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xecutive summary“ f every child

arrived in chool


healthy and ready

to learn, from a

family with a table

home and a teady

income, many of 

our educational

problem would

be olved. And that 

would be a miracle.”

iane avitch,

education hitorian

and former U.s.

 itant secretary

of ducationi

 This is th sod i a sis o pots oissiod y Stad Up! chiago to addss th

isis o low-wag wok aig chiago’s ouitis. This pot, podud i patship

with th chiago Tahs Uio (cTU), daws upo ut aadi sah i th

ild o duatio poliy to povid a ophsiv aalysis o th latioship tw

low wags ad duatioal attait o studts i chiago Puli Shools (cPS). Ou

sah vals that aisig wags o low-io ailis i chiago would lad to high

tst sos, gaduatio ats ad ollg adissio ats o cPS studts, ad would hav a

dit positiv ipat o shool poa as a whol.

Specifcally, his repr fnds ha:

• Chcgo’sductoncrssrmnsntrctbl,dstdcdsofnstrtgsnd

pogas to ipov aadi outos. cPS studts otiu to all low atioal

haks i a vaity o asus. I 2012, th high shool dopout at o cPS studtswas 35%—o tha doul th atioal avag—ad adig ad ath tst sos, as wl

as ollg adiss ats, ll sigiatly low atioal avags.

• ChcgoslsofcngovrtycrssththsntnsdsncthGrtRcssonbgn

i 2008. Aodig to U.S. csus data, th hild povty at i chiago iasd y aly

20% tw 2008 ad 2011, ad ow wll ov o-thid o chiago’s hild liv low

th dal povty li. cPS data shows that 87% o studts o o housholds with

ios low ough to qualiy o o dud shool luhs, ad 4% o th studt

populatio is holss.

• Ournlyssshosthta o pat/o hild aily i chiago would hav to a aaual io o aout $35,859, o th quivalt o $17.24 p hou o a ull-ti wok, to

al to t thi asi ds. This is o tha doul th aigs o a iiu wag

wok aig $8.25 p hou, ad sigiatly o tha a low-wag wok, dd as a

wok aig $12.00 p hou o lss.ii

• ThrsdrctrltonshbtnChcgo’sductonndovrtycrss.Studntslvng

i o xpiig hildhood povty a uh o likly to a sigiat uaddssd

ostals to lassoo laig tha thi iddl- ad upp-io outpats, ad

this ipats duatioal outos. I at, data shows that aily io is ow th ost

sigiat pdito o aadi suss aog studts i th U.S.iii

• cut poliy dosd y cPS ad oth popots o duatio “o” ails to tak

povty ito aout. Istad, ths poliyaks dos poliis that wogly la

tahs o out-o-shool atos, dit sous away o th dist studts,

ad otiut to th xpasio o hat shools that o avag lag hid taditioal

ighohood shools i asus o aadi poa. Ths poliis hav pov

itiv i addssig th ity’s duatio isis.

eduatioal poliy ds to addss povty ad suppot th atio o livig wag jos.


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• Lftngfmlsoutofovrtythroughncrsdgsouldhvsgncntostvmctoncdmc

outos o low-io studts. Studis hav show that vy additioal $1,000 i aual io taslats ito a

o poit ias i a itllig tst, ladig to sigiatly high ath ad adig tst sos. raisig io

lvls aov th dal o dud luh thsholds would also hav a daati positiv ipat o gaduatio

ad ollg adiss ats.


1) eduatio poliy ust akowldg th

udatal ol that io plays i

duatioal outos. It is ipativ that

poliyaks aado aild duatio

“o” poliis ad su that utu

duatioal poliy hags ilud

statgis to addss povty ad suppot

th atio o livig wag jos ad ttwokig oditios o wokig ailis.

2) cPS ad popots o duatio “o” ust pioitiz

addssig chiago’s povty isis as th ost tiv

as o ipovig aadi poa o th ity’s

puli shool studts. Ths poliyaks should suppot

ots to ais wags o low-wag woks i chiago, alog

with oth ooi dvlopt poliis that at good,

livig wag jos ad lit wokig ailis out o povty.

Pathia is a Wst eglwood sidtad a oth o ou hild. Pathia

valus duatio ad plays a vy ativ

ol i h hild’s shoolig. Sh has


o h hild’s shool o ou yas ad

ot voluts to hlp out at th shool

y tutoig o hlpig with vts.

As a sasoal wok at may’s akig

$9 p hou, sh as a lag u o 

hallgs o a daily asis. H wags

a ot ough to ov h ost o livig

ad sh dpds o puli assista

pogas i od to al to aod th

asis. Sh is also ot al to aod at-

shool a ad ust ask aily s

to wath h hild.

Pathia is sujt to ati shdulig

y may’s; h qusts ot to


PArTHenIA bArneSWst eglwood

couil ts a ot igod yaagt. This has spially

had o h aus issig th

tigs a sult i tiatio

o th ouil, wh sh ls

powd to hlp ig aout

positiv hags

High wags ad tt wokig

oditios would hlp Pathia

ad oth pats i th ouity

o ivolvd i thi hild’s

shools, ad ig o staility to

thi ailis. Aodig to Pathia,

aig a livig wag would a that,

“W’ll al to do o. W’ll al

to tt povid o ou hild…ad

ot just what thy wat, ut what thy

d. baus ight ow with ou low

wags w hav to woy aout v

payig ills [o ti].”


