  • South / Sur

    Member Services / Servicios para Miembros

    1-877-542-9238, TTY 711


    Provider DirectoryDirectorio de proveedores





    We care about you and your family’s health

    This book helps you find providers in your area who work with UnitedHealthcare Community Plan

    or KanCare. The most current list is on our website at If you need help

    finding a doctor, call Member Services at 1-877-542-9238, TTY 711. We'll be happy to help you.

    If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to an emergency room.

    Member Services 1-877-542-9238, TTY 711

    8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday

    Our office is closed on these major holidays:

    New Year's Day (observed)

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    Memorial Day

    Independence Day

    Labor Day

    Thanksgiving Day

    Day after Thanksgiving

    Christmas Day (observed)

    UnitedHealthcare Community Plan is a health plan with KanCare. We work with providers to

    coordinate your health care. Your health care will be from doctors in our network. If your primary care

    physician (PCP) says you need services outside of our network, s/he can call us. Refer to your

    member handbook if you need help.

    UnitedHealthcare does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,

    age, disability, national origin, veteran status, ancestry, health status or need for care.

    We're glad you are a member of UnitedHealthcare Community Plan!

    Welcome to UnitedHealthcare Community Plan

    Providers in this directory are current as of the date on the cover.

    The information is subject to change.



    Choosing a Primary Care Physician (PCP) for you and your family is easy

    There are several types of PCPs listed here.

    Primary Care Physicians

    Family Medicine: Adults and children

    Pediatrics: Children

    Internal Medicine: Adults

    General Practice: Adults and children

    OB/GYN: (who specifically request

    to act as a PCP)Adult women

    Physician's Assistants: Adults and children

    Nurse Practitioners: Adults and children

    Geriatrics: Adults

    Clinics: (to include IHS, FQHC, RHC) Adults and children

    To find a provider, find your county in the table of contents. The providers are listed by their specialty.

    When you find the specialty you want, go to the page listed. Then you can pick the provider who

    meets your needs. Members may get care from a resident doctor or a nurse practitioner if supervised

    by a PCP.

    If there is no chapter in the Table of Contents for the type of provider you want, look in the chapter for

    Ancillary Providers. Providers that do not have specific chapters are listed there.

    Sample listings are on the next page.

    Nursing Facilities

    Kansas Medicaid members residing in a Nursing Facility: You may stay in your current nursing home

    no matter which KanCare plan we picked or you choose.

    How to use this Directory



    Description of listings

    Sample provider listing

    Provider Listing

    Provider name John Smith, MD

    Provider address 123 Main Street

    Health Valley, KS 54321

    Provider phone number 222-222-2222

    Board certification Y

    Languages Spanish

    Limitations Closed Panel

    Board Certification shows a doctor's specialty. It requires testing in the specific area of medicine.

    A specialist has continuing education on the latest advances in his or her specialty. You can

    check the provider's certifications on the American Board of Medical Specialists (ABMS) website.

    Go to Click on “Is Your Doctor Certified?”

    Languages other than English the provider speaks.

    Limitations of the practice. An example is Closed Panel. (This means they do not take new patients.)

    Wheelchair shows they have wheelchair access.


    Any of these numbers after the Provider's ZIP code means they also provide services under these

    waiver programs:

    1 – Brain Injury (BI)

    2 – Technology Assisted (TA)

    3 – Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED)

    4 – Autism (AUT)

    5 – Frail Elderly (FE)

    6 – Physical Disability (PD)

    7 – Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD)



    For IDD Waiver Services, please check with your regional CDDO to verify which providers are affiliated

    with CDDO in your area for the following specialties: Day Support, IDD Targeted Case Management,

    Residential Support, Respite Care – Overnight – Minor, Sleep Cycle Support – IDD, Specialized Medical

    Care – LPN, Specialized Medical Care – RN, Supported Employment Services, Supportive Home Care,

    Financial Management Services, Medical Alert Rental, Personal Care Services, Wellness Monitoring.

    Sample hospital listing

    Hospital Listing

    Hospital name GoodCare Hospital

    Hospital address 123 Main Street

    Health Valley, KS 54321

    Hospital phone number 222-222-2222

    All of the information here comes from the provider's application. UnitedHealthcare checks this

    when they join our network. We check it again every three years (or sooner).



    Nosotros estamos interesados en la salud de usted y de su familia

    Este directorio le ayuda a encontrar a los proveedores en su área que trabajan con UnitedHealthcare

    Community Plan o KanCare. La lista actualizada se encuentra en nuestro sitio en la red en Si usted necesita ayuda para encontrar a un doctor, llame al Servicios

    para Miembros al 1-877-542-9238, TTY 711. Nos dará mucho gusto poder ayudarle.

    Si tiene una emergencia, llame al 911 o acuda a una sala de emergencias.

    Servicios para Miembros 1-877-542-9238, TTY 711

    8 a.m. a 6 p.m., de lunes a viernes

    Nuestra oficina está cerrada en estos días feriados importantes:

    Día de Año Nuevo (observado)

    Día de Martin Luther King Jr.

    Día de los Caídos (Memorial Day)

    Día de la Independencia

    Día del Trabajo

    Día de Acción de Gracias

    Día después de Acción de Gracias

    Navidad (observado)

    UnitedHealthcare Community Plan es un plan de salud con KanCare. Nosotros trabajamos con

    proveedores para coordinar sus cuidados de salud. Sus cuidados de salud serán llevadas a cabo

    por médicos en nuestra red. Si su médico de cabecera (PCP) dice que usted necesita servicios fuera

    de nuestra red, él o ella pueden llamarnos. Consulte con su manual de miembro si necesita ayuda.

    UnitedHealthcare no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, religión, sexo, orientación sexual, edad,

    discapacidad, origen nacional, condición de veterano, ascendencia, estado de salud o necesidad

    de atención.

    ¡Nos alegra que sea miembro de UnitedHealthcare Community Plan!

    Bienvenido a UnitedHealthcare Community Plan

    Los proveedores en este directorio se encuentran al corriente hasta la fecha en la portada.

    Esta información está sujeta a cambios.



    Es fácil escoger a un Doctor de Atención Primaria (PCP) para usted y para su familia

    Hay varios tipos de PCP anotados aquí.

    Doctores de Atención Primaria

    Medicina Familiar: Adultos y niños

    Pediatras: Niños

    Medicina Interna: Adultos

    Medicina General: Adultos y niños

    OB/GYN: (si solicitan específicamente

    actuar como PCP)Mujeres adultas

    Asistentes de Doctor: Adultos y niños

    Enfermeras Practicantes: Adultos y niños

    Geriatría: Adultos

    Clínicas: (incluyendo IHS, FQHC y RHC) Adultos y niños

    Para encontrar a un proveedor, busque su condado en el índice. Los proveedores se anotan de

    acuerdo a su especialidad. Cuando encuentre a la especialidad que quiere, pase a la página

    indicada. Ahí usted podrá escoger al proveedor que puede satisfacer sus necesidades. Los

    miembros pueden recibir atención por parte de médicos residentes o de enfermeras practicantes

    bajo la supervisión de un PCP.

    Si no hay un capítulo en la Tabla de Contenido para el tipo de proveedor que usted necesita, busque

    en el capítulo de Proveedores Auxiliares. Los proveedores que no tienen capítulos específicos se

    encuentran anotados ahí.

    En la siguiente página se anotan ejemplos de los listados.

    Casas de reposo

    Los miembros de Kansas Medicaid que viven en una casa de reposo: Usted puede permanecer en

    su actual casa de reposo sin importar cual plan de KanCare sea él que nosotros o usted escojamos.

    Cómo usar este directorio



    Descripción de las listas

    Ejemplo de listado de proveedores

    Listado de Proveedores

    Nombre del proveedor John Smith, MD

    Dirección del proveedor 123 Main Street

    Health Valley, KS 54321

    Teléfono del proveedor 222-222-2222

    Certificación Sí

    Idiomas Español

    Limitaciones Panel cerrado

    Un Consejo Directivo de Certificación muestra la especialidad del médico. Requiere la aprobación de

    exámenes en una rama de la medicina. Un especialista participa en educación continua para aprender

    acerca de los últimos avances en su área de interés. Usted puede constatar las certificaciones del

    proveedor en el sitio en la red del Consejo Directivo Americano de Especialistas en Medicina (American

    Board of Medical Specialists – ABMS). Vea Pulse en “Is Your Doctor Certified?”

