Download pdf - Prezentare Role Modeling

  • 8/19/2019 Prezentare Role Modeling


    Role Modeling

    Pregatit de: Cristina Gheorghiu Data: 04.05.2015

      Adina Suciu

      Daniel Mihai

  • 8/19/2019 Prezentare Role Modeling



    1. What is Role Modeling?

    2. Role Modeling Steps

    3. Personas and Extreme Characters

  • 8/19/2019 Prezentare Role Modeling


    1. What is Role Modeling?


     Creating role models gives ou the o!!ortunit to descri"e sstem

    #unctionalities #rom the !ers!ective o# various users$ rather than a single one

     Modeling roles means:

    identi#ing the individual users %ho interact %ith our sstem$ each one havingdi##erent e&!eriences$ "ac'grounds and goals

    grou!ing the individual users into user roles

    ser role! a collection o# de#ining attri"utes that characteri(e a !o!ulation o#

    users and their intended interactions %ith the sstem

    )ather than assigning individual !ermissions to each user$ !ermissions are

    assigned to roles and roles are assigned to users.

  • 8/19/2019 Prezentare Role Modeling


    2. Role modeling steps

    Ste!s to identi# and select a use#ul set o# user roles:

    1. "rainstorm an initial set o# user roles!

    .Stic' to identi#ing roles that re!resent a single user 

    .*denti# sstem roles: non+human roles

    .,usiness roles vs. a!!lication roles

    Who "usiness role Application roleMario -uman )esources Partner o" !oster  

    Savannah Administration De!artment o" !oster  

    Delane -uman )esources Manager o" !oster  

    Mario -uman )esources Partner )esume reader  

    Delane -uman )esources Manager )esume reader  

    Scott College Grad o" see'er  

     Anna /nem!loed o" see'er 

    Delane -uman )esources Manager )ecruiter  

    isa Manager )ecruiter  

  • 8/19/2019 Prezentare Role Modeling


    2. Role modeling steps

    2. $rgani%e the initial set o# user roles

  • 8/19/2019 Prezentare Role Modeling


    2. Role modeling steps

    3. Consolidate the user roles!

    Consolidating the roles that

    are euivalent )i!!ing u! the user roles that are

    unim!ortant to the success o# the


    S!eciali(ing user roles

  • 8/19/2019 Prezentare Role Modeling


    2. Role modeling steps

    &. Re#ine the user roles + de#ining role attri"utes #or each user role$ in

    order to "etter see the di##erences "et%een roles:

    he #reuenc %ith %hich the user %ill use the so#t%are.

    he user3s level o# e&!ertise %ith the domain.

    he user3s general level o# !ro#icienc %ith com!uters and so#t%are.

    he user3s level o# !ro#icienc %ith the so#t%are "eing develo!ed.

    he user3s general goal #or using the so#t%are. Some users are a#ter

    convenience$ others #avor a rich e&!erience$ and so on.

  • 8/19/2019 Prezentare Role Modeling


    3. Personas and extreme characters

      A persona is an imaginar re!resentation o# a user role$ an e&am!le o#

    the 'ind o# !erson %ho %ould interact %ith the sstem

     Personas are created using real names$ !ersonalities$ motivations$ and

    o#ten even a !hoto

     A !ersona should "e descri"ed su##icientl that everone on the team

    #eels li'e the 'no% the !ersona.

  • 8/19/2019 Prezentare Role Modeling


    3. Personas and extreme characters

    he techniue o# using extreme characters consists o# creating users

    %ith e&aggerated !ersonalities %hen designing a sstem

    *t is ver !ossi"le that considering e&treme characters %ill lead ou to

    #unctionalities ou %ould "e li'el to miss other%ise.

    &am!les o# e&treme characters: a !regnant lad searching #or a !art+time

     o"$ a drug+addict %ho ust got out o# reha"