Page 1: Empathy map and_problem_statement_jamin


• I had an easy transition because of my internship and mentor

• I was blessed to have a mentor• I am really lucky• I applied for internship; 3

accepted out of 20 applicants• I was mentored and encouraged

in how to look for a job during my internship

• Many peers aren’t actively looking for a job because they don’t know how to

• Applied for selective internship; 3/20 accepted• Internship became part-time then full-time job• Encouraged to look for outside opportunities• Mentored in how to apply for jobs• Given challenging/independent work at internship

• College prepares you for technical skills but not on how to apply for a first career position

An Undergrad Senior who made

the transition

• My college mentor helped me get an internship; my intern mentor gave me challenges, taught me how to write a resume, which positions to look for and how to apply

• I feel lucky/blessed to be where I am today because of the people who helped me

• I was scared to apply for a job because I didn’t have an ‘in’ – I didn’t know anyone at the company I now work for

• Many of my peers don’t know how to write a resume or what jobs to apply for


Undergraduate Students

need a way to because


be guided by mentors to transition into a


[insight]they lack the skills,

confidence and networks to make the transition on

their own.
