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  • 7/29/2019 eb_PS03a_14


    Hardware Installation Guide 1

    OverviewThis Hardware Installation Guide provides a brief description of the hardwareinstallation of the print server. It contains the following information:

    Scope of Supply

    Safety Regulations

    Print Server Controls and Technical Data

    Mounting the Print Server


    Information and Hotline

    To obtain additional information about your print server, please refer to the

    documentation on the Product CD. Should you have any further questions, pleasecontact our support hotline.

    Monday - ThursdayFriday

    8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. (CET)

    +49 (0)521 94226-44

    @ [email protected]

    Print Server


    Hardware Installation Guide

  • 7/29/2019 eb_PS03a_14


    2 Hardware Installation Guide

    Scope of Supply

    Please check the package content before getting started:

    Print Server PS03a


    Provides a brief description of the hardwareinstallation of the print server. (This document)


    Provides information about a fast operational readi-ness of the print server.

    Product CD The Product CD provides:

    - User Manual (The pdf file provides a detailed

    description of the installation and administration.)- Installation Manuals (The pdf files provide a

    detailed description of the software installationunder each of the supported operating systems.)

    - InterCon-NetTool (Administration tool),

    - SEH Printer Wizard (Printer Installation Wizard),

    - SEH Print Monitor,

    - SEH UTN Manager,- SEH Private-MIB,

    - Adobe Reader


    External Power Supply

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    Hardware Installation Guide 3

    Safety Regulations

    English [en]

    Print servers are network interfaces for printers in office environments and are designed

    for the direct integration of printers into networks. Before starting the initial operationprocedure of your device, please note the following safety regulations:

    Read the documentation and make sure that your system meets the requirementslisted therein.

    Avoid contact with humidity or liquids. The device must only be connected and operated if it is in perfect condition. Make sure that no-one steps on or stumbles over the cables. Do not connect a telephone cable to the RJ-45 connector. The RJ-45 connector may

    only be connected to SELV voltages. For the connection to the RJ-45 connector only

    STP cabling (category 5 or better) may be used. The shielding must fit flushly to theconnector. The device must only be operated using the power pack included in the package. Use a certified USB Hi-Speed cable to connect the printer. A list of certified cables

    may be found at!

    Deutsch [de]

    Printserver sind Netzwerkschnittstellen fr Drucker in Broumgebungen und dienen zum

    direkten Einbinden von Druckern in Netzwerken. Beachten Sie vor Inbetriebnahme IhresGertes folgende Sicherheitsvorschriften:

    Lesen Sie die Dokumentation und stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr System denaufgefhrten Anforderungen entspricht.

    Das Gert darf nicht mit Feuchtigkeit oder Flssigkeit in Berhrung kommen. Das Gert darf nur in unversehrtem Zustand angeschlossen und betrieben werden. Verlegen Sie alle Kabel so, dass niemand darauf treten oder darber stolpern kann. Schlieen Sie keine Telefonleitungen an den RJ-45-Stecker an. An diesen darf nur

    Sicherheitskleinspannung angeschlossen werden. Verwenden Sie fr den Anschluss

    an den RJ-45 Stecker nur STP-Kabel (Kategorie 5 oder besser). Kabelschirm undSteckerschirm des Kabels mssen flchig verbunden sein.

    Das Gert darf nur mit dem mitgelieferten Netzteil betrieben werden. Verwenden Sie fr die Verbindung zum Drucker ein zertifiziertes USB-Hi-Speed-Kabel.

    Eine Liste der zertifizierten Kabel finden Sie unter!

    Franais [fr]

    Les serveurs d'impression sont des interfaces rseaux pour les imprimantes dans desbureaux et servent l'intgration directe des imprimantes dans les rseaux. Avant demettre en service votre priphrique, veuillez suivre ces quelques conseils de scurit:

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    4 Hardware Installation Guide

    Lisez attentivement la documentation et assurez-vous que votre systme satisfait bientoutes les exigences mentionnes.

    Evitez le contact avec l'humidit ou avec le liquide. Le priphrique doit tre connect et exploit uniquement en parfait tat de

    fonctionnement. Assurez-vous que personne ne trbuche sur les cbles. Ne branchez aucune ligne tlphonique au connecteur RJ-45. Les connecteurs RJ-45

    ne doivent tre connects qu'aux tensions SELV. Pour la connexion au connecteurRJ-45, seuls les cbles STP (catgorie 5 ou suprieur) peuvent tre utiliss. Leblindage doit tre fix au connecteur de manire plane.

