PepeGrillo Jr. La hormigaatómicaregresa

Análisis sobre Investigaciones M2, NIELSEN, ALWAYS CONNECTED

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Análisis de las Investigaciones M2, NIELSEN, ALWAYS CONNECTED sobre exposición y consumo de medios de niños y adolescentes

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Page 1: Análisis sobre Investigaciones M2, NIELSEN, ALWAYS CONNECTED

PepeGrillo Jr.

La hormigaatómicaregresa

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Page 3: Análisis sobre Investigaciones M2, NIELSEN, ALWAYS CONNECTED


• Comparación de 7 estudios

• Sintetizaron lo común

• Destacaronlasincosistencias

• Niños 0 a 11 años

• Auto-reportes: encuestas, entrevistasycuestionarios

• Monitoreoelectrónico

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Children appear to shift their digital media habits aroundage 8, when they increasingly open their eyes to the wideworld of media beyond television. Kids like media on the go

By age 8, well over half ofall children have bedroom televisions.

When 5-to-9-year-old children turn on thetelevision (or when an adult turns it on for them),which channels do they choose to watch? Threekid-centric cable channels —Disney, Nickelodeon,and the Cartoon Network — followed by PBS.

More than one-third of children over age 5 saytheir favorite Web sites are those tied to televisionnetworks (the Disney Channel Web site, PBSKids.org, etc.).5 By large measure, the sources of theWeb sites children are browsing are TV showsand networks (57%) and TV commercials (36%).

Children ages 8 to 10 spend a little over an hourwith music each day, an increase of less than15 minutes over the past decade.3 Their slightlyyounger siblings, children ages 5 to 9, spendabout 43 minutes using an MP3 player each day.

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According to PatriciaGreenfield there are threetypes of media multitasking:

1. Combining media with a real-life interaction,

such as texting at the dinner table.

2. Using two or more types of media at the same

time, such as listening to a CD while playing

a video game.

3. Engaging in multiple tasks within a single

medium, such as listening to iTunes while

doing homework on the computer.

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• Encuestasmensualesycomparanresultadosanuales

• Datos de uso de celulares de los encuestados

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• 25-34 (64%) y 18-24 (53%) dueños de un smarthphone

• Adultosgustan de los juegos(angry birds) yusansucelparatrabajar

• Jóvenes lo usan con fines de entretenimiento social

• App másusada: FB

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13 a 17 años

• 2009: 16% poseía un SP

• 2011: 40% poseía un SP

• Iphone: 44 apps

• Android: 32

• 10 añosedadpromedioparadescargar apps en celular de papás

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• 39% a 66% celular propio(8-18 años)

• 18% a 76% mp3 (8-18 años)

• 49 minutos al díaconsumiendo media en el celular

• Investigaciónhechadesde 1999

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• Televisiónes lo quemás se consume

• 3:51 min en el 2004 a 4:30 min en 2009 (múltiplesplataformas a diferenciaque en 2004)

• Pesado: más de 16 horas 21%

• Moderado: 3 a 16 horas 63%

• Ligero: menos de 3 horas 17%

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• 10-14 años los aumentosmásdramáticos en consumo de medios: media use 3 h. and 4 h. in media exposure

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• 2,002 Encuesta (8-18 años)

• 702 diario de uso de medios

• 20 oct 2008- 7 mayo 2009

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• Niñosleenmás

• 10-12 venmástv

• Adolescentesescuchanmúsica