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7 December 2000

Physics Letters B 495 (2000) 237–

Lumps in level truncated open string field theory

Robert de Mello Koch∗, João P. RodriguesDepartment of Physics and Center for Nonlinear Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Wits, 2050, South Africa

Received 9 August 2000; received in revised form 20 September 2000; accepted 23 October 2000Editor: M. Cvetic


The ratios of the masses of D(p − d) branes to the masses of Dp in open bosonic string field theory are computed withinthe modified level truncation approximation of Moeller et al. At the lowest non-trivial truncation requiring the addition of newprimary states, we find evidence of rapid convergence to the expected result for 26 d 6 6 providing additional evidence for theconsistency of this approximation. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

There is growing evidence that open string field theory provides a direct approach to study string theory tachyons.This recent progress has been possible as a result of Sen’s conjecture that there is an extremum of the tachyonpotential at which the total negative potential energy exactly cancels the tension of the D-brane [1] and that lumpsolutions are identified with lower-dimensional branes [1–3]. These conjectures have been extended for tachyonsliving on coincident D-brane anti-D-brane pairs and for tachyons on the non-BPS D-branes of type IIA or IIBsuperstring theories [4–9]. These conjectures provide precise predictions which can be used to test and developapproximation techniques in open string field theory. The results obtained thus far are impressive [10–21]. Inparticular, the level truncation approximation has proved to be powerful in this context. The original argument forlevel truncation appeared in the unpublished work [22] and was subsequently used by Samuel and Kostelecky [23]to study the vacuum structure of string field theory. In this article, we are interested in a variant of the leveltruncation scheme, introduced by Moeller, Sen and Zwiebach (MSZ) [19]. Within this scheme, MSZ were able tocompute the ratio of the mass of a D(p− 1)-brane to a Dp-brane to an impressive accuracy of about 1%!1

This ratio was computed in [13] in the field theory limit and good agreement with the expected result wasobtained. Indeed, the field theory lump reproduces 78% of the expected D(p − 1) brane tension. Including thestringy corrections from the momentum dependence of the interaction terms does not significantly change thetension of the lump [14].

This is not the case for the ratios of the masses of D(p− d) branes to the masses of Dp branes ford > 1. Asdis increased the field theory predictions get worse and ford large enough there are no lump solutions. When thestringy corrections are included, lump solutions can be found for any value ofd [14]. However, initial studies of

* Corresponding author.E-mail addresses:[email protected] (R. de Mello Koch), [email protected] (J.P. Rodrigues).

1 By turning on a largeB field the description of tachyon condensation can be drastically simplified. In this limit, the tension computed fromtachyonic solitons exactly agree with the expected D-brane tensions [20,24].

0370-2693/00/$ – see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S0370-2693(00)01243-0

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these ratios show that the leading order in the level truncation approximation over estimates this ratio ford > 4,with the results becoming increasingly worse asd is increased.

As a further interesting check of the modified level truncation scheme, one could compute the ratios of the massesof D(p − d) branes to the mass of a Dp brane. These ratios are more difficult to reproduce and obtaining themwithin the modified level truncation approximation will give important insight into how fast the approximationconverges. This is the question that is studied in this article.

The modified level truncation approximation starts by assigning to a state|Φi〉, with number eigenvalueNi , thelevel

(1)l(Φi,n)≡ En · EnR2+Ni −N0,

whereN0 is the number eigenvalue for the zero momentum tachyon [19]. The level(M,N) approximation to theaction is then defined by keeping only fields with level6M and terms in the action for which the sum of levelsis 6 N . We assume that the background spacetime is the product of a(d + 1) + 1 dimensional flat spacetimelabelled by the spacelike coordinates(x1, . . . , xd, y) and a timelike coordinatex0, and a Euclidean manifoldMdescribed by a conformal field theory of central charge 26− d − 2. The spatial directiony is non-compact; thexi , i = 1, . . . , d parametrize a torusT d : xi ∼ xi + R. As in [25] by studying the motion of the brane along thisnon-compact direction, we can compute its tension. For an open string ending on the D-brane, we put Neumannboundary conditions on the fields(X1, . . . ,Xd) andX0, and Dirichlet boundary conditions on the fieldY and onthe fields associated with the coordinates ofM. These boundary conditions are correct for a Dd-brane wrapped ontheT d . Because the D-brane has a finite volume, it will have a finite mass.

