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Page 2: August 2014 Edition

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Simplify Panama

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The Bocas Breeze is published monthly in English and Spanish with a circulation of 5,000 free copies distributed at airports, restaurants, retail stores, and local businesses throughout Panama (Bocas del Toro, Panama City, David, Boquete) and Costa Rica (Puerto Viejo, San Jose). The Bocas Breeze is also online at

El Bocas Breeze es publicado mensualmente en inglés y español con una circulación de 5,000 copias gratuitas distribuidas en aeropuertos, restaurantes, tiendas y comercios locales en toda Panamá (Bocas del Toro, Ciudad de Panamá, David, Boquete) y Costa Rica (Puerto Viejo, San José). El

Bocas Breeze también está en línea

Editor / Editora: Casie Dean

Published by / Publicado por: Dean Enterprises, S.A.

New office located in airport, look for the sign.

Contact us / Contáctenos: [email protected]

2005-2014 The Bocas Breeze all rights reserved.


Attention All Bocas Residents and TouristsEmployees of Supermarket Christina, located on Third Street, Isla Colon,

were apprehended August 8, for dumping waste from their market into the sea. Charges have been filed and a public complaint has been made. To keep the waters of Bocas clean and help these stores understand that they cannot continue to pollute we ask that you buy your groceries elsewhere.

Road Party at The Beach Bar Bar-b-que!The road to Playa Bluff continues to be in a state of disrepair. So, the The

Beach Bar is donating all of 100% of sales made Saturday, August 30, to re-pair the road. That’s right - EVERY PENNY that you eat and drink goes towards making sure you always have a passable road to visit Playa Bluff and enjoy all the beautiful jungles, beaches, and surf breaks outside of town. If you’ve never been to their BBQ, now is the time to try it! And if you HAVE been, then you know what a great time it is, so please show your support and have a fantastic day at the beach. Also, if any business owners or crafty people would like to donate ANYTHING towards our raffle, 100% of raffle ticket sales will go directly into the road fund as well.

Open Late Night

Burgers, wings,

and more!

Open 6:30pm-late nightLocated on 5th street

look for the neon lights

Lon’s spot


2The Bocas Breeze

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Fiesta para la Carretera en The Beach Bar Bar-b-queLa carretera a

Playa Bluff conti-núa en estado de deterioro. Enton-ces, The Beach Bar estará do-nando todas sus ventas del sábado 30 de agosto para la reparación de la carretera. Es correcto – CADA CENTAVO que comas y tomes irá para asegurarnos que siempre ten-gas una carretera transitable para visitar Playa Bluff y para que disfrutes de las selvas, playas y surf fuera del pueblo. Si nunca has ido a su BBQ, ahora es momento de hacerlo. Y si sí has estado, enton-ces sabes lo bien que se pasa allí. Entonces por favor muestra tu apoyo y pasa un fantástico día en la playa. También, si otros propietarios de negocios o artistas quisieran donar ALGO para nuestra rifa, 100% de las ventas de las rifas van directo a los fondos de la carretera.

Atención todos los residentes y turistas de BocasEmpleados del Supermercado Christina, ubicado en Calle Tercera, Isla Colón, fueron

detenidos el 8 de agosto por botar desperdicios del supermercado al mar. Se han pre-sentado los cargos y se ha hecho una denuncia pública. Para que las aguas de Bocas se mantengan limpias y para ayudar a estas tiendas a comprender que no pueden continuar contaminándolas, les pedimos que compren en otro lugar.

3 The Bocas

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We’ve all seen them: cute, cuddly, fuzzy, and practically irresistible baby monkeys. What a show for guests- swinging from the ceiling, feeding themselves with their opposable thumbs, doing back flips, and clapping; all so sweet and innocent.

Raising a baby monkey as a pet does not change its natural and inherent instinct to develop into a wild animal. As they grow into adolescences their hormones and intellect make for extremely challenging and dangerous situations. And at this stage, depriving a monkey of normal social interac-tions and relationships with its own kind can lead to further problems… for the monkey AND for its owner.

In a part of the world where monkeys are ram-pant, many people decide to take them in as pets. Often the mother will be killed by poachers and

the baby sold. This situation is usually the case for ending up with a pet monkey. Someone will either buy it (in order to rescue it) or forcefully take it from said poachers and decide that they can give it the care it needs instead of opting for the more respon-sible approach of turning it over to a rescue center.

