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  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    F o r e i g n C r e d e n t i a l s r e F e r r a l o F F i C e

    employers roadmapT o H I r I N G a N d r e Ta I N I N G I N T e r N aT I o N a l ly

    T r a I N e d W o r K e r s


  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    Thi ubictin w b th aincf sct Cunci f th Fign Cnti

    Referral Ofce of Citizenship and Immigration

    Canada. The Foreign Credentials Referral Ofce

    thnk ticint wh vi inut int

    the development of the guide.

    Th Employers Roadmap to Hiring and Retaining

    Internationally Trained Workers i gui f

    employers in small and medium-sized enterprises.

    The roadmap is a practical resource for anyoneinvv in hiing, incuing buin wn,

    human resources professionals, recruiters and

    managers. While efforts have been made to

    ensure the accuracy of information contained

    in the document, it should be noted that the

    information is subject to change. Resources cited

    throughout the document are not exhaustive.

    Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2010

    Cat. no. Ci4-16/2010E-PDF

    ISBN: 978-1-100-14776-5

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    table oF Contents

    eMPloYers roadMaP to Hiring and retaining

    internationallY trained WorKers (itW)

    1. Why H iy t Wk? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    1.1 Finding workers in a changing labour market 3

    1.2 The benets of hiring ITWs 3

    13 shing u ucc 4

    2. tp Pp f d Wk Fc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    21 pnning f iv wk fc 5

    22 aing civ bi f ITW 5

    2.3 The recruitment process 6

    2.4 Dening the job to be done 7

    2.5 Determining the importance of language skills 8

    26 ding with cutu iffnc 8

    27 lg cnitin 9

    3. F iy t Wk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    31 Fining ITW in Cn 10

    32 Fining ITW uti f Cn 11

    3.2.1 Federal Skilled Worker Program 11

    3.2.2 Temporary Foreign Worker Program 12

    3.2.3 Temporary Foreign Worker Program and international students 14

    3.2.4 Canadian Experience Class 15

    3.2.5 Provincial Nominee Program 1633 rt uc 19

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    4. a sc iy t Wk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214.1 Assessment 21

    4.2 Assessment and verication of international credentials 22

    4.3 Assessment and verication of competencies 23

    44 lngug tn 23

    4.5 Certication and licensure 24

    46 succ fct in cting intntin tin wk 25

    47 rt uc 25

    5. i r iy t Wk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    5.1 Bridge-to-work programs 275.2 Training, mentoring and career development 27

    53 Uing u wk ki 29

    54 Cting n incuiv wkc 29

    55 evuting u ucc 30

    56 rt uc 31

    6. rc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    Ntin ruc 32

    rgin ruc 36

    sct ruc 40

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    1. WHY Hire internationallYtrained WorKers?

    In this section you will nd information on:

    1.1 Finding workers in a changing labour market

    1.2 The benets of hiring ITWs

    13 shing u ucc

    1.1 Finding WorKers in a CHanging

    labour MarKet

    The Canadian-born work force is aging, baby

    boomers are retiring and the number of young

    wk nting th wk fc i cining

    Many employers across the country are already

    experiencing skilled labour shortages. Statistics

    Cn ch inict tht bf th

    middle of the next decade, almost all labour

    force growth will come from immigration.

    Many employers do not know that there are

    ITW n wiing t wk in Cn Th

    wh w uct n tin in

    other countries and whose work experience was

    gained outside of Canada. They may be:



    foreign students living in Canada;

    citizens of other countries willing and able

    to work in Canada; or

    Canadians who trained or worked outside

    f th cunt

    As an employer, you may not be aware of the

    ki n tnt tht ITW hv t ff, n

    you may not know if and how intntin

    skills and experience will transfer to the

    Cnin wkc. You may also be unsure

    about how to recruit these workers, or you may

    anticipate difculties integrating them into

    your organization.

    1.2 tHe beneFits oF Hiring itW

    You can benet in many ways from hiring and

    retaining ITWs. They are often highly motivated

    dedicated hard-working employees who can:

    Hp m y .ski

    Canadian-born workers are getting harder

    to nd and, over the coming years, immi-

    grants will play an increasingly signicant

    in Cn bu fc
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    ic y cmp.mnITW hv th ki n tnt t h

    your organization compete in the global


    Hp p w mk. ITWs may

    k ngug n hv knwg f

    cutu tht cn h u v nw

    local and global markets.

    Mk y z m ffc.

    ITW cn bing fh ctiv int

    your organization, stimulating new thinking

    and introducing more effective ways ofing buin

    Cc y wh h wk

    z. ITWs may be able to

    link you to other prospective employees and

    cnnct u buin t ufu ntin

    or international organizations.

    1.3 sHaring Your suCCess

    Cnin cit i incing iv, n

    the labour market is increasingly multicultural.