The dynamics of the open strings with ends on this D-brane is described by the direct sum of the conformal fieldtheories associated with the fieldsXi , Y , X0 and the manifoldM. Following [25] we will work on a subspace ofthe full string field theory Fock space. Towards this end, we denote the conformal field of theXi by CFT(T d ) andthe conformal field theory of the fieldsY ,X0 and of the manifoldM by CFT′ =CFT(Y )⊕CFT(X0)⊕CFT(M).The Virasoro generators of the system are given byLn = Lghost

n + LT dn + L′n, whereLghostn are the Virasoro

generators of the ghost system,LTd

n are the Virasoro generators of CFT(T d) andL′n are the Virasoro generatorsof CFT′. The subspace of the full string Fock space that we will focus on is most easily characterized by groupingstates into Verma modules [25]. Each Verma module can be labelled by a primary state. The Verma modulecontains this primary state together will all states obtained by acting on this primary with the Virasoro generatorsLT


−n,L′−n, c1, c−n andb−n with n > 0. Null states and their descendents should be removed. The truncation cannow be described by specifying which primary states we consider. We consider primary states (with arbitrarymomentum on theT d ) of CFT(T d ) which are even underX→−X and are trivial CFT′ primaries. We will alsorestrict to states of even twist. For more details, the reader should consult [25]. Working on this subspace wasshown in [19,25] to be a consistent truncation of the full open string field theory.

If we work to a given level, then we need only consider the Verma modules built on a finite number of primaryfields. In our subspace, the zero momentum tachyon mode is the only primary that needs to be considered at level 0;there ared − 1 zero-momentum primaries to be considered at level 2 [26]. In the analysis of [19], the cased = 1was considered, so no new zero-momentum primaries had to be added until level 4. Since we work only to level(2,4) we need not consider any other zero-momentum primaries. Thus, the states that we consider are

(2)|TEn〉 = c1 cos

( En · EX(0)R


(3)|UEn〉 = c−1 cos

( En · EX(0)R


(4)|VEn〉 = c1LT d−2 cos

( En · EX(0)R


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(5)|WEn〉 = c1L′−2 cos

( En · EX(0)R


(6)|ZEn〉 = c1LT d−1L

T d−1 cos

( En · EX(0)R


(7)∣∣SiEn⟩= c1


1−1− αi+1−1 α

i+1−1 − α1

0α1−2+ αi+1

0 αi+1−2


( En · EX(0)R


The states|SiE0〉 are the new zero momentum primaries that need to be added at level 2. We should not includethe zero momentumZE0 mode, since it corresponds to the descendent of a null state. The indexi runs fromi = 1, . . . , d − 1. The conditions that the states|SiEn〉 are primary implies the following restriction onEn


The string field is expanded in terms of these states as follows

(9)|Φ〉 =∑En

(tEn|TEn〉 + uEn|UEn〉 + vEn|VEn〉 +wEn|WEn〉 + zEn|ZEn〉 + siEn

∣∣SiEn⟩).To ensure that we have theXi →−Xi symmetry we have to put restrictions on the coefficients appearing inthis expansion. For example, in the case thatd = 2, states carrying momentumEn = (1,1) are related to statescarrying momentumEn= (1,−1) byX2→−X2. Thus, the coefficients corresponding to these states in (9) shouldbe identified. If we were treating this problem in theR→∞ limit, we’d look for solutions which are rotationallyinvariant. However, for finiteR, all that survives of the rotational invariance is a discrete subset of rotations whichpermute the differentXi . We will compute the potential below assuming this symmetry. Thus for example, in thecased = 2, we will not distinguish between states carrying momentumEn= (0,1) and states carrying momentumEn= (1,0). In addition, we will not distinguish betweensi0 for different values ofi.

