Page 1: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn


Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Alnus glutinosa(L.) Gaertn.

M. Carmen San Jose • Silvia Valladares •

Laura V. Janeiro • Elena Corredoira

Received: 16 April 2013 / Revised: 30 August 2013 / Accepted: 9 September 2013 / Published online: 24 September 2013

� Franciszek Gorski Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow 2013

Abstract In vitro-grown shoot tips of Alnus glutinosa

(L.) Gaertn. were successfully cryopreserved by vitrifica-

tion. Shoot tips (0.5–1 mm) excised from 6-week-old

shoots were precultured in hormone-free Woody Plant

Medium (WPM) supplemented with 0.2 M sucrose, for

2 days at 4 �C in the dark, and then treated with a mixture

of 2 M glycerol plus 0.4 M sucrose, for 20 min at 25 �C.

Osmoprotected shoot tips were first dehydrated with 50 %

vitrification solution (PVS2), for 30 min at 0 �C, and then

placed in 100 % PVS2, for 30 min at 0 �C. The solution

was replaced with fresh 100 % PVS2, and the shoot tips

were plunged directly into liquid nitrogen. The shoot tips

were rewarmed in a water bath at 40 �C for 2 min, and then

washed twice, for 10 min at 25 �C, with 1.2 M sucrose

solution, before being transferred onto WPM supplemented

with 0.5 mg l-1 N6-benzyladenine, 0.5 mg l-1 indole-3-

acetic acid, 0.2 mg l-1 zeatin, 20 g l-1 glucose and 6 g l-1

Difco Bacto agar. The shoot tips were kept in darkness for

1 week and under dim lighting for another week, before

being exposed to standard culture conditions (16 h photo-

period). This protocol was successfully applied to three

alder genotypes, with recovery rates higher than 50 %.

Keywords Black alder � Long-term conservation �PVS2 � Shoot tips � Vitrification


Alnus glutinosa is a medium-sized tree, of height 17–22 m

and diameter 60–70 cm. It has a shallow, highly branching

root system, especially when it grows in wet substrates. Its

roots develop nodules in symbiotic association with

Frankia alni, an endophytic nitrogen-fixing actinomycete.

The tree grows on riversides, in valley bottoms and wet

slopes, from sea level to an altitude of 1,700 m, and it

prefers acidic, silty substrates in which the water is fre-

quently renewed. The species is present throughout most of

Europe, Asia and the Northwest US. The wood, which is

almost white when freshly cut, burns slowly and is used as

a source of charcoal in the manufacture of gunpowder.

Since it stains well, it is also used in carpentry to imitate

noble woods such as ebony and mahogany, and in the

plywood manufacturing industry to make high quality

panels. The tannins present in the bark possess astringent

properties (antidiarrhoeic, local anticoagulant), and the

bark is used in home remedies as an antipyretic and local

analgesic (Menendez Valderrey 2006). Recent improve-

ments in markets for small diameter hardwoods and

development of markets for carbon sequestration have

increased the merchantability of woody nurse crops such as

alder (Bohanek and Groninger 2005).

At the beginning of the 1990s, a new disease caused the

loss of large numbers of alder trees. This disease was

associated with a previously unknown species of the fungus

Phytophthora (P. alni). This soil- and waterbone pathogen

causes aggressive root and collar rot on riparian alder

populations (Gibbs et al. 2003; Brasier et al. 2004). The

disease has been described in several European countries

with a destructive impact in Great Britain (Brasier et al.

2004; Jung and Blaschke 2004). All European alder species

and red alder (Alnus rubra) are highly susceptible,

Communicated by M. Capuana.