    Le priphrique doit tre connect l'alimentation lectrique inclue dans la livraison. Utilisez un cble certifi USB Hi-Speed pour connecter limprimante. Vous trouverez

    une liste de cbles certifis sous !

    Espaol [es]

    Los servidores de impresin son interfaces de la red para impresoras en oficinas y sirvenpara la integracin directa de impresoras en redes. Tenga en cuenta antes de poner enfuncionamiento su dispositivo las siguientes precauciones:

    Lea la documentacin y compruebe que su sistema reune los requisitos necesarios. Evite el contacto con la humedad o con el lquido. El dispositivo slo debe ser conectado y accionado en un estado intacto. Cercirese de que nadie camine en o tropiece con los cables. No conecte la lnea telefnica al conector RJ-45. Todos los conectores RJ-45 slo

    pueden ser conectados con tensiones SELV. Para la conexin al conector RJ-45, slose puede utilizar cables del tipo STP (categora 5 o mejor). La proteccin al conectordebe ser laminar.

    El dispositivo tiene que ser conectado al transformador incluido en el emballaje. Para la conexin con la impresora, utilice un cable USB certificado que aparece en la

    lista en

    Italiano [it]

    I server di stampa sono interfacce della rete per le stampanti negli ambienti dell'ufficio eservono all'integrazione diretta delle stampanti nelle reti. Prima di mettere in esercizio ildispositivo, osservare le istruzioni di sicurezza descritte qui di seguito:

    Leggere la documentazione ed assicurarsi che il proprio sistema sia conforme airequisiti riportati.

    Evitare il contatto con l'umidit e con il liquido. Il dispositivo deve essere collegato e messo in funzione solo in condizioni perfette. Assicurarsi che nessuno inciampa nei cavi. Non collegare linee telefoniche al connettore RJ-45. Tutti i connettori RJ-45 devono

    essere collegati solo con tensioni SELV. Per il collegamento al connettore RJ-45,utilizzare esclusivamente cavi STP (categoria 5 o meglio). La schermatura alconnettore deve essere fissata in piano.

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    Hardware Installation Guide 5

    Il dispositivo deve essere utilizzato con l'alimentatore compreso nella consegna. Per il collegamento alla stampante, utilizzare un cavo USB certificato che si trova nel

    elenco all'indirizzo

    Portugus [pt]

    Servidores de impresso so interfaces de rede para impressoras em ambientes

    empresariais e destinam-se integrao directa das impressoras dentro das redes.Antes de colocar o seu dispositivo em funcionamento, observe os seguintes avisos desegurana:

    Leia a documentao e certifique-se de que o seu sistema corresponde aos requisitosindicados.

    O dispositivo no pode entrar em contacto com humidade ou lquidos. O dispositivo apenas deve ser ligado e operado se estiver em perfeitas condies. Coloque os cabos de forma a evitar que as pessoas possam tropear sobre eles ou

    pisar nos mesmos.

    No ligue quaisquer linhas telefnicas no conector RJ-45. Os conectores RJ-45apenas devem ser ligados a tomadas de baixa tenso de segurana. Para a ligaodos conectores RJ-45 utilize apenas cabos STP (categoria 5 ou melhor). A blindagemdos cabos e conectores deve ser conectada em toda a sua superfcie.

    O dispositivo tem de ser operado com um equipamento de alimentao enviado. Para a ligao da impressora, utilize um cabo Hi Speed USB certificado. Poder

    encontrar uma lista de cabos certificados no endereo !

    Svenska [sv]

    En printserver r ett ntverksinterface fr skrivare i kontor och anvnds fr den direktaintegreringen av skrivare i ntverk. Beakta fljande skerhetsanvisningar freidrifttagandet av apparaten:

    Ls dokumentation och skerstll att ditt system motsvarar de uppfrda kraven. Apparaten fr ej utsttas fr fukt eller vtskor. Apparaten fr endast anslutas och tas i drift i felfritt tillstnd. Lgg alla kablar p ett sdant stt att personer ej trampar p dem eller snavar ver

    dem. Anslut inga telefonkablar till RJ-45-kontakten. Till RJ-45-kontakten fr endast SELV-

    spnningar anslutas. Anvnd endast STP-kabel (kategori 5 eller bttre) fr anslutningtill RJ-45-kontakten. Kabelns och kontaktens skrmningsytor mste vara ordentligtfrbundna.

