Page 1: Colours5 Extra Activities 5

Colours 5 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007


Jumbled fairytales: Once upon a time … 5

Once upon a time there was a girl called Goldilocks.

She was in the woods. She was hungry and tired.

There was a house in the woods.

She was happy because there was food in the house.

There were three chairs and three beds.

She was asleep in one of the beds.

Suddenly there were three bears in the bedroom.

The bears were surprised to find her there and she was veryfrightened.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella.

She was sad because her two sisters were horrible to her.

It was the prince’s birthday. There was a party at the castle.

The sisters were at the party but she wasn’t. She was very unhappy.

But her friends were kind to her. Suddenly there were beautiful shoes on her feet!

The sisters were surprised to see her at the party. The prince was very happy because she was there.

It was very late – it was time for her to leave the party!

She was at home with her sisters. The prince was there with the shoe.

He was happy to find her but the sisters weren’t happy at all!

Once upon a time there were three little pigs.

They were brothers.

There was a big bad wolf who was hungry.

There were three houses.

The first house was made of straw and the second house was made of wood. They weren’t very strong.

But the third pig was clever. His house was made of bricks.

The three pigs were safe in the house because it was strong.

The wolf wasn’t happy; he was still hungry!

Goldilocks and the three bears Cinderella The three little pigs

Page 2: Colours5 Extra Activities 5

� Colours 5 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007


5Jumbled fairytales

1 Answer the questions. � What was the name of the story?

� Who were the characters in it?

3 What places were in the story?

4 What was your favourite part of the story? Draw a picture and write the sentences from the cards in the lines below.

Page 3: Colours5 Extra Activities 5

3Colours 5 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007

5Vocabulario was, were, wasn’t, weren’t; palabras relacionadas con los

cuentos Goldilocks and the three bears, Cinderella, The three little pigs

Instruccionesparajugartodalaclase.Esta actividad se puede

hacer para toda la clase o en grupos de cuatro alumnos. Haz una

fotocopia de la página 1 y recorta las 25 tarjetas. Si tienes menos

de 25 alumnos, no recortes todas de forma individual, deja alguna

con un par de ellas (siempre de la misma historia). Si tienes más de

25 alumnos, puedes recortar los títulos y sumar 28 y si tienes más

alumnos, puedes cortar algunas de las tarjetas más largas en dos.

Para poder leer el cuento completo tienes que leer de izquierda a

derecha. La tarjeta con borde más grueso te indica dónde comienza

cada una de ellos. Goldilocks tiene ocho tarjetas, Cinderella nueve y

The three little pigs ocho. (Los títulos no están incluídos).

Reparte una tarjeta a cada alumno y dales tiempo para que la lean.

Después se pasean por la clase contándole su tarjeta a diferentes

compañeros hasta que hayan encontrado todas las tarjetas de su

historia. Anímales a que cuenten lo que pone en la tarjeta, pero no

a que lo lean. Cuando hayan juntado todas las tarjetas y se hayan

formado los tres equipos, ordenan las tarjetas para formar el cuento

completo. Leen en voz alta para corregir que el orden es correcto.

1 Answerthequestions. Haz una fotocopia para cada alumno, contestan

las preguntas y hacen un dibujo de forma individual.

Respuestas: respuestas abierta

Vocabulary was, were, wasn’t, weren’t; words related to the stories

Goldilocks and the three bears, Cinderella, The three little pigs

Preparingtheactivityasaclassgame.This activity can be done

with the whole class or in groups of four. Make one photocopy of

page 1 and cut up the 25 cards. If you have less than 25 pupils, do

not cut up all the cards; leave some in pairs (they need to be from

the same story). If you have more than 25 pupils, you can cut out the

three titles of the story and this gives you 28 cards. If you have more

than 28 pupils, you can cut one of the longer cards in half. The stories

are arranged in order from left to right on the page. The three cards

which are highlighted, mark the beginning of each story. Goldilocks

has eight cards, Cinderella nine and The three little pigs eight. (Titles

are not included).

Give each pupil a card and allow them time to read it. They then

walk around the class telling each other the sentence on their card

and looking for the pupils who have the other lines in their story.

Encourage them to tell the story, not to read it. Once they are in

group, they put the cards in order to make the complete story. They

read it aloud to check it is correct.

1 Answerthequestions. Make one photocopy of page 2 for each pupil.

They answer the questions and draw a picture individually.

Answers:open answers