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 This is th sod i a sis o pots oissiod y Stad Up! chiago to addss th isis o 

low-wag wok aig chiago’s ouitis. This pot, podud i patship with th chiago

 Tahs Uio (cTU), daws upo ut aadi sah i th ild o duatio poliy to povid a

ophsiv aalysis o th latioship tw low wags ad duatioal attait o studts

i chiago Puli Shools (cPS).


chiago is aig a duatio isis whih, dspit

dads o w statgis ad pogas to ipov

aadi outos, ais itatal. cPS

studts otiu to all low atioal haks

o adig ad ath tst sos, gaduatio ats

ad ollg adissio, ad this is spially tu

o studts attdig low-io ighohoodshools.

chiago is also aig a povty isis, with ost

t data showig that o thid o th ity’s

hild liv i povty. Povty is spially

pvalt i chiago’s puli shools, wh 87%

o studts o o housholds with ios

low ough to qualiy o o dud shool

luhs, ad 4% o th studt populatio is

holss, aodig to cPS data.

Ou aalysis shows that th is a dit latioship

tw chiago’s duatio ad povty iss.

Studts livig i o xpiig hildhood

povty a uh o likly to a sigiiat

uaddssd ostals to lassoo laig tha

thi iddl- ad upp-io outpats,

ad this ipats duatioal outos. I at,

data shows that aily io is ow th ost

sigiiat pdito o aadi suss aog

studts i th U.S. iii 

Whil it is vidt that povty is th oot aus o 

poo lassoo poa i th U.S., utpoliy dosd y cPS ad oth popots o 

duatio “o” ails to tak this ito aout,

istad oig poliis that wogly la

tahs o out-o-shool atos, dit

sous away o th dist studts,

ad otiut to th xpasio o hat

shools that o avag lag hid taditioal

ighohood shools i asus o aadi


Just as povty is th ai ato otiutig

to chiago’s low tst sos, high dopout

ats ad low ollg ta ats, th is a

walth o data suggstig that ths aadi

outos a ipov daatially though

poliis that addss th ds o low-io

ailis. This pot ids that litig ailis out

o povty though iasd wags would hav

a sigiiat positiv ipat o low-io

studts’ aadi ahivt, ad o shool

poa as a whol.

basd upo th sah outlid i this pot,

w olud that i od o duatio poliy

to tiv, it ust ist ad oost

addss th issu o povty i ou ouitis.

W od that cPS ad oth stakholds

i chiago’s puli duatio syst adopt ad

poot poliis that ais wags o ailis

ad ipov th soioooi oditio o 

th ity’s stugglig ighohoods.

One-third of Chicago’s children live in poverty.

4% o cPS studts a holss.

In order or education policy to be eective, it must frst and 

oremost address the issue o poverty in our communities.


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 Th ist pot i this sis, A Case or 15: A Low Wage Work Crisis, xais th ooi ipat o low wags o ailis,

ouitis, ad th ooy as a whol. Th pot ids that th poliatio o low-wag, ostly svi idusty jos

ov th past sval dads has ausd chiago’s iddl lass to shik, plaig ooi ovy at isk ad hidig

ooi gowth. Howv, th ipat o low wags o ou ouitis gos yod ooi osidatios. Thispot is od with xaiig th latioship tw low wags ad duatioal outos.

The impact of poverty in the claroom

the pvery lw waes

 Th sah i this pot daws upo a oad sltio

o aadi sah aalyzig th ipat o povty o

aadi ahivt. Th authos w it ploy a vaity

o asus o povty, iludig th dal povty lvl

ad poxy asus suh as ligiility o o dud

shool luhs. Ths asus vay; o xapl, th

povty lvl i ts o aual io o a o pat/o hild houshold is $15,130 ud th dal povty

guidlis, iv ad is $27,991 i od to ligil o a

o dud shool luh.v

 Th vaious asus o povty itd i this pap all

all ud th Sl-Suiiy Stadad thshold, whih

asus th aout a houshold would hav to a i

od to t all asi xpss without lyig o puli

assista, ioal assista, o pivat Usig

this asu o povty, a o pat/o hild aily i

chiago would hav to a a aual io o aout

$35,859, o th quivalt o aout $17.24 p hou o aull ti wok, to osidd o-poo; otaly, this

is o tha doul th aigs o a ull-ti iiu

wag wok.vii Tho, th ts “pov ty,” “poo,” “low-

io,” ad “low-wag” usd thoughout this pot ay

udstood to gally to allig low th Sl-

Suiiy Stadad thshold.

Pvery in he classrm

A viw o th xistig aadi sah vals that

wh studts liv i povty, thy a uh o likly

to a sigiiat ostals to lassoo laig tha

thi iddl- ad upp-io outpats. Ths

ostals ipat duatioal outos ditly. Th

ollowig list dsis so o th hallgs aig

low-io studts i th lassoo:• Health

child who a o ito povty o xpi

povty i aly hildhood hav a high poaility o 

xpiig halth oditios that ipat thi aility


a o likly to lak ass to quality patal a,

whih otiuts to a high iid o low ith

wight ais aog this populatio.viii rsah has

show that hild who w low ith wight iats

a o likly to xhiit sious physial ad laig

disailitis ad pat gads i shool tha thos whow ot low wight iats; this otiuts to th

high iid o gad ptitio ad low lvls

o adig ad ath ahivt assoiatd with low

ith wight hild.ix

I additio to patal atos, illss ad ijuy

xpid i hildhood also at shool


sigiiatly high ats o astha tha oth hild,

whih a lad to issd days o shool. xiLckofccss

to piay a svis aog poo ailis as

that low-io hild a o likly to xpi

udiagosd a itios ad visio pols, oth o

whih hav show to it with laig i th


Povty is also assoiatd with tal ad havioal

halth pols i hild. Studis hav dostatd

that povty is positivly assoiatd with otioal/

havioal pols, suh as dpssio, axity,

hypativity ad p olit.xiiiPoverty affects the educational outcome of our students.


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• Hunger


ood isuity ad hug tha high-io hild.

