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Tune in to my slide showThe Swanage Carnival

By Jacquie Pond

A few pictures of SwanageAnd the viewsOh yer & the lads

The open road

Twos a crowedThe Grinch

4 Not quite Jonny Wilkinson

It certainly was a Black Beauty

Close to the edge!

The lads

The Stag

My former fianc (now husband) before, the set-up!

The set-up

And After!!! Divorce pending

Oh look, another Black Beauty

I dont know about mini me? Who am I, Is more like it!

2x Borats and a Blonde in Swanage? Never!!

The views

The lads just chillin, Birdwatching , Yerrr Right!

Homeward bound

Thank-you for watching my slide show. I cant believe Ive done it!!