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LeT’s PLay!Great parks provide

family fun

Imagine That

City has vibrant arts scene

sPOnsORed By The mcaLLen ChamBeR OF COmmeRCe

2012 | ImagesmCaLLen.COm

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On The COveR The Three Graces: Faith, Hope & Charity, by Mick Reber Photo by Brian McCord


8 almanac

20 Biz Briefs

22 Chamber Report

23 economic Profile

26 Local Flavor

27 arts & Culture

28 health & Wellness

30 sports & Recreation

31 education

32 Community Profile

33 Through the Lens



10 LeT’s PLay!City parks provide fun for the entire family

14 ImagIne ThaTMcAllen has a vibrant arts scene

18 TOP sPOT FOR JOBsProximity to Mexico helps bolster the business climate

24 hOmes WITh ReeL InsPIRaTIOnLong-standing local neighborhood among film director’s credits



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LeT’s PLay!Great parks provide

family fun

Imagine That

City has vibrant arts scene

sPOnsORed By The mcaLLen ChamBeR OF COmmeRCe

2012 | ImagesmCaLLen.COm

Facts Get the most up-to-date info on cost of living, top employers, schools, population demographics and more

living hereLearn the basics about local neighborhoods, schools and health care providers

viDeoGet a moving glimpse at favorite local places and attractions

What’s online

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Do more than JUst reaD aBoUt itexperience the community through video and find links to other sites for additional information.

The arts scene is thriving in McAllen largely due to partnerships between the McAllen Chamber

of Commerce and city government, which nurture local talent in visual and performing arts. McAllen’s diversity and location play a part in local arts, according to Cultural Arts Coordinator Jamie Tabak of the McAllen Chamber of Commerce.

“McAllen has attracted many diverse kinds of art and artists. We have art ranging from embroidery to graphics to music to style. It’s a little bit of everything,” Tabak says.

Helping Artists GrowThe McA2 Creative Incubator

provides low-cost studio space and technical assistance for artists. It’s a “sister of the Chamber” and encompasses all types of art in its 12 available studios. Artists in residence at the Incubator include a guitar teacher, oil and watercolor artists, a voice coach, and an actor. There’s even a radio station, as well as exhibition and performance space.

Live, Local MusicMusic After Hours, held

monthly, features live and local artists from various genres of

music. Performances typically take place at historic Archer Park on first Fridays, but are at Bill Schupp Park during summer months.You’re likely to hear anything at Music After Hours, from country to jazz to pop. Artists from all over the Rio Grande Valley have performed for the family-friendly free series, which is sponsored by the Chamber and City of McAllen.

Art in PublicPublic art is making a visual

impact on McAllen, too. The public art program, which began three years ago, commissions the works




Rosalina Balderas paints a portrait in Paul Pritchett’s oil painting class at the McA2 Creative Incubator.






PROOFReadIng manageR RAven Petty


sTaFF WRITeR kevin LitWin


COnTRIBuTIng WRITeRs MeLonee HuRt, PAuL LAdd,

BRAndon LoWe, kARen sCHWARtzMAn,

CARson o’ sHoney, BRAxton sHooP, tiffAny WiLLiAMs


JAnine MARyLAnd, kRis sexton, vikki WiLLiAMs

gRaPhIC desIgneRs RACHAeL GeRRinGeR, tAyLoR nunLey

senIOR PhOTOgRaPheRs Jeff Adkins, BRiAn McCoRd

sTaFF PhOTOgRaPheRs todd Bennett, Antony BosHieR

COLOR ImagIng TeChnICIan ALison HunteR

InTegRaTed medIa manageR BRyAnt GRAntHAM

ad PROduCTIOn manageR kAtie MiddendoRf

ad TRaFFIC assIsTanTs kRystin LeMMon, PAtRiCiA MoisAn

ChaIRman GReG tHuRMAn


exeCuTIve vICe PResIdenT RAy LAnGen

senIOR v.P./saLes todd PotteR

senIOR v.P./OPeRaTIOns CAsey HesteR

senIOR v.P./CLIenT deveLOPmenT Jeff HeefneR

senIOR v.P./BusIness deveLOPmenT sCott teMPLeton

senIOR v.P./agRIBusIness PuBLIshIng kiM HoLMBeRG

v.P./BusIness deveLOPmenT CHARLes fitzGiBBon

v.P./exTeRnaL COmmunICaTIOns teRee CARutHeRs

v.P./vIsuaL COnTenT MARk foResteR

v.P./COnTenT OPeRaTIOns nAtAsHA LoRens

v.P./TRaveL PuBLIshIng susAn CHAPPeLL

v.P./saLes HeRB HARPeR, JARek sWekosky


senIOR aCCOunTanT LisA oWens


aCCOunTs ReCeIvaBLe COORdInaTOR diAnA GuzMAn

OFFICe manageR/aCCOunTs ReCeIvaBLe



I.T. dIReCTOR yAnCey Bond

sysTem admInIsTRaTOR dAnieL CAntReLL

WeB COnTenT manageR JoHn Hood

WeB PROJeCT manageR noy fonGnALy

WeB desIgneR II RiCHARd stevens

WeB deveLOPeR I yAMeL HALL, neLs noseWoRtHy

WeB aCCOunT manageR LAuRen euBAnk

PhOTOgRaPhy dIReCTOR JeffRey s. otto

medIa TeChnOLOgy dIReCTOR CHRistinA CARden

medIa TeChnOLOgy anaLysTs BeCCA ARy,


audIenCe deveLOPmenT dIReCTOR deAnnA neLson

maRkeTIng CReaTIve dIReCTOR keitH HARRis


exeCuTIve seCReTaRy kRisty dunCAn

human ResOuRCes manageR PeGGy BLAke


McAllen is published annually by Journal Communications inc. and is distributed

through the McAllen Chamber of Commerce and its member businesses.