    Anvnd endast ntadaptern som levererats med apparaten. Anvnd en certifierad USB-Hi-Speed-kabel fr anslutning till skrivaren. En lista ver

    certifierade kablar finns hos!

    Dansk [da]

    Printservere er netvrksgrnseflader til printere i kontormiljer og bruges til at integrereprintere direkte i netvrk. Inden De tager Deres apparatet i brug, skal De vreopmrksom p flgende sikkerhedsforskrifter:

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    6 Hardware Installation Guide

    Ls det tilhrende skriftlige materiale, og kontroller, at Deres system opfylder deangivne krav.

    Produktet m ikke komme i kontakt med fugt eller vske. Apparatet skal vre fuldstndig intakt og uden skader, nr den tilsluttes og under

    anvendelse. Kabler skal udlgges sledes, at personer ikke kan trde p dem eller snuble over


    St ikke telefonledninger i RJ-45-stikket. Til dette stik m kun tilsluttes lavsikkerhedsspnding. Til tilslutning til RJ-45-stikket m kun bruges STP-kabler(kategori 5 eller bedre). Kablets lednings- og stikafskrmning skal vre fladtforbundet.

    Apparatet m kun drives med den medleverede strmforsyning. Anvend til forbindelsen til printeren et certificeret USB-Hi-Speed-kabel. En liste over

    de certificerede kabler finder du under !

    Suomi [fi]

    Tulostinpalvelimet ovat tulostimille tarkoitettuja, toimistoympristss kytettviverkkoliittymi, ja niiden kytttarkoitus on liitt tulostimet tietoverkkoihin. Ennen laitteenkyttnottoa tulee ottaa huomioon seuraavat turvamrykset:

    Lue dokumentaatio ja varmista, ett jrjestelmsi tytt siin esitetyt vaatimukset. Laitteeseen ei saa joutua kosteutta tai nesteit. Laitetta ei saa liitt verkkoon tai kytt, jos se on vahingoittunut. Sijoita johdot kulkuvyln ulkopuolelle siten, ettei johtoihin voi kompastua. l kytke puhelinjohtoja RJ-45-liittimeen. Thn saa kytke vain turvallisen

    pienjnnitteen. Kyt RJ-45-liitntihin vain STP-johtoa (kategoria 5 tai isompi).Tarkista, ett pistoke on kaikilta osiltaan suojattu: johtosuojan ja johdon liitinsuojantulee peitt toisensa liitoskohdassa.

    Laitetta saa kytt vain mukana toimitetun verkkolaitteen kanssa. Kyt tulostinliitntn sertifioitua USB-Hi-Speed-kaapelia. Sertifioidut kaapelit

    sisltvn luettelon lydt Internet-osoitteesta!

    Nederlands [nl]

    Printservers zijn netwerkinterfaces voor printers in kantooromgevingen en zijn bedoeld

    voor het direct invoegen van printers in netwerken. Voor de ingebruikname van deapparaat dienen de volgende veiligheidsvoorschriften in acht te worden genomen:

    Lees de documentatie en vergewist u zich er van dat uw systeem voldoet aan devermelde vereisten.

    Het apparaat mag niet in aanraking komen met vochtigheid of met vloeistoffen. Het apparaat mag alleen in onbeschadigde toestand worden aangesloten en

    bedreven. Kabels dienen zo te worden gelegd, dat niemand er op stapt of er over kan struikelen. Verbind geen telefoonleidingen met de RJ-45-stekker. Hierop mag uitsluitend extra

    lage spanning (SELV, safety extra-low voltage) worden aangesloten. Gebruik voor deaansluiting op de RJ-45-stekker uitsluitend STP-kabels (categorie 5 of hoger). De

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    Hardware Installation Guide 7

    afscherming van de kabel en van de stekker van de kabel dienen als in een vlak opelkaar aan te sluiten.

    Voor het apparaat mag uitsluitend de meegeleverde voedingstekker worden gebruikt. Gebruik voor de verbinding met de printer een gecertificeerde USB Hi-Speed-kabel. U

    vindt een lijst met gecertificeerde kabels op!

