
Learning Path Tracking for Real Car-likeMobile Robots From Simulation

Danial Kamran, Junyi Zhu, Martin LauerInstitute of Measurement and Control Systems, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany

Email: {danial.kamran,lauer}, [email protected]

Abstract—In this paper we propose a Reinforcement Learning(RL) algorithm for path tracking of a real car-like robot. The RLnetwork is trained in simulation and then evaluated on a smallracing car without modification. We provide a big number oftraining data during off-line simulation using a random pathgenerator to cover different curvatures and initial positions,headings and velocities of the vehicle for the RL agent. Com-paring to similar RL based algorithms, we utilize ConvolutionalNeural Network (CNN) as image embedder for estimating usefulinformation about current and future position of the vehiclerelative to the path. Evaluations for running the trained agent onthe real car show that the RL agent can control the car smoothlyand reduce the velocity adaptively to follow a sample track. Wealso compared the proposed approach with a conventional lateralcontroller and results show smoother maneuvers and smallercross-track errors for the proposed algorithm.


Controlling an automated vehicle in order to follow thedesired path is always an important task specifically for com-plex curvatures. Assuming non-holonomic one track model,the control law can be applied to command the steering andacceleration of the vehicle in order to minimize cross-trackerror (i.e. the distance between vehicle and path) and followthe desired reference path [1]–[4]. The main drawback forthese approaches is considering only a few parameters forrepresenting the path and vehicle state such as distance andcurvature of the path at current and near future moments. Suchlow dimensional representation prevents to control the vehiclewith long term optimal maneuvers similar to human drivingstyle that pays attention to both factors: distance to the pathand also lateral jerk.

Reinforcement Leaning (RL) is an efficient learning frame-work for robotics that can learn optimal control commandsaccording to predefined reward function. Some researchersused RL for training a path-following controller for robotsand specifically vehicles in order to have more intelligentand smoother maneuvers [5]–[7]. However, all of these worksconsider only a few parameters for representing the path andvehicle pose characteristics similar to model based control ap-proaches. As a result, they still suffer from lack of informationfor estimating the situation and can not provide long termoptimal solutions according to the provided reference path.

There are so called end-to-end learning approaches that takeraw sensor data as input and directly compute control com-mands in the output [8]. They extract meaningful information

from sensor data and then learn the best policy for optimalcontrol commands. Although such methods show promisingoutcomes, they are not suitable for widely accepted modularstructure of automated driving which require specific modulesfor specific tasks such as perception, planning and controlwith better feasibility of maintenance and safety verifications[9]. Another drawback for all existed learning based controlapproaches is restriction in amount of training data due totraining only on the real car [5], [8] or only training andevaluating in simulation without any experiments in reality[6], [7], [9].

The main contribution of this paper is in two folds. First,we apply a model free state representation for the path byutilizing a convolutional neural network (CNN) as imageembedder for the task of path representation, see Figure 1.This part estimates features that represent the path curvatureand pose errors of the vehicle for the current and future horizonaccording to the history of local path images. Comparing tosimilar approaches like [5]–[7] that only use parameterizedrepresentation of the path, the proposed approach can followmore complex paths and produce smoother maneuvers. It alsobecomes less sensitive to the measurement error for estimatingpath parameters that may come from noise in lane detectionor road mapping.

The second contribution is learning a generic path trackingcontroller from simulation and evaluating it on the real car-like robot without any modification. We propose domain ran-domization for generating different kinds of path with randomcurvature and length as well as initial lateral and headingerrors for the vehicle during simulation in order to coverall possible situations for training. Such strategy prevents thenetwork from becoming over-fitted to the few training samplesfrom dataset or small number of scenarios in simulationwhich makes it more generic than similar approaches [5]–[9].According to our experiments, without further learning on realcar and any modification, the trained path tracker follows thepath smoothly and reduces the speed at locations with bigcurvatures.


A. Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is an efficient learning ap-proach to solve different control problems for robotics through

978-1-7281-3605-9/19/$31.00 c©2019 European Union


Path t=0 t=-1 t=-4...

Last 5 Local Path


Image Embedder

Training entirely in simulation

Actor Network

Critic Network

Image Embedder


Testing in real world

Local Path




Local Path

RL Agent

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode n

Figure 1: Path randomization for training only in simulation (left) and testing the trained agent for real small car (right).

learning the best policy which provides most desired behavior.RL models such problem as a Markov Decision Process(MDP). At each discrete time step t, the RL agent considersthe current state coming from environment (st) and decidesabout an action (at). The action is executed and the agentgets new state from the environment (st+1). It also receivesa reward value r(st, at) according to the new situation inthe whole environment. A policy function maps each statefrom the environment into action. The main goal of thereinforcement learning is to learn the best policy that providesactions for each step with maximum discounted future reward,as defined below assuming γ ∈ [0, 1]:

Rt = ΣTi=tγ(i−t)r(si, ai) (1)

In order to find the best policy, action-value function helpsto find out the future reward of each action for each state:

Qπ(st, at) = Ert,st+1∼E [rt + γQπ(st+1, π(st+1))] (2)

If we have optimal Q function, a greedy policy selectsactions with maximum Q value as the best action for eachstate [10]:

µ(si) = arg maxa Q(si, a|θQ) (3)

The Q function can be approximated using deep neural net-works known as Deep Q Networks (DQN)[11].