I additio to th ipat o alutitio o ith wight

disussd aov, hug also ipats a hild’s aility to

pay atttio i th lassoo.xivLorttntvnss

a ipat aadi poa: a logitudial study

y ooists at th Aia Istituts o rsah

ad th eooi rsah Svi oud that hild

o housholds with ay aout o ood isuity

hav low tst sos ad la lss ov th ous o a

shool ya tha hild o ood-su housholds.xv

• Unstablelearningenvironment

child livig i povty a o likly to xpi

sidtial istaility tha o-poo hildxvi—i at,

poo ailis ov 50-100% o ot tha thos livig

aov th povty li. Fo low-io ailis, ovig

is gally ot a sig o upwad oility, ut ath

a uplad vtxvii du to diiultis payig t

o otgag o oth iaial ostaits.xviii Fqut

loatio ot quis studts to swith shools

gulaly, ituptig th aadi xpi.xix 

rsah has dostatd that studts who a highly

oil aqui asi skills at a slow pa, xhiit high

lvls o havioal ad itpsoal pols, ad

a o likly to iv ailig gads o dop out. I

at, ovig o tha th tis ov a piod o six

yas a aus a studt to los a ull aadi ya o 

laig opad to thi lassats.xx

• Learningresources


th to ha thi hild’s laig. Ths sous

ay physial, suh as oputs ad ooks, xxi o thy

ay tak th o o ihig out-o-shool ativitis.xxii 

rsah shows that poo ailis a o likly to lak 

ass to at shool ad su pogas, whih o

studts th oppotuity to la o, ad sotis to


to lak ass to quality aly laig pogas, whih

st th stag o aadi poa duig th shool

yas.xxiii This dispaity i duatioal sous tw

poo ad o-poo ailis otiuts to th dis

i aadi outos tw ths goups.

Patal ivolvt i hild’s shoolig has also

show to lat positivly to aadi pogss. Howv,

low-io pats ot a ais to oitoig thi

hild’s shool pogss, du to oditios assoiatd

with low-wag wok suh as ati wok shduls ad

log o ilxil wok hous.xxiv

• Lowexpectationsforfuturerewards


ooi oditios i whih thy liv, ad ay osid

has o utu wads—suh as ollg o a iddl-

io jo—to low; sah has dostatd that

studts who xpss this outlook td to hav low lvls

o ahivt.xxxv

claly, hild o low-io housholds a a oad ag o ostals to

lassoo laig, whih, tak togth, pla th at a sigiiat disadvatag

opad to high-io studts. This disadvatag is xpssd i asual

outos suh as tst sos, attda, gaduatio ats ad ollg ty, all

o whih show poo studts laggig hid o-poo studts. As duatio

psyhologist David bli ots i a ssay o th latioship tw povty

ad duatio, “[T]h out-o-shool atos assoiatd with povty play oth a

powul ad a liitig ol i what a atually ahivd” i th lassoo.xxvi


th Pow

o eduatio

Fo low-io ailis, ovig is gally ot a sig o upwad oility.


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Asian orPacic Islander


Hispanic White

Male Students

Female Students

Overall Students

17.2 15.112.8 50.9 41.631.9 35.5 29.723.9 32.4 28.324.1

chiago’s puli shools a a psistt isis. Dspit xtsiv ad uous “o” ots, vigoous puli dat,

ad hightd dia atttio, asi duatioal outos hav show littl ipovt ov th last sval dads.

masus suh as tst sos, gaduatio ats, ad us o studts ppad o ad adittd to ollg ai low,

spially wh opad with atioal tds ad oth lag topolita shool distits.

Chicago’ public chool in crii

tes scres

cPS aks low opad with oth lag ua shool

distits o natioal Asssst o eduatioal Pogss

(nAeP) assssts. copad with 20 oth lag distits,

vy so i vy sujt aa (adig, ath, si, ad

witig) i ah tst ya si 2002 was low th lag-

distit avag. naly all ptags o studts at asi o

poit ahivt lvls w low avag as wll.xxvii

High shool dopout ats

y gd ad a/thiity

 Tst sos lik this taslat ito gativ poa

assssts o chiago shools. O th Aual Yaly


distit had a “oposit pt ts ad xds”

asu o all tsts o 67%, wll low th stat avag

o 77%.xxviii O its ow Poa Poliy lvls, th

distit gav o-thid o atd shools its lowst atig

ad plad 44% o poatio.xxix

graduain raes

 Th high shool dopout at i chiago was 35.3%

i 2012;xxx this is o tha doul th dopout at

atioally i t yas o aoud 16%.xxxi Fo Aia-

Aia studts, ths us a v o

pooud, with 41.6% o Aia-Aia studts

ad 51% o Aia-Aia als doppig out,

sptivly--th highst dopout at o ay sugoup

i th ity.

Cllee enrllmen

O cPS’s 2011 gaduatig lass, 60% olld i

ollg,xxxii whih is low tha th atioal igu o 

68%.xxxiii Data also shows that a a low ptag o cPS studts a quippd aadially to sud. O

th AcT collg radiss bhaks 2006-2012, oly

22% o cPS 11th gads t th adiss hak 

o adig ad 22% t th adiss hak o

ath. Statwid 40% o 11th gads t th adiss

hak o adig ad 39% t th adiss

hak o ath.xxxiv

Catalyst Chicago, whih has ovd th aual las

o cPS ollg ollt igus i th past, poits out

th iosisty i ths us. I 2010, aodig

to Catalyst , o-thid o high shools saw lss tha hal o 

gaduats oll ad o-thid saw ollt ats o thi

gaduats das o th ya o; last ya ths

us w 34% ad 36%, sptivly. Aodig to Cataly


ollg.xxxv rsahs o th cosotiu o chiago Sho

rsah, witig o ct o Aia Pogss, ais

os aout whth sugoups o cPS studts a al

to avigat th ollg ollt poss qually wll ad

whth ovall sults ilud too w studts attdig

ou-ya istitutios that a appopiatly sltiv.xxxvi


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2011 2008 2011




chiago puli shools hav o ay dads ad th pols o sggatio ad

povty, patially th ats o th daati shit i dogaphis wh a gatio

o iddl-lass ailis lt th ity o th suus, lavig hid a poo ad


Faig big


Slia is a oth o ou hild,

ags 2 to 9. Sh outs o th

South Sho aa to wok at a epi

bug stauat loatd dowtow.

ev though Slia is thially a

ull-ti wok, sh typially gts

o o tha 30 hous o wok p

wk, is paid iiu wag ad

ivs o ts. This ya sh was

told y h aags that thi epi


ay oth low-wag woks i th

stauat idusty, sh dpds o

puli assista pogas i od

to gt y.