    Intgting ITW int u wk fc

    acknowledges the context in which your

    organization operates and enhances the

    cit in which u iv

    You can contribute to your corporate image and

    u cit b hing u ucc n

    building on them

    rp hw itW h c

    y wkpc. Cbt u ucc

    with stories in company newsletters,

    press releases to community or trade

    ubictin, t t hh

    sh wh y h fm

    c wk wh itW.

    Cntibut bt ctic c tui

    t u inut citin ct

    cunci off t k t inut

    workshops, community group meetings

    or immigrant-serving organizations.

    C wk wh c

    y c tht

    seek to improve skills training and foreign

    credential recognition programs.
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    In this section you will nd information on:

    21 pnning f iv wk fc

    22 aing civ bi f ITW

    2.3 The recruitment process

    2.4 Dening the job to be done

    2.5 Determining the importance of

    ngug ki

    26 ding with cutu iffnc

    27 lg cnitin

    2.1 Planning For a diverse

    WorK ForCe

    F pp kp hm

    y wkpc h wcmy.

    As an employer, you already engage in work-

    force planning that includes:

    determining job standards;

    recruiting, orienting and training staff;

    managing and evaluating staff; and

    complying with the laws of the land.

    Y c ccfy h ITW b

    tailoring these activities to meet their needs.

    Provide detailed job information and reach

    ut t wi ng f tnti cuit

    Become familiar with and use availablet n vic tht cn h u

    international qualications.

    Participate in bridge-to-work and mentoring

    programs that include ITWs.

    Get involved in language and job or skills


    Implement diversity and integration


    2.2 addressing PerCeived barriersFor itW

    t c h pp y ,

    p y : w h


    ITWs face many barriers when theyre looking

    for suitable employment.

    2. tiPs on PreParing Fora diverse WorK ForCe

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    Y c k p fy mh in your recruitment, assessment

    n ctin c

    Make sure everyone involved in hiring is

    w f th vu f intntin ki

    n cnti

    Provide diversity and cross-cultural training

    to all employees, including those involved

    in hiing

    Focus on the skills and job experience of

    th cnit th thn n wh th

    came from or where they gained their

    education and experience.

    Outline the selection and interview process

    in your job postings.

    When advertising jobs, let workers know

    tht u vu intntin cnti

    and competencies.

    Let potential candidates know that your

    wkc i incuiv n tht it

    welcomes diversity.

    Post health, safety and employment

    standards in multiple languages to make

    employees feel welcome.

    For background information on cultures around

    the world, see Citizenship and Immigration

    CnCultural Proles Project

    2.3 tHe reCruitMent ProCess

    W h p f h ? ac

    h p c

    h qfc fy ccy.

    There are four steps in any recruitment process:

    dening the job;

    nding candidates;

    assessing candidates credentials and

    experience; and

    selecting a candidate.

    These steps are closely linked: how you dene

    the job will affect the candidates you nd,

    th w u thi biiti n u

    nal selection.

    imp y cm pc b king

    three important points in mind.

    Focus on what it takes to do the job. This

    is what matters most.

    Dont underestimate international

    credentials and experience because they

    are unfamiliar.

    Be aware of barriers related to international

    credentials, Canadian work experience and

    ngug ki
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    Mk m ffc m. If u ntknow how international qualications compare

    to Canadian credentials, base your assessment

    on other criteria. Consider asking candidates to:

    describe their years of experience in a eld

    or job, or in performing specic tasks;

    explain their skills or demonstrate them in

    practical tests; and

    demonstrate their knowledge through

    written examinations.

    You can also turn to the many organizationsn uc tht cn h u n

    verify international credentials. Some of

    these resources are specic to a sector or

    an occupation; others are more general.

    2.4 deFining tHe job to be done

    Your job description determines the sort of

    cnit u k f n th n u

    eventually hire. You can write more effective

    job descriptions by:

    Dening the k q f

    h .Th ki vi th funtin

    for learning and make it possible for

    people to grow in their jobs and adapt to

    wkc chng

    Dening the duties, responsibilities andh qm f h .

    The National Occupational Classication

    (NoC) can help you dene the main

    duties or responsibilities, employment

    requirements and titles for a wide

    ng f ccutin

    u fm y

    y. mn inuti hv v

    ntin tn tht cn h u

    vut wk

    F ccp, cy

    the licencing or certication required by

    w.In some circumstances, it may be

    ib t hi t w v f

    nibiit n h th cnit btin

    the required licencing while on the job. If

    so, make this clear in your job postings.
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    F - ccp, cvoluntary certication that may apply.

    If u f cnit wh hv thi

    certication, make this clear in your

    job postings.

    ak f wk pc

    f C wk pc.

    For many jobs, relevant work experience is

    what matters, not the country where the

    wk w n

    2.5 deterMining tHe iMPortanCeoF language sKills

    Fc h cmmc

    qm f h . H h

    cmmc k f h c.

