Page 1: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Cable Probe

Page 2: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Safety First

• System can conduct electricity

• Do not use in flammable atmosphere

• Use proper personal protective equipment

Page 3: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Do not move probe head by


General Precautions

The system is not waterproof

Page 4: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

General Precautions

• Do not kink the cables into loops smaller than 10 inches in diameter

• Do not carry the unit by the cable

• Do not step on the cables or connectors

Page 5: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

General Precautions

• Do not use the cable reel as an anchoring point for the Cable Probe during rescue operations

Page 6: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

System Set-Up

• Mount video display onto probe using sliding collar

• Line up display plunger key on display with internal keyway on control console

Page 7: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

System Set-Up

• Connect video display by lining up red dot on display cable to red dot on 7-pin connector on rear of control console

• Slide connector barrel back and insert into console

Page 8: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

System Set-Up

• Connect headphone cable to bottom left connector on rear of console

• Slide connector barrel back and insert into console

Page 9: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

System Set-Up

• Connect battery cable to battery

• Align connectors to slots for easy connection

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System Set-Up

• Connect Cable Probe to 16-pin connector

• Align connectors to slots for easy connection

Page 11: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

System Set-Up

• Connect shoulder strap located on front of probe and on rear of console, if desired

Page 12: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

System Set-Up

• Attach display hood for enhanced visibility in bright sunlight

Page 13: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

System Operation

Cable Probe

Page 14: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Powering Up

• Depress the power switch on the bottom of the console grip until the system powers up

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Camera Head Articulation

• Depress the top rocker switch on the console grip to the left or right to move the camera head left or right

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• Depress the switch on the console grip marked by the illumination symbol to activate the lights on the end of the probe

Page 17: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Display Brightness/Contrast

• Controls on top of video display

• Depress and hold control button to cycle through settings

Page 18: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Camera Orientation

• Camera head can be rotated to adjust for different viewing orientation

• Rotate camera head to corresponding silver dots on probe as required

Page 19: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Auxiliary Multi-port

• Additional 7-pin connector can provide data and video

• Use of a standard video recording device is possible for training and review with optional adaptor

Page 20: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Audio / Intercom

• Control search audio volume by control button on console grip

• Push-To-Talk feature activated by control button on console grip

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Audio / Intercom

• Headphone volume control located on side of headphone earmuff

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System Maintenance

Cable Probe

Page 23: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Battery Care

• Fast cycle charges battery to 90% capacity in about 2 hours

• Slow trickle charge completed in 3 additional hours

• Battery is heavy. Handle with care

Page 24: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Probe Maintenance

• Periodic tightening of screws as necessary

• Do not over-tighten screws

Page 25: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Clean Video Display

• Blow dust off screen with compressed air

• Clean the screen with glass cleaner

• Spray cleaner onto cloth first, NEVER onto the screen

Page 26: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

Clean System

• Blow dust off probe with compressed air

• Wipe off with clean cloth

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Clean System

• Wipe down cables with clean cloth

• Apply thin application of rubber preservative

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Inspect System

• Connect all components and test system

• Start visual inspection by confirming protective cover over lens is clean and in place

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Inspect System

• Inspect articulating joint rubber boot for tears or damage

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Inspect System

• Inspect control switches for function and condition

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Inspect System

• Inspect cables and connectors for damage

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System Packing

Cable Probe

Page 33: Cable Probe. Safety First System can conduct electricity Do not use in flammable atmosphere Use proper personal protective equipment

System Packing

• After inspection, pack system into protective case

• Ensure that cables are secured and camera head is centered

• Store indoors

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Search Systems, Inc. PO Box 80307 Bakersfield, CA 93380 1-800-722-2824

Cable Probe