Slia ust udgt o vy dolla

that sh spds. Sotis v

SeLiNaBROwN South Sho

sall ut uxptd xpss a diult o h

to dal with. “This ya th uios wt up i pi

ad sotis it ls lik vythig os i at th

sa ti. my hild oly hav o pai o shos

ad y so ds a haiut…ad it’s had aus I

hav to woy aout payig all th ills.”

Slia wishs that sh had a high io so that

sh ould aod to puhas a a, whih would allow

h to tak h hild to shool ad ot woy

aout walkig i th old to ath th us, spially

aus oasioally h hild los a hat o glovs

ad it is diult o h to pla th.

Slia gts that sh is ot al to aod ay o 

th thigs sold at dowtow stos. “my kids ask

o thigs that thy s o oials, ad I kow

that thy sll th [dowtow], ut all I a do is look 

at th at th widows aus I aot aod to

gt th. I aot v aod to uy ysl a $5 shit

aus I d that oy towads y us pass.”

masus o hild povty i chiagoPvery in ur schls

Aodig to U.S. csus data, th hild povty at i

chiago has iasd o 30.3% i 2008 to aout 36.1%

i 2011. child povty atioally was 22.0% i 2011, up o

18.2% i 2008. may o cPS studts liv i housholds

ot osidd poo y dal povty thsholds ut ual toaod asi ssitis. Futho, cPS data shows that aout

86% o all studts i cPS o o low-io housholds

as asud y th u o studts who qualiy o

o dud luh. This opas to a atioal gu o 46% o 

studts qualiyig o o dud luh.xxxviii

 Th duatio isis i cPS is th sult o th isis o 

povty i chiago’s ighohoods. basd o what w

kow aout th stuggls hild o low-io

ailis a i shool it should ot a supis that th

distit is had-pssd to addss ths issus. Wh thvast ajoity o studts at cPS o o housholds

osidd poo o low-io, this ust osidd

aog th ost sious hallgs aig th distit.


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1) Holdig tahs solly sposil o duatioal outos ifud i lag paty soioooi atos

I 2010, th Illiois lgislatu passd lgislatio quiig a potio o all tah valuatios to

asd o studt stadadizd tst sos. chiago was th st distit to iplt ths

hags, whih o cPS tahs at that tst sos would aout o 25% o valuatios,

ovig to 40% at v yas.xl This issu was tal duig th Spt 2012 cTU stik, with

tahs xpssig oppositio to ig hld aoutal o a asu that is lagly ifud

y out-o-shool atos suh as povty.

A t pot y th eooi Poliy Istitut aalyzs th pati o tst-asd tah

valuatios ad oluds that suh poliis ujustly hold tahs aoutal o soioooi

atos yod thi otol.xli Tahig ous i a lassoo sttig, ad ipliit i tst-asd

tah valuatio poliy is th assuptio that otollig what happs i th lassoo is th

oly way to at aadi poa. This ails to ogiz th ality that studts spd

aout v tis as uh ti outsid th lassoo (i.., i thi ighohoods ad with thi

ailis) as thy do isid th lassoo.xlii

ev th ost highly taid ad xpid

tahs aot hag th at that ay o 

thi studts go ho to ustal viots

i usa ighohoods, to pats whos jos

do ot pay ough o th to t thi asi

ds. As Alx Kotlowitz stats i a t New 

York Times opiio pi titld “A W Askig

 Too muh Fo Ou Tahs?”:

“W d to dad th highst poas

o ou tahs whil w also gappl with

th os that a dow o th livs o thi

studts, o ailis that hav ollapsd ud

th stss o uployt to ighohoods

that hav dtioatd aus o viol ad

disivstt.” xliii

The failure of current education policy


reform cannot 

compenate for the

ravage of ociety.”

 Jean nyon,

leading reearcher

in education  xxxix

Dspit th la vid dostatig th ilu o soioooi atos

o aadi poa, ut duatio poliy atd y chiago Puli

Shools ails to akowldg th udatal lik tw wags ad duatioal

outos. Th ollowig dsis th piipal ways i whih cPS has attptd

to “o” th ity ’s puli shools, alog with a aalysis o how ah appoah is

isuiit i addssig th ipat o povty i th lassoo.

Fo 75 yas th chiago Tahs

Uio has i th oot

o duatio advoay ad puli

shool o i chiago. cTU is a

ogaizatio o duatos ddiatd

to advaig ad pootig

quality puli duatio, ipovig

tahig ad laig oditios,

ad pottig s’ ights.

cTU is th thid lagst tahs loal i th

outy ad th lagst loal uio i I lliois.


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2) Shitig sous away o—istad o towad—low-io shools

I 2004, cPS lauhd th raissa 2010 iitiativ (r10), a attpt to ipov puli

shools y losig 60 ighohood shools th distit dd “low-poig” ad opig

100 w shools i thi pla. This ot was asd o dal guidlis ad odatios

o th civi coitt o th coial clu o chiago, ad psts, aodig to a t

pot lasd y cTU, “a statgy to attat ad tai iddl-lass ailis i th ity, whil

otollig ad losig shools i low-io ouitis o olo.” xliv

 This poliy o shool losigs—alog with phas-

outs ad tuaouds—has ipltd

ovwhligly i th ity’s poost ad ost

sggatd ighohoods. Aodig to th cTU

pot, th out o vy ou shools atd

y ths poliis ov th last t yas w

ooially poo ad itsly sggatd

Aia-Aia shools.xlv

closig dow low-io shools igs

o istaility to th livs o studts livig

i povty, a populatio that alady as

sigiat ostals to laig. A aalysis y

cTU shows that this poliy disupts ipotat

latioships tw studts, pats ad

tahs, ad ovs a ipotat sou o 

staility ad saty o ay vulal studts.