    As an employer, you may be concerned that

    ITWs are not procient enough in either

    English or French to communicate effectively

    in th wkc

    Communication is important, but before you

    cnit ngug ki, cnithe following:

    Wh k y f

    h ?Some jobs may not require a high

    level of language prociency, while others

    may need specic job-related language


    Wk k c cmthugh ngug tining

    on-the-job experience.

    d f y cc. Some ITWs

    may be very procient in English or French

    but k with n ccnt u iffnt

    vocabulary. Dont attach too much

    importance to these supercial aspects

    of communication.

    Keep in mind that some positions require

    minimal communication skills. Consider lling

    th itin with cnit wh tilearning how to speak uent English or French.

    2.6 dealing WitH Cultural


    b h ffc w c

    ch y wkpc.

    You may wonder whether a worker from a

    different cultural background will t in and

    be able to do his or her job. You may be

    concerned about how other employees willct t n intct with ITW

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    yu cn th cncn b ingyour workplace to embrace diversity. Here are

    some points to keep in mind.

    Your assessment and selection process

    should be designed to help you determine

    if the worker can do the job regardless of

    cutu bckgun

    You can provide training in cross-cultural

    communications to all your employees,

    incuing ITW

    Cultural differences can be bridged.Exposure to different cultures can be


    An inclusive workplace benets everyone.

    2.7 legal Considerations

    In Cn, f n vinci w tct

    employers and workers. Laws set minimum

    wg v, hth n ft tn n

    hours of work. Human rights laws protect

    employees from unfair treatment based on their

    sex, age, race, religion or disability.

    Familiarize yourself with these laws: they apply

    t intntin tin wk yu hu

    b w f n vinci w tht vi

    itin tctin f fign wk

    Fwing th w cn h nu tht

    talented staff remain dedicated and loyal to

    your organization.

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    In this section you will nd information on

    the following:

    31 Fining ITW in Cn

    32 Fining ITW uti f Cn

    3.2.1 Federal Skilled Worker Program

    3.2.2 Temporary Foreign Worker Program

    3.2.3 Temporary Foreign Worker Program

    n intntin tunt

    3.2.4 Canadian Experience Class

    3.2.5 Provincial Nominee Program

    33 rt uc

    3.1 Finding itW in Canada

    itW C h h k

    pc y , h

    my wy f hm.

    th m f pc

    c,including the following:

    Immigrant-serving organizationsh

    immigrants and newcomers settle in

    Canada. These organizations can put you in

    touch with the newcomers they serve.

    d k chb wbit wh

    agencies post ITW proles. Some also allow

    employers to post jobs.

    svic Cn Jb Bnk i f,

    easy-to-use, online job listing and

    recruitment service that connects

    workers and employers across the


    empy,including Canadian-born staff,

    cn ftn f u t ITW

    ac wk may have

    programs aimed at placing internationally

    trained workers in employment.

    j fcn bing u fc t fc with

    promising candidates in your region,

    community or sector. You can join a job

    fair as a participating employer.

    u cprovide many

    services, including bridge-to-work programs

    and placement services that connect ITWswith employers.

    3. Finding internationalYtrained WorKers
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    3.2 Finding itW outside oF Canada

    t h f , y m

    hh f f

    pc mm pm.

    This section is intended to provide you with

    a quick overview of a variety of immigration

    programs. It covers your responsibilities

    as an employer or sponsor and provides

    background information on the

    responsibilities of the immigrant.

    It is important that you do further

    ch int u nibiiti if uchoose to support the immigration of an

    ITW t Cn thugh n f th

    immigration streams.

    3.2.1 Federal sKilled WorKer PrograM

    Th Federal Skilled Worker Program i f

    foreign citizens who wish to immigrate to

    Canada or become permanent residents of

    th cunt

    Wh y kw

    The program uses six selection factors to

    assess applications: education, language

    skills, experience, age, arranged

    employment and adaptability. Each factor

    is allotted a maximum number of points,

    and applicants must obtain at least

    67 int in t quif f Cnin

    immigration (permanent resident) visa.

    Some countries require that their citizens

    meet certain conditions to work abroad.

    ak th fign wk t vif if

    itin cnitin in hi

    h cunt yu cn cntct th

    cunt cnut in Cn viit

    its website for more information.
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    If you plan to hire skilled workers forpermanent positions and support their

    immigration, you can improve their

    chnc f bing v b ing f

    an arranged employment opinion (AEO)

    from Human Resources and Skills

    Development Canada.

    o Note that Citizenship and Immigration

    Cn cni aeo whn viwing

    applications for permanent residence,

    but tht n aeo nt gunt

    that a work permit will be issued.