for advertising information or to direct questions or comments about the magazine, contact

Journal Communications inc. at (615) 771-0080 or by email at [email protected].

FOR mORe InFORmaTIOn, COnTaCT:McAllen Chamber of Commerce

1200 Ash Avenue, McAllen, tx 78501Phone: (956) 682-2871 • fax: (956) 687-2917

vIsIT McAllen OnLIne aT ImagesmCaLLen.COm

©Copyright 2011 Journal Communications inc., 725 Cool springs Blvd., suite 400, franklin, tn 37067,

(615) 771-0080. All rights reserved. no portion of this magazine may be reproduced

in whole or in part without written consent.

Member the Association of Magazine Media

Member Custom Content Council

Member McAllen Chamber of Commerce



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Welcome to McAllenan introduCtion to the area’s people, plaCes and events

Birds of a featherMixing the scenery of a 1930s spanish

Revival country estate with the sounds

of the World Birding Center, Quinta

Mazatlan makes for a peaceful escape

in the heart of McAllen. the adobe

hacienda is surrounded by tropical

landscaping and native woodland,

making it ideal as a conference and

events center as well as a bird-watcher’s

paradise. More than 15 acres of birding

habitat attract many of the favorite

valley species from around the country,

including Black-bellied Whistling ducks,

Green Jays, Plain Chachalacas and olive

sparrows. the grounds also feature bird-

feeding stations and a hummingbird lane.


time to CelebrateMcAllen celebrated a major milestone last february. the

month marked the city’s 100th anniversary, and to commemorate,

the McAllen Chamber of Commerce and McAllen Centennial Publications

jointly published McAllen’s First 100 Years – Leading the Way. Hailed

as the definitive book on McAllen history, it discusses how the community

was shaped, important people and remarkable events, legacies left and

future growth. the book, written by accomplished local writer eileen

Mattei, is available for sale at the McAllen Chamber of Commerce.

Art smartsMcAllen is home to the

international Museum of Art

& science, an educational

community museum that

preserves the past, records the

present and provides perspective

for the future. Affiliated with the

smithsonian, it houses the nation’s

largest collection of Mexican folk

art, with more than 3,000 pieces.

the museum, which opened

in 1969, also houses several

traveling arts exhibitions, its

own impressive collections

and new hands-on exhibitions.

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POPuLaTIOn (2010 esTImaTe)McAllen: 129,877

Hidalgo County: 774,769

LOCaTIOnMcAllen is in the Rio

Grande valley of south

texas, 70 miles west of

the Gulf of Mexico.

BegInnIngsthe city of McAllen was

unofficially founded in 1904

and incorporated in 1911.

FOR mORe InFORmaTIOnMcAllen Chamber of


1200 Ash Ave.

McAllen, tx 78501

Phone: (956) 682-2871

fax: (956) 687-2917

mcallen at a glance

Rio GrandeG

Rio Grande







ReynosaoR osao

MatamorosRio Bravo

Brownsvilleowwn vvv









What’s online Take a virtual tour of McAllen, courtesy of our award-winning photographers, at


Advanced educationMcAllen enjoys a reputation for excellent education,

thanks in part to the McAllen independent school

district’s international Baccalaureate Program. the

international Baccalaureate organization works with

schools, governments and international organizations

to develop challenging programs of international

education. the program is divided into three separate

segments depending on grade and is available to

students of all ages. Lamar Academy began offering

classes in McAllen in 2001.

Read All About itthe McAllen Public Library has just opened a

brand-new set of doors. the original building on

Main street opened in 1950 with 40,000 square

feet and three floors. the new library, located at

nolana and 23rd, will cover just one floor and

123,000 square feet,

making it the largest

single-floor public

library in the nation.

the new site will

allow significant

increases to

the library’s


and also


computer labs and

meeting rooms. other

new features will

include a teen area,

cafe, quiet reading

room, expanded

children’s section,

electronic classrooms

and an art gallery.

Fast Factsn the los ebanos Ferry is the last hand-operated ferry on the u.s.-mexico border.

n people come from all over the world to compete in the valley land Fund south texas shootout photo contest, held since 1994.

n there are more than 600 restaurants within the city limits of mcallen.

n more than 100 of the Fortune 500’s global manufacturers have operations in mcallen or across the border in reynosa.

