Breaching privacy, censorship and copyright

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Page 1: Breaching privacy, censorship and copyright


Page 2: Breaching privacy, censorship and copyright

Figure 1

World wide Internet access to anyone with a compatible devices has raised awareness in many political aspects and many of these aspects have effected politicians and individuals in an utterly disgusted way. The abuse of Privacy and Censorship has put the world in shock and is rising everyday, sending out information which is highly secured or wrong to the wrong people and can cause problems related to international affairs.

Page 3: Breaching privacy, censorship and copyright

Figure 2

Social media websites such as Facebook are one of many ways that unauthorized contents are being accessed and misused, breaching privacy and breaking the conduct of law and censorship. Such act is not permissible by Facebook laws but users still do it.

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Figure 3

Posting or sharing unauthorized texts, images and videos has lead to many political incidents worldwide which leads to other political issues affecting the many countries and individuals and even the economy (Kwon, Moon, & Stefanone, 2015). Situations like this takes a while to solve especially when it reaches press and world media.

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Figure 4

The internet has indeed given power to those who breach privacy and censorship, using unauthorized documents stolen as bait for blackmail and bribery in order to get the document or data back or not to be published to the public. Many attempts of this case has occurred via the use of Facebook and many are starting to blame Facebook for such liability.

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Figure 5

Facebook probably the most known and used social media networking site draws attention to users. All the blames should not be on the shoulders of Facebook, users should be careful of what they post and share and also secure their accounts with private options provided by Facebook. Facebook also suggests that users should take time and read their policies, terms and conditions in order to avoid further misunderstanding between the user and the company in the future (Saxby, 2013).

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Figure 6

The problem is pretty general, rarely users spend time to read the terms and conditions of any website, application or even job offers, rather just get a quick insight of the information and just sign it, which saves a lot of time for the users but sometimes that time saved turns into trouble with unbearable experience wishing that it never happened.

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Figure 7

Facebook does not give information away unless required by law. If user profiles decided to fill personal information about themselves with pictures, home address, work place and confidential documents or text and decided not to secure his or her profile then all blame is on the user. Facebook can not monitor every user but does try its best to do so.

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Figure 8

The three most commonly used buttons on Facebook on a post are like, comment and share. Now the share button is where all the troubles begin with, considering it as an act (button) of privacy breach, censorship and copyright. It may be a post by a family, friend or a stranger but permission needs to always be asked before proceeding into the act of copyright.

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Figure 9

The use of copyright without authorization is an act of breaking the law worldwide. The increase of copyright misuse affects individual’s life in many ways be it privacy, or use of piece of work without acknowledgement. The arrival of social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, My Space, Snap Chat and search engines such as google makes it a lot easier for a user to break these laws without even knowing sometimes.

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• Kwon, K., Moon, S., & Stefanone, M. (2015). Unspeaking on Facebook? Testing network effects on self-censorship of political expressions in social network sites. Quality & Quantity, 49(4), 1417-1435. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11135-014-0078-8.

• Saxby, S. (2013). The 2012 CLSR-LSPI seminar on privacy, data protection & cyber-security – Presented at the 7th international conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in IT law (LSPI) October 2–4, 2012, Athens. Computer Law & Security Review, 29(1), 4-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clsr.2012.11.007.

• Figure 1 - (2016). Pictures.digitalrev.com. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from

http://pictures.digitalrev.com/image/upload/w_1400,c_fill,q_60/v1473415566/ctxhu aswg35bxpc4bw07.jpg.

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• Figure 2 - (2016). Eff.org. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from https://www.eff.org/files/2015/06/05/cdcr_facebook_correspondence_redaction.png.

• Figure 3 - (2016). Dm62zza9c93u.cloudfront.net. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from http://dm62zza9c93u.cloudfront.net/styles/overlay_image_1280_or_1024/

s3/Gavel%20 on%20court%20papers.jpg?itok=UEIlV5Wv. • Figure 4 - (2016). Resources2.news.com.au. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from

http://resources2.news.com.au/images/2011/09/27/1226148/521414-facebook-privacy- breach.jpg.

• Figure 5 - (2016). I0.wp.com. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from http://i0.wp.com/theagendadaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Facebook-Terms-


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• Figure 6 - (2016). Icdn5.digitaltrends.com. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from http://icdn5.digitaltrends.com/image/terms-and-conditions-facebook-655x300.jpg?ver=1.

• Figure 7 - (2016). Blog.malwarebytes.com. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from https://blog.malwarebytes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/facebook-900x506.jpg.

• Figure 8 - (2016). Billcammack.com. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from http://billcammack.com/images/facebook_copyright_infringement.jpg.

• Figure 9 - (2016). Yourdestinyfulfilled.files.wordpress.com. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from https://yourdestinyfulfilled.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/social-media-icons.png.