about product is given

-story is told to ad agency

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Creative Visualiser: A creative visualiser involves in creating, developing and designing the message of ad copy

Visualization is a mental process in which the creative team led by the art director and copywriter determines the arrangements of various ad elements in advertisement

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Immersion: Concerned with ad problems

Ideation: Concerned with pilling up alternatives

Incubation: Thinking period on ideas

Illumination: Flashing stage of ideas

Verification: Testing and verifying

Visualization Process

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Introduction: Ad copy is a written or spoken message

to be transmitted to target audience through print, visual and voice media.

Process of Print Copy Development

1. Copy thinking: Creative thought of ad copy

2. Copy structure: What to say

3. Copy style: How to say

Advertising Copy

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Types of Ad Copy

Introductory Copy Missionary Copy

1.Educational Copy: Design to educate the prospects about the product

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2.Scientific copy: Explains technical specification

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3.Descriptive copy: Describes product attributes in a non-technical manner.

4.Reason why copy: Provide reasons to buy the product

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5.Questioning copy: Question about problem is asked and its solution is provided

6.Endorsement Copy: Prestigious

people are endorse to transmit


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7.Human Interest copy: Related to emotion and sense of target audience.

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Institutional copy: Corporate name is advertised

Suggestive copy: Provides suggestive message to


Prestige copy: Reflect the prestige or image

Colloquial copy: Presents the message in the way

of a conversation

Comparative copy: Compares one product with


Other types

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1. Headline:

-Title of ad , top part of ad

- arouse interest and catches eyes

2. Sub headline:

- Expand the headline

-continues, clarifies and complete headline

3. Body Text:

-amplifies the headline and sub headline

- clarifies the ideas and message in details

Components of a Print Copy

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4. Slogan:

-short, simple and catchy words and unchanging

-brief, that widens the horizons of publicity

5. Illustrations:

-picture, drawing, photograph, chat, that enrich ad

- attract attentions and change behaviors

6. Identification:

- last part of ad copy, consists signature, logo,


-provides visual identity

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-Ad copy should be short, simple and crisp

-Based on ‘short and sweet’ principle


-Single focus for audience retention

-Focus on single point not too many


-Address audience personally

-Concerned to need and desire of audience

Requisites of Good Ad Copy

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-Ad copy should have various combination

-Proper use of text, color, picture, audio, video, etc


-Ad copy should be trustful and moral

-Backed with convincing evidence


-Conform with laws, rules and regulation

-Conform with standard norms, code of conduct

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Advertisement LayoutConcerned with the arrangement of various elements of ad copy for ad effectiveness




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HeadlineSub Headline



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Function of Ad Layout Determine Proportion:

-Determine proportion of element, white and covered


-Determine font size, type face, and picture position

Unified Presentation of Message:

-For effectiveness in ad copy

-Various elements combine to present intended message

Make Ad Attractive:

-Proper use of background, border, color to provide

external attractive in ad copy

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Principle of Unity:

-Ad elements to be unite as a whole i.e. Oneness

-Bring cohesiveness and completeness in ad

Principle of Variety:

-Ad should consist of change and contrast

-Ad should not be monotonous

Principle of Balance:

- Ad should be well balance in optical terms

-Ad can be designed as asymmetrical and

symmetrical balance

Principles of A Good Layout

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Principle of Rhythm:

-Ad should follow principle of eye moment of audience

-Concerned with gaze moment(S, O, Z and reverted )

Principle of Proportion:

-Ad layout should have proportion in terms of division

-Elements should be placed in ratio of their importance

Principle of Simplicity;

-Layout should be simple to provide clarity

-Should not confuse audience

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Any Queries


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