Page 1: Mycological Bulletin: No. 41

Mycological Society of America

Mycological Bulletin: No. 41Author(s): W. A. KellermanSource: Mycological Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 41 (Sep. 1, 1905), pp. 161-164Published by: Mycological Society of AmericaStable URL: .

Accessed: 20/05/2014 16:03

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Page 2: Mycological Bulletin: No. 41


II/. A. Kellerm-ani, Ph. D., Ohio Slale Uniiversity

Colhutbius, Olhio, Septemjber 1, 1905

AN AM-A-NI'-TA NUMBER.--The great initerest attaching to this genus of Muilshroomiis, especially on acco;unt of numnierouis poisoniou1s species, war

rants fturther encroaclmnent on ouir space. Hence this Ntumber of the

BULLETIN may be devoted to some figtires and commenits additionial touclh iuig the same.

FIG. 132. Am-A NI -TA VER'-NA. PoisoNous. 1Becauise of its extremely virulent prolperties it has been called "D)estroying Angel." It is p~ure whiite, anld a beautiful spccies. Its anlnulus and volva are very, conspicuous anid these inust always be synoni lomous wvith da#iger anid dleathi. The pho0to was miade fromi a specimen collccted in the

woods of the State Farm, Fairfield Co., Ohiio, Aug., 1903.

University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 29. Entered as Second Class Matte,. Post-office at Columbus. Ohio

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Page 3: Mycological Bulletin: No. 41

162 MAcological Builctini No. 41 [Vol. IIT

THE NAME AMANITA.-T;-rninig to Saccardo's Svlloge Funigorum we

find this explanation of the name: "Nomen fuingi a Galeno inditum, forte

a m1olnte Amaiio. (A name given by Galen to a ftinguis perhaps from

molint Amano). As to syllabificationi and pronuinciation of the name some

auithors puit it thuts: Am-a-ni'-ta; anid others so: A-man'-i-ta. Take yotur


SIZE OF THE GENUTS.-TI Saccardo's compilationi 44 species are enutmer

ated for the entire world: to this migiht be added 2.5 species of Amanitop

sis--the species of the later genu11s formllerlv being inlcluided Iunider Amllall

ita. Perbaps there are two or thl-ee dozen of the Americaln species. Pro

fessor M/organ enumnierates anid gives the descriptioni of 28 species in tlle

Joulrnial of Mycology, 3: 25-33, March, 1887. Professor Peck gives 14

species in Report of the New York State Mtlsetum, 33: 38-49, 1879. C. G.

LlIoyd has the same nulmber of species in his Comapilationi of the Volvae of

the United States, 2-7, 18.913.

TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF T1HE GEN's--It was the Euiropealn mycolo

gist, D. C. Hf. Persooni, who first tised the namiie Arnaniita in moderni bot

ally, inl his ^'Synopsis TAIethodica Fungornlln" printed in Goettingenl, Ger

nianv, in 1801. WVe will however qtuote thie accurate description as giveil

by the eminent mycologist Fries, whiclh is as follows: "Spores white.

Veil or volva uiniversal, at first continuous, distinct fronm the ctuticle of the

piletis. Hynlenophortim distinct fronm the stem. All terrestrial."


Tlhird Report we findl a popular descriptioni exactly suited to otir ptirpose;

we tllerefore trainscribe the same, regrettilig only that his excellent Re

ports the earlier ones especiallv canniot be in the hands of all my suib

scribers. Here is his langtuage:

"The species of Amanita gIow Ol1 the grotind in the woods, groves

aiild copses. TIhey rarely occutr in open fields, tinless in the vicinity of

trees or near the margin of the wood!s. Tllin, open woods and copses

afford tlle most favorable localities. In the early coilditioll the plant is

whollv eilveloped in its volva, btit as it iiicreases in size the volva is neces

sarilv ruipttired. In some species, A. caesarca, for example, the volva is

(listiilctlY membranotus, aild in1cluidles tile votiig plailt as if ill an oval sack.

At length the uipper part of the volva is ruiptured, aild the pileuis and stem

are exserted. Sometimes oiie Ol more irregutlar anid tuneqtual fragments

of the ruptured volva adhere to the surface of tile pileus for a tinme, and are

carried U1, by it in its growth. Btit tsllallv in these species the surface of

the pileu.s is smooti, aild tlhe remtains of the rtipttlred volva wliolly adllere

to tihe base of the stem or its blb) like a membranotls margiii, a sheath or

a lacerated culp.

(Continued in the next Number.)

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Page 4: Mycological Bulletin: No. 41

1 .Sept. 19056.] ilfycological Bulletin1 No. 41 1 C

I ^1~~~~~~~~~~~~I _~~~~~~~~~~


1? IG. I 33. AM-A-NI -TA SO)L-1-TA -RI-A. l'Ol.SONO)US. See 1. 3.4.

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Page 5: Mycological Bulletin: No. 41

164 Alycological Bulletin No. 41 [Vol. III

IIG. 134. AM-A-NI'-TA SOL-I-TA'RS-A. P'OISONOUS. Aiiother of tlle beautiful wlbite species, said to bc edible. btut I prefer not even to test it. Please use caution. I;IG. 133 shows the top of the cal) of the same specimiien. It was collected in the oplen

woods, sandy soil, of the State 1'arm. Iairfield Co., Ohio, Aug., 1905.

The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vtl. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I 1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio.

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