Monkeys, like all animals, have different person-alities. Some can be a bit more docile while others are extremely aggressive resorting to biting, de-stroying property, and throwing their own feces. They can transmit a variety of diseases to humans such as Yellow Fever, falciparum malaria , Kyasanur Forest disease, Tanapox, Mayaro virus, tuberculo-sis, herpes-B negative, and of course, rabies. (

So, in case you were in the market for a monkey, I certainly hope you’ve changed your mind. You won’t be dealing with Curious George.

Todos los hemos visto: monos bebés lindos, adorables y prácticamente irresis-tibles. Son un show para los invitados al balancearse por el techo, alimentándose ellos mismos con sus pulgares oponibles, haciendo saltos y aplaudiendo; todos muy dulces e inocentes.

El criar un bebé mono como mascota no cambia su instinto natural e inheren-te a desarrollarse como un animal salvaje. Cuando crecen en la adolescencia sus hor-monas e intelecto los llevan a situaciones extremadamente desafiantes y peligrosas. Y en esta etapa, el privar a un mono de in-teracciones y relaciones sociales normales con su propia especie puede causar aún más problemas… al mono Y a su dueño.

En partes del mundo donde los monos son abundantes, muchas personas deciden tomarlos como mascotas. Usualmente su madre es asesinada por cazadores y los be-bés son vendidos. Esta situación es usual-mente el caso en el que se termina con un mono como mascota. Alguien lo compra (para rescatarlo) o lo toma forzosamente de dichos cazadores y decide que puede

proveerle el cuidado que requieren en lu-gar de optar por lo más responsable que es entregarlo en un centro de rescate.

Los monos, como todos los animales, tienen diferentes personalidades. Algu-nos pueden ser más dóciles mientras que otros son extremadamente agresivos recu-rriendo a morder, destruir cosas y tirar sus propias heces. Ellos pueden transmitir una variedad de enfermedades a los humanos, tal como la fiebre amarilla, plasmodium falciparum, la Enfermedad de la selva de Kyasanur, Tanapox, el virus mayaro, tuberculosis, herpes-B negativo y rabia. (

Entonces, en caso que estés buscando un mono, yo espero que cambies de parecer. No vas a estar lidiando con Jorge el Curio-so.

Si sabes de un mono que necesite ser res-catado y reintroducido a su habitad natu-ral, por favor contacta a Elena Castejon en el Centro de Rescate del Summit y ella se encargará de manejarlo apropiadamente y transportarlo a sus instalaciones en la ciu-dad de Panamá.



4The Bocas Breeze

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Taller De SaborNew location, same

delicious empanadas! New menu items include breakfast scrambles, pot

pies, and new empana-da recipes. Try some

of Nor Ma’s lemonade while you’re there!

Princesss Diana- Salon de Belleza

Founded by Diana Collado, this new salon offers a wide variety of

hair and nail services. Located in front of Tropi-cal Markets building, the

salon is currently hold-ing a promotion of $10

manicure/pedicure and $10 wash/blowout. Call

for your appointment today 6715-8621

Princesss Diana- Salón de Belleza

Fundado por Diana Collado, este nuevo salón ofrece una gran varie-

dad de servicios para tu cabello y uñas. Se encuentra ubicado frente

al edificio de Tropical Markets. Actualmente, tienen una promo-ción de $10 manicure y pedicure y $10 por lavado y blower. Llama

para sacar tu cita hoy al 6715-8621.


¿QUÉ HAY DE NUEVO?Taller De SaborNueva ubicación y las

mismas deliciosas em-panadas. Lo nuevo en el menú incluye revueltos, pot pie y nuevas recetas de empanadas. Mientras estás allí, prueba la limo-nada de Nor Ma.

5 The Bocas

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Just off Main Street Across from Sugar n spice Bakery, behind Boquete Fish House, Boquete District +507 730-9360

Prior to this move to Central America, I had never set foot in the Bocas del Toro archipelago. I had not ventured to San Diego before moving there either, but trading beach towns in the states pales in com-parison to setting up a life down here. Like most of the expats I have spoken with, I sold my vehicles, put money into an account that would function abroad and set course straight for Bocas. Though the voyage here was arduous, it was always interesting.

My girlfriend, Erin, and I boarded the red eye from LAX and arrived at Juan Santamaría Airport in San Jose around 10am. Our research determined that the Caribe Shuttle from our prospective hostel would prove more cost efficient than flying into town.

After an extended drive through the lush, ver-dant highlands, we arrived to our lunch and trans-fer destination in Puerto Viejo (Limón). Though the roads are paved, they are laden with potholes, so the trip can leave you feeling as though you just

endured a full dry cycle. We beat on towards the Costa Rica/Panamá border.