Futho, th cPS shool losu poliy has

had “a dispopotioatly gativ ipat o th

studts who ost d poliis that atually

ipov th quality o thi duatio.” xlvi.

3) chat shools as a aild solutio

Fo ov a dad, cPS has pusud a poliy o xpadig hat shools, whih a udd

y taxpay dollas ut adiistd pivatly, as a as o ipovig duatioal outos.

cutly, hat shools pst aout o-sixth o cPS shools, ut i may 2012 cPS

aoud plas to at 60 w hats ov th xt v yas.xlvii

Dspit cPS’s dost o hat shools as a solutio to low-poig ighohood

shools, a aalysis o cPS tst sos shows that ighohood shools svig low-io

studts outpo hat shools svig th sa populatios; this is spially otal

osidig that ighohoods shools hav a high popotio o studts with laig ad

havioal hallgs tha do hat shools.xlviii moov, hat shools hav show to

otiut to istaility o low-io studts, y iasig studt oility,xlix usig sltiv

ollt podus ad sdig low-poig studts ak to ighohood shools.l 

CPs school ction 2002-2012



     P    e    r     f    o    r    m    a    n    c    e

     E    n    r    o     l     l    m    e    n    t     /

    u    t     i     l     i    z    a    t     i    o    n

     F    a    c     i     l     i    t    y     i    s    s    u    e    s

     O    t     h    e    r

     (     b     l    a    n     k     )


closu 18 19 4 2 4 47

cosolidatio 4 2 0 0 0 6

closu ad

cosolidatio2 9 0 0 0 11

Phas Out 6 7 0 0 1 14


("Tuaoud")26 0 0 0 0 26

 Th cPS shool losu poliy has ot ipovd aadi outos.




shool losus.” http://www.wz.og/o-sida/chiago-shool-losigs

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I chiago, pivat quity agat

bu rau is th ost puli a

o th hat shool poliatio

ovt that has had a sigiat

ipat o cPS poliy. I additio to

svig o th oads o nw Shools

o chiago ad th nol ntwok o chat Shools (o o whih as

his a) ad haiig th duatio

pal o th civi coitt o th

coial clu o chiago,lxi h was a

vy voal ad puli oppot o th

cTU stik i Spt 2012, uig

a Op ed i th Chicago Tribune lxii ad

appaig as a palist o th loal

ws show Chicago Tonight .lxiii

It is ot supisig that th hat

shool usiss would o itst

to rau, who has ad illios as

a pivat quity piipal. As a

t ruts atil poits out, th

U.S. spds ov hal a tillio dollas

ah ya o K-12 duatio, ad

wh ollg ad id-a taiig

a tak ito aout, duatio

spdig psts 9% o goss

dosti podut. Pivat quity

ivstos viw this pool o oy as a

pottial sou o luativ pots.lxiv 

I 2010, rau poposd a sh

that would, aodig to a cTU

ivstigatio, “ais aout $200 illioi quity, oow $600 illio ad

puhas 100 cPS shools that th

ivsto goup would th las to

hat opatos.” This pla would

allow ivstos to ollt a lial

sta o vu o th lass,

as wll as t o sigiat

tax dits o dpiatio o th


eots lik rau’s sv to tas

puli uds itdd o suppotig

shools ad ighohoods ito

pivat hads. As Dia ravith

dsis it i a itviw with

ruts, pivat quity s a

“takig duatio, whih ought

to i a dit sph wh

w’ ostatly od aout

aisig quality, ad thy’ applyig

a usiss ti: How do w ut

osts?” lxvi As a adt hat

shool suppot, rau laly

stads to pot o ivstig i ad

guidig hat shool opatios.

Yt as cPS data vals, hat

shools otiu to lag hid

ighohood shools o avag.

 Th hat shool xpasio

poliis hapiod y rau do

ot addss th udlyig issu o 

povty aig ay cPS shools,

ad tho a isuit i

igig aout th kid o “o”

thi suppots pois.

 Tak togth, it is vidt that attpts to “o” ou shools though tst-asd tah

valuatios, shool losigs ad hat shool poliatio hav aild—ad will otiu to ail—


ladig sah i duatioal poliy, dsis this ailu o poliy:

“Ths ut poliy iitiativs a isguidd aus thy ith dy o st to th sid a asi

ody o vid doutig that studts o disadvatagd housholds o avag po

lss wll i shool tha thos o o advatagd ailis. baus thy do ot ditly addss

th duatioal hallgs xpid y disadvatagd studts, ths poliy statgis hav

otiutd littl – ad a ot likly to otiut uh i th utu – to aisig ovall studt

ahivt o to duig ahivt ad duatioal attait gaps tw advatagd

ad disadvatagd studts. moov, suh poliis hav th pottial to do sious ha.” li

Poliis That

Fail th




chat shools pst a attativ oppotuity o ay ivstos (s lowv), whih is o

o th asos why what cTU dsis as th “yth” o hat shool poa psists. Yt it

is la that chiago’s hat shools hav ot tiv i ipovig aadi outos.

 Th aso, as dsid y rihad rothsti, lis i th “soial ad ooi oditios that ig

ay hild to shools, gula ad hat, uppad to tak suit advatag o what

v th ost ddiatd ad ispid tahs a o.” l chat shools ail to addss ths

oditios, ad tho hat shool xpasio as a poliy is ot a vial optio o ipovig

aadi outos.