    E [el] printserver. :




    . RJ-45.

    . RJ-45 STP ( 5 ). .


    USB Hi-Speed.!

    Slovenina [sk]

    Printservery s sietovmi uvateskmi rozhraniami pre tlaiarne do kancelrskehoprostredia a slia na priame pripojenie tlaiarn k sieti. Pred uvedenm Vho zariadeniatlaovho servera do prevdzky zohladnite nasledovn bezpenostn predpisy:

    Pretajte si dokumentan materil a uistite sa, e V systm vyhovuje uvdzanmpoiadavkm.

    Prstroj nesmie prst do kontaktu s vlhkostou alebo s kvapalinami. Zariadenie tlaovho servera smie byt zapojen a prevdzkovan lenv nepokodenom stave.

    Vetky vodie umiestnite tak, aby nikto na ne nemohol liapnut alebo o ne zakopnt. Nezapjajte iadne telefnne vedenie do RJ-45-zstrky. K tejto zstrke smie byt

    pripojen len bezpen nzke naptie. Na pripojenie do RJ-45 zstrky pouvajte lenSTP-vodi (kategrie 5 alebo lepej). Ochrana vodia a ochrana zstrky kbla musiabyt spojen plone.

    Zariadenie tlaovho servera sa smie prevdzkovat iba so sasne dodanmsietovm zdrojom.

    Pre spojenie s tlaiarnou pouvajte certifikovan USB-Hi-Speed-kbel. Zoznamcertifikovanch kblov njdete na strnke !

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    8 Hardware Installation Guide

    Eesti [et]

    Printserverid on vrguliidesed brooprinterite jaoks ning nende lesandeks on printeriteotsene hendamine vrku. Lugege enne seadme kasutuselevtmist lbi jrgnevadohutusjuhised:

    Lugege dokumentatsioon lbi ning kontrollige, kas Teie ssteem vastab loetletudnuetele.

    Seade ei tohi kokku puutuda niiskuse ega vedelikega. hendada ja kasutada vib ainult vigastamata seadet. Paigutage kik kaablid selliselt, et keegi ei astuks neile peale ega komistaks nende

    otsa. rge hendage RJ-45-pistikuga telefoniliine. Selle klge vib hendada ainult

    madalpingeseadmeid. Kasutage RJ-45-pistikuga hendamiseks ainult STP kaablit(kategooria 5 vi parem). Kaablikaitse ja kaabli pistiku kaitse peavad olema omavahel

    hendatud. Kasutage seadet ainult koos kaasasoleva toiteplokiga. Kasutage serveri ja printeri hendamiseks sertifitseeritud USB-HS-kaablit.

    Sertifitseeritud kaablite nimekirja leiate Internetist

    Lietuvikalba [lt]

    Printserveriai skirti tinklo ssajos biuro spausdintuvams ir jie naudojami jungiantspausdintuvus tinkl. Prie praddami naudoti savo prietaisatkreipkite dmesiuosnurodymus dl saugos:

    Perskaitykite dokumentus irsitikinkite, ar jssistema atitinka nurodytus reikalavi-mus.

    Prietaisui kenkia drgm ar skystis. Tik nepriekaitingos bkls priet aisgalima prijungti ir juo naudotis. Itieskite visus kabelius taip, kad niekas jneumintir u jneuklit. Neprijunkite jokitelefono laidprie RJ-45 kitukins jungties. Prie jos galima prijungti

    tik apsaugin paeminttamp. Junkite prie RJ-45 kitukins jungties tik STP kabel(5 ar geresn kategorija). Kabelio arvas ir kabelio kitukins jungties arvas turi bti

    sujungti plokiai. Prietaisgalima eksploatuoti tik su kartu pristatytu maitinimo bloku. Panaudti u kontktas pas printer sertificas USB-Hi-Speed-kbelis. Sraas

    sertificas USB kbelis stovet p internetas

    Latvieu valoda [lv]

    Printera serveri ir tkla saskarnes printeriem biroju apkrtn un tie kalpo tieai printeruieslganai tklos. Pirms uzskt iekrtas ekspluatciju, ldzam iepazties ar sekojoiemdrobas noteikumiem:

    Iepazstieties ar dokumentciju un prliecinieties, ka Jsu sistma atbilst mintajmprasbm.