    3.2.2 teMPorarY Foreign

    WorKer PrograM

    The federal governments Temporary Foreign

    Worker Program w u t hi igib

    intntin tin wk t wk in

    Canada for an authorized period of time.

    bf y c,you must

    demonstrate that you are unable to nd

    Canadians or permanent residents to ll

    the jobs, and that the entry of new foreignworkers will not have a negative impact on

    the Canadian labour market.

    i m c, h f p in hiring a temporary foreign

    worker from outside Canada.

    o The number of steps will depend on the

    specics of the job offer, and on the

    foreign workers country of citizenship

    and last place of permanent residence.

    stePs For eMPloYers
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    stePs For Foreign WorKers

    steP 3: CoMPlete tHe WorK PerMit


    M f wk c m

    ppy f wk pm from Citizenship and Immigration Canada before

    th cn wk in Cn

    Work permits are not required for all job

    ctgi Chck Jb tht nt qui

    work permit bf u vi cnit

    but ing

    Some countries do not require their citizens

    to obtain visas to enter Canada on a tempo-

    bi Chck Cunti n titiwhose citizens require visas in order to

    nt Cn viit f it tht

    covers all temporary visa types.

    th pc f cq h

    cm my ff ning n th vi

    ofce contacted. The foreign worker must

    submit applications to the applicable visa ofce

    the ofce that serves his or her country of

    igin, th cunt in which h h g

    i f t t n

    To nd the applicable visa ofce, go to

    Wh t n u ictin

    Nt tht icnt wking in

    Canada temporarily should submit their

    applications to the visa ofce in

    Buff, Nw yk

    ifm h wk w p

    usually includes:

    information concerning his or her identity;

    a copy of the job offer or signedemployment contract;

    the labour market opinion;

    photographs of himself or herself and any

    accompanying family;

    proof of his or her present immigration

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    a medical examination; and a criminal background check.

    An application fee will be collected from the


    steP 4: obtain tHe WorK PerMit FroM

    tHe Canada border serviCes agenCY

    oFFiCer at a Port oF entrY

    Th Cn B svic agnc (CBsa)

    grants foreign workers their work permits at

    t f nt

    Workers may be denied a work permit

    or entry into Canada if the CBSA ofcer

    believes that they do not meet the

    requirements of the Immigration and

    rfug ptctin act

    3.2.3 teMPorarY Foreign WorKerPrograM and international


    TwTemporary Foreign Worker Programs

    w u t hi intntin tunt t

    wk in Cn

    off-Cmp Wk Pm Pm

    ThOff-Campus Work Permit Programw

    certain foreign students to work off campus

    while completing their studies.

    To qualify, students must be enrolled at

    participating publicly funded post-secondary

    uctin intitutin in v

    programs at eligible privately funded


    Students must apply for and receive work

    permits before they can begin to work

    off campus.

    o Work permits authorize students to

    wk u t 20 hu wk uing

    regular academic sessions, and full-

    time during scheduled breaks, such as

    summer holidays and spring break.
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    P-g Wk Pm PmUn th Post-Graduation Work Permit Program

    (PGWPP), employers may hire international

    students who have graduated from participating

    Canadian post-secondary institutions.

    They can work for up to three years, in jobs

    related to their elds of study, without the

    need for the employer to obtain an LMO.

    Graduated students who have worked

    under the PGWPP may be eligible for

    permanent residence under the CanadianExperience Class stream of immigration

    cib bw

    3.2.4 Canadian exPerienCe Class

    ThCanadian Experience Class (CEC)program

    allows temporary foreign workers and graduated

    international students to apply for permanent


    t qfy, the candidates must:

    o intend to live outside Quebec;

    o be either:

    n temporary foreign workers with at

    least two years of full-time (or

    equivalent) skilled work experience

    in Cn,

    n foreign graduates from a Canadian

    post-secondary institution with at

    least one year of full-time (or

    equivalent) skilled work experience

    in Canada;

    o Have gained their experience in

    Cn with th wk tu

    authorization; and

    a whi wking in Cn withinn f ving Cn
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    t c f pmcun th CeC, th cnit

    work experience must fall within one of the

    fwing Cnin Ntin occutin

    Classication (NOC) categories:

    o Skill Type 0 (managerial occupations);

    o Skill Level A (professional occupations);

    ski lv B (tchnic ccutin n

    ki t)

    C thi Cninskilled work experience, their prociency

    in engih Fnch, n thi Cnin

    post-secondary credential (if applicable).

    3.2.5 ProvinCial noMinee PrograM

    Th Provincial Nominee Programw

    provinces and territories to nominate immigrants

    wh wi tt within thi buni n

    contribute to their economic development.

    You can help foreign workers succeed by

    advising them on the process.

    stePs For Foreign WorKerssteP 1: aPPlY For ProvinCial


    Workers who choose to immigrate to Canada

    as provincial nominees must rst apply to

    th vinc wh th wih t tt n

    complete the provincial nomination process.