    Otros idiomas además del inglés que hable el proveedor.

    Limitaciones de la práctica. Por ejemplo, un Panel cerrado. (Esto significa que no se aceptan

    nuevos pacientes.)

    Una Silla de ruedas indica que ofrecen acceso para sillas de ruedas.


    Cualquiera de estos números después del nombre del proveedor indica que ellos también ofrecen

    servicios bajo estos programas de exenciones:

    1 – Lesiones al cerebro (BI)

    2 – Tecnología Asistida (TA)

    3 – Graves Disturbios Emocionales (SED)

    4 – Autismo (AUT)

    5 – Personas de Mayor Edad Frágiles (FE)

    6 – Discapacidades Físicas (PD)

    7 – Discapacidad de Desarrollo/Mental (I/DD)



    Para los servicios del Programa de Exención para discapacidades intelectuales o del desarrollo,

    consulte a su Organización de Discapacidad del Desarrollo de la Comunidad (CDDO) local para verificar

    qué proveedores están afiliados a la Organización de Discapacidad del Desarrollo de la Comunidad

    en su área para las siguientes especialidades: Apoyo diurno; administración de casos dirigida a

    discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo (IDD); apoyo residencial; relevo del cuidador: nocturno,

    de menores; apoyo para el ciclo del sueño: discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo (IDD); cuidado

    médico especializado, enfermera de práctica con licencia (LPN); cuidado médico especializado,

    enfermera titulada (RN); servicios de respaldo de empleados; cuidado a domicilio de apoyo; servicios

    de administración financiera; alquiler de dispositivos de alerta médica; servicios para el cuidado

    personal; monitoreo del bienestar.

    Ejemplo de listado de hospitales

    Listado de Hospitales

    Nombre del hospital GoodCare Hospital

    Dirección del hospital 123 Main Street

    Health Valley, KS 54321

    Teléfono del hospital 222-222-2222

    Toda la información se basa en información obtenida en la solicitud del proveedor. UnitedHealthcare

    revisa esta información cuando el proveedor se incorpora a nuestra red. La revisamos de nuevo cada

    tres años (o con más frecuencia).


  • UnitedHealthcare Community Plan does not treat members differently because of sex, age, race, color,

    disability, sexual preference, gender preference or national origin.

    If you think you were treated unfairly because of your sex, age, race, color, disability, sexual preference,

    gender preference or national origin, you can send a complaint to:

    Civil Rights Coordinator

    UnitedHealthcare Civil Rights Grievance

    P.O. Box 30608

    Salt Lake City, UTAH 84130

    [email protected]

    You must send the complaint within 60 days of when you found out about it. A decision will be sent to

    you within 30 days. If you disagree with the decision, you have 15 days to ask us to look at it again.

    If you need help with your complaint, please call the toll-free member phone number listed on your health

    plan member ID card, TTY 711, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday.

    You can also file a complaint with the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.


    Complaint forms are available at


    Toll-free 1-800-368-1019, 1-800-537-7697 (TDD)


    U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

    200 Independence Avenue SW

    Room 509F, HHH Building

    Washington, D.C. 20201

    If you need help with your complaint, please call the toll-free member phone number listed on your

    member ID card.

    We provide free services to help you communicate with us. Such

    as, letters in other languages or large print. Or, you can ask for an

    interpreter. To ask for help, please call the toll-free member phone

    number listed on your health plan member ID card, TTY 711,

    8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday.CSKS19MC4587646_000


  • UnitedHealthcare Community Plan no da un tratamiento diferente a sus miembros en base a su sexo,

    edad, raza, color, discapacidad, preferencia sexual, preferencia de género u origen nacional.

    Si usted piensa que ha sido tratado injustamente por razones como su sexo, edad, raza, color,

    discapacidad, preferencia sexual, preferencia de género u origen nacional, puede enviar una queja a:

    Civil Rights Coordinator

    UnitedHealthcare Civil Rights Grievance

    P.O. Box 30608

    Salt Lake City, UTAH 84130

    [email protected]

    Usted tiene que enviar la queja dentro de los 60 días de la fecha cuando se enteró de ella. Se le enviará

    la decisión en un plazo de 30 días. Si no está de acuerdo con la decisión, tiene 15 días para solicitar que

    la consideremos de nuevo.

    Si usted necesita ayuda con su queja, por favor llame al número de teléfono gratuito para miembros que

    aparece en su tarjeta de identificación del plan de salud, TTY 711, de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m., de lunes a viernes.

    Usted también puede presentar una queja con el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los

    Estados Unidos.


    Formas para las quejas se encuentran disponibles en:


    Llamada gratuita, 1-800-368-1019, 1-800-537-7697 (TDD)


    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

    200 Independence Avenue SW

    Room 509F, HHH Building

    Washington, D.C. 20201

    Si necesita ayuda para presentar su queja, por favor llame al número gratuito para miembros anotado

    en su tarjeta de identificación como miembro.

    Ofrecemos servicios gratuitos para ayudarle a comunicarse con nosotros. Tales como, cartas en otros

    idiomas o en letra grande. O bien, puede solicitar un intérprete. Para pedir ayuda, por favor llame al

    número de teléfono gratuito para miembros que aparece en su tarjeta de identificación del plan de

    salud, TTY 711, de 8 a.m. a 6 p.m., de lunes a viernes.


  • CSKS.15.999.07.9.008

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  • National Vendors / Proveedores Nacionales .................................................................................17

    Hospitals / Hospitales ......................................................................................................................22

    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario ...................................................28

    Specialists / Especialistas ................................................................................................................255

    Dental Providers / Proveedores De Servicios Dentales ................................................................537

    Vision Providers / Proveedores De Atención De La Vista ...........................................................560

    Pharmacy / Farmacia .....................................................................................................................591

    Clinic/Multispecialty Clinic / Clínica/Clínica De Múltiples Especialidades ..............................613

    Ancillary Providers / Proveedores Auxiliares ..............................................................................615

    Behavioral Health Providers / Proveedores De Salud Mental ....................................................641

    Behavioral Health Facilities / Servicios De Salud Mental ...........................................................1004

    Convenience Care Clinics / Clínicas De Atención En Tiendas De Compras .............................1014

    Long Term Care Providers / Proveedores De Atención A Largo Plazo ....................................1015

    Home And Community Based Service Providers / Proveedores De Servicios Comunitarios Y

    Domiciliarios ....................................................................................................................................1041

    Urgent Care Centers / Centros De Atención Urgente .................................................................1306

    Areas of Expertise Index / Índice de Especialidades ...................................................................1307

    Index / Indice ...................................................................................................................................1387

    Table Of Contents / Tabla de Contenido


    Providers listed in this directory are current as of November 3, 2020.

    Information is subject to change.

    Please contact Member Services at 1-877-542-9238 or (TTY/TDD 711).



  • 16


  • National Vendors The following national vendors are available to provide services to

    UnitedHealthcare customers throughout the United States regardless of where you receive the


    Provider(s) Phone Number Website

    Cardiac Diagnostic - Cardiac Monitoring Services

    Preventice Services 1-888-747-1442

    Convenience Care Clinic

    The Little Clinic 1-877-852-2677


    DaVita Dialysis 1-866-475-7757 ext.