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    Hardware Installation Guide 9

    Iekrta nedrkst nonkt saskar ar mitrumu vai idrumu. Iekrtu drkst pieslgt un ekspluatt tikai nebojt stvokl. Visus kabeus novietojiet t, lai neviens nevartu uz tiem uzkpt vai aizerties aiz

    tiem. Pie RJ-45 tipa kontaktsprauda nepievienojiet telefona vadus. Pie ts drkst pieslgt

    tikai drobas zemspriegumu. Pieslgumam pie RJ-45 tipa kontaktspraudaizmantojiet tikai STP tipa kabeli (5. kategorijas vai labku). Kabea ekrns unkontaktsprauda ekrns ir plakani jsavieno.

    IIekrtu drkst izmantot tikai ar tai pievienoto tkla kabeli. Printera pievienojumam izmantot sertifictu trdarbgu USB-kabeli. Sertifictu kabeu

    sarakstu atradsiet interneta lap !

    Slovenina [sl]

    Tiskalniki streniki so omreni vmesniki za tiskalnik v uradih in sluijo za neposrednopovezavo tiskalnikov v omreja. Pred zagonom svoje naprave upotevajte naslednje

    varnostne predpise: Preberite dokumentacijo in prepriajte se, da va sistem ustreza navedenim

    zahtevam. Stroj ne sme priti v stik z vlago ali tekoino. Naprava se sme prikljuevati in poganjati samo v nepokodovanem stanju. Vse kable poloite tako, da na nje nihe ne more stopiti ali se ob njih spotakniti. Na vti RJ-45 ne prikljuujte telefonskih vodov. Nanj sme biti prikljuena samo nizka

    varnostna napetost. Za prikljuevanje na vti RJ-45 uporabljajte samo STP-kabel(razred 5 ali bolji). Kabelski itnik in itnik kabelskega vtia morata biti plosko

    povezana. Naprava se sme poganjati le s priloenim omrenim delom. Za povezavo s tiskalnikom uporabite certificirani USB-kabel visoke hitrosti (USB-Hi-

    Speed-kabel). Seznam certificiranih kablov boste nali pod!

    Polski [pl]

    Serwery druku stanowi interfejsy sieciowe dla drukarek w otoczeniach biurowych i su

    do bezporedniego integrowania drukarek w sieci. Przed uruchomieniem urzadzenie

    naley przestrzega nastpujcych przepisw bezpieczestwa:

    Przeczyta dokumentacj i upewni si, e posiadany system spenia podane tamwymagania.

    Urzdzenie nie moe mie kontaktu z wilgocilub cieczami. Urzdzenie moe by podczane i eksploatowane tylko w nieuszkodzonym stanie. Wszystkie kable naley ukada w taki sposb, aby nie mona byo na nie wej lub

    potkn si na nich. Do wtyczek RJ-45 nie naley podcza przewodw telefonicznych. Mona podcza

    do nich wycznie bezpieczne, niskie napicie. Do podczania do wtyczki RJ-45naley uywa wycznie kabli STP (kategoria 5 lub lepsza). Ekran kabla i ekran

    wtyczki muszby poczone ze sobna duej powierzchni. Urzdzenie moe by zasilane wycznie przez doczony do niego zasilacz.

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    10 Hardware Installation Guide

    Do poczenia z drukarknaley uywa kabla USB-Hi-Speed z certyfikatem. Listakabli z certyfikatem znajduje si na stronie .

    esky [cs]Tiskov servery jsou stov rozhran pro tiskrny v kancelskm prosted a slou propm sdlen tiskren v stch. Ped uvedenm tiskovho serveru do provozu dodrujte

    nsledujc bezpenostn pedpisy: Pette si dokumentaci a zajistte, aby V systm odpovdal uvedenm

    poadavkm. Pstroj nesm pijt do styku s vlhkost nebo tekutinou. Pstroj sm bt instalovn a provozovn pouze v neporuenm stavu. Instalujte vechny kabely tak, aby na n nemohl nikdo stoupnout nebo o n

    zakopnout. Do zsuvky RJ-45-nepipojujte dn telefonn kabely. Do zsuvky sm bt pivedeno

    pouze bezpen nzk napt. Pro pipojen do zsuvky RJ-45 pouvejte vhradn

    kabely STP (Kategorie 5 nebo vy). Stnn kabelu a zsuvky mus bt spojenoplon. Pstroj je dovoleno provozovat pouze s dodanm stovm dlem. K pipojen tiskrny pouvejte certifikovan vysokorychlostn kabel USB. Seznam

    certifikovanch kabel naleznete na adrese

    Magyar [hu]