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Low-poverty (0-25 percent)

High-poverty (76-100 percent)

Percent of students eligible

for free or reduced lunch


Percent of schools with student retention rate:

23 23

37 37














Popula duatio poliy, suh as that dosd y cPS ad hat shool opais, has laly aild to ak ay

sigiiat pogss towad addssig th duatio isis i chiago’s puli shools. This is aily attiutal to

th at that ut poliy has ot tak ito aout th walth o sah dostatig povty to at th oot

o poo aadi outos.

Aadi sah stalishs laly a latioship tw povty ad ay duatioal outo asus.

 Th ol lowig viw o l itatu vals that a ias i wags o pats is aog th ost tiv ways to

ipov studt ahivt.

How higher wage canimprove educational outcome

tes scres

 Th latioship tw tst sos ad aily ios

is sigiiat, with o t sah suay

oludig that “studts i th otto quitil o ailysoioooi status so o tha a stadad dviatio

low thos i th top quitil o stadadizd tsts o 

ath ad adig wh thy t kidgat” ad that

ths di appa to ai osistt ov a studt’s

aadi a.lii This is dispaity asts a log

shadow o th duatio syst atioally: “Data o th

natioal Asssst o eduatioal Pogss show that o

tha 40 pt o th vaiatio i avag adig sos

ad 46 pt o th vaiatio i avag ath sos aoss

stats is assoiatd with vaiatio i hild povty ats.” liii 

 Th sa data st shows aoss gad lvls that shools

wh lss tha 25% o studts w ligil o o

dud luh had sigiiatly high adig ad ath

sos that tha thos at shools wh o tha 75% o 

studts w ligil o o dud luh. liv

 Th positiv t o v odst iass i aily io

o studt tst sos is wll-stalishd, as wll. evy

additioal $1,000 i aual io taslats ito a o poit

ias i a IQ-styl tst, aodig to a viw o data o

siila goups o ailis ivig ditly-stutud

io supplts o o supplt at I aoth

study, hild o ailis ivig aigs supplts

dsigd to ais thi ios aov th povty lvl, plus

susidizd halth isua ad hild-a, had stadadizd

oad adig sos 12% o a stadad dviatio high tha

thos who did ot. Pats also potd that thi hildivd high gads i adig ad showd ipovd

litay skills wh thi aigs w susidizd ough to

lit th out o povty.lvi

graduain raes

Iass i pat wags a assoiatd with high

gaduatio ats: high lvls o studt ttio (aov

90%) o 9th gad to 12th gad ou alost ou ad

o-hal tis o qutly at high shools wh

w tha 25% o studts w ligil o o

dud luh tha at high shools wh o tha 75%o studts w ligil, aodig to natioal ct o

eduatio Statistis data. Th sa goup o high-povty

shools w 10 tis o likly tha th low-povty

shools to pot studt ttio low 70%, ad a

astoishig 23 tis o likly to pot ttio o 50%

o low.lvii A siila patt appas to hold tu at th

aily lvl as wll: studts o ailis with th highst

20% o ios w ov iv tis lss likly to dop out

o high shool tha studts o ailis with th lowst

20% o ios.lviii 

Studt ttio at high-povtyvs low-povty high shools



W Adit It?” The New York Times, D 11, 2011

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 Thi apaig, Fight o 15, dads that

wags o ths woks aisd to a iiu

o $15 p hou, ad that thy hav th ight to

 joi a uio without ploy it.

 Th vast ajoity o woks i chiago’s tail

ad stauat idustis a paid wags that

hov ight aov th iiu wag, wok 

o a pat-ti asis ad a od littl to o

ts y thi ploys. I th st pot o 

this sis,  A Case or 15: A Low Wage Work Crisis

in Chicago, w oud that iasig th wags

o all th woks i th tail ad stauat

idustis i chiago to $15 p hou would ot

oly aodal to ploys, ut also would

spu up to $179 illio i ooi ativity i

chiago’s ighohoods ad at thousads

o w jos.

baus o th likly itywid ts o 

iasig th wags o woks i ths

idustis, Stad Up! chiago ad cTU ully

dos th wok o WOcc ot just as a

ooi dvlopt poga, ut also as

a ipotat duatio poga. Ou aalysis

shows that iasig wags o chiago’s

18,800 tail ad stauat woks will lit

ths woks ad thi ailis out o povty,

ad will lad to ipovd duatioal outos

o thi hild. Fight o 15 is a apaig

that addsss ditly th isis o low wags

ad povty i ou ity, ad as suh svs as a

tiv as o ipovig ou puli shools.

 Th Woks Ogaizig

coitt o chiago

(WOcc) is a w uio

od i nov

2012 y tail adstauat woks i

dowtow chiago.



duatioal outos, it is la that ovig ailisout o povty a hav a sigiat positiv ipat o

th ost oo asus o aadi ahivt.

 This pot aks th ollowig odatios with

spt to duatio poliy:

1) eduatio poliy ust akowldg th

udatal ipat o io o duatioal

outos. It is ipativ that poliyaks

aado aild duatio “o” poliis ad

su that utu duatioal poliy hags

ilud statgis to addss povty ad suppotth atio o livig wag jos ad tt wokig

oditios o wokig ailis.

2) cPS ad popots o duatio “o” ust

pioitiz addssig chiago’s povty isis as

th ost tiv as o ipovig aadi

poa o th ity’s puli shool studts.

 Ths poliyaks should suppot ots to ais

wags o low-wag woks i chiago, alog with

oth ooi dvlopt poliis that at

good, livig wag jos ad lit wokig ailis out

o povty.



Stad Up! chiago ad cTU ully dos th wok o WOcc.