    Fresenius Medical Care 1-866-434-2597

    Home Dialysis Services LLC 1-815-741-6830

    DME - AED - wearable defibrillator

    ZOLL Lifecore 1-800-543-3267

    DME - Ambulatory Infusion Pumps

    InfuSystem Inc 1-800-962-9656

    DME - Bone Growth Stimulator

    DJO 1-800-321-9549

    EBI 1-800-526-2579

    Orthofix 1-800-535-4492

    DME - Breast pump purchase

    Byram Healthcare 1-877-902-9726

    Edgepark Medical Supplies 1-888-394-5375

    Medline Industries 1-800-633-5463

    DME - Cochlear Implant Replacement Parts

    Cochlear Americas 1-800-483-3123

    DME - CPM/continuous passive motion, Thermocomp, TENS

    Kinex Medical Company 1-800-845-6364

    DME - Dynamic Splinting; Bracing & Orthotics

    Dynasplint Systems 1-800-638-6771

    DME - Incontinence, diapers, soft goods and wound care supplies

    Medline Industries 1-800-633-5463

    National Vendors / Proveedores Nacionales



  • Provider(s) Phone Number Website

    DME - Mail order disposable medical supplies including Medicare-covered diabetic supplies

    (blood glucose monitors, test strips and lancets)

    Byram Healthcare 1-877-902-9726

    DME - Mobility products - custom/complex power wheelchairs and seating systems

    Numotion 1-888-232-1333

    DME - Mobility products custom/complex power wheelchairs and seating systems

    National Seating & Mobility See website

    DME - Negative pressure wound pump and wound care surfaces

    KCI USA 1-800-275-4524

    DME - Orthotics and Prosthetics

    Linkia Orthotics & Prosthetics 1-877-754-6542

    DME - Respiratory high frequency chest compression oscillation system (vest)

    Advanced Respiratory 1-800-826-4224

    Electromed 1-800-462-1045

    RespirTech 1-800-793-1261

    DME - Speech generating device

    Prentke Romich 1-800-268-5224

    Tobii Dynavox Systems 1-800-344-1778

    DME - Standard DME (beds, walkers, wheelchairs) cpap, enteral, home PT/INR, negative

    pressure wound care, oxygen, respiratory

    Lincare - may be known

    locally by a different name;

    refer to website

    See website

    DME - Standard DME (beds, walkers, wheelchairs) cpap, enteral, negative pressure wound

    care, oxygen, respiratory

    Apria Healthcare 1-800-277-4288

    DME - Standard DME (beds, walkers, wheelchairs) cpap, enteral, oxygen, respiratory

    Rotech Healthcare - may be

    known locally by a different

    name; refer to website

    See website

    DME - Wound care supplies for residents of nursing homes

    Gordian Medical, Inc 1-800-568-5514

    Home Health



  • Provider(s) Phone Number Website

    Heartland Healthcare


    1-800-736-4427 / 1-

    419-252-5500 or

    Innovative Senior Care See website

    Maxim Health Care Services 1-800-899-9525

    Home Infusion

    Basic Home Infusion 1-888-822-7428

    Hospice - Home and inpatient

    AseraCare Hospice See website

    Heartland Healthcare


    1-800-736-4427 / 1-

    419-252-5500 or

    Laboratory - Anatomic pathology - including dermatopathology, gastroenterology,

    genitourinary, hematology and gynecological pathology

    AmeriPath 1-800-354-3449

    Laboratory - BRCA for breast & ovarian cancer; COLARIS for colon & endometrial cancer;

    MELARIS for melanoma & pancreatic cancer; Theraguide 5-FU

    Myriad Genetic Laboratories 1-800-469-7423

    Laboratory - Clinical, pathology and genetic testing

    BioReference Laboratories* 1-800-229-5227

    Laboratory Corporation of


    1-888-522-2677 (1-888-


    Lineagen, Inc 1-801-931-6200

    Mayo Clinic Laboratories 1-800-533-1710

    Quest Diagnostics


    See website

    Laboratory - Dialysis testing

    Nationwide Laboratory



    Laboratory - Genetic testing

    Ambry Genetics* 1-866-262-7943

    GeneDx 1-301-519-2100

    Natera, Inc 1-650-249-9090

    Laboratory - Genetic testing (OncotypeDx)

    Genomic Health 1-888-662-6897 (1-888-




  • Provider(s) Phone Number Website

    Laboratory - Molecular Diagnostics

    Veracyte 1-888-9AFIRMA

    Laboratory - Oncometrix, hematopathology, gastrointestinal pathology, dermatopathology,

    gynecologic pathology

    Poplar Healthcare 1-888-244-7284

    Laboratory - Prenatal testing

    Ariosa Diagnostics 1-855-927-4672

    Eurofins NTD, LLC 1-888-762-4000

    Laboratory - Specialty genetic testing

    Invitae Corporation 1-800-436-3037

    Laboratory - Therapeutic medication monitoring, drug testing

    Aegis Sciences Corporation* 1-800-533-7052

    Millennium Health* 1-877-451-3534

    Precision Diagnostics* 1-800-635-6901

    Other Specialty Services - Women’s health - high risk OB / prenatal care

    Optum Women's and

    Children's Health


    Specialty Pharmacy

    Orsini Pharmaceutical



    Specialty Pharmacy - Carticel, Elelyso and Prolastin

    Eversana 1-866-336-1336

    Specialty Pharmacy - Limited Distribution Specialty Drugs

    Biologics 1-800-856-1984

    Caremark 1-877-287-1234

    Specialty Pharmacy - Xiaflex, Brineura

    US Bioservices 1-888-518-7246

    Specialty Pharmacy and Home Infusion - Limited Distribution Drugs

    Option Care 1-866-827-8203

    Specialty Pharmacy and Home Infusion - Limited Distribution Drugs - Zolgensma, Luxturna

    Accredo 1-800-803-2523

    Urgent Care - Urgent care services



  • Provider(s) Phone Number Website

    MedExpress Urgent Care See website

    Vaccine Program - Influenza, Pneumonia, Shingles, Tdap, Meningitis, Hepatitis A/B, HPV,

    MMR, MMRV, Varicella, TDAP (age 15 and up) Available at Retail Pharmacy or Worksite Clinic

    CVS Pharmacy (d/b/a CVS

    Pharmacy, Long’s Drug,

    CarePlus Pharmacy)


    Harris Teeter See website

    Kmart Pharmacy 1-800-349-0764

    The Kroger Co See website

    United Supermarkets (d/b/a

    United Supermarket,

    Albertsons Market, Amigos,

    Market Street)


    Vaccine Program - Influenza, Pneumonia, Shingles,Tdap, Meningitis,Hepatitis B, HPV, TDAP 

    (age 15 and up) Worksite Clinics and Retail locations

    Walgreens Immunization

    (d/b/a Walgreens, Duane



    DME - DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT is certain medical equipment that is ordered by your

    doctor for use at home. DME includes but is not limited to: wheelchairs, crutches, hospital bed, IV

    infusion pump, oxygen equipment, nebulizer, and walker.

    HOME HEALTH/HOME INFUSION CARE can either be a licensed facility or medical personnel that

    can provide health care services in the home. Services include but are not limited to nursing visits

    for infusion services or wound care.

    LABORATORY means diagnostic testing including routine blood and urine analysis, anatomic

    pathology, surgical pathology, and specialty or esoteric services.

    SPECIALTY PHARMACY PROVIDER provides specific drug products directly to customers or


    WOMEN'S HEALTH is limited to home uterine monitoring services.



