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  • Crabtree Publishing

  • Crabtree Publishing

    Bobbie Kalman


    five oceans

  • Crabtree Publishing 1-800-387-7650Copyright 2011 CRABTREE PUBLISHING COMPANY. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Crabtree Publishing Company. In Canada: We acknowledge thefinancial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund for our publishing activities.

    Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

    Kalman, Bobbie, 1947-Explore earth's five oceans / Bobbie Kalman.

    (Explore the continents)Includes index.Issued also in an electronic format.ISBN 978-0-7787-3077-4 (bound).--ISBN 978-0-7787-3091-0 (pbk.)

    1. Ocean--Juvenile literature. 2. Oceanography--Juvenileliterature. I. Title. II. Series: Explore the continents

    GC21.5.K353 2011 j551.46 C2010-904118-6

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Kalman, Bobbie.Explore earth's five oceans / Bobbie Kalman.

    p. cm. -- (Explore the continents)Includes index.ISBN 978-0-7787-3091-0 (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-0-7787-3077-4 (reinforced library binding : alk. paper)-- ISBN 978-1-4271-9482-4 (electronic (pdf))1. Ocean--Juvenile literature. 2. Oceanography--Juvenileliterature. I. Title. II. Series.

    GC21.5.K3519 2010551.46--dc22


    A Bobbie Kalman BookIn memory of Karuna Thal, who shared my love of oceans.You are always in my thoughts, beautiful Dolphin Girl!

    Author and Editor-in-ChiefBobbie Kalman

    EditorKathy Middleton

    Fact editorMarcella Haanstra

    ProofreaderCrystal Sikkens

    Photo researchBobbie Kalman

    DesignBobbie KalmanKatherine Berti

    Print and productioncoordinatorKatherine Berti

    Prepress technicianKatherine Berti

    IllustrationsBarbara Bedell: pages 9 (magnifying glass), 1011 (blue fish, seahorse, butterflyfish, corals, lower humpback whale), 16 (humpback whale), 20, 26 (blue fish and seahorse)

    Katherine Berti: pages 4, 1011 (tern and seal), 16 (seal), 20, 26 (crab and map)Robert MacGregor: pages 6, 16 (map)Cori Marvin: page 20Jeannette McNaughton-Julich: page 26 (dolphins)Vanessa Parson-Robbs: page 20Bonna Rouse: pages 1011 (hatchet fish, anglerfish, vampirefish, seagull, sea turtle, lantern fish, squid, shrimp), 20, 26 (sea stars)

    Margaret Amy Salter: pages 9 (phytoplankton), 1011 (background and octopus), 20, 26 (yellow fish)

    Tiffany Wybouw: pages 1011 (orca, upper humpback whale), 26 (sea turtle)

    PhotographsBigstockPhoto: page 15 (bottom)Dreamstime: page 19 (top)iStockphoto: pages 21 (top), 26 (shells except right)NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio: page page 25 (bottom)US Coast Guard: page 31Cover and other images by Shutterstock

    Published in CanadaCrabtree Publishing616 Welland Ave.St. Catharines, OntarioL2M 5V6

    Published in the United StatesCrabtree PublishingPMB 59051350 Fifth Avenue, 59th FloorNew York, New York 10118

    Published in the United KingdomCrabtree PublishingMaritime HouseBasin Road North, HoveBN41 1WR

    Published in AustraliaCrabtree Publishing386 Mt. Alexander Rd.Ascot Vale (Melbourne)VIC 3032

    Printed in the U.S.A./082010/BA20100709

  • ContentsFive oceans on Earth 4Directions on Earth 6One big ocean! 8Zones in oceans 10The Arctic Ocean 12Arctic Ocean animals 14The Southern Ocean 16The Indian Ocean 18Coral reefs 20The Atlantic Ocean 22Atlantic waters 24The huge Pacific Ocean! 26Places in the Pacific 28Dangers in oceans 30Glossary and Index 32














    Oceans flow around seven huge areas of land. These areasare called continents. The continents are Africa, Europe,Asia, South America, North America, Antarctica, andAustralia/Oceania. Find the continents on the map below.