Cllee aendance

 Th latioship tw aily io ad studt

ahivt also psists i ollg ollt. Whil

84% o gaduats o ailis with th top 20% o 

ios oll i ollg idiatly at opltig

high shool, oly 54% o gaduats o ailis with th

lowst 20% o ios do so.lix Sholaship usig dtaild

data o ali yas oud this dyai tw th

highst ad lowst io ailis psistd v wh

oth atos w hld ostat, ad that it is likly

oposd o two lts: th otiuig ts o 

aily povty o studt poa ad hallgs

with how to pay o ollg. lx


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i ravith, Dia. “Waitig o a Shool mial.” The New York Times, may 31, 2011. rtivd D 10, 2012 ohttp://www.ytis.o/2011/06/01/opiio/01avith.htl?_=0

iiDntonoflogorkrdotdfromDoussrd,Mrc.“Chcgo’sGrongLogworkforc:aprol ofFllngLborMrktFortuns.”womnemloyd;actonNoinsttut.Stmbr,2012.accssdOctobr,2012from htt:// that a low tha $12 p hou, asd o a “odst ad osvativ” asssst o ost o livig (“At this wag lvl,a ull-ti wok livig y hsl will aly al to ov li’s asi osts without puli assista. Wh a wok aig$12 p hou is suppotig aily o oth houshold s, puli assista pogas will likly idispsal tohoushold susist.”)

iii Ldd,HFndFsk,eB.“ClssMttrs.whywon’twadmtit?”The New York Times, D 11, 2011.Assd D 7, 2012 o http://www.ytis.o/2011/12/12/opiio/th-uaddssd-lik-tw-povty-ad-duatio.htl?pagwatd=all


v Fdal rgist, Vol. 77, no. 57, Fiday, mah 23, 2012; notis. rtivd D 10, 2012 o 

vi Th Sl-Suiy Stadad was atd i th id-1990s to povid a o auat povty thshold tha th dal povtyguidlis. Fo o ioatio, plas s http://www.slsuiystadad.og/stadad.htl#whatis

vii Stad Up! chiago. A Case or 15: A Low Wage Work Crisis. rlasd D 4, 2012. rtivd D 10, 2012o http://www.sid.o/do/115477024/F15-rpot-Fial-4-12-3

viii bli, David c.. Poverty and Potential: Out-o-School Factors and School Success.bould ad Tp: eduatio ad th Puli Itst ct & eduatio Poliy rsahUit, 2009. rtivd D 6, 2012 o http://pipoliy.og/puliatio/povty-ad-pottial

ixBrooks-Gunn,J.ndDuncn,GJ.“ThectsofpovrtyonChldrn.”Children and Poverty , Vol. 7, no. 2, 1997.rtivd D 10, 2012 o http://www.pito.du/utuohild/puliatios/dos/07_02_03.pd 

x bli, David c. Poverty and Potential: Out-o-School Factors and School Success.bould ad Tp: eduatio ad th Puli Itst ct & eduatio Poliy rsahUit, 2009. rtivd D 9, 2012 o http://pipoliy.og/puliatio/povty-ad-pottial

xiaknbm,LrJ,Moormn,Jnne.,ndLu,Xng.“asthmprvlnc,HlthCrUs,ndMortlty:UntdStts,2005–2009.”cts o Disas cotol natioal Halth Statistis rpot nu 32, Jauay 12, 2011. rtivd D 10, 2012 o xii bli, David c. Poverty and Potential: Out-o-School Factors and School Success. bould ad Tp: eduatio ad th Puli Itst ct & eduatio Poliy rsahUit, 2009. rtivd D 9, 2012 o http://pipoliy.og/puliatio/povty-ad-pottial

xiii Brooks-Gunn,J.ndDuncn,GJ.“ThectsofpovrtyonChldrn.”Children and Poverty , Vol. 7, no. 2, 1997.rtivd D 10, 2012 o http://www.pito.du/utuohild/puliatios/dos/07_02_03.pd 

xivwnck,J.ndJmson,K.“FoodinscurtyndHungrnthKndrgrtnClssroom:itsectonLrnngndGroth.”ContemporaryEconomic Policy , Vol. 21, no. 2, Apil 2003. Assd D 7, 2012 o .

xvwnck,J.ndJmson,K.“FoodinscurtyndHungrnthKndrgrtnClssroom:itsectonLrnngndGroth.”Contemporary Economic Policy , Vol. 21, no. 2, Apil 2003. Assd D 7, 2012 o .

xvi Hrtmn,ChstrndL,alson.“HghClssroomTurnovr:HoChldrnGtLftBhnd.”Poverty & Race, may/Ju 2002. AssdD 7, 2012 o

xvii ersng,RobnL.,Suthn,RchrdD.ndLor,DnN.“exlorngthimctndimlctonsofRsdntlMoblty: Fo th nighohood to th Shool.” Advances in Social Work , Vol. 10 no. 1 (Spig 2009). Assd D 7, 2012 ohttp://advasisoialwok.iupui.du/idx.php/advasisoialwok/atil/viwFil/77/204 .

xviii LsonClrk,Shrr.“Housnginstblty:TordBttrUndrstndngofFrquntRsdntlMobltyamongamrc’sUrbnPoo.” ct o Housig Poliis, Wak Fost Uivsity, Fuay 3, 2010. Assd D 7, 2012 o http://www.h.og/dia/ls/LsonClrk_nlyss_for_chld_moblty.df

xixHrtmn,ChstrndL,alson.“HghClssroomTurnovr:HoChldrnGtLftBhnd.”Poverty & Race, may/Ju 2002. AssdD 7, 2012 o

xxHrtmn,ChstrndL,alson.“HghClssroomTurnovr:HoChldrnGtLftBhnd.”Poverty & Race, may/Ju 2002. AssdD 7, 2012 o