  • Hospitals / Hospitales



    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Provider ID: 000172769008

    NPI: 1639185457

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1000 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Web address:


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Kiowa District Hospital

    Provider ID: 000597457003

    NPI: 1437152766

    1002 S 4th St

    Kiowa, KS 67070

    (620) 825-4117 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Medicine Lodge Memorial


    Provider ID: 000666268002

    NPI: 1407887193

    710 N Walnut St

    Medicine Lodge, KS 67104

    (620) 886-3771 EB, P, R

    Web address:


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Mercy Hospital Fort Scott

    Provider ID: 000004712002

    NPI: 1578576336

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-2200 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Provider ID: 000016127002

    NPI: 1760408975

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-7070 EB, P, R


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Kansas Medical Center

    Provider ID: 002696718003

    NPI: 1255380127

    1124 W 21st St

    Andover, KS 67002

    (316) 300-4000 E, EB, IB, P, R,

    RE, T

    Web address:


    Susan B Allen Memorial Hospital

    Provider ID: 000110499001

    NPI: 1700994977

    720 W Central Ave

    El Dorado, KS 67042

    (316) 322-4589 EB, P, R

    Web address:



    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Sedan City Hospital

    Provider ID: 000490061001

    NPI: 1033114277

    300 W North St

    Sedan, KS 67361

    (620) 725-3115 EB, P, R

    Web address: www.sedancityhospit


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Mercy Hospital Columbus

    Provider ID: 000225428001

    NPI: 1871829812

    220 N Pennsylvania Ave

    Columbus, KS 66725

    (620) 429-2545 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Mercy Specialty Hospital

    Southeast Kans

    Provider ID: 003525104002

    NPI: 1396097317

    1619 K Highway 66

    Galena, KS 66739

    (620) 783-1732 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Mercy Specialty Hospital

    Southeast Kans

    Provider ID: 003525104002

    NPI: 1396097317

    444 Four States Dr Ste 2

    Galena, KS 66739

    (620) 783-4000 EB, P, R

    Web address:


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    South Central Ks Reg Med Ctr

    Provider ID: 001618017001

    Hospitals / Hospitales Kansas - Cherokee

    Unless noted, all providers accept new patients. All providers are proficient in English unless otherwise noted.

    A menos que este anotado aceptan pacientes nuevos. Todos los proveedores son expertos en inglés a menos

    que se indique lo contrario.



  • NPI: 1609842681

    6401 Patterson Pkwy

    Arkansas City, KS 67005

    (620) 441-5924 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, S, T

    Web address:

    William Newton Memorial


    Provider ID: 000001839001

    NPI: 1548229149

    1300 E 5th Ave

    Winfield, KS 67156

    (620) 221-2300 EB, P, R


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Freeman Hospital-West


    Provider ID: 000397122001

    NPI: 1073627584

    100 N Pine St

    Pittsburg, KS 66762

    (620) 231-3750

    Girard Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000489203001

    NPI: 1578505095

    302 N Hospital Dr

    Girard, KS 66743

    (316) 724-8291 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, S, T

    Web address: www.girardmedicalce

    Areas of Expertise: SP50

    Girard Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000489203001

    NPI: 1578505095

    804 W Saint John St

    Girard, KS 66743

    (620) 724-7288 EB, P, R

    Web address: www.girardmedicalce

    Areas of Expertise: SP50

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Provider ID: 000016127002

    NPI: 1760408975

    1 Med Center Cir

    Pittsburg, KS 66762

    (316) 235-0000 EB, P, R

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Provider ID: 000016127002

    NPI: 1760408975

    1 Mt Carmel Way

    Pittsburg, KS 66762

    (620) 231-6100 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, S, T

    Web address: http://www.via-christi



    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Greenwood County Hosp

    Provider ID: 000378109001

    NPI: 1629044961

    100 W 16th St

    Eureka, KS 67045

    (620) 583-7451 EB, P, R

    Web address:


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Hospital District #6 Harper Cnty

    Provider ID: 000618752002

    NPI: 1467427674

    485 N Ks Hwy 2

    Anthony, KS 67003

    (620) 914-1200 E, EB, P, R


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Newton Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000088853002

    NPI: 1245238435

    510 Wheatridge Dr

    Newton, KS 67114

    (316) 283-5200 EB, P, R

    Web address: www.newtonmedicalc

    Areas of Expertise: SP50

    Newton Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000088853002

    NPI: 1245238435

    600 Medical Center Dr

    Newton, KS 67114

    (316) 283-5200 EB, IB, P, R

    Web address: www.newtonmedicalc

    Areas of Expertise: SP50


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Kingman Community Hospital

    Provider ID: 001186255001

    NPI: 1285629956

    750 W D Ave

    Kingman, KS 67068

    (620) 532-3147 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, S, T

    Web address:

    Kansas - Harvey Hospitals / Hospitales

    = Wheelchair/Con Acceso para Silla de Ruedas = Provider is within one (1) mile of publictransportation/Proveedor está dentro de una (1) milla del transporte público B = Board Certified/Certificadopor la Junta Médica P = Parking/Estacionamiento EB = Exterior Building/Parte exterior del edificioIB = Interior Building/Parte interior del edificio R = Restroom/Bano E = Exam Room/Sala de examenesT = Exam Table/Scale/Chairs/Camilla de examenes/Bascula/Sillas G = Gurneys & Stretchers/CamillasPL = Portable Lifts/Elevadores portatiles RE = Radiologic Equipment/Equipo radiologico S = Signage &Documents/Documentos y letreros



  • Labette

    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Labette County Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000213595001

    NPI: 1578560421

    1902 S Hwy 59 Bldg E Ste 101

    Parsons, KS 67357

    (620) 820-5800

    Labette County Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000213595001

    NPI: 1578560421

    1902 S Hwy 59 Ste 2

    Parsons, KS 67357

    (620) 820-5183

    Labette County Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000213595001

    NPI: 1578560421

    1902 S Us Highway 59

    Parsons, KS 67357

    (620) 421-4880 EB, P, R

    Web address:


    Labette County Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000213595002

    NPI: 1578560421

    1902 S Us Hwy 59

    Parsons, KS 67357

    (620) 421-4880 EB, P, R

    Labette County Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000213595001

    NPI: 1578560421

    608 Commercial St

    Oswego, KS 67356

    (620) 795-2340

    Oswego Community Hospital

    Provider ID: 001897987001

    NPI: 1215992656

    800 Barker Dr

    Oswego, KS 67356

    (620) 795-2921 EB, P, R

    Web address: www.oswegocommun


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Herington Municipal Hospital

    Provider ID: 000053873001

    NPI: 1215908454

    535 S Freeborn St

    Marion, KS 66861

    (620) 382-2033 EB, P, R

    Web address: www.heringtonhospit

    Hillsboro Community Hospital

    Provider ID: 002487393001

    NPI: 1801043906

    101 Industrial Rd

    Hillsboro, KS 67063

    (620) 947-3114 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, T

    Web address:

    St Luke Hospital

    Provider ID: 000192755001

    NPI: 1326087966

    535 S Freeborn St

    Marion, KS 66861

    (620) 382-2177 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    R, RE, S, T

    Web address:


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Lindsborg Community Hospital

    Provider ID: 000011760001

    NPI: 1881697811

    605 W Lincoln

    Lindsborg, KS 67456

    (785) 227-3308 EB, P, R

    Web address: www.lindsborghospit

    Mcpherson Hospital

    Provider ID: 000030195003

    NPI: 1730297409

    1000 Hospital Dr

    Mcpherson, KS 67460

    (620) 241-2250 P, R

    Web address: www.mcphersonhospi

    Mercy Hospital

    Provider ID: 000145996001

    NPI: 1083628911

    218 East Pack St

    Moundridge, KS 67107

    (620) 345-6391 EB, P, R

    Web address:


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Coffeyville Regional Medical Ctr

    Provider ID: 000042749001

    NPI: 1285600379

    1400 W 4th St

    Coffeyville, KS 67337

    (620) 251-1200 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, S, T

    Web address:

    Labette County Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000213595001

    NPI: 1578560421

    510 N Peter Pan Rd Ste A

    Independence, KS 67301

    (620) 332-2000 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Hospitals / Hospitales Kansas - Montgomery

    Unless noted, all providers accept new patients. All providers are proficient in English unless otherwise noted.

    A menos que este anotado aceptan pacientes nuevos. Todos los proveedores son expertos en inglés a menos

    que se indique lo contrario.