Our plans detailed that we were moving here for an extended period of time, so this entailed that we trek with several large items of luggage. This presented a bit of a challenge, though, for the bridge crossing the border is rife with ankle-twisting gaps. I was traveling with a large pack, surfboard bag and a book bag to cart around. All of this gear was not labor conducive.

One specific that may be overlooked while crossing the border is that the Migración agents will want to see proof of travel, so it is wise to have some record of your travel information.

During our crossing, my girlfriend did something normally reserved for myself. She threw away the hard copy of her flight ticket. For this reason, the bor-der agents were unwilling to let us through, despite purchasing the necessary exit stamp in Costa Rica. I was able to present my sweaty, deteriorating ticket,

which received a quick glance and was then abruptly returned. Luckily, Erin produced her cell phone with corresponding flight information, and we were be-grudgingly allowed to cross the border into Panama.

The water taxi across the bay was eerily familiar. Having spent most of my natural born life on the coast, marshes and muddy water flashed me back to fishing in my early childhood. It wasn’t until I caught a glimpse of the outer reefs that I was completely hooked.

After happily spending three nights at Hostel Lu-ego, we secured an apartment outside of town. I have been taken aback at the generosity exhibited by the majority of locals here. Everyone seems to honor the notion of tranquilo, placing an emphasis on family, friends and time for leisure. They talk fast, but with a deliberate, rhythmic pace (with taxis as an exclusion). Since I’m in the process of getting settled in myself, this all is fine with me.


6The Bocas Breeze

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their new settlement to protect the community and as a source to offer prayers and supplication. The Chinese of Bocas brought Jeo Wong Ya, the pro-tector of the sea. People came to pray every day and celebrate special occa-sions such as baby blessings, birthdays and the annual New Year dinner.

In 1991 Panama suffered a devas-tating earthquake and the temple collapsed into the sea that Jeo Wong Ya was protecting and protecting the community from. Some of the Chinese

community fled after the earthquake in fear of more and the tsunamis that could come with them. It took a year for the Chinese Association of Bocas Del Toro to replace the temple with the sin-gle story structure you see today. While some of the artifacts were saved, times had changed as had the community. The older multi-generational mem-bers that I refer to as Panachinos have been raised Catholic and have used the temple for birthdays and New Year ob-servances but not for daily prayers or a


It sits in obscurity between two ho-tels, almost invisible to those walking by. The only hints are the red banners with Chinese script around the doors. Local men, trying to enlist tourists for boat trips and information for money, sit on the steps drinking coffee and beer passing time until opportunity arises.

The temple of Jeo Wong Ya Has a long history in Bocas Del Toro but re-ceives little recognition among the people of Bocas. If you ask someone where the Chinese temple is you will most likely get a quizzical look and the usual, “there’s a Chinese temple in Bo-cas?”

The original temple of Jeo Wong Ya was built by the first Chinese settlers when they came to the Archipelego around 1870. It was a two story build-ing over the ocean, a center of spiritual and cultural attention and gathering for the Chinese community after they fled the buildings of the Panama Canal because of the massive death toll due to malaria. {It is estimated over 20,000 died from the insect borne illness orig-inally thought to have been caused by the air in the excavated swampland land that became the canal. Hence the name “mal aire”, meaning bad air.}

The Chinese diaspora brought the popular religion deities with them to

8The Bocas Breeze

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spiritual center. The “new Chinese” are members of the few families that run all the stores and the ferry from Almi-rante. Very few of them use the temple as a place for spiritual expression and since November I have only seen two members of the community come to pray, although I’m sure others do.

I lived here in Bocas for a year before I found out the building was a temple. In my research over the past year I also learned there was a second temple built back in the late 1800’s. This sec-ond temple is the old broken down structure across the street from Hotel Gran Bahia and long since abandoned.

My spiritual curiosity took me on a month long search for someone who knew about the history and use of the temple. Through Couyu at the lit-tle store on the corner across from the Catholic Church I found Jorge Chin at Panaderia Isabel. Jorge’s family has been at the store and making bread since his father started it many years ago. After several weeks of attempts we found time in his schedule to un-

lock the door peak inside this unknown temple.

It had seen very little use since the New Year dinners were stopped almost four years ago. The expenses were orig-inally paid for by the Panachino com-munity, but now it was obvious that without the attention it needed, the temple had fallen into a state of near disrepair and needed cleaning (a lot of cleaning) and fumigating. It seemed like a good project and a chance to give to the Chinese Association of Bo-cas and maybe re-establish the temple as a spiritual and cultural center for the community.