M. C. S. Jose (&) � S. Valladares � E. Corredoira

Instituto de Investigaciones Agrobiologicas de Galicia, CSIC,

Apartado 122, 15705 Santiago de Compostela, Spain

e-mail: [email protected]

L. V. Janeiro

INLUDES, Diputacion Provincial de Lugo, Ronda de la Muralla

140, 27004 Lugo, Spain


Acta Physiol Plant (2014) 36:109–116

DOI 10.1007/s11738-013-1391-x

Page 2: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn

A. glutinosa being the most susceptible to the pathogen.

The loss of the alder would lead to serious problems in

natural environments as the species plays a fundamental

role in stabilizing riverbanks, purifying water and con-

trolling the water temperature, and in the biodiversity of

terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Conservation of A. glutin-

osa resources is, therefore, worthy of research effort.

Germplasm preservation plays an important role in the

maintenance of biodiversity and avoidance of genetic

erosion. Advances in biotechnology have generated

opportunities for the conservation of genetic resources, and

the use and maintenance of plant materials at cryogenic

temperatures (cryopreservation) are now a suitable option

for long-term storage (Reed 2008; Kong and von Aderkas

2010). Cryopreservation allows the conservation of cells,

tissues and organs derived from in vitro culture (such as

shoot tips, callus cultures and somatic embryos) in liquid

nitrogen (Reed 2008). The main advantages of cryopres-

ervation are the simplicity and the applicability of the

technique to a wide range of genotypes (Engelmann 2004).

The method is based on the total arrest of cellular divisions

and metabolic processes as a result of storage at ultra-low

temperatures, usually that of liquid nitrogen (-196 �C)

(Niino and Sakai 1992). Theoretically, the plant material

can thus be stored unchanged for an indefinite period of

time (Engelmann 1997). Cryopreservation offers the most

efficient and cost-effective strategy for long-term storage

of genetic resources of vegetatively propagated plants and

is also increasingly recognized as an important tool for ex

situ conservation of the germplasm of endangered plant

species (Touchell 2000; Keller et al. 2008).

Our research efforts for the long-term conservation of

this species first focused on the development of a micro-

propagation protocol, using explants obtained from mature

adult trees (San Jose et al. 2013). Once this was accom-

plished, in this paper we studied the cryopreservation of

in vitro-grown shoot tips of mature alder using the vitrifi-

cation technique. To best of our knowledge, this is the first

report on the cryopreservation of alder species where shoot

tips are used. The only study that we have found on the

subject refers to the cryopreservation of seeds of A. glu-

tinosa (Chmielarz 2010). Shoot tips are often chosen as

explant because they contain a relatively small number of

undifferentiated cells, which are believed to maintain a

stable genetic content after recovery. Moreover, shoot tips

display more uniform genetic ploidy, which allows for

rapid regeneration into whole plantlets (Sakai 1995). The

rationale for cryopreserving shoot tips and meristems is

motivated by the need to conserve the germplasm of (1)

vegetatively proliferating species, (2) clonally maintained

elite genetic stocks, (3) species that produce recalcitrant

seeds, and (4) micropropagated plants of economic and

conservation significance (Benson and Harding 2012).

Vitrification refers to the physical process of transition of

an aqueous solution into an amorphous and glassy state

during ultra-rapid freezing. When the vitrification process

involves the cell cytosol, intracellular ice crystal formation

is hampered; thus, the tissue remains viable and responsive

to reintroduction to standard culture conditions (SCC). The

main advantages of the vitrification technique are: (1) the

explants are directly plunged into liquid nitrogen, which

simplifies the procedures considerably; (2) it is effective in

preserving the integrity of complex organs (such as shoot

tips), thus preventing partial destruction of meristems and

avoiding callusing. Hence, a normal regrowth of the pre-

served explants after rewarming is assured (Sakai 2000);

and (3) protocols of cryopreservation by vitrification are

highly repetitive (Lambardi and De Carlo 2003).

Materials and methods

Plant material and culture conditions

In vitro-grown shoots of alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.)