  • m


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Provider ID: 000226939002

    NPI: 1073566949

    629 S Plummer

    Chanute, KS 66720

    (620) 431-4000 EB, P, R

    Web address:


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Pratt Regional Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000452304001

    NPI: 1578596904

    200 Commodore

    Pratt, KS 67124

    (620) 672-7451 EB, P, R


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Hutchinson Regional Medical


    Provider ID: 000443754001

    NPI: 1922039320

    1701 E 23rd Ave

    Hutchinson, KS 67502

    (620) 665-2000 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, S, T

    Web address: http://www.hutchregi

    Areas of Expertise: SP50

    Hutchinson Regional Medical


    Provider ID: 000443754001

    NPI: 1922039320

    1705 E 23rd Ave

    Hutchinson, KS 67502

    (316) 665-2000 EB, P, R

    Summit Surgical

    Provider ID: 003290432001

    NPI: 1932117975

    1818 E 23rd Ave

    Hutchinson, KS 67502

    (620) 663-4800 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, S, T

    Web address:


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Hospital Dist No #1 Rice County

    Provider ID: 000053100001

    NPI: 1710962014

    1221 West Noble

    Lyons, KS 67554

    (620) 257-5124 EB, P, R

    Web address:


    Hospital Dist No #1 Rice County

    Provider ID: 000053100001

    NPI: 1710962014

    619 S Clark Ave

    Lyons, KS 67554

    (620) 257-5173 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, S, T

    Web address:



    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Kansas Heart Hospital

    Provider ID: 001872175001

    NPI: 1114928108

    3601 N Webb Rd

    Wichita, KS 67226

    (316) 630-5000 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Kansas Medical Center

    Provider ID: 002696718003

    NPI: 1255380127

    1410 N Woodlawn Blvd

    Derby, KS 67037

    (316) 788-3741 EB, P, R

    Kansas Medical Center

    Provider ID: 002696718003

    NPI: 1255380127

    9840 E 21st St N

    Wichita, KS 67206

    (316) 300-4000 E, EB, IB, P, R

    Kansas Spine & Specialty


    Provider ID: 002393738001

    NPI: 1417950650

    3333 N Webb Rd

    Wichita, KS 67226

    (316) 462-5000 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Kansas Surgery & Recovery Cent

    Provider ID: 001279945001

    NPI: 1306827878

    2770 N Webb Rd

    Wichita, KS 67226

    (316) 634-0090 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Kvc Hospitals Inc

    Kansas - Sedgwick Hospitals / Hospitales

    = Wheelchair/Con Acceso para Silla de Ruedas = Provider is within one (1) mile of publictransportation/Proveedor está dentro de una (1) milla del transporte público B = Board Certified/Certificadopor la Junta Médica P = Parking/Estacionamiento EB = Exterior Building/Parte exterior del edificioIB = Interior Building/Parte interior del edificio R = Restroom/Bano E = Exam Room/Sala de examenesT = Exam Table/Scale/Chairs/Camilla de examenes/Bascula/Sillas G = Gurneys & Stretchers/CamillasPL = Portable Lifts/Elevadores portatiles RE = Radiologic Equipment/Equipo radiologico S = Signage &Documents/Documentos y letreros



  • Provider ID: 002658470001

    NPI: 1629538483

    1507 W 21st St N

    Wichita, KS 67203

    (316) 221-7310 E, EB, IB, P, R

    Ralph Bharati Md Pa

    Provider ID: 002313811001

    NPI: 1295886984

    8911 E Orme St Ste A

    Wichita, KS 67207

    (316) 686-7884 EB, P, R

    Rock Regional Hospital

    Provider ID: 007044737001

    NPI: 1518454842

    3251 N Rock Rd

    Derby, KS 67037

    (316) 425-2400 EB, P, R

    Web address: rockregionalhospitald

    Via Christi Hosp Wichita St


    Provider ID: 003202614001

    NPI: 1023334950

    14800 W Saint Teresa St

    Wichita, KS 67235

    (316) 796-7000 P, PL, R, RE, T

    Web address:

    Via Christi Hospitals Wichita

    Provider ID: 001348355002

    NPI: 1154314789

    3600 E Harry St

    Wichita, KS 67218

    (316) 268-5000 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Areas of Expertise: SP05, SP30,

    SP35, SP50

    Via Christi Hospitals Wichita

    Provider ID: 001348355002

    NPI: 1154314789

    6100 E Central Ave Ste 101

    Wichita, KS 67208

    (316) 689-5235 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Areas of Expertise: SP05, SP30,

    SP35, SP50

    Via Christi Hospitals Wichita

    Provider ID: 001348355005

    NPI: 1154314789

    829 N St Francis

    Wichita, KS 67214

    (316) 268-5000 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Areas of Expertise: SP05, SP30,

    SP35, SP50

    Via Christi Hospitals Wichita

    Provider ID: 001348355002

    NPI: 1154314789

    8901 E Orme St

    Wichita, KS 67207

    (316) 858-0333 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Areas of Expertise: SP05, SP30,

    SP35, SP50

    Via Christi Hospitals Wichita

    Provider ID: 001348355002

    NPI: 1154314789

    929 N St Francis

    Wichita, KS 67214

    (316) 268-5000 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Areas of Expertise: SP05, SP30,

    SP35, SP50

    Via Christi Hospitals Wichita

    Provider ID: 001348355002

    NPI: 1154314789

    929 N St Francis St

    Wichita, KS 67214

    (316) 268-5000 P, R

    Web address:

    Areas of Expertise: SP05, SP30,

    SP35, SP50

    Wesley Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000470446001

    NPI: 1447299649

    2610 N Woodlawn St

    Wichita, KS 67220

    (316) 962-2000 P, R

    Areas of Expertise: SP50

    Wesley Medical Center

    Provider ID: 000470446001

    NPI: 1447299649

    550 N Hillside St

    Wichita, KS 67214

    (316) 962-2000 E, EB, G, IB, P,

    PL, R, RE, S, T

    Areas of Expertise: SP50


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Stafford County Hospital

    Provider ID: 000022071001

    NPI: 1295840999

    502 S Buckeye St

    Stafford, KS 67578

    (620) 234-5221 EB, P, PL, R

    Web address: www.staffordcountyh


    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Sumner Cty Hosp District #1

    Provider ID: 000622812001

    NPI: 1215094438

    601 S Osage St

    Caldwell, KS 67022

    (620) 845-6492 EB, P, R

    Web address: www.sumnercountyh

    Hospitals / Hospitales Kansas - Stafford

    Unless noted, all providers accept new patients. All providers are proficient in English unless otherwise noted.

    A menos que este anotado aceptan pacientes nuevos. Todos los proveedores son expertos en inglés a menos

    que se indique lo contrario.



  • Wilson

    Acute Care Hospital / Atención

    Hospitalaria Aguda

    Fredonia Regional Hospital

    Provider ID: 000188998001

    NPI: 1285634006

    1527 Madison St

    Fredonia, KS 66736

    (620) 378-2121 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Wilson County Hospital

    Provider ID: 000117460001

    NPI: 1669441176

    2600 Ottawa Rd

    Neodesha, KS 66757

    (620) 325-2611 E, EB, IB, P, R,

    RE, T

    Web address: www.wilsonmedical.o


    Kansas - Wilson Hospitals / Hospitales

    = Wheelchair/Con Acceso para Silla de Ruedas = Provider is within one (1) mile of publictransportation/Proveedor está dentro de una (1) milla del transporte público B = Board Certified/Certificadopor la Junta Médica P = Parking/Estacionamiento EB = Exterior Building/Parte exterior del edificioIB = Interior Building/Parte interior del edificio R = Restroom/Bano E = Exam Room/Sala de examenesT = Exam Table/Scale/Chairs/Camilla de examenes/Bascula/Sillas G = Gurneys & Stretchers/CamillasPL = Portable Lifts/Elevadores portatiles RE = Radiologic Equipment/Equipo radiologico S = Signage &Documents/Documentos y letreros



  • Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario



    Advanced Registered Nurse

    Practitioner / Enfermera

    Registrada Avanzada

    Brennan, Brenda S, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 002266209015

    NPI: 1619979440

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 380-6600 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Carl, William T, NP, (M)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 002952211015

    NPI: 1063604940

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 380-6600 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Family Practice / Medicina


    Bradshaw, Sarah E, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 005172226005

    NPI: 1134362015

    111 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 228-6050 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Overland Park Rgnl Med Ctr

    Adventhealth Shawnee Mission

    Shawnee Mission Medical Ctr

    Bradshaw, Sarah E, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 005172226004

    NPI: 1134362015

    304 N Cedar St

    Moran, KS 66755

    (620) 228-6050 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Overland Park Rgnl Med Ctr

    Adventhealth Shawnee Mission

    Shawnee Mission Medical Ctr

    Bradshaw, Sarah E, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 005172226006

    NPI: 1134362015

    401 S Washington

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 228-6050 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Overland Park Rgnl Med Ctr

    Adventhealth Shawnee Mission

    Shawnee Mission Medical Ctr

    Bradshaw, Sarah E, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 005172226003

    NPI: 1134362015

    401 S Washington Ave

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 228-6050 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Overland Park Rgnl Med Ctr

    Adventhealth Shawnee Mission

    Shawnee Mission Medical Ctr

    Neely, Brian, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 005733674004

    NPI: 1851654420

    111 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 473-3008 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Neely, Brian, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 005733674003

    NPI: 1851654420

    304 N Cedar St

    Moran, KS 66755

    (620) 237-4205 EB, P, R

    Tu,We - 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Neely, Brian, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 005733674005

    NPI: 1851654420

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1013 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Neely, Brian, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 005733674006

    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario Kansas - Allen

    Unless noted, all providers accept new patients. All providers are proficient in English unless otherwise noted.