    Each jurisdiction has its own criteria, so

    intt wk hu viit th

    it wbit


    British Columbia


    Nw Bunwick

    Nwfunn n lb

    Nthwt Titi

    Nv scti


    pinc ew In


  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    steP 2: obtain and CoMPlete tHe

    ForMs in tHe PerManent residenCe

    aPPliCation PaCKage

    After workers have been nominated by a

    province or territory, they have to make a

    separate application to Citizenship and

    Immigration Canada for permanent residence.

    Th Application for Permanent Residence: Guide

    for Provincial Nominees ckg incu napplication guide and all the forms that need to

    be lled out.

    The applicant should print the following forms

    from the website and carefully follow the

    instructions for lling them out. All questions

    should be answered carefully, completely and

    truthfully, and the forms must be signed.

    Application for Permanent Residence in Canada

    Schedule 1: Background/Declaration

    Schedule 4: Economic Classes: Provincial


    Additional Family Information

    Use of anImmigration RepresentativeThis form is for foreign workers who get

    advice and assistance from immigration

    nttiv Uing nttiv i

    n chic Th i uu f f

    thi vic

    steP 3: CHeCK tHe aPPliCation

    beFore subMitting it

    The foreign worker must make sure the applica-

    tion is completed correctly, and that all the

    necessary supporting documents are included.

    There is a helpful checklist in the

    Application for Permanent Residence:

    Guide for Provincial Nominees

    steP 4: subMit tHe aPPliCation to

    tHe CorreCt visa oFFiCe

    The foreign worker must submit applications to

    the applicable visa ofce the ofce that

    v hi h cunt f igin, th

    cunt in which h h g i f t

    t n

    To nd the applicable visa ofce, go to

    Wh t n u ictin

    Nt tht icnt wking in

    Canada temporarily should submit their

    applications to the visa ofce in

    Buff, Nw yk
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    steP 5: PaY tHe aPPliCable Fees

    Th fign wk hu viit th pvinci

    Nominee Program Citizenship and Immigration

    Cn website to determine the fees that will

    have to be paid. Information on how to pay fees

    i incu in th intuctin

    a pc f f fign wk n

    their dependants must be paid when the

    application is submitted.

    Thi f i nt funb, vn if th

    ictin i nt v

    a rh f Pm rc f f

    applicants and accompanying spouses or

    common-law partners may apply.

    Th f hu nt b i unti th

    application is processed, but must be

    paid before Citizenship and Immigration

    Canada issues a permanent resident

    vi Thi f i funb if th

    fign wk cnc th ictin,

    if th ictin i nt v, if

    th wk nt u th vi

    oh c may include fees for a medical

    examination, a police certicate and

    ngug tting

    o Medical examinations must be carried

    out at pre-specied locations. The list

    of authorized doctors, organized by

    cunt, tit gin, i incu

    in th Application for Permanent

    Residence: Guide for Provincial

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p


    tmpy F Wk Pm Czhp imm C (Pan-Canadian)

    Information about the requirements and conditions for hiring temporary foreign workers.

    t f Wkpc e sk Hm rc sk dpm C


    Tests and training for three essential skills: reading text, document use and numeracy.

    Wk Pm emp Czhp imm C (Pan-Canadian)Information on job categories that may not require work permits.
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    4. assessing and seleCtinginternationallY trained WorKers

    In this section you will nd information on

    the following:

    4.1 Assessment

    4.2 Assessment and verication of international


    4.3 Assessment and verication of


    44 lngug tn

    4.5 Certication and licensure

    46 succ fct in cting intntin

    tin wk

    47 rt uc

    4.1 assessMent

    Mk h chc wh f

    cc m pc.

    As an employer, you have experience in

    assessing the qualications of candidates for

    a job. You know that accurately measuring

    competencies, skills and language abilities is

    the key to selecting candidates who meet the

    job requirements.

    You can improve your assessment process by

    nuing tht it i fi, ccut n quitb

    for all workers, including ITWs:

    develop assessment criteria based on a good

    job description; recognize the value of international creden-

    tials and experience;

    focus on the skills, behaviours and knowl-

    edge required for the job; and

    address barriers for ITWs.

    The assessment process should also address any

    certication requirements.

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    4.2 assessMent and veriFiCationoF international Credentials

    F cfc, pm

    my q C

    c. i py f .

    C m c cn

    foreign credentials such as certicates,

    diplomas and degrees and tell you how they

    compare to Canadian standards. You can nd

    some of these agencies through the Cnin

    Information Centre for International


    yu cn h intntin tin wk b

    uing th gnci, u cn k tnti

    employees to have their credentials assessed

    as part of their job applications.

    oh c

    Some regulatory bodies provide advice

    and assistance on recognizing foreign


    Some sectors have voluntary certicationsystems that can be used to assess the

    biiti f intntin tin wk

    in non-regulated occupations.