Assuming θQ as the parameters of the Q function estimator,the Q function is learned through minimizing the loss functionusing B random samples from reply buffer:

L(θQ) =


(yi −Q(si, µ(si)|θQ)) (4)

where yi is the network training target:

yi = r(si, ai) + γQ(si+1, µ(si+1)|θQ) (5)

DQN is developed for discrete action spaces which makesit usually not well-suited for continuous control problems.

B. Continuous Control with Deep Deterministic Policy Gra-dient

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient [12] is an actor-criticnetwork suitable for learning policies with continuous actionspace. The actor network is a policy network π(st|θπ) withparameters θπ that generates continuous actions according tocurrent state. The critic network Q(s, a|θQ) estimates Q valuefor each action and state pair with parameters θQ. The criticnetwork is learned similar to DQN by minimizing the lossfunction for estimating Q values:

L(θQ|θπ) =


(yi −Q(si, π(si|θπ)|θQ)) (6)

where yi is computed assuming actor network as policyfunction:

yi = r(si, ai) + γQ(si+1, π(si+1|θπ)) (7)

The main advantage of DDPG is benefiting from the criticnetwork in order to estimate gradients of Q value for theactions selected by actor network and utilize that in order toupdate the actor network via policy gradient:

∇θπJ =


(∇π(si)Q(si, π(si)|θQ)∇θππ(si|θπ)) (8)

Such strategy makes DDPG to be able to learn continuousactions with higher Q values that provide higher cumulativefuture reward. Therefore, comparing to discrete action space,DDPG is more suitable for learning steering and throttlecontrol commands for robots and vehicles similar to ourproblem.


In this section we explain our RL algorithm for the taskof path following. The goal to train the network is not onlyminimizing cross-track error, but also generating smoothercontrol commands in order to provide maneuvers more similarto human.

A. State & Action Representation

For a better understanding of the situation, the networkhas to know about the vehicle pose relative to the referencepath not only for the current moment but also for previousvehicle poses, see Figure 1. Therefore, we feed last five localpath images which are received during last second (the RLis updated every 0.2 second assuming 5 Hz for control rateis enough). Using such sequence of images, the network canobtain information about jerk as well as speed when reachingcurvatures. However, for the situations where the path is astraight line with zero curvature, the local path image wouldnot change if the car follows it perfectly. Furthermore, besidesvehicle heading the RL agent needs to know previous steeringto have less lateral jerk. Considering these reasons, we alsofeed to the RL network last 5 throttle and steering valuesexecuted on the vehicle before. Therefore, the final state isdefined as here:

st = (pt, · · · , pt−4, at−1, · · · , at−5) (9)

where pi are binary matrices that specify the local pathin vehicle coordinates and ai are the last actions from RLexecuted on the vehicle.

Since reference path is only one pixel wide in the local pathimage, this causes input of network being very sparse whichgive rise to an inefficient learning. So we apply a Gaussian bluron the path matrix before giving it to the network. Gaussianblur can also make input images more dense while keepingdetailed information of the path curvature. It is also beneficialby removing noises in the input path, as in real world thegiven reference path can be noisy due to measurement errors inestimating drivable corridor or during mapping of the desiredpath as road-maps.

In the output of actor network, the proposed RL algorithmdecides about current steering and throttle values of thevehicle. Therefore, the action is defined as a two dimensionalvector:

a = (δ, T ) ; δ, T ∈ [−1, 1] (10)

where δ is vehicle front wheels steering and T is vehiclethrottle. Note that both of these values should be scaled beforesending for the vehicle actuators:

δactuator =π

4δ (11)

Tactuator =T + 1







Figure 2: Illustration of randomized reference path generationduring training.

B. Domain Randomization for Generating Training Data

Domain randomization is a key point of proposed approachin order to generate diverse data in simulator during trainingwhich helps to learn a generic and robust path tracker networkthat can be also applied for real car. Without such randomiza-tion, the agent only learns to follow sample paths used duringtraining and can not be general. For that purpose, a modulecalled random path generator provides random curve path foreach episode (Figure 2). The random path consists of curveradius (r), arc angle (α), length of curve initial part (Lin)and vehicle initial pose (ye, ϕ). Lout is a big constant valueto ensure that the agent learns to drive stable after turning.According to the length of the initial part of the path, thevehicle can approach the curve by different speeds which alsoprovide more random situation during training.