    A menos que este anotado aceptan pacientes nuevos. Todos los proveedores son expertos en inglés a menos

    que se indique lo contrario.



  • NPI: 1851654420

    401 S Washington

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-6933 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Neely, Brian, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 005733674002

    NPI: 1851654420

    401 S Washington Ave

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-6933 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Porter, Frank O, DO, (M)

    Group Name: Family Physicians

    Provider ID: 000628690002

    NPI: 1417914490

    1408 East St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-3115 P, PL, R

    Does Not Accept New Patients

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Porter, Frank O, DO, (M)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 000628690008

    NPI: 1417914490

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1013 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Porter, Frank O, DO, (M)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 000628690005

    NPI: 1417914490

    401 S Washington

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1013 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Self, Maxwell J, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 001618140027

    NPI: 1497736011

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 280-6600 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Mercy Hospital Fort Scott

    Mercy Hospital

    Via Christi Hospital Manhattan

    Spears, Timothy C, DO, (M)

    Group Name: Family Physicians

    Provider ID: 001610937002

    NPI: 1639173156

    1408 East St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-3115 P, PL, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Coffey County Hospital

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Spears, Timothy C, DO, (M)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 001610937013

    NPI: 1639173156

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1000 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Coffey County Hospital

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Stone, Wesley D, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 001618677005

    NPI: 1235191453

    401 S Washington Ave

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-6933 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Thomen, Robert K, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Ashley Clinic

    Provider ID: 000663490011

    NPI: 1578553137

    204 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 431-2500 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Kansas - Allen Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario

    = Wheelchair/Con Acceso para Silla de Ruedas = Provider is within one (1) mile of publictransportation/Proveedor está dentro de una (1) milla del transporte público B = Board Certified/Certificadopor la Junta Médica P = Parking/Estacionamiento EB = Exterior Building/Parte exterior del edificioIB = Interior Building/Parte interior del edificio R = Restroom/Bano E = Exam Room/Sala de examenesT = Exam Table/Scale/Chairs/Camilla de examenes/Bascula/Sillas G = Gurneys & Stretchers/CamillasPL = Portable Lifts/Elevadores portatiles RE = Radiologic Equipment/Equipo radiologico S = Signage &Documents/Documentos y letreros = 24-hour / Horas



  • Wanker, Charles J, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 005502364013

    NPI: 1609835446

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 856-2900 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Watson, Rebecca L, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 002814779009

    NPI: 1346388196

    1408 East St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-3115 EB, P, PL, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Watson, Rebecca L, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 002814779011

    NPI: 1346388196

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1000 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Wolfe, Brian D, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Center Of Southeast

    Provider ID: 000026390018

    NPI: 1396749172

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 856-2900 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Youtsos, Jacqueline M, MD, (F),


    Group Name: Renu Medical &


    Provider ID: 003503938007

    NPI: 1780950352

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 308-6123 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Nevada Regional Medical Center

    Federally Qualified Health Care

    Agency / Agencia De Salud

    Federalmente Calificados

    Community Health Center Of

    Southeast Kan

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003400612027

    NPI: 1063844629

    1408 East St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-6600 EB, P, PL, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Community Health Center Of

    Southeast Kan

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003400612018

    NPI: 1063844629

    1408 East St Ste C

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 380-6600 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Community Health Center Of

    Southeast Kan

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003400612046

    NPI: 1063844629

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 380-6600 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Internal Medicine / Medicina


    Huerter, David F, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 002546422021

    NPI: 1679685986

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (913) 795-8302 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Nurse Practitioner / Enfermera


    Brennan, Brenda S, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 002266209015

    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario Kansas - Allen

    Unless noted, all providers accept new patients. All providers are proficient in English unless otherwise noted.

    A menos que este anotado aceptan pacientes nuevos. Todos los proveedores son expertos en inglés a menos

    que se indique lo contrario.



  • NPI: 1619979440

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 380-6600 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Britt, Geraldine, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Ashley Clinic

    Provider ID: 007203462002

    NPI: 1396397550

    202 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 473-2275 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Carl, William T, NP, (M)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 002952211015

    NPI: 1063604940

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 380-6600 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Dick, Erika D, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Ashley Clinic

    Provider ID: 006065637007

    NPI: 1245685403

    202 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 431-2500

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Dick, Erika D, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Ashley Clinic

    Provider ID: 006065637006

    NPI: 1245685403

    204 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 431-2500 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Eccles, Kelli J, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 005726842002

    NPI: 1003284449

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 856-2900 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    French, Rebecca A, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 003059109011

    NPI: 1619169398

    1408 East St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-3115 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    French, Rebecca A, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 003059109010

    NPI: 1619169398

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1000 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Garretson, Whitney, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 007059274008

    NPI: 1619448552

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 856-2900 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Areas of Expertise: MAT1

    Gilreath, Christy A, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 006935893007

    NPI: 1366921504

    1106 S Ninth St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 473-2241

    Ages: 0-99

    Gilreath, Christy A, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 006935893013

    NPI: 1366921504

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 717-4450 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Kale, Stacey L, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 006119748003

    NPI: 1336510312

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1000 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    King, Jenna N, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Renu Medical &

    Kansas - Allen Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario

    = Wheelchair/Con Acceso para Silla de Ruedas = Provider is within one (1) mile of publictransportation/Proveedor está dentro de una (1) milla del transporte público B = Board Certified/Certificadopor la Junta Médica P = Parking/Estacionamiento EB = Exterior Building/Parte exterior del edificioIB = Interior Building/Parte interior del edificio R = Restroom/Bano E = Exam Room/Sala de examenesT = Exam Table/Scale/Chairs/Camilla de examenes/Bascula/Sillas G = Gurneys & Stretchers/CamillasPL = Portable Lifts/Elevadores portatiles RE = Radiologic Equipment/Equipo radiologico S = Signage &Documents/Documentos y letreros = 24-hour / Horas



  • Spa

    Provider ID: 006325086004

    NPI: 1588108187

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 308-6123 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Th - 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM

    Ages: 0-99

    Lesher, Margaret L, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 002975460004

    NPI: 1518928068

    401 S Washington

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-6933 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Lesher, Margaret L, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 002975460003

    NPI: 1518928068

    401 S Washington Ave

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-6933 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Orellana, Tracy M, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 007171937013

    NPI: 1003379629

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 856-2900 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Roach, Justin T, FNP, (M)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 007190969007

    NPI: 1851950364

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 856-2900 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Sell, Anissa L, RN, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 006071272004

    NPI: 1437510757

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1000 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Simpson, Samantha K, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 007179562011

    NPI: 1407417165

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (913) 795-8302 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Smith, Benjamin, NP, (M)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 007355836003

    NPI: 1962063362

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1000 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Splechter, Erin, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 007264408004

    NPI: 1982264065

    111 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 473-3008 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Splechter, Erin, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 007264408006

    NPI: 1982264065

    304 N Cedar St

    Moran, KS 66755

    (620) 237-4205 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Splechter, Erin, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 007264408005

    NPI: 1982264065

    401 S Washington

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-6933 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Splitter, Dena L, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County

    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario Kansas - Allen

    Unless noted, all providers accept new patients. All providers are proficient in English unless otherwise noted.