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From lush golf courses to picturesque lakes, the Rio Grande Valley abounds with open-air recreation opportunities. But thanks to a network of beautiful parks, McAllen residents need not leave the city to discover a world of outdoor fun.

Fireman’s ParkThe McAllen Parks & Recreation Department currently oversees

25 city parks in McAllen, the new centerpiece of which is Fireman’s Park, which will be open to the public in early 2012. The 15-acre project broke ground in October 2010 and represents the city of McAllen’s firm commitment to public spaces.

Perhaps the most unique element of the park will be its camping option, says McAllen Parks and Recreation Director Sally Gavlik.

“Unlike traditional urban parks, Fireman’s Park contains elements normally found only at a state or regional park,” she says. “That makes the park an excellent stepping stone for people who aren’t accustomed to the camping experience, including Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.”

Fireman’s Park will also boast a 5-acre lake that will be ideal for canoeing and kayaking. The lake will feature a beach area complete

stoRy By BRandOn LOWe







CITy PaRks PROvIde Fun FOR The enTIRe FamILy

a young man shows his skills on a bike at mcallen’s spray and Ground park.

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PHotos By BRiAn McCoRd

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with a concession stand. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the lake, a fishing pier will provide park visitors with a chance to fish without having to leave the city.

In addition to several playground areas, the park will have a circuit of stand-alone exercise equipment specifically designed for outdoor use, as well as several other amenities, including an on-site mini conference center for up to 75 people.

hike and BikeOne of the many things that makes the public

park system in McAllen so progressive is its network of quality hike-and-bike trails. The trails were expanded in 2010 to help connect the entire city. Similar trail networks in larger cities like Austin inspired the expansion.

“We have been lucky enough to have a city government that realizes city parks are integral to bringing a community together,” Gavlik says.

Indeed, the vitality of McAllen is physically manifested through the city’s elaborate system of trails and parks, something long-time McAllen resident Luis Fuentes can attest to.

“The parks here are nice and peaceful,” says

79-year-old Fuentes, who has been using McAllen parks for nearly 30 years. “I do all of my walking and exercising there. And I usually see many people I know while I’m there.”

Family Fun Found hereMcAllen’s Spray and Ground Park has been a hit

with kids and parents alike since it opened in 2010 and has become an especially popular site for birthday parties. In fact, the park has been such a draw for families across the region that McAllen will be adding a second splash park in 2012 near the Palm View Community Center.

Local dog owners have been enjoying the city’s new dog park located at Tamarack Ave. and 5th Street. Also new to the park system is Curtis Park, already a favorite for family reunions.

Sports enthusiasts will enjoy Los Encinos Community Park. One of McAllen’s newest additions, the park is home to baseball, football, soccer and softball fields, in addition to basketball, volleyball and tennis courts.

For a complete list of McAllen’s city parks, visit the City of McAllen website at

Bikers take advantage of the city’s 2010 trails expansion. Left, Top: softball practice at mcallen’s new spray and Ground park. Left, Bottom: Kids play at the city’s new spray and Ground park.




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mcaLLen has vIBRanT aRTs sCene


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The arts scene is thriving in McAllen largely due to partnerships between the McAllen Chamber

of Commerce and city government, which nurture local talent in visual and performing arts. McAllen’s diversity and location play a part in local arts, according to Cultural Arts Coordinator Jamie Tabak of the McAllen Chamber of Commerce.

“McAllen has attracted many diverse kinds of art and artists. We have art ranging from embroidery to graphics to music to style. It’s a little bit of everything,” Tabak says.

helping artists growThe McA2 Creative Incubator

provides low-cost studio space and technical assistance for artists. It’s a “sister of the Chamber” and encompasses all types of art in its 12 available studios. Artists in residence at the Incubator include a guitar teacher, oil and watercolor artists, a voice coach, and an actor. There’s even a radio station, as well as exhibition and performance space.

Live, Local musicMusic After Hours, held

monthly, features live and local artists from various genres of

music. Performances typically take place at historic Archer Park on first Fridays, but are at Bill Schupp Park during summer months. You’re likely to hear anything at Music After Hours, from country to jazz to pop. Artists from all over the Rio Grande Valley have performed for the family-friendly free series, which is sponsored by the Chamber and City of McAllen.

art in PublicPublic art is making a visual

impact on McAllen, too. The public art program, which began three years ago, commissions the works

mcaLLen has vIBRanT aRTs sCene

stoRy By PauL Ladd


rosalina Balderas paints a portrait in paul pritchett’s oil painting class at the mca2 Creative incubator.

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of area artists for display at various locations around town.

“Artists dream of having their work displayed in a community – their own community,” says Keith Arney, who chairs the city’s Public Art Committee.

One of the more talked-about pieces is a sculpture called The Three Graces on Main Street in the Arts District. Artist Mick Reber’s work represents the graces of faith, hope and charity.

Other new works include the Irrigation Worker sculpture by Douglas Clark; Jackrabbit, a joint work by Nancy Moyer and Clark; and Joe Taylor’s two-dimensional history of McAllen in graphite.

Arney reports funding for the public art has come from public funds and several private sources.

“We’re really excited about how

much support we’ve received. It’s making this beautiful community more beautiful,” Arney says.