Gaertn.), derived from axillary buds excised from a 25–30-

year-old tree (Clone R4), were cultured on Woody Plant

Medium (WPM) (Lloyd and McCown 1980) supplemented

with 0.1 mg l-1 N6-benzyladenine (BA), 0.5 mg l-1

indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 20 g l-1 glucose, and 7 g l-1

Difco Bacto agar. Medium pH was adjusted to 5.7 before

autoclaving at 121 �C for 20 min. The shoots were trans-

ferred to fresh medium every 3 weeks until completing a

subculture period of 9 weeks (San Jose et al. 2013). The

plant material was maintained in a growth chamber at

25 �C (day) and 20 �C (night) under a 16 h photoperiod,

with a light intensity of 50–60 lmol m-2 s-1, provided by

cool-white fluorescent lamps. These conditions were

defined as SCC.

Cryopreservation procedures

Effect of loading and vitrification solutions

In a preliminary experiment, the toxicity of the loading

solution was evaluated. Shoot tips (0.5–1 mm in

length 9 0.5–0.8 mm in width, and consisted of the apical

meristem and 2–6 leaf primordia) were excised from the

micropropagated shoots that had been cultured for 6 weeks

under the above described conditions and then precultured

on hormone-free WPM supplemented with 0.2 M sucrose

for 2 days at 4 �C in darkness. The shoot tips were trans-

ferred into 2 ml cryovials and treated with 1.6 ml loading

solution (LS) (2 M glycerol and 0.4 M sucrose; Matsumoto

et al. 1994) for 20 min at 25 �C. LS was removed and the

shoot tips were washed twice with unloading solution

110 Acta Physiol Plant (2014) 36:109–116


Page 3: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn

(1.2 M sucrose) for 10 min. The shoot tips were then

transferred to sterilized filter paper discs on the recovery

medium, consisting of WPM supplemented with

0.5 mg l-1 BA, 0.5 mg l-1 IAA, 0.2 mg l-1 zeatin (Z),

20 g l-1 glucose and 6 mg l-1 Difco Bacto agar, and

maintained in dark. After 1 day, the shoot tips were

transferred onto fresh medium without paper discs and

were incubated under the SCC. The shoot tips were

transferred to fresh medium every 2 weeks for 10 weeks.

In a second experiment, the toxicity of PVS2 solution

was tested. Precultured (0.2 M sucrose for 2 days) and os-

moprotected shoot tips were incubated in 1.6 ml PVS2

solution [30 % glycerol, 15 % ethylene glycol (EG), 15 %

dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) and 0.4 M sucrose; Sakai

et al. 1990] at 0 �C for 60 min. The shoot tips were divided

into two groups. In one group, the PVS2 solution was

replaced with 0.6 ml of fresh solution and the cryovials

were then plunged directly in liquid nitrogen (LN) for at

least 2 h. The cryovials were removed from LN and rapidly

rewarmed in a water bath at 40 �C for 2 min. The other

group was not cryopreserved. In both groups, the PVS2 was

removed and cryopreserved and non-cryopreserved shoot

tips were washed twice with unloading solution for 10 min.

Recovery followed the procedures described above.


The effect of the concentration of sucrose in the preculture

medium was examined. Shoot tips were precultured on

hormone-free WPM supplemented with 0.2 or 0.3 M

sucrose for 2 or 3 days at 4 �C in darkness. Control shoot

tips were not precultured. Loading, LN exposure, rinsing

and recovery followed the procedures described above for

both precultured and control shoot tips.

Efficiency of the two-step PVS2 exposure

Precultured (0.2 M sucrose for 2 days) and osmoprotected

shoot tips were dehydrated with a 50 % (half strength)

PVS2 solution, which consisted of 15 % (w/v) glycerol,

7.5 % (w/v) EG, 7.5 % (w/v) DMSO and 0.4 M sucrose,

and they were then dehydrated with 100 % (full strength)

PVS2 for 30, 45 or 90 min (15 min 50 % PVS2 ? 15 min

100 % PVS2, 30 min 50 % PVS2 ? 30 min 100 % PVS2

or 45 min 50 % PVS2 ? 45 min 100 % PVS2, respec-

tively) at 0 �C. In the control treatment, shoot tips were

dehydrated with 100 % PVS2 for 30, 60 or 90 min at 0 �C.

