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Fear of Public Speaking

REDUCING the FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING Don’t completely lose the Butterflies. Get them to ‘Fly in formation’.

The audience wants you to be successful. They are glad it is you and not them at the lectern.

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Prepare by Studying

PREPARE by Studying and knowing your material.

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Practice - Practice - Practice

PRACTICE - PRACTICE - PRACTICE In front of a full length the mirror. Into a digital recorder. In a video. In front of friends and family.

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Pre-Speak Preparation

PRE-SPEAK PREPARATION Having everything in place, and knowing it, is a great stress reliever

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Check Your Appearance

CHECK YOUR APPEARANCE Hair combed - No food in teeth or on face. Zippers zipped - Buttons buttoned - Lint removed. Smile!

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√√Double Check Your Checklists

DOUBLE CHECK YOUR CHECKLIST Sound System - Backup for PowerPoint - Lighting Audience Seating - Parking - Allotted Time - Introduction Water - Break Instructions for Audience - Notes

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Notes or Mind Map

Speech Notes

NOTES OR MIND MAP Winston Churchill always had notes just in case.

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Find Friendly Faces

FIND FRIENDLY FACES Use the ‘Lighthouse technique’.

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IN YOUR MIND’S EYE ‘See’ yourself giving a great presentation!

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Teddy Roosevelt’s ‘Man in the Arena’ Speech

‘MAN IN THE ARENA’ SPEECH - TEDDY ROOSEVELT Far better to be ‘in the arena’ rather than on the sidelines watching.

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No Alcohol - Carbonated Drinks - Digestive Unfriendly Foods


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Deep Breathing

DEEP BREATHING EXERCISES When we sigh, we exhale. Try it and feel the stress leave.

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Plenty of Rest


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Meet & Greet

ARRIVE EARLY - MEET & GREET It’s much easier to talk to people you’ve already introduced yourself to and met.

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Name Tags

NAME TAGS Make the Meeting & Greeting much easier Insist on the audience having them. Bring your own supply and a black Sharpie Pen.

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Isometric Exercises

ISOMETRIC EXERCISES Squeezing a Stress Ball relieves stress.

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Meditation & Visualization

MEDITATION & VISUALIZATION ‘See’ the audience enjoying and benefiting as you present.

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MEDICATION Beta blockers work. These are by prescription only.

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SPEAK! If you want to be a runner - run. If you want to be a writer - write. If you want to be a speaker - SPEAK! You’ll get better and gain confidence with each presentation.

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Fred E. MillerWriter - Speaker - Coach

Public Speaking and Presentation Skills


[email protected]://
