  • 8/13/2019 Reflective Writing - Inquiry Paper


    Inquiry Paper Reflection

    1. How does this inquiry paper stack up against other papers youve

    written in the past?

    Believe it or not, Ive actually enjoyed writing this inquiry paper, for any

    reasons. In the past, all the essays and papers I have ever written in school

    have !een a!out an assigned topic fro the teacher. "ost of the tie, it is a

    topic that !ores e to death. #lso, the paper was given a iniu word

    length or iniu page length. $his really took y ind even farther off

    the topic and caused e to focus strictly on eeting that required page

    length or word count. $his ade everything, e%cept for ay!e the first

    couple of paragraphs, !s. Ive learned to appreciate this year, writing papers

    with no !s. &irst of all, this inquiry paper was a!out a su!ject that I loved. I

    was a!le to finally write a!out soething that !asically consued y whole

    entire life, aviation. 'o, this paper was !etter against other papers Ive

    written !ecause this paper, in y opinion, was ore structured. I !elieve the

    reader could find a nice, easy flow to the paper and not get !ored. Ive

    learned an invalua!le skill !y knowing how to gra! the attention of the

    reader and then keeping it throughout the paper. Ive used that skill here, in

    this inquiry paper.

    (. )hat do you think youll carry away fro this project into other

    projects into the future?

    I think Ill carry away the structure that Ive learned to write with. *rior to this

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    +nglish class, y sentences were kind of openended, and y paper over all

    would not feel coplete or not flow in a way that would interest the reader.

    Ive learned how to structure y sentences and y paragraphs to help ake

    the paper flow easier and help keep the readers attention. #lso, I think Ill

    carry away that research never stops, which is true. Ive never really thought

    a!out that until y professor !rought it up in class. )hen you pick a su!ject

    and start researching and talking a!out a su!ject that you really enjoy, the

    research is endless. -uring the course of this project, I think Ive delved into

    a su!ject, aviation, which I thoroughly enjoy and pro!a!ly could research

    until the day that I die. I also think that I going to carry away no !s. ddly

    enough, I think Ill carry away the love and general appreciation for writing.

    *rior to this class, I can confidently say that I hated every aspect of writing

    research papers, or just essays in general. )hether it was the planning, pre

    writing, research, etc., I hated it all. $here is soething a!out this year in

    +nglish, ore specifically this project that has ade e appreciate writing.

    Ive really enjoyed e%pressing yself and talking a!out soething I love.

    /. How is your inquiry paper related to your 0ot it? How is it different?

    Its su!ject relates y inquiry paper to y 0ot it. In y 0ot it essay, I

    talked a!out y alternative literacy in aviation, and how y love and

    appreciation of anything and everything related to aviation developed. In y

    inquiry paper, the su!ject was a!out the only unsolved hijacking in #erican

    history, and the an !ehind the event, -.B. 2ooper. f course, the story of

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    the hijacking directly relates with the topic of aviation. $hough it is not a

    pleasant su!ject to talk a!out, I was fascinated !y everything that Ive

    learned. $he inquiry paper is different fro the 0ot it essay in the sense

    that the inquiry paper e!odied a su!ject that was not directly related to

    e. $o ela!orate on this, I was not personally affected !y the hijacking, nor

    did I know all the details of the hijacking. I had to research and find out a lot

    of inforation a!out the hijacking !efore I could effectively write an essay

    a!out it. In y 0ot it essay, like Ive stated !efore, it was a!out y

    alternative literacy of aviation. $he events and e%periences I e%pressed in

    that essay were y own, and I had to do no research on the we! or in the

    li!rary to coplete that essay.

    3. How is your inquiry project connected to the larger thees in your life?

    #ny!ody that knows e personally, or any!ody that has read y 0ot it

    essay and y inquiry essay, know that y life revolves around aviation.

    #fter looking !ack onto the researching and writing part of y inquiry

    project, I reali4ed that I think that this was the ost tie Ive spent

    researching a specific topic. I think this conclusion speaks directly to how y

    inquiry project is related to the larger thees in life. )hen I was given the

    opportunity to research soething that Ive enjoyed, I got really e%cited.

    Halfway through the whole writing process, I found that I was devoting ore

    tie on this project that Ive ever done on any project in the past. If we are

    talking a!out how the su!ject of y inquiry paper, a hijacking, connects to

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    the larger thees in y life, I would say !ig risk, !ig reward. "eaning, -.B.

    2ooper took a huge risk when he decided he was going to hijack an airplane

    and e%tort 5(66,666, which at the tie, was the largest aount of oney

    ever deanded in a hijacking. $hough I dont approve of any!ody ever

    hijacking an airplane, the way he planned it out and the way he e%ecuted his

    plan gave hi !ig rewards. +ven though we dont know if he survived the

    jup or not, I think knowing that you just ripped off the governent and got

    away fro this is a pretty !ig reward. In y life, I take huge risks everyday,

    knowing that the result could !e very good or very !ad. However, when I

    take that huge risk and I get a huge reward, it is the greatest feeling in the


    7. How would you descri!e yourself as a writer? How does it help or hurt

    your writing process?

    I would descri!e yself as a reflective writer, eaning, I think I do !etter

    when I reflect on certain topics or ideas. ver the course of this seester

    though, I honestly think Ive developed into a research writer of sorts. I can

    appreciate that the word 8research9 was !anned fro the classroo,

    !ecause I know when the word 8research9 is attached with an essay, it

    involves a lot of !s. I think e !eing a research writer helps y writing

    process. By aking sure that I gather all of the correct facts and that there is

    no false stateents akes y writing ore factual. $he downfall of this

    though is just aking sure there is not plagiaris and that I dont take any

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    credit for any inforation that is not ine. Heck, if I accidently forgot to cite

    a quote or soething, I just plagiari4ed. I guess plagiaris is not always

    done on purpose.

    :. How are you going to carry on without a writing class in your life?

    I !elieve its going to !e quite siple, just live every day and forget a!out

    writing essays. It sounds sipler than it see. $hough I wish I could just live

    to forget, I think Ive developed and appreciated the necessary skills to

    survive in a world where that one (76word paragraph selling yourself to an

    eployer can change your life. I know in the workplace, there are going to

    !e plenty of ties when I have to research and;or write a paper for a !oss. I

    think to effectively carry on and to effectively keep the skills that Ive

    learned throughout the course of this year, I need to actively write in a

    journal or soething< just do soe reflective writing.

    =. )e took a long tie writing this essay, fro idea to copletion, and

    took any steps along the way. )hat steps along the way >drafts, in

    class 8gaes9 or !rainstoring, li!rary and coputer visits did you

    find ost useful in your copleting the project?

    &or soe reason, the step that helped e the ost was the li!rary and

    coputer visits. I really enjoyed this !ecause I was surprised as to how uch

    inforation I found out a!out -.B. 2ooper. I had so any sources with so

    any perspectives, it really helped e construct a thorough essay.

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