Are You Paying Attention Archana? My journey through often visited stores experienced using all my senses…

Are you paying attention Archana?

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Assignment 2 Stanford Crash Course on Creativity

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Page 1: Are you paying attention Archana?

Are You Paying Attention Archana?My journey through often visited stores experienced

using all my senses…

Page 2: Are you paying attention Archana?

Started with a visit to an Apple Store with my Shattered iPhone Screen….

My Phone…

Apple Store Entrance…

Page 3: Are you paying attention Archana?

Hands-on gadgets to play with , The friendly “Geniuses”The ability to pay where ever I

happened to be standingThe displays Accessibility

I missed color and aroma Much trodden floor

My heightened awareness today at the Apple Store made me appreciate….

Page 4: Are you paying attention Archana?

I craved for color so stepped into…

Page 5: Are you paying attention Archana?

Dragged by the Tweens accompanying me into…

Page 6: Are you paying attention Archana?

A blast of color to tantalize but..

Looks you love for less?No need to do the math..

Love the displays!

Miss the warmth that should accompany the colors…

Page 7: Are you paying attention Archana?

Headed for Anthropologie aimed at trendy professional women …

Found different sections with different themesLoved the lifestyle themesPrices prohibitive

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Unique, one-of-a-kind designs and décor

Where observation is concerned, chance favors only the prepared mind.

Louis Pasteur

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Never noticed


Need Food.


Observations often tell you more about the observer than the observed….

The smell of pumpkin spice would be welcome..

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Triggers memories of near drowning..

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Wish List…

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I ended my journey with a friendly reminder to…

This renewed power of observation has the potential to start a chain reaction of improvements, ideas, and growth in all aspects of our creative journey. Thank you for the assignment!