LN exposure, rinsing and recovery were as described


The effect of the exposure temperature (0 or 25 �C) was

studied with 50 % PVS2 for 30 min ? 100 % PVS2 for

30 min. Preculture, loading, LN exposure, rinsing and

recovery followed the procedures described above.

Effect of the culture conditions during recovery

The effect of the light/dark regime during recovery of the

shoot tips was investigated. Preculture, loading, PVS2

exposure (50 % PVS2 for 30 min ? 100 % PVS2 for

30 min), LN exposure and rinsing steps were as before.

After rinsing, the shoot tips were either maintained for

1 day in darkness or maintained for 1 week in darkness

plus 1 week under dim lighting (25–30 lmol m-2 s-1)

before being transferred to SCC.

Effects of age of shoot tip donors

The effect of the age of shoot tip donors on survival and

recovery was tested. Shoot tips were taken from 3-, 6- and

9-week-old shoots cultured in vitro. The length of the

shoots was 0.8–1, 1–1.5 and 1.5–2 cm, respectively. Pre-

culture (0.2 M for 2 days), loading, 50 % PVS2 for

30 min ? 100 % PVS2 for 30 min at 0 �C, LN exposure,

rinsing and recovery (1 week dark ? 1 week dim light)

steps were as before.

Effect of the size of the shoot tips

Shoot tips (0.5, 1 and 2 mm in length, and consisted of the

apical meristem and 2–3, 4–6 and 7–8 leaf primordia,

respectively) were excised from 6-week-old shoots. Pre-

culture (0.2 M for 2 days), loading, 50 % PVS2 for

30 min ? 100 % PVS2 for 30 min at 0 �C, LN exposure,

rinsing and recovery (1 week dark ? 1 week dim light)

were carried out as described before.

Effect of genotype

The optimized protocol, defined from the experiments

described above, was tested in another two alder clones of

mature origin. Clone G1 was obtained from the base of a

tree aged 20–25 years, and clone R1 was taken from the

crown of a tree aged 25–30 years. Both clones were

established and maintained in vitro according to the con-

ditions indicated for clone R4.

Statistical analysis

Ten weeks after the shoot tips were plated on recovery

medium, the responses were assessed in terms of: (1) sur-

vival rates: the percentage of shoot tips exhibiting any sign

of growth, including callus formation, and (2) recovery

rates: the percentage of shoot tips that grew into new shoots.

In each experiment, three replicates Petri dishes with 10–12

shoot tips per dish (30–36 shoot tips in total) were used.

Each Petri dish was considered a single replicate in a

completely randomized block design. The influence of

Acta Physiol Plant (2014) 36:109–116 111


Page 4: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn

experimental factors was analyzed by a Student’s t test

(MedCalc version 10.3, Marekarke, Belgium). Differences

were considered significant at p B 0.05. The arcsine square

transformation was applied to percentage data prior to

analysis. Non-transformed data are presented in figures.


Cryopreserved alder shoot tips turned blackish brown

within 1 day of thawing, but surviving shoot tips turned

green within 10–12 days on recovery medium, and suc-

cessfully recovered shoot tips resumed growth within

2–3 weeks. The first evident sign of shoot growth was leaf

development, followed by shoot development without

intermediate callus formation. After 10 weeks, the devel-

opment of the main shoot and 2–3 axillary shoots was

observed (Fig. 1). Surviving shoot tips that did not develop

into healthy shoots produced non-proliferating calluses.

Effect of loading and PVS2 solution

Ninety percent of the shoot tips survived when treated with

the loading solution, and the subsequent recovery rate was

81 %.

Treatment with the vitrification solution (PVS2) leads to

survival of 83 % of shoot tips, with a subsequent recovery

rate of 73 %. Immersion in LN reduced the survival and

recovery rates to 40 and 20 %, respectively. In the light of

these results, the following experiments were carried out

with the aim of improving these data.