C. Network Architecture

Figure 3 depicts the architecture of proposed DDPG net-work. In both actor and critic networks, we use severalconvolutional layers to extract features from local path imageas image embedder. The outputs are then flatten into a featurevector and concatenated with last 5 action pairs before feedingto fully connected layers to compute action and Q valuesin actor and critic networks respectively. In addition to statevalues, the critic network also gets current action pair as inputand also the reward for learning the Q value. For down-sampling of input path image, we use 3×3 convolutional layerwith stride 1 and then 3×3 max pooling layer with strides2. All convolutional layers and dense layers except the lastdense layer use batch normalization. Activation function forconvolutional layer is ReLU and for dense layer is LeakyReLU with slope 0.2, except the last one which does not haveactivation function. In the second dense layer one branch usessquare function as activation function.

D. Reward Function

We make a combination of different targets, includingstability, utility and comfort in order to design the rewardfunction of proposed RL algorithm. For that purpose, we takeinto account current cross-track error (ye), steering (δ) andthrottle (T ) for computing the reward at each state:

(a) Image embedder and actor network

(b) Image embedder and critic network

Figure 3: Overview of image embedder, actor and criticnetworks utilized in the proposed RL algorithm.

R =

−1 if |ye| > 0.5

0 if |δ̇| > D or T < 0.1

1− 0.8ye − 0.3δ − 0.3 |0.7−T |0.7 otherwise(13)

Using such reward function, the agent will have a bigpunishment for having lateral distance to the path greater than0.5 meter. It does not get any reward for jerky maneuverswhere difference of current and last steering values is largerthan D that is a variable getting smaller during training:

Dn =

{0.9997Dn−1 if Dn−1 > 0.05

0.05 otherwise


where n is the sequence number of episodes during training.Moreover, we set the reward to 0 if throttle that is sent for

actuator is less than 0.1 in order to enforce the car to driveforward and never stop. During our experiments, we figuredout that the network can learn quickly to avoid actions assignedwith minimal reward (-1 or 0). However, constant rewardvalues like -1 or 0 does not provide too much information forthe network during back-propagation to learn best policy dueto same punishment for all actions. For fast convergence andallowing the network to explore steering changes very rapidlyat the beginning, we set the steering punishment threshold Dbeing a relative large value 1 at the beginning, and let it todecay with training.

The part of positive reward represents the goal of smoothand fast path tracking. We give higher reward when the vehiclehas lower cross-track error, lower steering and has throttlesimilar to the desired throttle which is set to 0.7 in ourexperiments.

E. Policy Exploration

Policy exploration is very helpful for our RL algorithmin order to experience different situations and compare theimpact of different actions during training. Most explorationheuristics rely on random perturbations of the agent’s policy,








0 5 10 15 20Time (s)

Figure 4: Example of random noise during one episode.

for instance by adding a zero mean Gaussian distributed noiseto the output. However, we observed in our experiments thatsuch kind of independent exploration noise is inefficient forfast convergence of RL algorithm, mainly because of thereason that the vehicle system is a low pass filter for highfrequency changes in control commands and responses slowlyto big changes. Moreover, we believe that for specific statevalue, a group of neighbor values in action space are betterthan others and the agent should only search for the optimalone by exploring in that area. Therefore, sudden big variationsof control values can not demonstrate effective impacts for theRL algorithm to realize the best policy. For that purpose, weuse Gaussian distributions with random sinusoid means andrandom deviations as steering and throttle noises which arecalled εδ and εT respectively:

εδ, εT ∼ N(µ, σ2

)µδ = Asin (ωt+ ϕδ)

µT = Asin (ωt+ ϕT ) (15)

where σ2, A, ω are sampled from zero mean Gaussiandistribution and ϕδ , ϕT are sampled from uniform distributionof range (−π, π) all at the beginning of each episode and willbe constant during that episode. Figure 4 depicts an examplenoise values that were selected during RL steps for one specificepisode.

Since the output of actor network is theoretically between(−∞,∞), we have to clip the throttle and steering into range[−1, 1]. Then the problem is that the actions are mostlyeither minimum or maximum as all the values out of thisrange have been clipped to the boundaries. This would makethe exploration invalid. In consideration of this the networkexplores with pure noise between -1 and 1 in the first n = 500episodes, which help the actor network to experience moreaction values in this range . After that, the network furtherexplores adding noise to the agent’s actor network outputs asusual.