Theatre and FilmMcAllen’s theatre scene is

also growing. Plays and musicals are often performed on the University of Texas-Pan American and South Texas College campuses. In addition, the historic Cine El Rey theater on South 17th Street hosts live performances, including concerts, comedy shows and plays, along with classic movies. McAllen is also attracting interest from movie and television producers.

Visitors and locals alike are pleasantly surprised at McAllen’s strong arts scene, says Tabak, who adds that it’s no longer necessary to travel to other larger cities to enjoy the visual or performing arts.







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Left: Cine el rey lights up 17th street with its neon glow. above: the art village on main PHoto By BRiAn McCoRd

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While other areas continue to feel the effects of a struggling economy, McAllen’s local businesses are seeing successes in a local economy that’s

earning national accolades.For example, McAllen landed atop the Forbes

magazine list of Best Cities for Jobs again in 2011. The McAllen metropolitan statistical area (MSA), which includes all of Hidalgo County, ranked No. 4 in the list of mid-sized cities, up from No. 6 the previous year, showing a 1.5 percent increase in non-farm employment.

In compiling its annual list, Forbes ranks all 398 MSAs in the U.S. based on employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Rankings are based on recent growth trends, mid-term growth, long-term growth and momentum.

Business Comes north of the BorderLocal businessman David Martinez attributes

much of McAllen’s success to its neighbors to the south in Mexico. He says on any given day, certain shopping-area parking lots will contain as much as 80 percent Mexican license plates.

“This is a great place for small business, and it’s because of the uniqueness of the market. We aren’t as affected by what’s going on in the country as much, as long as there’s money in Mexico,” Martinez says.

Among Martinez’s eight businesses, five of which

are in the McAllen area, are bookstores, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, and Russo’s New York Pizzeria, which opened in January of 2009. Of the 32 U.S. Russo’s franchises, his McAllen location ranks No. 2 in sales.

Martinez says he feels the effects of the nation’s economy woes much more in other states where he does business, such as Florida.

“We have a warehouse in Florida where we wholesale to bookstores,” he says. “They are hardly buying anything. Texas is different. The bookstores we sell to in Texas are fairly strong.”

Big and small Businesses Feel the effectsThat strong business climate is being felt on a larger

scale as well. FibeRio Technology Corp., a company that commercializes Forcespinning (tm) technology, won an R&D magazine 100 Award for the development and launch of a high-end piece of production machinery.

The annual R&D Awards recognize the 100 most technologically significant products introduced into the marketplace.

As for Martinez, he is continuing to grow his business portfolio – in the McAllen area.

“I already have some things in the works,” he says. “I get calls pretty often from people looking for franchisees. I think with my track record and what I can show that businesses do here, I can continue to bring new things down here.”

PROxImITy TO mexICO heLPs BOLsTeR The mcaLLen BusIness CLImaTe

for JOBSstoRy By meLOnee huRT | PHotoGRAPHy By BRIan mCCORd

TOP Spot

materials engineer Bharath raghavan inspects nanofibers at Fiberio technology Corp. in mcallen.


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scorecardBusIness aT

a gLanCe

$3.6 billionannual retail sales

$28,682Retail sales

per capita

$357.5 millionannual hotel

and food sales

15,161Total number

of firms

Source: U.S. Census QuickFacts


Biz BriefsBusinesses – Both larGe and small – that help deFine

mcallen’s eConomiC Climate

FRIda’s gRILL & CanTInaBiz: RestaurantBuzz: Frida’s Grill & Cantina opened in McAllen’s entertainment district in September 2010. Open for dinner Tuesday through Saturday from 5 until 11 p.m., Frida’s has a relaxed, upscale atmosphere, traditional Mexican cuisine as well as Mediterranean food and USDA prime steak. Guests also enjoy live, Latin-inspired music on Friday and Saturday nights.


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Diplomate A.A.F.P. Fellow A.A.F.P.


Diplomate A.A.F.P. Fellow A.A.F.P.



Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-Noon

682-4515606 S. Broadway • McAllen, TX

HOMERO RIVAS, M.D.Diplomate A.A.F.P.

Fellow A.A.F.P.


Open Every Night of the Year 6 p.m.-Midnight

682-4515606 S. Broadway • McAllen, TX

PICkLes & ICe CReamBiz: Maternity clothing storeBuzz: Pickles & Ice Cream offers maternity apparel and merchandise such as diaper bags, nursing and skincare items, and gifts for mothers and babies. Located in the Trenton View Shopping Center, the store is part of the largest and oldest maternity clothing franchise in the United States. Pickles & Ice Cream is open from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday through