    Earth is called the blue planetbecause it looks blue from space. It looks blue because watercovers about three-quarters of Earth. The blue areas on the map below show wherewater is on Earth. The largestareas of water are called oceans.

    Five oceans on Earth


  • Five oceansThere are five oceans on Earth. From smallest to largest, they are the Arctic Ocean,the Southern Ocean, the Indian Ocean, theAtlantic Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. Someocean waters are warm.Others are covered with ice.

    These fur seals live in theSouthern Ocean. Most of thisocean is covered with ice for at least six months of the year.


    These childrenare swimming inan ocean. Theyare playing inthe ocean waves.

  • There are four main directions on Earth. The four main directions are north, south, east, and west. The most northern place on Earth is the North Pole. The most southern place on Earth is the South Pole. In areasnear the North Poleand the South Pole,ocean waters arecold or frozen.

    Directions on EarthN






    SOUTHERNHEMISPHEREHot near the equator

    Areas near the equator are alwayshot. The equator is an imaginaryline that separates Earth into twoequal parts. The oceans near theequator are very warm.




  • The northern partThe part of Earth that isbetween the equator andthe North Pole is called theNorthern Hemisphere.The Arctic Ocean and partsof the Atlantic Ocean andPacific Ocean are in theNorthern Hemisphere.

    The southern partThe Southern Hemisphereis the part of Earth that isbetween the equator and the South Pole. The IndianOcean, Southern Ocean, andparts of the Atlantic Oceanand Pacific Ocean are in theSouthern Hemisphere.










    The colored parts of this map show the worlds oceans. The red waters are tropical.They are the warmest because they are near the equator. The white areas are polar, or near the poles. These oceans are cold and icy. The temperate ocean waters are inareas with four seasons. These ocean areas are warm in summer and cold in winter.

  • The five oceans make up onebig world ocean becausethey are all connected to one another. The waters arealways moving. As windblows across the top ofoceans, it pushes the water.The water moves in waves.As the water moves, it helpsheat the air and land inwinter and cool the air and land in summer.

    One big ocean!








  • Making oxygenHalf of the worlds supplyof oxygen is made in oceans.Oxygen is the part of airthat animals and peopleneed to breathe. Theoxygen in oceans is madeby phytoplankton, whichare tiny plants too small tosee with just our eyes. Manykinds of ocean animals eatthese tiny plants.



    What are seas?Seas are parts of oceansthat are close to land.The South China Sea, the Caribbean Sea, and the MediterraneanSea are three very largeseas. The water in bothoceans and seas is saltwater. Salt water has alot of salt in it.

    This picture shows part of the Mediterranean Sea along the coast of Italy.

  • Some parts of oceans are very deep,and some are shallow. The parts ofoceans that are shallow receive a lotof sunlight. Sunlight travels downthrough the water, but it cannotreach the deeper zones, or sections.

    Life in the zonesPlants need light to make food. Theycan survive only in the sunlit zone,the top zone of the ocean. Most of theanimals that live in oceans live in thistop zone. Very little sunlight reachesthe twilight zone. The water here iscold, as well as dark. In the midnightzone, the water is very dark andalmost freezing cold. These pagesshow some of the animals that live in the different ocean zones.

    Zones in oceans

    twilight zone

    midnight zone


    sunlit zone





    hatchet fish

  • Learn more about animals that livein the sunlit zone on pages 20-21.