Shoot tips that did not undergo preculture (control) did not

survived immersion in LN. Excised shoot tips were

precultured with different concentrations of sucrose for 2

or 3 days to enhance osmotolerance to PVS2. Osmopro-

tection treatment with 0.2–0.3 M sucrose for 2 days was

significantly more effective for survival of explants after

LN immersion than treatment for a longer time (3 days)

(Fig. 2). In light of these results, a 2-day preculture treat-

ment period with 0.2 M sucrose in the medium at 4 �C in

darkness was used in all remaining experiments.

Two-step vitrification procedure

When the vitrification procedure was carried out in a single

step with 100 % PVS2, the best results were obtained after

exposure to the PVS2 for 60 min (Fig. 3). Thirty minutes

was not sufficient to dehydrate the shoot tips, and although

some shoot tips survived, there was no recovery. A two-

step dehydration procedure was examined as an alternative

to the use of 100 % PVS2 with the aim of enhancing the

recovery after cryopreservation. The two-step dehydration

procedure led to greater recovery than in the one-step

procedure, and the best rates were obtained when the shoot

tips were dehydrated with 50 % PVS2 for 30 min followed

by 30 min at 100 % PVS2. Dehydration in two steps at

0 �C for 60 min was, therefore, considered to be the best

treatment for cryopreservation of A. glutinosa shoot tips by


Shoot tips exposed to PVS2 at 25 �C (50 % PVS2 for

30 min plus 100 % PVS2 for 30 min) did not survive.

Fig. 1 Shoots developing from successfully cryopreserved shoot tips

of A. glutinosa (clone R4) 10 weeks after plating in recovery medium











Control 0,2 M 2 d 0,2 M 3d 0,3 M 2d 0.3 M 3d




Sucrose concentration (M) and preculture duration (days)



a a



a a









Fig. 2 Effect of preculture period and sucrose concentration on

survival and recovery of alder shoot tips (expressed as percentages).

Bars correspond to SE (standard errors) of means of three replicates.

In each treatment, values indicated with different letters are signif-

icantly different at p B 0.05

112 Acta Physiol Plant (2014) 36:109–116


Page 5: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn

Effect of the culture conditions during recovery

The survival and recovery rates were significantly enhanced

by maintaining the cryopreserved shoot tips for 1 week in

darkness and 1 week in dim light before transferring them

to SCC (Fig. 4) These conditions were, therefore, applied in

all remaining experiments.

Effects of age of donor plants on survival

The survival rate increased significantly as the age of the

shoot tip donors increased from 3 to 6 weeks (Fig. 5).

Recovery was also better in shoot tips from older donor

shoots (9 weeks) as compared to 3 weeks. At 6 weeks

there was a optimal growth and based on these results,

6-week-old shoots were used as the shoot tip donors in the

remaining experiments.

Effect of the size of the shoot tips

No significant differences were observed in shoot tips of length

between 0.5 and 1 mm (Fig. 6). However, the percentages of

survival and recovery were significantly lower in shoot tips of

length 2 mm. Shoot tips sized 0.5–1 mm were, therefore,

considered the most appropriate for alder cryopreservation.

Effect of genotype

Although the percent survival of the shoot tips differed

significantly between genotypes (clone R1 and R4), in all

cases it was greater than 50 %; the recovery rates did not

differ significantly (Fig. 7).


We report here a protocol for the cryopreservation of alder

shoot tips by vitrification. Shoot tips are widely used in











30 min 60 min 90 min 15+15 min 30+30 min 45+45 min




100% PVS2 50% PVS2 + 100% PVS2


a aa








Fig. 3 Survival and recovery of

vitrified alder shoot tips cooled

to -196 �C by two-step

vitrification procedure. Bars

correspond to SE (standard

errors) of three replicate

experiments. For each

treatment, values indicated with

different letters are significantly

different at p B 0.05











SCC 1w dark + 1w dim light









Fig. 4 Effect of the culture conditions during the recovery of

cryopreserved alder shoot tips. Values are the means ± standard

errors of three replicate experiments. In each treatment, values

indicated with different letters are significantly different at p B 0.05











3 w 6w 9w




Age of the donor of the shoot tips (weeks)