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xxiDodson,Lndalbld,R.“HoYoutharputatRskbyprnts’Lo-wgJobs.”UnvrstyofMsschusttsBoston,CntrforSoial Poliy, Fall 2012. Assd D 10, 2012 o http://d.u.du/iags/ts_istituts/t_soial_poliy/Youth_t_Rskprnts_Lo_wg_Jobs_Fll_121.df 

xxii bli, David c.. Poverty and Potential: Out-o-School Factors and School Success. bould ad Tp: eduatio ad th Puli Itst ct & eduatio Poliy rsahUit, 2009. rtivd D 6, 2012 o http://pipoliy.og/puliatio/povty-ad-pottial

xxiii bli, David c. Poverty and Potential: Out-o-School Factors and School Success.bould ad Tp: eduatio ad th Puli Itst ct & eduatio Poliy rsah

Uit, 2009. rtivd D 9, 2012 o http://pipoliy.og/puliatio/povty-ad-pottialxxivDodson,Lndalbld,R.“HoYoutharputatRskbyprnts’Lo-wgJobs.”UnvrstyofMsschusttsBoston,Cntro Soial Poliy, Fall 2012. Assd D 10, 2012 o http://d.u.du/iags/ts_istituts/t_soial_poliy/Youth_t_Rskprnts_Lo_wg_Jobs_Fll_121.df

xxv ca, caol. “Th rlva o rais to th mathatis expis o Aia Aia Studts i a Itsly SggatdLoincomSchool.”Doctorldssrtton,ClvlndSttUnvrsty,1991.proQustDgtlDssrttons,UMi9136220.accssdD 10, 2012 o http://gadwoks.ui.o/3417950.pd 

xxvi bli, David c. “Ou Ipovishd Viw o eduatioal ro.” basd o a Psidtial Ivitd Sph giv atth tigs o th Aia eduatioal rsah Assoiatio, motal, caada, may, 2005. Assd D 6, 2012o http://www.duatioaddoay.og/rsous/bli.pd 

xxvii Th data st is th natioal Asssst o eduatioal Pogss Tial Ua Distit Asssst. Assd D 2012o Sos a gally o vy oth shool ya o 4th ad 8th gads. (Uso stadadizd tst sos i this pot is ot itdd as a uquivoal dost o suh tstig o o havy lia o

th sults i duatioal poliy-akig. Th tsts a taily pat o duatio issu dats i chiago ad hav also xtsivly usd y sahs xploig liks to aily povty o whih w ous.)

xxviii Illiois Shool rpot cads itativ data. Assd D 2012 ohttp://ii.iu.du/Distit.aspx?sou=Pol&distitID=15016299025&lvl=D.

xxix Aalysis o chiago Puli Shools - Pogss rpot cads (2011-2012). Data availal at https://data.ityohiago.og/eduatio/chiago-Puli-Shools-Pogss-rpot-cads-2011-/9xs2-89t ; asi ioatio o Poa Poliy at http://ps.du/SitcolltioDouts/PoaPoliy_FAQ.pd 


xxxi chapa, chis t al. “Tds i High Shool Dopout ad copltio rats i th Uitd Stats: 1972-2009,” Tal 5.natioal ct o eduatio Statistis, 2011. Assd D 10, 2012 o 

xxxii Aalysis o cPS ollg ollt data, Assd nov 15, 2012 o http://ps.du/ShoolData/Pags/ShoolData.aspxcollg ollt data usd y cPS is o natioal Studt claighous.

xxxiii “Th coditio o eduatio 2012.” Tal 34-1. natioal ct o eduatio Statistis. Assd D 10, 2012 o

xxxiv Illiois Shool rpot cads itativ data. Assd D 2012 ohttp://ii.iu.du/Distit.aspx?sou=PSAe&sou2=AcT&distitID=15016299025&lvl=D adhttp://ii.iu.du/Stat.aspx?sou=PSAe&sou2=AcT

xxxv Kap, Saah. “collg-goig ihs up o chiago High Shools.” Chicago Catalyst , July 21, 2011. Assd D 7, 2012o http://www.atalyst-hiago.og/otook/2011/07/21/ollg-goig-ihs-hiago-high-shools

xxxvi JnnyNgok,MlssRodrck,ndVnssCoc.“BrrrstoCollgattnmnt:LssonsfromChcgo.”CntrforamrcnPogss, 2009. Assd D 11, 2012 at http://www.aiapogss.og/wp-ott/uploads/issus/2009/01/pd/chiagoShools.pd 

xxxvii natioal ct o eduatio Statistis coo co o Data. Assd D 10, 2012 o

xxxviii Ayo, Ja. “ra, Soial class, ad eduatioal ro i a I-ity Shool.” Teachers College Record Volu 97,nu 1, Fall 1995. Assd D 7, 2012 o http://www.iasolli.o/lassadigs/radigseSS43640/Ayo%201995%20ra,%20lass%20ad%20duatioal%20o.pd 

xxxix Si cTU tahs gotiatd a th-ya otat i Spt, 2012, this v-ya hak ay disaddduig th xt otat gotiatios tw cTU ad cPS. rih, motoko. “natioal Shools Dat Is o Display i chiago.”The New York Times, Spt 11, 2012. Assd D 10, 2012 o http://www.ytis.o/2012/09/12/duatio/hiago-is-ous-o-atioal-dat-o-tah-valuatio.htl?_=0

xl eooi Poliy Istitut. “Pols with th Us o Studt Tst Sos to evaluat Tahs.” eooi Poliy Istitut bigPap #278, August 29, 2010. Assd D 5, 2012 o http://www.pi.og/puliatio/p278/

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lxiv Sio, Stphai. “Pivat s yig pots o U.S. puli shools.” ruts, August 1, 2012.accssdDcmbr10,2012,thtt://

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lxvi Sio, Stphai. “Pivat s yig pots o U.S. puli shools.” ruts, August 1, 2012.accssdDcmbr10,2012,thtt://