    Prior Learning Assessment Recognition(PLAR) services are available at many

    cg n intitut

    o PLAR is the identication and

    measurement of skills and knowledge

    acquired outside of formal educational

    intitutin Th plar c cn

    establish competency equivalencies for

    ki n knwg gin uti f

    Canada and determine eligibility to

    cti in t fin
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    4.3 assessMent and veriFiCationoF CoMPetenCies

    Fc pfmc f wk

    wh c really h .

    Competency refers to the scope of skills,

    knowledge and abilities needed to perform

    specic tasks and duties. You can benet by

    using competency-based testing to assess all

    candidates for a job.

    tp m cmpc

    Mk f ccp

    , which hv bn v b

    ct cuncin fin citin

    for many industries. You can assess the

    competencies of ITWs against these

    standards for specic occupations.

    u h t f Wkpc e sk

    (toWes) to assess entry-level skills. TOWES

    uses workplace documents to accurately

    measure the essential skills needed for safe

    and productive employment. Sector-specic

    TOWES assessments are also available. A

    ntin ntwk f cg c Cn

    conducts TOWES assessments.

    dp pcc wh p.

    p ign ctic tt w u

    to see the candidate in action and assess

    hi h ctu biiti

    ocm cmpc wk pc. When advertising a job,

    explicitly say that you recognize and value

    experience gained outside of Canada.

    Hp c m h cc

    qm. If a job is regulated and

    workers must have Canadian work

    experience to be licenced, consider

    cuiting cnit t w v unti

    their licensure requirements are met.

    4.4 language standards

    Mk y h m ffc: fy

    h k y , h

    y c f.

    ThCentre for Canadian Language Benchmarks

    has developed national standards for measuring

    the English or French language prociency of

    adult immigrants and prospective immigrants.

    You can use these standards to help dene

    language requirements for job descriptions.

    sv ct cunci, ntin citin

    n gut bi hv v

    sectoral or occupation-specic language testing

    and training materials. You can nd links to

    iniviu ct cunci t th ainc f

    sct Cunci
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    tp dm h k f

    h .Some jobs may require a high level

    of language skills, while others may not.

    Cni cting wk wh nt

    speak uent English or French for positions

    where basic language skills are sufcient.

    ty cm wh

    c.U in ngug, f f

    jargon and slang, in your job postings and

    ads. Consider casting a wider net by

    vtiing in ngug th thn engihor French, especially for jobs that do not

    qui high v f ki in th


    g c m pp f

    w. Keep in mind that a candidate

    may be nervous during a job interview and

    his or her language skills may appear worse

    thn th mk wnc n giv

    cnit vnc ntic f intviw

    tht th cn

    Cc wh h ppc y. Candidates may be procient in

    engih Fnch but k with n ccnt

    or express themselves differently. Make

    wnc n t t fcu n th cntnt

    Keep in mind that a good candidates

    language skills can be improved through

    training or on-the-job experience.

    4.5 CertiFiCation and liCensure

    Hp wk cq cc

    cfc c,

    -m mpy.

    The job you are trying to ll may be in a

    gut ccutin tht qui icnc t

    cti If icncing qui Cnin wk

    experience, consider hiring candidates at lower

    levels until they meet the licensure require-

    ments of the job for which they applied.

    If the job you are trying to ll is not a regulated

    occupation, you may be interested in voluntary

    certication to establish job prociency.

    Remember to communicate this preference to

    candidates at the beginning of the job process.

    rgut bi n fin citin

    provide many resources on credential

    assessment. Some industries have also

    developed certication tools.

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    4.6 suCCess FaCtors in seleCtinginternationallY trained


    F h c p

    p, f pc.

    Having good job descriptions, good recruitment

    ctic n fi, quitb n ccut

    assessment processes will give you the tools you

    need to select the best workers for the job.

    You may want to make a specic commitment

    to hiring ITWs for your organization. You can

    also allocate a number of positions to work

    transition programs.

    Other success factors include these approaches:

    Be clear about how you will make the nal


    Use a consistent, equitable set of criteria

    for similar positions. For example, create an

    vutin tb t u f ch cnit

    t nu cnitnc

    Base your selection on an assessment

    process that recognizes the value and

    tnfbiit f intntin ki n


    Consider all aspects of a candidates prole,

    bncing n cn

    To ensure a fair and equitable selection

    process, invite a human resources advisor

    hi cnutnt t it in th

    intviw c

    When rejecting applicants, explain clearly

    n hnt wh d nt ck f

    Canadian experience if it is not the

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p


    C f C l bchmk (CClb) (Pan-Canadian)

    Information on national standards for second-language prociency for immigrants and

    prospective immigrants.