The string field theory action is given by

(10)S = 〈Φ|Q|Φ〉 + g3〈V3||Φ〉|Φ〉|Φ〉

with Q the first quantized BRST operator and|V3〉 the three string interaction vertex. To compute the potential, wehave used the operator representation of the vertex as an object in the three string (dual) Fock space [27]. Evaluationof the above two terms in the action then requires only algebraic manipulations. The details of this computationwill appear elsewhere [26]. The result, up to level(2,4) is (withR =√3)

(11)V (0,0)=−1

2t20 +








)= V (0,0)− d


(1− 1


)t21 +



3− 2R2 t0t







)= V





)+ d(d − 1)


3− 4R2 t22 t0−

d(d − 1)


(1− 2


)t22 +

d(d − 1)


3− 4R2 t21 t2,

(14)V (1,2)= V(





)+ d(d − 1)(d − 2)



3− 6R2 t23 t0−



(1− 3


)+K3− 6

R2 t1t2t3+ 1


3− 6R2 t32


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)= V (1,2)+ d(d − 1)(d − 2)(d − 3)


6t 24 t0K

3− 8R2 − 1

12t 24

(1− 4


)+ 1



3− 8R2

+ 2


3− 8R2 + t23 t2K3− 8


](15)+ d


2t 24 t0K

3− 8R2 − t



(1− 4


)+ d − 1

2t22 t4K

3− 8R2 + 1

4t21 t4K

3− 6R2







)= V





)+ d(d − 1)



3− 10R2 − 1

2t 25

[1− 5


]+ t1t4t5K3− 10


+ 2(d − 2)t2t3t5K3− 10

R2 + 1

2(d − 2)t23 t4K

3− 10R2

)+ d(d − 1)(d − 2)(d − 3)(d − 4)




3− 10R2 − 1


[1− 5


]+ 1


3− 10R2

+ 2


3− 10R2 + 2



3− 10R2 + t23 t4K3− 10


)(16)+ d(d − 1)t1t2t5K

3− 8R2 ,

V (2,4)= V(





)+ d(d − 1)(d − 2)



3− 12R2 + 2t1t5t6K

3− 12R2 + t2t 2

5K3− 12


+ t1t3t6K3− 10R2 + K

1− 6R2



32+ 3


]t23v0+ 11


1− 6R2 u0t


− 5(26− d)96

K1− 6

R2w0t23 −


2t 26

[1− 6


]+ t2t4t6K3− 12


)+ d(d − 1)(d − 2)(d − 3)(d − 4)(d − 5)K3− 12





26 +


15t1t5t6+ 1

3t2t4t6+ 1


25 +


9t23 t6+


3t3t4t5+ 2

3t 34

)+ d(d − 1)(d − 2)(d − 3)K3− 12


(2t23 t6+ 2t3t4t5+ 1

3t 24 t4

)+ 19K




− d(d − 1)(d − 2)(d − 3)(d − 4)(d − 5)t 26


(1− 6


)+ d(d − 1)


4s20 +



1− 4R2


32+ 2


]t22v0+ 11


1− 4R2 u0t


− 5(26− d)64

K1− 4

R2w0t22 +




)+ K



4+ 128d


20 +



1− 2R2


32+ 1


]t21v0+ 11


1− 2R2 u0t


+ 11

16Kt20u0−K 5(26− d)

32t20w0+ K


[25(26− d)2

4+ 128(26− d)






− 5(26− d)64

dK1− 2

R2w0t21 −


432Kt0u0v0− 55(26− d)

432Kt0u0w0− u


2+ 26− d



(17)+ 25d(26− d)864

Kt0w0v0+ 1

2d(d − 1)t2t 2

5K3− 12

R2 .

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In this potentialK = 3√

3/4 and we have labelled the modes by theirEn · En eigenvalue. This labelling is not unique ifd > 3 andEn · En> 4. For example, whend = 4 andEn · En= 4 we can build theEn asEn= (1,1,1,1) or En= (2,0,0,0).We distinguish between these two vectors by using a tilde(t) to denote vectors whose only entries are 1 s and byusing a bar(t ) to denote vectors whose entries include a 2. This labeling is unique to the level considered here. Wenow seek lump solutions for the tachyon condensate which minimize this potential.

