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Pre-Sales and Post-Sales Support:

10 Ways it can be Used to Increase

Sales During the Christmas Season

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Pre-sales support is important during this year’s

Christmas season because the fragile economy

and unemployment rate of what they purchase.

Ensure customers your product is the right

selection at the right price and you can turn a

potential customer into a paying customer.

Post-sales support is also important during the

Christmas season because it provides

consumers with product support or assists them

with technical difficulties.

Pre-sales and post-sales support can be

provided to customers on a wide range of

communication channels including call centers,

social media outlets, virtual customer service,

mobile apps, etc.

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Five Ways Pre-Sales Support Increases Sales During the Holiday Season

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Pre-sales support is all about reassurance. A

customer has many options when gathering

research about a product or service. They

can Google it, watch a video on YouTube of

someone else using it, or view the product on

your company’s website 50 times a day.

The point is…the options are limitless. When a

potential customer contacts the company

directly for more information about a product it

shows they’re serious about making the

purchase but not completely sold yet. Sell your

knowledge about the product and you’ll sell the

potential customer on it too.




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There are a few things that companies can do

to convince consumers to make the purchase

they’re on the fence about.

Offering incentives to customers is like taking

the wrapper off candy to show kids it’s real. In

other words, it intensifies their interest and

gives them a reason to purchase the product

or service. Shoppers never forget a good deal

and where they got it from.




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Many car dealerships offer consumers the

opportunity to test drive the car they’re interested

in. Giving consumers the opportunity to “test drive”

a product is a clever way for the product to sell


It’s one thing to tell a consumer how great a

product is and another for them to experience it for

themselves. Sometimes consumers have to

actually use the product before they’re totally

convinced it’s for them.

Offering consumers the opportunity to “test drive”

a product or service shows your confidence in the

product, and confidence is crucial when it comes

to sales.

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“Seeing is believing” is an idiom that, when acted

on, can make turn a non-convinced consumer into

a convinced one. If you can somehow

demonstrate your product or services to the

masses, you can convince non-believers to

purchase your product.


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Warranties show consumers that you stand

behind your product or service and trust it will do

what you said it will do. Warranties are a

guarantee to consumers from companies that if

something goes wrong you’ll fix it, replace it or

refund their money.

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Five Ways Post-Sales

Support During the

Holiday Season

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Follow-up calls show customers that you care

about their satisfaction with your product or

service. It also gives consumers the opportunity

to ask questions or express concerns they may

have. This type of post-sales support separates

the boys from men, or in this case growing

companies from dying companies.

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When angry customers call to complain about a product or service the first thing to do is apologize for the inconvenience. An apology goes a long way, when it’s done right.


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Social Media outlets, such as Facebook and

Pinterest, have given consumers the power to

use word-of-mouth at lightning speed. Word-of-

mouth online is vastly different from face-to-face.

A person can share their satisfaction, or

disappointment, with a product to their 500+

friends with a click of the mouse. When a

customer shares their disappointment with your

product on their Facebook page, in front of all

their friends, they are giving you the opportunity

to correct it, in front of all their friends. It’s like

free advertising! Respond quickly on their

Facebook page and act urgently to fix the

problem. It doesn’t matter if the customer

contacts you through Facebook, phone or email

to complain about a product or service. The

response should always be the same: act

urgently to fix the problem.

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When customers have a bad experience with a

company they lose faith in their products and

services. There are many ways to win back

customers after a bad experience and one of the

main ways is to show appreciation for their

business. Appreciation can come in many forms,

from exclusive discounts to gift cards.

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Once the customer’s questions are answered or

their problem is resolved, the next step should

be for the customer to take a survey. This will

help companies improve their customer service

and track complaints about a product that may

need to be altered internally.

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Thank you! 800.523.5867