    Very few animals can live in the cold, darkwaters of the midnight zone. Octopuses, seajellies, and squids are some animals that live inthe deep parts of oceans. Some of these animalscan make their own light. The giving off of lightby a living thing is called bioluminescence.Some sea jellies and squids are bioluminescent.


    bioluminescentsea jelly


    sea turtleorca

    Some large whales,such as humpbacks,can dive deep intothe midnight zone.

    lantern fish





    deep seashrimp


  • The Arctic Ocean

    The temperatures at the North Pole are so coldthat the top of the ocean freezes into floatingchunks of sea ice called ice floes. This harp sealmother and baby are on pack ice. Pack ice isthick ice that forms when ice floes freeze together.

    The Arctic Ocean is thesmallest and shallowestof the five oceans. Itsurrounds the NorthPole and touches thecontinents of Europe,Asia, and NorthAmerica. Parts of theUnited States (Alaska),Canada, Russia, Iceland,Norway, and Greenlandtouch the Arctic Ocean.














  • 13

    IcebergsThis polar bear is sitting on topof an iceberg. An iceberg is apiece of ice that has broken offa glacier and is floating in water.A glacier is a slow-moving riverof ice that has formed on land.

  • Many kinds of fish and other animals live under the icein the Arctic Ocean. Octopuses, squid, and sea jellies are just some of these. Whales also live in the icy waters. They have a thick layer of blubber, or fat, under their skin to keep them warm. Some whales leave the Arctic Ocean in winter, butnarwhals and beluga whales stay, unlessthe ocean freezes over completely.

    male narwhal

    Arctic Ocean animals

    female narwhal with calf


    A narwhal is a toothed whale that has along tusk growing out of the left side ofits upper jaw. Male narwhals have tusks.Only a few female narwhals have them.


  • Arctic terns fly from pole to pole each year!In summer, terns live in the Arctic, near theNorth Pole. In August, they fly to areas nearthe South Pole. By December, the terns startflying back home again to the Arctic.

    Polar bears are wellsuited to swimming inpolar oceans. Their furis oily and waterproof.Just like whales, polarbears have a thicklayer of blubber tokeep them warm.


  • The Southern Ocean


    The cold Southern Ocean surrounds the South Poleand the continent of Antarctica. It is the second-smallest of the five oceans and is at the opposite endof the Earth from the Arctic Ocean. There are seasaround Antarctica. See the seas on the map below.



    humpback whale



    Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. People do not live there full time. A few thousand scientists come in summer to study the air, land, animals, and ocean. In winter, about 1,000 people live in Antarctica.





  • 17

    This colony, or large group, of emperor penguins hasgathered on sea ice in the Weddell Sea in Antarctica.

    Plenty of penguinsThe Arctic Ocean and SouthernOcean are not very differentfrom one another. Both arecovered with ice for most of theyear. Seals, whales, and somesea birds live in both oceans.Penguins live in the SouthernOcean, but they do not live inthe Arctic Ocean. Polar bearslive in the Arctic Ocean, but not in the Southern Ocean.

    Emperor penguins live inthe Southern Ocean. Theytravel onto land to havetheir babies. Both parentscare for the baby birds.

  • The Indian Ocean is thethird-biggest of Earths five oceans. It is also thewarmest. The Indian Oceantouches the continents ofAustralia/Oceania, Africa,and Asia. The AtlanticOcean, Pacific Ocean, and Southern Ocean flowinto the Indian Ocean.

    The water nearthe shores oftropical oceans isshallow and clear.


    The Indian Ocean









  • 19

    The city of Durban, South Africa, is on the Indian Ocean. The oceanthere is warm and contains beautiful coral reefs (see pages 20-21).

    Thousands of islandsThere are thousands of islands in the Indian Ocean. The country ofIndonesia, for example, is made up of 17,508 islands! The IndonesianArchipelago lies between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Anarchipelago is a chain of islands in a body of water, such as an ocean.



  • Coral reefsThe Indian Ocean has many islandsand coral reefs. Most coral reefs growclose to islands that were created byvolcanoes (see page 27). Coral reefsare huge underwater structuresfound in warm tropical waters. Theyare habitats with many kinds of fishand other animals. A habitat is anatural place where animals live.Corals look like rocks or colorfulplants, but they are made up of tiny animals called coral polyps.

    coral reef



  • Many kinds of colorful fish live in coral reefs in the Indian Ocean.