    Cultural Proles Project Citizenship and Immigration Canada (Pan-Canadian)

    Overview of life and customs in 100 foreign countries.

    ec t sc C ic. (Pan-Canadian)The Canadian branch of the worlds largest private educational testing and measurement


    ehc l t Czhp imm C (Pan-Canadian)

    Language training for newcomers to help them upgrade their English or French skills.

    e sk

    Guiin n th nti ki n f v 250 ccutin

    t cc f (Pan-Canadian)

    Information on one of the standardized French language tests used in Quebec.

    t f Wkpc e sk Hm rc sk dpm C


    Tests and training for three essential workplace skills: reading text, document use and numeracy.
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    5. integrating and retaininginternationallY trained WorKers

    In this section you will nd information on the


    5.1 Bridge-to-work programs

    5.2 Training, mentoring and career development

    53 Uing u wk ki

    54 Cting n incuiv wkc

    55 evuting u ucc

    56 rt uc

    5.1 bridge-to-WorK PrograMs

    Bridge-to-work programs help provide a bridge

    between international training and experience

    n wking in Cn Th incu

    internships, occupation-specic training and

    placement, and external mentoring programs.

    The programs start with a work placement,

    after which you may offer a more permanent

    itin t th ITW

    These programs give employers:

    support by offering workplace training to

    ITWs outside of work hours;

    an opportunity to upgrade an ITWs skills to

    meet specic needs; and

    assurance that the ITWs skills meet

    Cnin tn bf ciing whth

    to make a more permanent hiring


    Bridge-to-work programs also help ITWs

    integrate effectively into the workplace with:

    structured guidance through coaches or

    mentors during the placement;

    opportunities for professional developmentand networking; and

    regular evaluations and feedback.

    5.2 training, Me ntoring and

    Career develoPMent

    e y w cc hp y

    wk , w cc.

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    t pmYou can provide training courses or peer-to-peer

    ctic tining in th wkc t u

    wk knw wh tining i vib

    Training options include the following:

    sk . ski tining i ff b

    community organizations, municipal public

    libraries and community centres. Colleges

    n intitut ff viu cu t

    upgrade technical and language skills. Some

    programs combine technical training with

    occupation-specic language training andbridging programs.

    l . ITWs can benet from

    ngug tining in engih Fnch,

    occupation-specic language training, or

    customized business English or French


    C cmmc .

    Cultural and communications training helps

    all workers to be more effective. Cultural

    training helps workers interact more

    ffctiv with cgu, ui

    customers. Communications training

    v nttin ki n h

    workers to communicate their ideas

    more clearly.

    oz . lik nw

    employees, ITWs will benet from training

    that focuses on your organizations norms,

    practices and expectations.

    Your organization can also benet by helping

    community organizations and training institutesdevelop job-related training.

    M pmProviding mentors dedicated and experienced

    staff members to answer new workers

    questions will help them integrate into your

    workplace faster. Mentoring programs can help

    all new employees but may be particularly

    vub t intntin tin wk

    C pm

    Career development opportunities are

    important for all employees and for yourorganization. Be sure to make these

    tuniti vib t intntin

    tin wk

    Include ITWs in formal leadership

    development programs.

    Be open to new forms of leadership and

    cbtin dnt vk th biiti

    of ITWs just because they dont reect the

    norm in your workplace.

    Provide coaching and courses to developcommunications and leadership skills.

    Remember that ITWs may have special

    n b n thi cutu bckgun,

    abilities, training and work experience.

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    Support workers who are pursuing certica-tion or licensure. Your organization could

    benet by providing nancial support for

    examinations, or by offering workers paid

    time off to prepare for and write important


    5.3 using all Your WorKers sKills

    M y wk fc ckw

    y wk k .

    There are many ways to make the best use of

    u intntin tin wk

    Include them in the development of new

    c, uct vic Thi

    unique perspectives may present unusual

    but ffctiv nw i

    Watch for hidden skills that may not have

    been identied during the hiring process.

    Thi iv bckgun cn b ich

    uc f ki n tnt Fin w t u

    th ki it

    Recognize and use their cultural knowledge,ngug ki n intntin ntwk

    t v intntin buin

    marketing programs aimed at specic local


    Use their language skills to translate

    materials and to provide customer service

    in multiple languages.

    5.4 Creating an inClusiveWorKPlaCe

    Mk y wkpc y C

    mk wcm y.

    There is no better way to improve the morale

    of your organization and ensure the dedication

    of your employees than by creating a welcoming

    workplace. Make sure that welcome extends

    t ITW

    Employ workers with different backgrounds.

    Create a unifying vision for your organiza-tion that brings together workers from all


    Create a climate where all workers are

    welcomed by their colleagues and

    managers, and let all workers know

    that this is important to your organization.

    Provide a formal orientation program

    that makes new workers feel valued

    n incu

    To put newcomers at ease, pair them withexisting staff members: if possible, with

    people who share the same cultural


    Connect newly arrived ITWs with people and

    community supports that will help them and

    their families settle.

    Provide diversity and cross-cultural training

    t tff

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    Celebrate your cultural diversity in posters,newsletters or other communications.