A. Simulation for Training

We have used Carla simulator [13] in order to train theproposed RL agent as an off-line process benefiting fromunlimited amount of training data. As visible in Figure 1,the vehicle is driving in an empty playground without anyobstacle. It drives in order to follow the desired path generatedfrom random path generator at the beginning of each episodeas explained in III-B. During the training in each episode,state, action and reward tuple for each step is saved in thememory with size of 20000 elements. Each episode can beterminated by one of these conditions: Driving to the end ofsample path, having cross-track error bigger than 2 metersor finishing the time limit (20 seconds). After terminatingan episode, random samples from memory are selected inorder to train actor and critic networks which both have oneevaluation and one target network using the update formulasfor the DDPG network explained in II-B. The training is onlyapplied on the evaluation network and then the target networkis updated using soft replacement with TAU of 0.005 whichprogressively replaces small amounts of the target network.See [14] for some videos.

Figure 5 shows the average lateral error and steering valuesover evaluation episodes during training. As visible in thisgraph, the average lateral error and steering values are bothgetting lower during training. The lateral error even simplyconverges after the first 100000 steps which is about 6 hours.In comparison to conventional zero mean Gaussian noisewhich even could not converge in our experiments at all, ournew effective exploration helps the network to find optimalactions much faster and more efficiently.

Normalized Avg. yeNormalized Avg. |δ̇|

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8RL Steps ×105

Figure 5: Average lateral error and steering difference foreach episode during training. Note that both error terms arenormalized.

B. Experiments on Real Car

In order to test how the learning approach is able to transferto the real world, we run the trained RL network on a realsmall car in order to follow a sample track similar to acoupled lateral and longitudinal controller. See [14] for avideo about testing the trained algorithm on a real car withoutfurther training. The car we used for experiments is visible

in Figure 1 which has one motor on rear wheels for forwardmovement and one motor to control the steerings of the frontwheels. The location of robot during experiments is providedby an indoor localization system called Stargazer similar to[5] which provides X-Y position and headings of the car. Theorbital tracking controller proposed in [4] is also implementedin order to compare with the proposed RL based path follower.

Figure 6 depicts the path traversed using the lateral con-troller and our proposed RL based path follower both withthe same constant velocity of 0.5 m/s. In other words, herewe only used steering commands from RL agent. Accordingto this Figure, the RL agent has smoother maneuvers and lesscross-track error specially at parts with high curvatures.


]X [m]

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12012345678

Lateral ControllerRLPath

Figure 6: Traversed path by lateral controller and proposed RLalgorithm both with constance velocity of 0.5 m/s.

We have also compared cross track error and steering com-mands of the two controllers running with constant velocity of0.5 m/s (low speed test) and 1.1 m/s (high speed test) in Figure7 (a and b). As it is visible, the cross track error for RL controlis close to zero and much smaller than lateral controller forboth low speed and high speed tests.

Finally, the trained RL agent has been used to control bothsteering and throttle commands of the car in order to evaluatecoupled longitudinal and lateral control of the vehicle. In thiscase, the velocity is not constant anymore and can be adaptedby RL agent according to its state observation. Note that forrunning the trained network on real car, Tactuator is rescaledin order to make sure that the vehicle never exceeds the stablevelocity which is 2 m/s. Figure 7 (c) shows the cross-trackerror of the vehicle using RL agent in this experiment. Thecross-track error is smaller than high speed test and closeto zero similar to the low speed cross-track error. The mainreason for this improvement is that the agent can lower thespeed according to its speed and upcoming path curvature inorder to prevent the vehicle from being unstable and have largecross-track error.


In this paper we presented a reinforcement learning basedpath tracker in order to control a real vehicle smoothly.In contrast to other RL based approaches, we used highdimensional path representation as images of path in vehiclecoordinates. We utilized CNN layer as feature extractors in

0 5 10 15 20 25

Time [s]




ye [



Lateral Controller


0 5 10 15 20 25

Time [s]




e [



Lateral Controller


0 5 10 15 20 25

Time [s]




ye [



RL Adaptive Velocity

Figure 7: Cross track error for the lateral controller and RL algorithm in low speed (a), high speed (b) and adaptive RL velocity(c). All experiments started and ended at the same positions on the same track.

order to provide important information about vehicle state andits position for the RL agent. The second novelty of this paperis training the algorithm in simulation with several randomconfigurations in order to cover variety of situations and usingsinusoid based random noise for fast convergence. The trainednetwork was then directly executed to control a real car inorder to follow a sample track. According to our experiments,the trained network can control the vehicle in order to haveminimum cross-track error and lateral jerk comparing to otherlateral controller.


This research is accomplished within the project“UNICARagil” (FKZ 16EMO0287). We acknowledgethe financial support for the project by the Federal Ministryof Education and Research of Germany (BMBF).


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