The shOPPes aT RIO gRande vaLLeyBiz: Retail developmentBuzz: Expected to open for business in 2012, The Shoppes at Rio Grande Valley will include stores such as Anna’s Linens, GNC and Petco. The shops will be anchored by JCPenney, Academy Sports + Outdoors and Burlington Coat Factory and will be part of a pedestrian-friendly outdoor mall.(860) 646-6555

maRIPOza BOuTIqueBiz: Jewelry and gift shopBuzz: Maripoza Boutique provides unusual jewelry, accessories, home decor and assorted gifts from various locations around the world. Customers can visit the shop at its primary location on North 10th Street and can also check out the boutique’s booth at the Saturday morning farmers market at Alhambra. Maripoza Boutique is open from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday.(956) 686-4438

deBORah Case danCe aCademyBiz: Dance studioBuzz: Deborah Case Dance Academy offers a variety of classes, such as ballet, tap, jazz and hip-hop, for dancers of all ages. Owned by Deborah Case, the academy is home of the Rio Grande Valley Ballet, which has been performing in the area for nearly four

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chamber reportFive prototypes evolve From networKinG Group

supporting McAllen’s innovative spirit, the

McAllen Chamber of Commerce has created an inventors & entrepreneurship network designed to encourage members to share ideas and work together as a group to move those ideas forward.

McAllen Chamber of Commerce vice President of Business development and Governmental Affairs eduardo Millet says that although the networking aspect of this group is very important, the group is devoted to seeing action and success for its participants.

direction & Fundingthe group, which typically

boasts 50 attendees at its monthly

meetings, has been together

since 2010. Within its first year

it spawned at least five product

prototypes that came to the

group as simple ideas.

dalinda Gonzalez-Alcantar

is a teacher in the McAllen school

district who learned to build mobile

applications that could foster

student, parent and community

involvement. she brought her

idea to the group and it has

now evolved into her business,

eJucomm LLC.

“if it wasn’t for the i&e group,

i am sure i would still be at the

very premature stages of my

project,” Gonzalez-Alcantar says.

Gonzalez-Alcantar is also the

recipient of a $10,000 innovation

grant from the Chamber that

funded necessary legal start-up

expenses and the requisite

building blocks for the business.

got Ideas?fernando Ramirez and Jorge

Garcia brought an idea for an

automated baby-bottle washing

system to the group and are

working on preparing their

prototype to be market-ready.

“We hope to have a finished

design in the next few weeks,”

Ramirez says. “if it wasn’t for the

i&e network we would not have

gotten as far as we are now.”

Millet says that almost

everyone has some business idea

but isn’t sure how to get to the

next step.

“this group shows you that

it’s possible. By networking and

knowing others, you start actually

making connections, learning that

you need to act, and making

progress with your idea.”

– Melonee Hurt

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eCOnOmIC OveRvIeWMcAllen consistently ranks among Forbes’ best mid-sized

cities for jobs. it enjoys a strong, diverse economy, with

the most significant strength seen in its retail sector.



2%City sales and use tax

6.25%state sales tax

8.25%total sales tax


39,362total workforce

80%percentage white Collar

20%percentage Blue Collar


21%associate degree

29%Bachelor’s degree


$19,047per Capita income

$41,864median annual household income

eCOnOmIC ResOuRCes

mcallen Chamber of Commerce1200 Ash Ave. McAllen, texas 78501 (956) 682-2871

mcallen Convention & visitors’ Bureau(956) 682-2871

mcallen economic development Corporation

6401 s. 33rd st. McAllen, texas 78503 (956) 682-2875

mcallen heart of the City 220 s. 17th st. McAllen, texas 78501 (956) 686-4357


mcallen-miller international airport2500 s. Bicentennial Blvd. McAllen, texas 78503 (956) 682-9101

mcallen express transit1500 W. Business Highway 83 McAllen, texas 78501 (956) 688-3500

mcallen/hidalgo international Bridge1023 international Blvd. Hidalgo, texas 78557 (956) 843-2471

Greyhound/valley transit Company(956) 686-5479

maJOR emPLOyeRs

edinburg Consolidated i.s.d. 3,600

McAllen independent school district 3,595

edinburg Regional Medical Center 3,000

university of texas Pan American 2,850

McAllen Medical Center 2,800

Hidalgo County 2,211

Mission Consolidated i.s.d. 2,140

City of McAllen 1,801

Columbia Rio Grande Regional Hospital 975

south texas College 811

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The Water Walk subdivision was designed by acclaimed film director and mcallen native Catherine hardwicke.

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it’s always a good day in the neighborhood when you live in one of McAllen’s most uncommon subdivisions. Known as Water Walk, the 10-acre housing development was created by Hollywood

director Catherine Hardwicke, famous for films such as 2011’s Red Riding Hood, 2008’s Twilight and 2005’s Lords of Dogtown. She designed the neighborhood during her time as an architecture student at The University of Texas at Austin in 1979, and turned it in as an assignment for a class project.

Her work didn’t only impress her professor. Her father, John B. Hardwicke Jr., thought enough of the design that he and fellow developer Tommy J. Daniel made the first phase of Catherine’s development come to life.

“Water Walk was a cotton field,” says Mike Blum, who was McAllen’s city planner when the housing project began and now lives in the development. “Now, it’s a uniquely master-planned environment that’s unlike any place in the region.”

Beautiful homes, amenitiesComposed of more than 120 Mediterranean-style

townhomes, Water Walk includes a one-acre lake with fountains and a waterfall, tennis courts, sitting areas, swimming pools and other amenities. While each home is unique, they all are finished with white stucco and have red tile roofs.