    This hawksbill sea turtle is feeding on sponges in a coral reef.


  • The Atlantic Ocean is the second-biggest ocean on Earth.It lies between the Arctic Ocean and Southern Oceanand touches the continents of North America, SouthAmerica, Europe, and Africa. Parts of the Atlantic Oceanare tropical, parts are temperate, and the northern andsouthern parts are polar.


    The Atlantic Ocean












  • 23

    In winter, the parts of the Atlantic Ocean that are near the poles are cold.This iceberg is in the Atlantic Ocean near Newfoundland, Canada.

    The Caribbean Sea is part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is a tropical sea,which touches North and South America. The waters are warm all year.

  • The water in oceans is always moving. Currentsare like rivers of water that flow through oceans.Warm currents that flow from tropical oceanswarm up the temperate and polar oceans. Coldcurrents that flow from cold oceans cool downthe water in tropical areas. The Gulf Stream is a fast Atlantic Ocean current that brings warmwater from Florida up the east coast of NorthAmerica. It then crosses the Atlantic Ocean,warming the climate of western Europe.

    Hurricanes form in the warm Atlantic Ocean. They are huge storms with strong,spinning winds. They often blow over land and destroy towns and cities. HurricaneKatrina, in 2005, was one of the worst hurricanes ever in the United States. It destroyedmuch of New Orleans, as well as other cities in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.

    Atlantic waters


  • Viking ship

    Christopher Columbuss ship

    This boy is waving goodbye to his familyin Europe. He is being taken by rowboatto a ship in which he will cross the ocean.

    Between old and newToday, most people travel fromEurope to North America orSouth America by airplane. In the past, people sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from the Old World (Europe) to the NewWorld (the Americas). The firstexplorers, the Vikings, sailed to North America around theyear 1,000. In 1492, ChristopherColumbus crossed the Atlanticfrom Europe to the Bahamas.Since then, many people fromEurope have sailed to North and South America. Some cameto visit, and others came to startnew lives. It took them weeks tocross the rough Atlantic Ocean totheir new homes in the Americas.


  • The huge Pacific Ocean!


    The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth. It takes upabout one-third of the Earths surface and is larger than all theland on Earth put together. The Pacific Ocean stretches fromthe Arctic Ocean to the Southern Ocean. It contains between20,000 to 30,000 islands. Most are around the equator.








    The Pacific Ocean touches thecontinents of Asia, NorthAmerica, South America, and Australia/Oceania.

  • 27

    The Pacific Ring of FireMore than half of Earths activevolcanoes are in the PacificOcean. A volcano is an opening in Earths crust, or outer layer.Hot magma, ash, and gasesescape out of a volcano. ThePacific Ring of Fire has 452volcanoes. Parts of Asia, North America, South America,and Australia/Oceania are inthe Ring of Fire. The mapbelow shows this area.


    An active volcano is one that haserupted not long ago, is eruptingoften, or could erupt at any time.


    The pink area shows the Pacific Ring of Fire. The small red triangles are volcanoes.








  • The Pacific Rim is made up of countries and citiesthat are located around the edge of the PacificOcean. How many of these places do you know?

    The city of Vancouver is in British Columbia, Canada. BritishColumbia is a province on the coast of the Pacific Ocean.

    Places in the Pacific


    The Hawaiian Islands are actually the top parts of underwater volcanoes.After many eruptions, the volcanoes rose above the water to form islands.Diamond Head is on the island of Oahu. It is the crater of a volcano.

  • The Galapagos Islandsare at the equator inthe eastern PacificOcean. The islandsformed from volcanoes.The Galapagos areknown for the manykinds of animals thatlive there, such asthese marine iguanasand the dancing blue-footed booby.