    A menos que este anotado aceptan pacientes nuevos. Todos los proveedores son expertos en inglés a menos

    que se indique lo contrario.



  • Hospital

    Provider ID: 005982101001

    NPI: 1023487527

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-3115 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Mercy Hospital

    Mercy Hospital Carthage

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Mercy Hospital Joplin

    Mercy Regional Health Ctr

    College Campus

    Thompson, Patricia R, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003010546014

    NPI: 1689866568

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 577-2131 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Valdez, Jennifer A, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 005471108025

    NPI: 1205223013

    2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 856-2900 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Yokum, Kathi, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Ashley Clinic

    Provider ID: 005210717004

    NPI: 1255740171

    202 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 431-2500

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Yokum, Kathi, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Ashley Clinic

    Provider ID: 005210717003

    NPI: 1255740171

    204 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 431-2500 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Physician Assistant / Asistente


    Clift, Sara M, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 002915328004

    NPI: 1811994536

    401 S Washington Ave

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-6933 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Allen County Hospital

    Saint Lukes Hospital Of Allen


    Curl, Joanna, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 003403523003

    NPI: 1114234473

    111 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 473-3008 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Curl, Joanna, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 003403523008

    NPI: 1114234473

    304 N Cedar St

    Moran, KS 66755

    (620) 237-4205 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Curl, Joanna, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 003403523010

    NPI: 1114234473

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1013 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Curl, Joanna, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 003403523007

    NPI: 1114234473

    401 S Washington

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1013 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Neosho Memorial Regional Med


    Hunt, Amy L, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Center Of Southeast

    Provider ID: 005133714011

    NPI: 1093114076

    Kansas - Allen Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario

    = Wheelchair/Con Acceso para Silla de Ruedas = Provider is within one (1) mile of publictransportation/Proveedor está dentro de una (1) milla del transporte público B = Board Certified/Certificadopor la Junta Médica P = Parking/Estacionamiento EB = Exterior Building/Parte exterior del edificioIB = Interior Building/Parte interior del edificio R = Restroom/Bano E = Exam Room/Sala de examenesT = Exam Table/Scale/Chairs/Camilla de examenes/Bascula/Sillas G = Gurneys & Stretchers/CamillasPL = Portable Lifts/Elevadores portatiles RE = Radiologic Equipment/Equipo radiologico S = Signage &Documents/Documentos y letreros = 24-hour / Horas



  • 2051 N State St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 856-2900 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Mueller, Brieanna L, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 006970446004

    NPI: 1033693833

    111 S 9th St

    Humboldt, KS 66748

    (620) 473-3008 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Mueller, Brieanna L, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 006970446003

    NPI: 1033693833

    304 N Cedar St

    Moran, KS 66755

    (620) 237-4206 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Mueller, Brieanna L, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 006970446001

    NPI: 1033693833

    401 S Washington

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 228-6050 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Mueller, Brieanna L, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 006970446002

    NPI: 1033693833

    401 S Washington Ave

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-6933 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Simko, Mellissa D, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 003015681002

    NPI: 1821076514

    3066 N Kentucky St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1000 E, EB, IB, P, R, S

    Accepting Existing Patients Only

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Wesley Medical Center

    Simko, Mellissa D, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Allen County


    Provider ID: 003015681005

    NPI: 1821076514

    401 S Washington Ave

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-1013 EB, P, R

    Accepting Existing Patients Only

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Wesley Medical Center

    Rural Health Clinic / Clínica De

    Salud Rural

    Family Physicians

    Provider ID: 003544526001

    NPI: 1851325773

    1408 East St

    Iola, KS 66749

    (620) 365-3115 P, PL, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Family Physicians

    Provider ID: 003544526003

    NPI: 1851325773

    304 N Cedar St

    Moran, KS 66755

    (620) 237-4621 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99


    Family Practice / Medicina


    Bliss, Kirk R, DO, (M), B

    Group Name: Kiowa District

    Hospital/Prof F

    Provider ID: 002710739006

    NPI: 1043224603

    1002 S 4th St

    Kiowa, KS 67070

    (620) 825-4131 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Wesley Medical Center

    Via Christi Hospitals Wichita

    Morsch, Gary B, MD, (M)

    Group Name: Medicine Lodge

    Memorial Hosp Phys Clinic

    Provider ID: 006631012004

    NPI: 1851367809

    710 N Walnut St

    Medicine Lodge, KS 67104

    (620) 886-3771 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Jamaica Hospital

    Wilhelm, Paul G, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Kiowa District

    Hospital/Prof F

    Provider ID: 002470047002

    NPI: 1518959873

    1002 S 4th St

    Kiowa, KS 67070

    (620) 825-4121 EB, P, R

    Mo-We - 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Kiowa District Hospital

    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario Kansas - Barber

    Unless noted, all providers accept new patients. All providers are proficient in English unless otherwise noted.

    A menos que este anotado aceptan pacientes nuevos. Todos los proveedores son expertos en inglés a menos

    que se indique lo contrario.



  • Internal Medicine / Medicina


    Yaghmai, Elisha N, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Vigilias LLC

    Provider ID: 003465633036

    NPI: 1063618544

    1002 S 4th St

    Kiowa, KS 67070

    (800) 924-8140 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Wesley Medical Center

    Swedish Medical Center

    Yaghmai, Elisha N, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Medicine Lodge

    Memorial Hosp Phys Clinic

    Provider ID: 003465633002

    NPI: 1063618544

    710 N Walnut St

    Medicine Lodge, KS 67104

    (620) 886-3771 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Wesley Medical Center

    Swedish Medical Center

    Nurse Practitioner / Enfermera


    Martin, Christopher P, NP, (M)

    Group Name: Medicine Lodge

    Memorial Hosp Phys Clinic

    Provider ID: 005187272001

    NPI: 1407288640

    710 N Walnut St

    Medicine Lodge, KS 67104

    (620) 930-3761 EB, P, R

    Mo-Fr - 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Medicine Lodge Memorial


    Mcnamar, Patricia, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Medicine Lodge

    Memorial Hosp Phys Clinic

    Provider ID: 002953160003

    NPI: 1538135389

    710 N Walnut St

    Medicine Lodge, KS 67104

    (620) 886-3771 EB, P, R

    Mo-Th - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Fr - 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Kiowa District Hospital

    Medicine Lodge Memorial


    Wilkins, Mary E, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Kiowa District

    Hospital/Prof F

    Provider ID: 006270392002

    NPI: 1124574066

    1002 S 4th St

    Kiowa, KS 67070

    (620) 825-4131 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Ou Medical Center Edmond

    Kiowa District Hospital

    Physician Assistant / Asistente


    Kisner, Nancy L, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Medicine Lodge

    Memorial Hosp Phys Clinic

    Provider ID: 002977511002

    NPI: 1780653436

    710 N Walnut St

    Medicine Lodge, KS 67104

    (620) 886-5949 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Schreiner, Lois L, PA, (F)

    Group Name: Medicine Lodge

    Memorial Hosp Phys Clinic

    Provider ID: 002953506001

    NPI: 1407961493

    710 N Walnut St

    Medicine Lodge, KS 67104

    (620) 886-5949 EB, P, R

    Mo-Th - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Fr - 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Medicine Lodge Memorial


    Rural Health Clinic / Clínica De

    Salud Rural

    Kiowa District Hosp Clinic

    Provider ID: 003544715004

    NPI: 1093708596

    1002 S 4th St

    Kiowa, KS 67070

    (620) 825-4131 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Kiowa District Hosp Clinic

    Provider ID: 003544715005

    NPI: 1093708596

    810 Drumm St

    Kiowa, KS 67070

    (620) 825-4131 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Main Street Clinic

    Provider ID: 006358762001

    439 Main St

    Kiowa, KS 67070

    (316) 825-4131 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Medicine Lodge Memorial Hosp