“Words cannot do it justice,” says resident Elvie Davis, who serves as secretary of the Water Walk Board of Directors. Davis also created the Water Walk website, which she continues to manage and maintain.

“It was an instant legend, the desirable place to live, the new cool neighborhood,” Davis says. “I recall driving by and looking at this phenomenal place, and fantasizing about living here.”

Convenient, safe LocationDavis says she enjoys the neighborhood’s “zen-like

ambiance,” an aspect that appeals to many residents, but Water Walk is also located near north McAllen’s thriving shopping, business and entertainment districts. Residents enjoy a feeling of safety and security inside the development.

“Everybody kind of watches out for one another,” Blum says. “It’s not gated, but it is a secure environment.”

Famously desirableOnce only an idea on paper, Catherine Hardwicke’s

college masterpiece is now one of McAllen’s most popular neighborhoods that continues to draw the attention of area residents and visitors alike.

“It’s like a work of art that’s also a residential haven for those of us living here,” Davis says. “It’s a creative design brought to life by a young artist and her family, born and raised here.”

LOng-sTandIng neIghBORhOOd amOng mOvIe dIReCTOR’s CRedITs

hOmeswith Reel Inspiration

stoRy By JessICa WaLkeR | PHotoGRAPHy By BRIan mCCORd

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Local flavor

With over 600 eateries within the city limits,

the diversity of the local flavor in McAllen is a real perk for visitors. from upscale dining delicacies to exotic indian, Mediterranean, thai and korean cuisine, McAllen offers a variety to please every palate.

tex-mexkoko’s Mexican Restaurant,

created by Albert and Jorge suarez, is a local legend in the McAllen area. koko’s original downtown location was a “hole in the wall” that could only accommodate ten tables. despite its diminutive size, by 2004 koko’s had become so successful that the suarez brothers were able to move it to its current uptown location. With this new site, koko’s is now able to provide catering services and a more upscale atmosphere.

Fine dining and international cuisine

Capellini’s italian Restaurant is an authentic, upscale presentation

of an italian eatery. in addition to an ample wine selection, Capellini’s features such signature dishes as salmone affumicato, fettuccine capellini and fusilli al pesto genovese.

kohnami Restaurant and sake Bar is a refreshing change of pace from common dining establishments. kohnami offers high-quality seafood in both traditional and custom-created preparations, as well as a bountiful selection of sakes and wines and a full-service cocktail bar.

Bayou Grill brings a taste of Louisiana spice to McAllen. Bayou Grill serves items like po’boy sandwiches, oysters, crab cakes, gumbo, crawfish salad and fried pickles. However, Bayou Grill’s true value lies in its specialty items like its bayou chicken and voodoo shrimp, its blackened mahi-mahi florentine and crawfish etouffee.

classic steakhousesanta fe steakhouse

and Cantina represents the finest tradition of American

tastefully defy conventionsdininG ranGes From GloBal Cuisine to ClassiC steaKhouses

Capellini con Gamberi allo Zafferano served at Capellini ristorante Galleria in mcallenB


n M




steakhouses. While santa fe features live entertainment and a stylish, upscale atmosphere, its true passion lies in its finely cut meats and seafood. to complement these culinary favorites, santa fe offers a massive wine list and a diverse menu that features such unique items as quail, chicken zia and filet oscar.

Fresh and organic oFFerings

for more than 30 years, klement’s Grove has been growing and selling its own unique brand of citrus, which now includes more than 20 varieties of fruit such as grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, tangelos, kumquats and more.

Bell’s farm to Market brings freshly grown items like navel oranges, texas pecans, avocados, texas supersweet onions, unusual jams, jellies and other condiments to market. open winter and spring, Bell’s is also known for its freshly squeezed fruit juices available by the gallon.

the farmer’s Market at Alhambra is McAllen’s source for the freshest local, sustainable organic meats and produce. the farmer’s market provides the unique experience of being able to speak with and befriend the very people who produce the meats and produce that are sold.

– Braxton Shoop

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e xplore McAllen’s artsy side with a quick

look at all it has to offer – theater, festivals,

concerts, museums and more. neighboring the

u.s.-Mexico border, this progressive city offers

some of the best cultural activities in the state.

entertainment in mcallenMcAllen’s downtown 17th street entertainment

district is filled with lounges, restaurants, nightclubs

and more. Located at its center is the historic Cine el

Rey theater, which opened in 1947 and operated

for 40 years before functioning as it does today as a

live music and performance venue which also screens

spanish and english language independent features.

McAllen’s diverse culture influences much of the

music performed by the valley symphony orchestra

& Chorale, which was established in 1952 – with the

Chorale joining later in 1984. similarly, the south

texas Lyric opera offers a yearly slate of productions

and an annual opera gala, and Rio Grande valley

Broadway brings the most popular shows to town.