    A nyomtatszerverek hlozati interfszek irodahelyisgekben elhelyezett nyomtatkszmra s feladatuk a nyomtatk kzvetlen bektse a hlozatokba.Vegye figyelembe

    az n nyomtatszervernek zembevtele eltt a kvetkez biztonsgi elrsokat: Olvassa el a dokumentcit s biztostsa, hogy az n rendszere megfeleljen a

    felsorolt kvetelmnyeknek. A kszlk nem lphet rintkezsbe nedvessggel vagy folyadkkal. Csak srtetlen llapotban csatlakoztathat s zemeltethet a kszlk. Az sszes kbelt fektesse gy, hogy senki ne lphessen r vagy botolhasson meg. Ne csatlakoztasson semmilyen telefon vezetket az RJ-45-dugra. Erre csak

    biztonsgi trpefeszltsg csatlakoztathat. A RJ-45dugra trtn csatlakozshozhasznljon csak STP kbelt (5. kategrihoz tartozt vagy jobbat). A kbel rnykols

    s a kbel dug rnykols felletei megfelelen kell legyenek sszenyomva. A kszlket csak a hozz adott tpegysggel szabad zemeltetni. A nyomtatkiszolgl s a nyomtat sszekapcsolsra hasznljon tanstott

    nagysebessgu USB kbelt. A tanstott kbelek jegyzke a helyenmegtallhat.

    Malti [mt]

    Il-print servers huma interfaces ta' netwerk ghall-printers f'uffiju u huma ddisinjati ghall-integrazzjoni diretta ta' printers ma' netwerks. Qabel ma tibda bil-proedura inizjali ta'

    thaddim ta' l-apparat tieghek, jekk joghgbok hu nota tar-regolamenti ta' sigurtli gejjin:

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    Hardware Installation Guide 11

    Aqra d-dokumentazzjoni u aghmel ert li s-sistema tieghek tissodisfa l-htigijiet elenkatifiha.

    Evita kuntatt ma' l-umditjew ma' likwidi. L-apparat ghandu jigi mqabbad u mhaddem biss jekk ikun f'kundizzjoni perfetta. Aghmel ert li hadd ma jirfes jew jaqa' fuq il-kejbils. Tqabbadx kejbil tat-telefon mal-konnettur RJ-45. Il-konnettur RJ-45 ghandu jigi

    mqabbad biss mal-vultaggi SELV. Ghal konnessjoni ma' l-RJ-45, ghandhom jintuawkejbils STP (kategorija 5 jew ahjar) biss. Il-protezzjoni ghandha tidhol flaxx mal-konnettur.

    L-apparat ghandu jithaddem biss bit-taghmir li jforni l-energija li jinsab fil-pakkett. Ua kejbil USB Hi-Speed biex tqabbad mal-printer. Elenku ta' kejbils iertifikati

    jinsabu fuq


    . :

    , .

    . . ,

    . RJ-45-.

    . RJ-45-

    STP- ( 5 -). .

    . USB-Hi-Speed-.!

    Romn [ro]

    Cu Printserver sunt denumite interfeele de reea pentru imprimante de birou; acesteservere au rolul de integrare direct a imprimantelor n reele. nainte de punerea nfunciune a aparatului dumneavoastr, avei n vedere urmtoarele prescripii desiguran:

    Citii documentaia i asigurai-v c sistemul dumneavoastr corespunde cerinelorenumerate.

    Aparatul nu are voie s vin n contract cu umiditate sau lichide. Aparatul se va conecta i pune n funciune numai dac este n stare intact. Amplasai toate cablurile n poziii n care pericolul de mpiedicare este exclus. Nu conectai fire de telefon la fia RJ-45. La aceasta este permis numai conectarea

    tensiunilor de siguran sczute. Pentru conectarea la fia RJ-45, utilizai numai cablulSTP (categoria 5 sau superioar). Ecranarea cablului i a fiei cablului trebuie s fie

    mbinate pe suprafa.

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    12 Hardware Installation Guide

    Funcionarea aparatului este permis numai prin intermediul alimentatorului de reeadin setul de livrare.