    Phys Clinic

    Provider ID: 003580864002

    NPI: 1083702369

    710 N Walnut St

    Medicine Lodge, KS 67104

    Kansas - Barber Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario

    = Wheelchair/Con Acceso para Silla de Ruedas = Provider is within one (1) mile of publictransportation/Proveedor está dentro de una (1) milla del transporte público B = Board Certified/Certificadopor la Junta Médica P = Parking/Estacionamiento EB = Exterior Building/Parte exterior del edificioIB = Interior Building/Parte interior del edificio R = Restroom/Bano E = Exam Room/Sala de examenesT = Exam Table/Scale/Chairs/Camilla de examenes/Bascula/Sillas G = Gurneys & Stretchers/CamillasPL = Portable Lifts/Elevadores portatiles RE = Radiologic Equipment/Equipo radiologico S = Signage &Documents/Documentos y letreros = 24-hour / Horas



  • (620) 886-3771 EB, P, R

    Web address:


    Ages: 0-99


    Advanced Registered Nurse

    Practitioner / Enfermera

    Registrada Avanzada

    Gordon, Anne M, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Mercy Physicians


    Provider ID: 003274567001

    NPI: 1285866681

    403 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-4100 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Perkins, Hilah S, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Via Christi Phys &

    Prof Svcs

    Provider ID: 002951076007

    NPI: 1336150010

    1621 S Main St

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-5350 EB, P, PL, R

    Mo,Tu,Th,Fr - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    We - 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Family Nurse Practitioner /

    Enfermera De Familia

    O'dell, Anna K, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 006878008004

    NPI: 1275019689

    1624 S National Ave

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8428 EB, P, R

    Languages Spoken:

    Provider: Spanish

    Ages: 0-99

    Welch, Kelsey R, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 005620564012

    NPI: 1932576642

    1624 S National Ave

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8428 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Miami County Medical Center

    Welch, Kelsey R, FNP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 005620564010

    NPI: 1932576642

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Miami County Medical Center

    Family Practice / Medicina


    Allen, Jay L, MD, (M)

    Group Name: Mercy Physicians


    Provider ID: 001618153001

    NPI: 1447231717

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-2200 EB, P, R

    Mo-Sa - 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Mercy Hospital Fort Scott

    Mercy Hospital

    Via Christi Hospital Manhattan

    Burke, Katrina M, MD, (F)

    Group Name: Via Christi Phys &

    Prof Svcs

    Provider ID: 003677705015

    NPI: 1720399090

    109 S Main St

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-7008 EB, P, R

    Mo-Fr - 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

    Web address:

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Burke, Katrina M, MD, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003677705016

    NPI: 1720399090

    1624 S National Ave

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8428 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Burke, Katrina M, MD, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003677705008

    NPI: 1720399090

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Web address:

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Burke, Katrina M, MD, (F)

    Group Name: Mercy Physicians


    Provider ID: 003677705001

    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario Kansas - Bourbon

    Unless noted, all providers accept new patients. All providers are proficient in English unless otherwise noted.

    A menos que este anotado aceptan pacientes nuevos. Todos los proveedores son expertos en inglés a menos

    que se indique lo contrario.



  • NPI: 1720399090

    403 Woodland Hills Blvd Ste A

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Gault, Holly R, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 006195184026

    NPI: 1497194781

    1624 S National Ave

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8428 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Gault, Holly R, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 006195184028

    NPI: 1497194781

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Gugnani, Pankaj K, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 002590134011

    NPI: 1386625903

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Languages Spoken:

    Provider: Arabic

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Mercy Hospital Fort Scott

    Mercy Hospital

    Via Christi Hospital Manhattan

    Kellenberger, Ricky D, DO, (M),


    Group Name: Fort Scott Medicine

    Provider ID: 002262509008

    NPI: 1700864568

    202 State St Ste A

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-3950 EB, P, R

    Web address: www.nevadamedicalc

    Accepting Existing Patients Only

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Lees Summit Medical Center

    Nevada Regional Medical Center

    Areas of Expertise: MAT1

    Kellenberger, Ricky D, DO, (M),


    Group Name: Fort Scott Medicine

    Provider ID: 002262509014

    NPI: 1700864568

    323 S Judson St Ste 110

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-3950 EB, IB, P, R

    Accepting Existing Patients Only

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Lees Summit Medical Center

    Nevada Regional Medical Center

    Areas of Expertise: MAT1

    Self, Maxwell J, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 001618140026

    NPI: 1497736011

    1624 S National Ave

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8428 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Mercy Hospital Fort Scott

    Mercy Hospital

    Via Christi Hospital Manhattan

    Self, Maxwell J, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 001618140017

    NPI: 1497736011

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Mercy Hospital Fort Scott

    Mercy Hospital

    Via Christi Hospital Manhattan

    Self, Maxwell J, MD, (M), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 001618140011

    NPI: 1497736011

    403 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Mercy Hospital Fort Scott

    Mercy Hospital

    Via Christi Hospital Manhattan

    Federally Qualified Health Care

    Agency / Agencia De Salud

    Federalmente Calificados

    Community Health Center Of

    Southeast Kan

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003400612057

    NPI: 1063844629

    1624 S National Ave

    Kansas - Bourbon Primary Care Providers / Proveedores De Cuidado Primario

    = Wheelchair/Con Acceso para Silla de Ruedas = Provider is within one (1) mile of publictransportation/Proveedor está dentro de una (1) milla del transporte público B = Board Certified/Certificadopor la Junta Médica P = Parking/Estacionamiento EB = Exterior Building/Parte exterior del edificioIB = Interior Building/Parte interior del edificio R = Restroom/Bano E = Exam Room/Sala de examenesT = Exam Table/Scale/Chairs/Camilla de examenes/Bascula/Sillas G = Gurneys & Stretchers/CamillasPL = Portable Lifts/Elevadores portatiles RE = Radiologic Equipment/Equipo radiologico S = Signage &Documents/Documentos y letreros = 24-hour / Horas



  • Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8428 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Community Health Center Of

    Southeast Kan

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003400612062

    NPI: 1063844629

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Community Health Center Of

    Southeast Kan

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003400612060

    NPI: 1063844629

    403 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    General Practice / Medicina


    Kellenberger, Ricky D, DO, (M),


    Group Name: Fort Scott Medicine

    Provider ID: 002262509008

    NPI: 1700864568

    202 State St Ste A

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-3950 EB, P, R

    Web address: www.nevadamedicalc

    Accepting Existing Patients Only

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Lees Summit Medical Center

    Nevada Regional Medical Center

    Areas of Expertise: MAT1

    Kellenberger, Ricky D, DO, (M),


    Group Name: Fort Scott Medicine

    Provider ID: 002262509014

    NPI: 1700864568

    323 S Judson St Ste 110

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-3950 EB, IB, P, R

    Accepting Existing Patients Only

    Ages: 0-99

    Hospital Affiliations:

    Via Christi Hospital Pittsburg

    Lees Summit Medical Center

    Nevada Regional Medical Center

    Areas of Expertise: MAT1

    Internal Medicine / Medicina


    Stewart, Julie A, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003304291020

    NPI: 1891958997

    1624 S National Ave

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8428 EB, P, R

    Ages: 21-99

    Areas of Expertise: MAT1

    Stewart, Julie A, MD, (F), B

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 003304291019

    NPI: 1891958997

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8040 EB, P, R

    Ages: 21-99

    Areas of Expertise: MAT1

    Nurse Practitioner / Enfermera


    Becker, Jaima A, NP, (F)

    Group Name: Community Health

    Ctr Se Kansas

    Provider ID: 006713771014

    NPI: 1730687088

    1624 S National Ave

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-8428 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Bernot, Travis B, FNP, (M)

    Group Name: Pittsburgh

    Emergency Physician

    Provider ID: 006823273002

    NPI: 1417442450

    401 Woodland Hills Blvd

    Fort Scott, KS 66701

    (620) 223-7083 EB, P, R

    Ages: 0-99

    Eccles, Kelli J, FNP, (F)