    H ci vnt tht cbt

    iffnt cutu

    Create opportunities to communicate the

    value of diversity, with specic mention

    f ITW

    Participate in and support initiatives

    related to hiring, mentoring, promoting

    n tining ITW encug vn

    in your organization to participate.

    Identify workers to champion diversity inyour organization. Include them in decision

    making, and give them the scope and

    resources to implement special initiatives

    t ct n incuiv cutu

    Ensure access to management and

    higher-level opportunities for ITWs.

    5.5 evaluating Your suCCess

    H h m f y m

    ff h itW whwh?

    Dont forget to evaluate and celebrate u ucc

    tck hw my itW y mpy.

    If youve made a commitment to hire ITWs,

    hv ct itin t wk tni-

    tion programs, assess your progress on a

    gu bi

    Kp ck f hw itW y

    wkpc.a th wk it

    employed for their skills and qualications?

    Are they advancing within your organiza-

    tion? (Keep in mind that it should not becompulsory for workers to participate in

    n tcking c)

    rp hw itW h c

    y wkpc.Cbt u ucc

    with stories in in-house newsletters,

    press releases to community or trade

    ubictin, t t hh

    sh wh y h fm

    c wk wh itW.

    Cntibut bt ctic c tui t

    u inut citin ct cuncioff t k t inut wkh,

    community group meetings or immigrant-

    serving organizations.

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap

  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    6. resourCes


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p

    National Resources

    Regional Resources

    Sectoral Resources
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap




    C f C l bchmk (CClb)

    Cultural Proles Project Citizenship and Immigration Canada

    ec t sc C, ic.

    empym acc sy f imm lk ah i

    ehc l t Hm rc sk dpm C

    e sk Hm rc sk dpm C

    F sk Wk Pm Czhp imm C

    F Wk Hm rc sk dpm C

    g C P Czhp imm C

    H imm

    Hm rc Mm C

    Immigration Programs Foreign Credentials Referral Ofce Citizenship and

    imm C

    imm-s oz Czhp imm C
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p


    ic ih

    i-n Czhp imm C

    i rc C

    j bk sc C

    l Mk op appc Czhp imm C


    l Mk op bc Czhp imm C

    l ic f nwcm C (linC) Czhp imm C

    National Occupational Classication Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

    off-Cmp Wk Pm Pm Czhp imm C

    P-g Wk Pm Pm Czhp imm C

    Pf ac C ifm C f i C

    Pc nm Pm Czhp imm C

    tmpy F Wk Pm Czhp imm C
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap



    tmpy F Wk u Czhp imm C

    t cc f

    t f

    t f eh F l (toeFl)

    t f eh f i Cmmc (toeiC)

    t f Wkpc e sk Hm rc sk dpm C

    Visa Ofces Citizenship and Immigration Canada

    Wk rh Mmm W r g C Czhp imm

    Wk C t Hm rc sk dpm C

    Wk tmpy C Czhp imm C

    Wk Pm emp Czhp imm C

    v appc Czhp imm C

    v emp Czhp imm C
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap




    acmc C am sc (aCas)

    C d Manitoba f nwcm

    ephp, t t gm f M

    M l imm/imm Mcm

    M Wkfn

    neWFoundland and labrador

    empym dpm spp gm f nwf l

    neW brunsWiCK

    Pscy ec, t l gm f nw bwck

    nortHWest territories

    ec, C, empym gm f h nhw t

    International Qualications Assessment Service (IQAS)

    (a, skchw nhw t)

    nova sCotia

    l Wkfc dpm gm f n sc
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p



    acc C f r empym (aCre) (suthwtn onti)

    b wk o imm

    Cmp ec sc (Ces)

    i C am sc f C (iCas)

    iy t Wk Php (ottw)

    lasi W sk (ow)

    l-M imm empym Cc (lMieC) (lnn)

    M Php (Tnt)

    g epc Wk i o Chm f Cmmc

    o My f Czhp imm

    o sk Pp: sk Wk H f h Wkpc

    sk f Ch (e, e tchc, tch ifm

    tchy Pf) (Gt Tnt a)

    sk Wh b (Brampton Board of Trade)
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap



    t r imm empym Cc (trieC) (Tnt)


    W r imm empym nwk (Wrien) (Wt)

    W ec sc

    PrinCe edWard island

    C ec t gm f Pc ew i


    ac f imm v M gm f Qc

    C p fm cq h Qc (CeFaHQ)

    Certicat de slection du Qubec Immigration et Communauts culturelles Qubec


    imm Cmm c Qc


    International Qualications Assessment Service (IQAS)

    (abt, sktchwn n Nthwt Titi)

    js F sk gm f skchw


    ac ec gm f h Yk
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap


    e m p l o y e r s r o a d m a p
  • 7/29/2019 Employers Roadmap



    scy f iy t e f bh Cm

    scy f P e tch f bh Cm

    t Hm rc Cc g sk Cc