Visual arts and FestiValsthe international Museum of Art & science

promotes a deeper appreciation for the arts and

sciences through its exhibitions, cultural events and

educational programs. McAllen Art Walk, a self-guided

tour, provides a route to explore the many art galleries

and venues in one of the most historic parts of the

city. it’s held every first friday september through

May and is free to the public. in october, the

Chamber presents the Green Living festival to

encourage environmentally friendly lifestyles. then,

two months later, folks enjoy Candlelight Posada,

offering food booths, luminaries, a parade, live

entertainment, caroling and a live nativity scene

the first friday and saturday nights in december.

chamber arts eVentsthe McAllen Chamber of Commerce shows

its love for the arts by managing the McAllen

Arts Council, which publishes a quarterly magazine,

produces an annual fine arts exhibition and offers

grants to local artists. the Chamber also offers

the free outdoor music concert series, manages

the Creative incubator for emerging artists and

coordinates the Public Art Committee programs.

historic sitesthe Museum of south texas History and

McAllen Heritage Center are just two locations to

learn about the rich history of this bicultural city.

Quinta Mazatlan, a 1930s hacienda, embodies

the spanish Colonial Revival architecture of arches,

adobe and beams, and provides an intimate look

into south texas history. set in formal tropical

landscaping‚ this 10,000-square-foot mansion sits

on a 15-acre plot hosting a mix of native and exotic

plants and wildlife, making up McAllen’s wing of the

popular World Birding Center. – Tiffany Williams

celebrating culture all yearmcallen is Full oF arts, Festivals and historiC attraCtions

Arts & Culture

valley symphony orchestra & Chorale

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mcAllen is home to major health-care facilities

that offer a wide range of services. in addition

to traditional hospitals, McAllen has its own heart

hospital and surgical centers, all of which aim to

provide excellent care to area patients.

south texas health system Facilities in the area

opening its doors in 1919, McAllen Medical Center

serves as the valley’s longest-operating health-care

facility. it provides 441 beds and a staff of more

than 400 physicians representing more than 50

medical specialties.

McAllen Medical Center has a Level iii trauma

Center for specialized treatments, and also provides

a variety of services ranging from a birthing center

to diabetes management to endocrinology.

McAllen Heart Hospital was the first freestanding

cardiology and cardiovascular hospital built in the

united states, having opened in 1996. its sole

purpose is to care for patients who have heart-

related issues and illnesses. the 60-bed hospital

provides inpatient and outpatient services, a

24-hour emergency Center, and services such

as diagnosis and treatment, heart catheterization,

surgery and education. in 2009, the society of

Chest Pain Centers Accreditation Review Committee

granted the hospital Cycle ii Chest Pain Center

Accreditation with Percutaneous Coronary

interventions (PCi), making it one of only two

hospitals in the Rio Grande valley to be awarded

the designation.

HealthGrades has awarded both McAllen

Medical Center and McAllen Heart Hospital with

several awards, including the distinguished Hospital

Award for Clinical excellence in 2011. HealthGrades

also has ranked McAllen Heart Hospital no. 1 in texas

for overall Cardiac Care and Cardiac surgery from

2007 through 2011.

rio grande regional hosPitalRio Grande Regional Hospital has a keen focus

on children and is the first and only hospital in

the area with a Pediatric Heart Program. With 56

beds, a pediatric iCu and a Pediatric step-down

unit, the Children’s Medical Center at the hospital

healthy livingmCallen hospitals, mediCal Centers FoCus on CarinG For the Community

Health & WellnessHealth & Wellness

PHotos By BRiAn McCoRd

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Improving Your

Health, Improving Your


(956) 618-4414Orange Medical Center • 1421-A N. 2nd St. • McAllen, TX 78501

No Referrals Needed • Night Clinic Open From 5-10 p.m.No Appointment Necessary

Accepting Most Medicaid Star Programs, Private Insurance & Workers’ Compensation

Miguel A. Hernandez, M.D. • Salvador J. Mendez, M.D. Certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

and Salvador Mendez, PA-C

also undertakes procedures such as

cochlear implants and electrophysiology.

the hospital itself opened in 1982 and is well

known for patient safety and clinical excellence.

its 320-bed, full-service acute care medical facility

has more than 500 physicians representing over

35 specialties, and serves as the only area

American diabetes Association accredited

diabetes Management Center.

doctors hosPital at renaissance

Another medical center serving McAllen is the

506-bed doctors Hospital at Renaissance. since

opening its doors in 1997 as an outpatient surgical

center, the hospital has grown into a complete

acute care facility. today, it provides a full range

of medical and surgical services, including

cardiology, neurosurgery, endocrinology, as well

as providing a Pediatric Medical tower that offers

pediatric oncology and pediatric iCu services.

– Tiffany Williams

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weather generally stays in the 70s in the coldest

months, making it a perfect place for winter golfing.

hiking and bikingMcAllen residents enjoy plenty of hiking and

biking trails on the east and west sides of town,

and visiting cyclists are welcomed to meet up

with team McAllen Cycling, a bike club that’s

been in the city for more than 25 years.

Parksthe McAllen Parks & Recreation department

currently oversees 25 city parks. Ranging from

historic parks established in the early 1900s to

more modern facilities, there is a wide array of

outdoor facilities for the whole family.