    Pentru conectarea la imprimant, utilizai un cablu USB-Hi-Speed certificat. O list acablurilor certificate este prezentat la!

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    Hardware Installation Guide 13

    Print Server Controls and Technical Data

    * The shield connection of the RJ45 connector is connected to the shield of the printer port.This connection must be taken into account when arranging your network cabling. For moreinformation, please consult your retailer.

    Characteristics Values

    Printer Connector - 2 x USB 2.0 HS (expandable to 5 ports)

    Network Connectionlogical:


    - IEEE 802.3i (10BaseT Ethernet)- IEEE 802.3u (100BaseTX Fast Ethernet)- RJ-45 (STP Cat.5)

    Operating Environment - Ambient temperature: 5 - 40 C- Relative humidity: 20 - 80 %

    Dimensions - Length 98 mm- Width 81 mm- Height 31 mm- Weight 100 g

    1) Link indicator LED (green):The LED lights up when a (physical)

    connection to the network is available.2) Network activity LED (yellow):

    The LED lights up when data packetsare being received.

    3) Status indicator LED (green):The LED shows that the print server isoperational.

    4) Status button

    5) Connector for SEH power pack

    6) RJ-45 connector for 100BaseTX and10BaseT *

    7) USB port2

    8) USB port1

    9) Slot for security lock

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    14 Hardware Installation Guide

    Mounting the Print Server

    The print server allows printers and plotters to be connected to the network viathe USB interface.

    Integrate the print server in the network

    Print Server

    Connect the print server to the printer

    Proceed as follows:

    1. Turn the printer off.

    2. Disconnect the printer's power cord.

    3. Remove the data cable (USB) connecting the printer to thecomputer.

    4. Connect the data cable (USB) to the print server.

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    Hardware Installation Guide 15

    A status page can only be printed if the printer supports ASCII, PostScript,DATAMAX (label printer), or the Citizen-Z (label printer) format.

    Connect the print server to the network

    Proceed as follows:

    1. Connect the network cable (RJ-45) to the print server.

    2. Connect the power pack's power cord to the print server.

    3. Connect the printer's power cord to the printer.

    4. Turn the printer on.

    5. Press the status button of the print server in order to print out

    a status page.

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    16 Hardware Installation Guide

    Additional Features

    Use the print server with up to four additional printers

    It is possible to connect a hub to the USB port 2 of the print serverand use it with up to four additional printers at the hub.(Note: The USB hub is not part of the delivery.)

    Use the print server with a security lock

    The print server can be used with a security lock, e.g. a Kensingtonlock. Just introduce the security lock into the provided slot.(Note: The security lock is not part of the delivery.)

    Attach the print server to the printer

    You can attach the print server to the printer using the enclosedhook and loop fasteners. Put both halves of the hook and loopfastener together. Stick the hook and loop fasteners to the cavitiesat the bottom of the print server. Peel off the remaining protectivefilm and attach the print server firmly to the printer. Make surenot to cover any ventilation slots or controls of the printer.

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    Hardware Installation Guide 17


    The latest version of the EC declaration of conformity can be downloaded from

    the homepage of SEH Computertechnik GmbH:

    EC - Class B

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    18 Hardware Installation Guide

    FCC - Class B

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    Hardware Installation Guide 19

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    Manufactured by:

    SEH Computertechnik GmbH

    Suedring 11

    33647 Bielefeld


    Phone: +49 (0)521 94226-29

    Fax: +49 (0)521 94226-99Support: +49 (0)521 94226-44

    Email: [email protected]



    Type: Hardware Installation GuideTitle: PS03a

    Version: 1.4

    Order number: MHAB-EB-IV-PS03a

    Online Links to important Internet Resources:

    Free Guarantee Extension:Support Contacts and Information:

    Sales Contacts and Information:

    2011 SEH Computertechnik GmbH

    All trademarks, registered trademarks, logos and product names are property of their respective owners.This product uses Open Source Software. For further information, please contact product documentation gives you valuable information about your product.Keep the documentation for further reference during the life cycle of the product.

    Recycling notes according to the Electric and Electronic Equipment Act as wellas the European directive WEEE. Dispose of the device separately at the end ofits life cycle. Do not dispose of the product together with your domestic waste.You can return the device free of charge to your local collection point.