b b

Fig. 5 Effect of age of donor plants on survival and recovery of

cryopreserved A. glutinosa shoot tips. Bars correspond to SE of

means of three replicate experiments. In each treatment, values

indicated with different letters are significantly different at p B 0.05

Acta Physiol Plant (2014) 36:109–116 113


Page 6: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn

plant cryopreservation because of their genetic stability and

high rates of survival and regrowth (Zhao et al. 2005;

Senula et al. 2007).

Biological samples contain large amounts of water that

can cause mechanical damage to cells (due to the formation

of intra- and extracellular ice crystal during freezing and

thawing), and therefore, the water content of cells and

tissues must be reduced prior to cryopreservation (Fabian

et al. 2008; Yin and Hong 2009). Dehydration is a funda-

mental step in protecting cells from damage caused by the

extremely low temperatures of LN. Preculture of excised

shoot tips with different concentrations of sucrose prior to

loading treatment has been reported to be effective for

improving post-freezing survival rates of several species

(Vidal et al. 2005; Reed and Uchendu 2008; Sen-Rong and

Ming-Hua 2009; Chua and Normah 2011). Increased

sucrose concentration in the preconditioned medium leads

to accumulation of solute inside the cells, which maintains

the integrity of plasma and inner membranes during

dehydration and freezing (Plessis et al. 1993) and prevents

the formation of ice crystals during cooling and thawing

(Gropietsch et al. 1999). Ganino et al. (2012) demonstrated

that the concentration of solutes in the cells increased after

preculture of explants in media containing high concen-

trations of sucrose. In the present study, exposure of

explants for 2 days to 0.2 or 0.3 M sucrose enriched

medium at 4 �C yielded better recovery after vitrification

than exposure to the same medium for longer periods of

time (3 days).

Successful vitrification also requires careful control of

the highly concentrated vitrification solution to prevent

injury by chemical toxicity or excess osmotic stress during

dehydration (Fabian et al. 2008). Highly concentrated vit-

rification solutions yield the necessary degree of cyto-

plasmic dehydration to prevent formation of intracellular

ice, but they may also be cytotoxic if the exposure period is

prolonged (Sakai et al. 1990). Such cryoprotectant toxicity

causes cell injury in association with distinct ultra-struc-

tural changes, especially in the plasma membranes

(Fujikawa and Steponkus 1991; Steponkus et al. 1992).

Among the various vitrification solutions available, PVS2

is known to protect cryopreserved tissues effectively

without ice formation (Sakai et al. 1990). The optimum

exposure time to the vitrification solution and the concen-

tration of vitrification solution is weight-dependent and

species-specific (Niino et al. 1992). In alder, the recovery

rates were lower than 20 % in shoot tips exposed to 100 %

PVS2 solution for 60 to 90 min at 0 �C, and the results

were significantly improved (by more than 40 %) by

application of the two-step vitrification procedure for

60–90 min at 0 �C. The two-step vitrification procedure

has been evaluated by various authors. Takagi et al. (1997)

reported that exposure of shoot tips of taro (Colocasia

esculenta) to 60 % PVS2 for 20 min at 25 �C, followed by

100 % PVS2 for 10 min at 25 �C yielded the highest rate

of survival (77 %). Jiwu et al. (2007) reported that the use

of a cryoprotective solution of 60 % PVS2 for 50 min at

room temperature followed by 100 % PVS2 for 30 min at

0 �C yielded a 52.6 % regeneration rate in papaya. Kaity

et al. (2008) reported a 61–73 % regeneration rate when

papaya shoot tips were pretreated with 20 % PVS2 for 1 h

at room temperature and then 100 % PVS2 for 20 min at

room temperature. Sen-Rong and Ming-Hua (2009)