McAllen’s oldest, Archer Park, opened in 1912.

serving as a historic landmark in the city, it also plays

host to many of the city’s annual special events,

including the Candlelight Posada and shakespeare

in the Park. McAllen’s largest city park is springfest

Park, which hosts many special city events and is

home to McAllen’s Winter Polo League from January

through March. – Carson O’Shoney

sports & Recreation

O ffering a wide selection of city parks, golf

courses and sports teams, McAllen residents

and visitors have many choices of things to do in

their spare time.

sPectator sPortssports fans in the Rio Grande valley have

plenty to cheer for, with minor league or semi-

pro basketball, football, baseball, hockey and

soccer teams.

Hockey fans have cheered on the semi-

professional Central Hockey League Rio Grande

valley killer Bees since 2003. those looking to skate

themselves can stay cool at the Rio Grande valley

ice Center, which offers ice skating, hockey,

broomball and more.

Basketball fans have the Rio Grande valley vipers

to root for. founded in 2007, the vipers are currently

associated with the Houston Rockets in the nBA’s

development League. Both the vipers and the killer

Bees play their home games in state farm Arena.

the Rio Grande valley Bravos have been the

valley’s pro soccer team since 2008. Playing in

the usL Premier development League, the Bravos

have already drawn a large following in the region.

the area is also home to two baseball teams:

the McAllen thunder, a member of the independent

professional north American League, and the

united League’s edinburg Roadrunners.

stock-car racing fans can also get their fix

in McAllen at the Rio Grande speedway.

great PriVate & Public golFWith nearly 20 courses in the McAllen area,

golf is a popular attraction in the Rio Grande valley.

one of the most notable courses in the area is

the Palm view Golf Course, a public course with

a private feel. With rolling fairways and Bermuda

rough mounds, the course is an often used location

for professional and amateur tournaments, having

hosted LPGA tournaments and Amateur Golf


McAllen Country Club gives players at all skill

levels a challenge, and also offers a swimming pool

and tennis courts for its members. other courses

surround the city, including the Club at Cimarron.

every golf course in the area is constantly bustling

week in and week out, especially in the winter, when

“Winter texans” come to the Rio Grande valley. the

ready, set, Playsports teams, GolF Courses & parKs maKe BeinG aCtive easy

rio Grande valley Killer Bees PH


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education in McAllen is defined by excellent

options. from elementary school through

college, McAllen boasts numerous institutions

designed to prepare students for success.

Public schoolsMcAllen independent school district is composed

of three high schools, seven middle schools and

20 elementary schools. Among these schools, the

district offers an advanced placement college-level

curriculum and a dual-enrollment program for

students who can obtain high school and college

credit simultaneously. the district also features an

international Baccalaureate program that provides

students with an advanced curriculum geared

toward global standards.

idea academyideA Academy is an innovative institution that

offers a fully scaled curriculum from kindergarten

through high school. to prepare its students to be

collegiate scholars, ideA provides international

Baccalaureate curriculum as well as the Road to

College curriculum, which begins in the sixth grade.

south texas collegesouth texas College, with over 30,000 students,

offers numerous associate and bachelor’s degree

programs and professional certifications in more

than 40 areas. for students who work full time,

south texas College also offers online degree

courses in numerous subjects.

uniVersity oF texas-Pan americanuniversity of texas-Pan American offers

numerous undergraduate degrees, more than 50 master’s degrees, and three doctoral degrees. utPA has several accreditations from organizations like the Commission for Collegiate nursing, the examining Board of nurse examiners for the state of texas and the engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for engineering and technology.

– Braxton Shoop

set for successmcallen provides outstandinG options For ColleGe preparation







south texas College

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TIme zOne


CLImaTe OveRvIeW

McAllen has a semi-tropical

climate, with an average

annual temperature of

74 degrees. its mild winters

and warm summers make

it a perfect destination for

both tourists and retirees.

49 Fwinter low temperature

96 Fsummer high temperature

23”annual rain Fall (vs. national average annual rain Fall of 37”)

sIze In squaRe mILes

46.7COsT OF LIvIng

$44,612median household income

$103,321median home price

$600median rent for a two-Bedroom apartment



129,877total City population

29median resident age


35.27%age 19 and under

47.37%age 20-54

17.36%age 55 and over


17 minutesmedian travel time to work

COmmunITy OveRvIeWMcAllen is an area with a burgeoning arts culture. the city

is known statewide for the quality and quantity of its artists.

visit ouradvertisersFamily Physicians

Magic Valley Electric

McAllen Bone & Joint Clinic PAMcAllen Country

McAllen Independent School

McAllen International

South Texas Health

Springhill Suites by

Valley International


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through the Lens

i have shot photos for McAllen

many times over the past eight

years. the first year i visited, i

saw this neon cowboy and really

wanted to shoot it right at dusk.

After the fates conspired against

me in getting the shot two visits

in a row, you better believe the

next time that i went i got the

shot. And here it is!

From our Photo blog: mcallen

Posted By Antony BosHieR

more online See more favorite photos and read the stories behind the shots at

now that you’ve experienced McAllen through our photos, see it through the eyes of our photographers. visit to view our exclusive photographers’ blog documenting what all went in to capturing those perfect moments.

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