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Top 10 Fastest Growing Garden Plants

Whether you’re getting a late start to your garden this year, you’ve just moved, or you’re simply too

impatient to wait for a bright and olorful yard, do not despair! These ten gorgeous plants ma"e great

garden additions, and grow inredibly fast# With the proper amounts of sunlight, soil nutrition, and water,

you an have a beautifully blossoming garden in a few short wee"s with these ten fast$growing garden

 plants %in no partiular order&#

1& 'alendula %'alendula offiinalis

The 'alendula is a genus ontaining 1($(0 speies of herbaeous plants in the daisy family# 'alendula

offiinalis, also "nown as the pot marigold %not related to other marigolds& is a fast$growing annual that

re)uires little maintenane# *ome varieties are "nown to reah up to +0 inhes tall, with $inh leaves and

($+$inh wide flowers# -n nature, the olor of the flowers ranges from off$white and yellow to bright


(& .eavenly /amboo %andina domestia&

The heavenly bamboo is the only member of the /arberry family, and is a fast$growing su"ering

evergreen shrub# -t’s not atually related to bamboo, yet grows easily and )ui"ly, similarly to its

namesa"e, up to to 2 feet tall#

3dditionally,  bamboo is a rapidly growing plant that re)uires very little maintenane, and ma"es for a

great addition to gardens, though without the rainbow of olors offered by other varietals# -t is often used

to blo" wind, fend off pests, or add an oriental touh to any ba"yard#

+& 4no" 5ut 6ose %6osa 6adra77&

6osa 6adra77 is the original member of the patented 4no" 5ut 6ose family with inredible disease

resistane# This fragrant shrub is easy to grow, fast growing, old hardy, drought tolerant, heat tolerant,

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 bla" spot resistant, and self leaning# These low maintenane flowers remain in bloom all season, and

reside on a shrub that grows to feet in height, and + feet in width#

& *unflower %.elianthus annuus&

3nother member of the daisy family, the ommon sunflower is an annual, native to the 3merias# -t

attrats songbirds and butterflies, and has tasty, edible seeds "nown for their high levels of good fat and

vitamin 8# The sunflower grows best in full sun with well$drained soil, and averages 2 to 19 feet in

height# The flower heads themselves an get up to 1( inhes in diameter, and are made up of numerous

florets that mature into seeds#

9& 'ommon :arigold %Tagetes&

The Tagetes genus of 9; speies is native to orth and *outh 3meria, produes :arigolds, and is part of

the daisy family# :arigolds are inredibly easy to grow, and an do so in any soil with full sunlight# They

vary in si7e, based on the ategory, though the Flagstaff :arigold grows the tallest at feet in height,

with three$inh fluffy double flowers and a 10$1($inh spread#

;& 6oyal Palm %6oystonea regia&

3 member of the palm family, the royal palm is a fast$growing evergreen palm with ten$foot long leaves#

-t re)uires bright sunlight, but is adaptable to a variety of soils# The 6oystonea genus is named after an

engineer named 6oy *tone, and ontains the most reogni7ed and ommonly ultivated tropial palms#

These single$stemmed palms have pinnate leaves, and average about 90 feet in height, though some

speies of palms an reah up to 1+0 feet#

& *pider Plant %'hlorophytum omosum&

The lily family is "nown for produing beautiful, draping plants, and the spider plant is no e<eption# This

fast and easy$to$grow perennial prefers ontainer gardening and pots, with bright lighting and any soil#

The plant produes small white flowers, and leaves that grow to 2$1; inhes long with baby spider plants

at the ends to help you propagate the plant# This herbaeous perennial is native to tropial and southern

3fria, and an grow about ( feet high#

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=earn more> http>??en#wi"ipedia#org?wi"i?'hlorophytum@omosum

2& Purpletop Aerbena %Aerbena bonariensis&

3 member of the Aerbena family, the purpletop verbena is a pastel flower ommonly assoiated with

8aster bou)uets# This fast$growing perennial attrats butterflies and ma"es for a great addition to any

garden# Purpletop verbena grows leaves of +$9 inhes long, reahes +$; feet in height, with a spread of 1$

+ feet# The flowers appear throughout summer, and must be grown in diret sunlight#

=earn more> http>??en#wi"ipedia#org?wi"i?Aerbena@bonariensis

B& 'onfederate 6ose %.ibisus mutabilis&

The 'onfederate 6ose is not atually a rose at all, but a .ibisus that originates in 'hina# -t gets its name

 based on its hangeable nature, and a story in whih the white flowers absorbed the blood of a partiularly

 bloody battle of the 'ivil War# This easy$to$grow shrub an reah up to 19 feet tall, and 10 feet wide, with

flowers of +$9 inhes in width# The white flowers turn to a deep pin" with age, and an grow in any soil

ondition with sun or shifting shade#

10& 5range 'oneflower %6udbe"ia fulgida var# sullivantii&

3nother member of the daisy family, the 5range 'oneflower is a fast$growing, butterfly$attrating

 perennial# The variety of shapes and si7es of this plant has hanged over the deades, though it is "nown

for reeiving numerous awards in the perennial ategory# -t reahes + feet in height, with leaves of 9

inhes in length# -n order to grow the yellowish$orange starburst$shaped flowers, whih reah + inhes in

width, the plant re)uires full sun, or partial shade with well$drained soil#

There are many fast$growing plants, and varieties depend on the loation, amount of sunlight, soil )uality,

and water availability# *ome of the most ommon fast$growing plants are bamboo, ivy, ornamental grass,

and the butterfly bush# :any vegetables are also fast$growing plants, inluding lettue, spinah, turnips,

and radishes# Plants often re)uire a lot of attention, and growth ould also depend on the areta"er# *omeloations with ertain limates may influene the speed of growth of plants, and other areas ould re)uire

 plant maintenane#

/amboo belongs to the grass family and an grow in limates ranging from e<tremely old to brutally

hot# The rate of growth has been reorded at more than three feet %0#B1 m& in one day, and it is usually not

finished growing until the plant is four to si< years old# =ife spans of   bamboo plants have been reorded

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