Page 1: Low recurrence of oculorespiratory syndrome after flu revaccination

Reactions 928 - 16 Nov 2002

Low recurrence of oculorespiratorysyndrome after flu revaccinationThe risk of oculorespiratory syndrome (ORS)*

recurrence after influenza revaccination appears to below, according to researchers from Canada.

To estimate the risk of ORS recurrence followinginfluenza revaccination in 2002, the researchersresurveyed 561 individuals who had participated in a2001 survey of individuals reporting adverse eventsfollowing influenza vaccination. 398 of the respondentsto the 2001 survey had experienced ORS followingvaccination in 2000, of whom 122 (31%) had beenrevaccinated in 2001. Of the 163 individuals whoreported non-ORS adverse events following vaccinationin 2000, 80 (49%) had been revaccinated in 2001.

The researchers found that 6 of the 122 individualswho had experienced ORS following influenzavaccination in 2000 and had been revaccinated in 2001developed a recurrence of ORS giving a recurrence rateof 5% (95% CI 2.2%–10.5%). None of the 6 individualsdescribed their ORS recurrence as worse than their first-episode and 4 described it as milder.

The researchers say that, based on their results andthose of other studies, ‘health care providers should beconfident in recommending revaccination of individualswho have previously experienced ORS’.* ORS is an adverse event associated with influenza vaccine identifiedin Canada during the 2000–2001 season and defined as bilateral redeyes, respiratory symptoms or facial oedema beginning within 24hours of vaccination.

Skowronski DM, et al. Low risk of recurrence of oculorespiratory syndromefollowing influenza revaccination. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal167: 853-858, 15 Oct 2002 800924355


Reactions 16 Nov 2002 No. 9280114-9954/10/0928-0001/$14.95 Adis © 2010 Springer International Publishing AG. All rights reserved