The lump solutions are local minima of the potential. A direct minimization of the potential usually yields thetranslationally invariant vacuum which is the unique global minimum. To obtain the lump solutions, we found itsimplest to work with the equations of motion. The numerical results obtained in this way were stable, both asd isincreased and as the level is increased. For example, Table 1 summarizes the values of the fields at the minimumcorresponding to the D0 lump, withR =√3 andd = 2

The fact thatsi0 is zero is a consequence of the fact that it enters the action quadratically. Generically, at thislevel, the potential would include terms linear insi0 which would couplesi0 to the t1, t2 and t3 tachyon modes.However, due the symmetry of the tachyon solution these couplings vanish once summed over momenta.

We have used these minima to compute the ratio of the mass of a D(p − d)-brane to the mass of a Dp brane.The quantity that we measure is

r = Elump

T0= (2πR)p

2p−1πp−2(Vlump− Vvac),

whereElump in the energy of the lump solution,T0 is the mass of a zero brane,Vlump is the value of the potentialevaluated at the lump solution andVvac is the value of the potential evaluated at the global minimum correspondingto the translationally invariant tachyon condensate. The predicted value for this ratio is 1. We have computedVlump

andVvac to the same order in the modified level truncation expansion. In [19] this parameter was calledr(2). Thevalues ofr obtained in this study are shown in Table 2.

The decrease in the value ofr as higher tachyon modes are added and the sharp increase in the tension at level(2,4) qualitatively match the results obtained in [19].

Ford = 2 we have plotted the tachyon profile of the D0 brane lump solution at levels(2,4) and(5/3,10/3) (seeFigs. 1, 2).

Our results indicate the the modified level truncation proposed by MSZ provides a powerful tool for the study oftachyon condensation in bosonic open string field theory. It is interesting to extend these results to higher level, tofurther test the accuracy and concergence of the modified level truncation approximation. It is possible to continueto level (11/3,22/3) with R =√3 before we need to add any new zero-momentum primaries. This study is inprogress.

Table 1

( 13 ,

23) ( 2

3 ,43 ) ( 4

3 ,83) ( 5

3 ,103 ) (2,4)

t0 0.1810 0.2863 0.3021 0.3186 0.3806

t1 0.2435 0.2115 0.2025 0.1915 0.2127

t2 −0.1253 −0.1256 −0.1257 −0.1432

t4 −0.0442 −0.0495 −0.0563

t5 0.0280 0.0353

u0 0.1268

v0 0.0234

w0 0.0417

si0 0.00

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Fig. 1. A contour plot of the tachyon lump profile at level(2,4) and at radiusR =√3. We have reversed the signs oft1 and t5, which shifts thelump’s center fromx = y = πR to x = y = 0.

Table 2

( 13 ,

23) ( 2

3 ,43 ) (1,2) ( 4

3 ,83) ( 5

3 ,103 ) (2,4)

d = 2 1.3402 0.8992 0.8377 0.7772 1.1303

d = 3 2.3213 1.4237 1.0690 1.0278 0.9313 1.3277

d = 4 4.0206 2.3658 1.5659 1.2712 1.1754 1.6384

d = 5 6.963 4.009 2.472 1.7782 1.5036 2.0901

d = 6 12.06 6.8225 4.0391 2.6862 2.0618 2.6641

Note added

An independent study of two-dimensional solitons in open bosonic string theory has recently appeared in [28].The results of [28] agree with the results we obtained here ford = 2.


We would like to thank Nicolas Moeller for helpful correspondence and detailed comparison. This was crucialfor correcting a coefficient in Eq. (17). This research was supported in part by the NRF under Grant No. GUN-2034479. R.d.M.K. also thanks the University of the Witwatersrand for a Friedel Schellschop award.

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Fig. 2. A profile plot of the tachyon lump at level( 53 ,

103 ) and at radiusR =√3.


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