reported survival rates of 79–84 % for shoot tips of

Emmenopterys henryi, which were dehydrated with 60 %

PVS2 solution for 30 min at 0 �C and then 100 % PVS2

for 40 min at 0 �C. Careful control of the dehydration











0.5 mm 1 mm 2 mm




Shoot tips size









Fig. 6 Effect of shoot tip size (0.5–2 mm) on survival and recovery

of alder cryopreserved shoot tips. Bars correspond to SE of means of

three replicate experiments. In each treatment, values indicated with

different letters are significantly different at p B 0.05











Clone G1 Clone R1 Clone R4





ab a




Fig. 7 Effect of genotype on survival and recovery of alder

cryopreserved shoot tips. Bars correspond to SE of means of three

replicate experiments. In each treatment, values indicated with

different letters are significantly different at p B 0.05

114 Acta Physiol Plant (2014) 36:109–116


Page 7: Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn

procedure appears to be essential for the successful cryo-

preservation of plant tissues by vitrification (Panis et al.


Post-cryopreservation conditions are also critical factors

in the establishment of a cryopreservation protocol. In this

study, shoot tip recovery was positively influenced by

incubation of cryopreserved explants in the dark after

rewarming, followed by a gradual transfer to light. Similar

conditions were used in the cryopreservation of Tamarix

boveana (Cano-Castillo and Casas 2012). Various authors

have indicated that the best rates of survival after cryo-

preservation were achieved by incubating cryopreserved

material in dim light or total darkness (Touchell et al. 2002;

Gonzalez-Arnao and Engelmann 2006; Gonzalez-Arnao

et al. 2009). Increased survival under these conditions has

been attributed to the damage repair that may take place in

darkness (Sen-Rong and Ming-Hua 2009).

The size and developmental stage of the cryostored

material must be optimal to ensure high post-thaw shoot

recovery rates (Takagi 2000). The developmental stage of

the plant material directly determines the effect of cryo-

preservation (Li et al. 2009). Suitable physiological status

and appropriate growth conditions of shoot tip donor plants

may be key factors in the tolerance to LN treatment during

the cryopreservation protocols (Takagi et al. 1997). In the

present study, the highest recovery rates were obtained in

shoot tips derived from 6-week-old donor shoots. This

suggests that physiological conditions are very important

for increasing the tolerance to cryogenic procedures.

Regarding the size of the shoot tips, the best results in alder

were obtained for shoot tips of length 0.5–1 mm which

consists mostly of meristematic cells and the use of larger

shoot tips had a negative effect on survival and recovery.

Vidal et al. (2005) reported that smaller apices tend to

consist of a homogeneous population of small, actively

dividing cells with few vacuoles. These characteristics

make the shoot tips more tolerant to dehydration than

highly vacuolated and differentiated cells, which form part

of large apices. In contrast, longer shoot tips (2–3-mm

long) have been reported to survive and regrow after vit-

rification and cryostorage in other species such as Morus

alba (Arias Padro et al. 2012), Vitis vinifera (Shatnawi

et al. 2011), Passiflora suberosa (Garcıa et al. 2011), and

Pinus kesiya (Kalita et al. 2012), if dehydration treatment

was appropriated.

The success of plant germplasm cryopreservation is

genotype-dependent (Reed et al. 2000). From a practical

point of view, it is important to establish protocols that are

appropriate for several genotypes (Ryynanen and Haggman

2001). The protocol defined in the present study yielded

moderate shoot recovery rates in all genotypes tested, and

because of the homogeneity obtained from the post-LN

survival rates of three different genotypes of A. glutinosa,

we conclude that the proposed protocol is appropriate for

cryopreservation of this species, which is currently under

serious threat from attack by P. alni.

Author contribution MC San Jose and E Corredoira

designed the research, analyzed the data and wrote the

paper. S Valladares and LV Janeiro conducted the research.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. A.M. Vieitez for useful

advice and suggestions and Carlos Suarez for technical assistance.

This study was funded by INLUDES (Diputacion Provincial de



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