    Australias biggest city, Sydney, is on the TasmanSea, which is part of the South Pacific Ocean.

    Hong Kong is in China. It is on the South China Sea, which is a part of the Pacific Ocean.

    marine iguanas blue-footed booby


  • Dangers in oceansOceans can be dangerous places! Hurricanes form overoceans and can destroy towns and cities. Tsunamis can beeven more destructive. Tsunamis are caused by volcaniceruptions or earthquakes in the ocean. When either ofthese events takes place, the water in the ocean formswaves. The waves become huge walls of water by thetime they reach land. These powerful waves knock downeverything in their path and flood the land with water.

    In 2004, a huge earthquakeunder the Indian Ocean causedthe Asian Tsunami Disaster.The tsunami killed more than230,000 people in fourteencountries and destroyedhundreds of thousands of homes.Indonesia was the hardest hit.


  • Hurricane and oil spillIn 2005, Hurricane Katrina caused massive damage in Louisiana,Mississippi, and Alabama. In April 2010, an explosion in an oilrig under the ocean caused hundreds of millions of gallons of oil to leak into the Gulf of Mexico, which is part of the AtlanticOcean. The oil has killed animals in the ocean and on shore andcovered the beaches of the Gulf with thick oil. Many peoplehave lost their businesses and jobs because they cannot fish anylonger. Some people became ill from breathing the fumes, orgases, given off by the oil. This disaster shows us why we needto stop using oil and start using clean sources of energy now!


  • Note: Some boldfaced wordsare defined in the book.archipelago A chain of islandsbioluminescence The glow oflight made inside some animalssuch as sea jellies blubber A thick layer of fatunder an animals skinclimate The long-time usualweather in an areacrater The large opening at the top of a volcanocrust The outer layer of hardrock that covers Earthearthquake The violentshaking of the ground that can destroy buildings

    explorer A person who traveledthe world looking for newlands to discovermagma Hot liquid rock deepinside Earthpolar Describing waters withcold temperatures near the polestemperate Describing waterswith changing temperaturesduring the four seasonstropical Describing very warm waters near the equatortsunami Huge ocean wavesthat cause flooding on landvolcanic eruption The releaseof magma, gases, ash, androcks from a volcano



    Indexanimals 5, 9, 10, 11,12, 13, 1415, 16,17, 20, 21, 29, 31Arctic Ocean 5, 7, 1215, 16, 17, 22, 26Atlantic Ocean 5, 7, 18, 2225, 31

    bioluminescence 11blubber 14, 15continents 4, 12, 16,18, 22, 24, 25, 26coral reefs 19, 2021currents 24dangers 3031

    equator 6, 7, 26, 29hurricanes 24, 30, 31ice 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 23Indian Ocean 5, 7, 1821, 30islands 19, 20, 26, 28, 29

    North Pole 6, 7, 12, 15

    Pacific Ocean 5, 7, 18, 19, 2629plants 9, 10, 20polar 7, 15, 22, 24

    seas 9, 16, 17, 23, 29Southern Ocean 5, 7, 1617, 18, 22, 26South Pole 6, 7, 15, 16

    temperate 7, 22, 24tropical 7, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24tsunamis 30volcanoes 20, 27, 28, 29, 30

    zones 1011

    Learn more aboutEarths oceans fromthese other books in the Explore theContinents series.

  • Explore Africa

    Explore Antarctica

    Explore Asia

    Explore Australiaand Oceania

    Explore Earths Five Oceans

    Explore Earths Seven Continents

    Explore Europe

    Explore North America

    Explore South America

    Front CoverTitle PageContentsFive oceans on EarthDirections on EarthOne big ocean!Zones in oceansThe Arctic OceanArctic Ocean animalsThe Southern OceanThe Indian OceanCoral reefsThe Atlantic OceanAtlantic watersThe huge Pacific Ocean!Places in the PacificDangers in oceansGlossaryIndexBack Cover