My goal was to make it ready and available for that purpose. And my hope was to be able to open it to the general and traveling community as a place of cultural history with a little heritage space in the back.

It has been very difficult getting any information, let alone accurate infor-mation, as those who know the most about the temple and the history of the Chinese community are either not

available or not able to remember much due to age. I have gleaned some information from several sources to at least be able to present a picture of the temple history to people in Bocas. I have also been in touch with a journal-ist originally from Bocas del Toro, Alexis Sanchez, and who has been very help-ful and interested in this project.

I am trying to record oral histories for preservation while searching for old pictures of the temple and the Chi-nese community going forward. Jorge Chin and several others have been very open and welcomed my presence and intention. They encouraged me to open the space and to use it for medi-tation.

The first guided meditation took place August 13, with plans to open

two nights a week in the high season, one night of guided meditation and one night of unguided meditation, a contemplative space. Also if it works out I would like to open the temple on Sunday afternoons as a point of inter-est.

There is still work to do in the temple, and I find my way there at some point every day. Please stop if you see me or the “monkcycle” out front and take a look.

I am happy to be able to do this work for all the community of Bocas Del Toro.

May this merit I have accumulatedfrom this effortbenefit all sentient beings.May all beings be well,and may they all attain perfect peace.

9 The Bocas

ground with 150 meters of sea frontage. Located only a few minutes from the Bocas airport by boat, it will be accessible through the permitted 15 slip private marina. The site is in the center of activity, but out of the noise and congestion of downtown Bocas, making it a desirable resort site as it is more convenient to

It also can serve as a starting point and marketing center for other projects that might be farther from the airport.

This property is fully permitted, making it one of the only permitted resort sites near the airport. Thissave the buyer years, in addition to thousands of dollars in savings.

lows with a Caribbean view. There are 41 bedrooms permitted along with all of the related amenities. Studies have shown that the villas can command very high rents. A reasonable price for the designed villas is $295 per night.

+1.843.345.4846 FOR SALE [email protected]

Page 10: August 2014 Edition

Se encuentra en la oscuridad entre dos hoteles, casi invisible para aque-llos que pasan caminando. Las úni-cas señales son los letreros rojos con un texto en chino alrededor de las puertas. Los hombres locales, tratan-do de conseguir turistas para sus pa-seos en botes y brindar información a cambio de dinero, se sientan en los escalones a tomar café y cerveza para pasar el tiempo hasta que surja una oportunidad.

El templo de Jeo Wong Ya tiene una larga historia en Bocas del Toro pero no es reconocido por las personas de Bocas. Si le preguntas a alguien dón-de está el templo chino, seguramen-te te mirarán incrédulos y te dirán: “¿Hay un templo chino en Bocas?”

El templo original de Jeo Wong Ya fue construido por los primeros po-bladores chinos cuando llegaron al archipiélago alrededor de 1870. Era un edificio de dos pisos sobre el océa-no, un centro de atención espiritual y cultural y de reunión para la comu-nidad china después de haber huido de los edificios del canal de Panamá debido a masivas muertes causadas por la malaria. Se estima que más de 20,000 personas murieron por esta enfermedad proveniente de los in-sectos, que originalmente se pensa-ba que había sido causada por el aire en las excavaciones en los terrenos pantanosos que se transformaron en el canal. De ahí proviene el nombre “mal aire”

La diáspora china trajo las deidades populares religiosas al nuevo establecimiento para proteger a la comunidad y como fuente para oraciones y peticio-nes. Los chinos de Bocas trajeron a Jeo Wong Ya, el protector del mar. Las personas iban a orar to-dos los días y celebraban ocasio-nes especiales, tales como bendi-ciones a los bebés, cumpleaños y la cena anual de Año Nuevo.

En 1991, Panamá sufrió un te-rremoto devastador y el templo colapsó en el mar que Jeo Wong Ya estaba protegiendo y del que estaba protegiendo a la comu-nidad. Parte de esta comunidad china huyó después del terremoto por temor a más y a los tsunamis que podían ocurrir. Le tomó un año a la Asociación China de Bo-cas del Toro reemplazar el templo con la estructura de un piso que se ve hoy en día. Aunque algu-nos artefactos fueron salvados, los tiempos han cambiado tanto

como lo ha hecho la comunidad. Los miembros multi-generacionales más antiguos a los que me refiero como panachinos han sido educados como católicos y han utilizado el templo para cumpleaños y cumplimien-tos del Año Nuevo pero no para las oraciones diarias o como un centro espiritual. Los “nuevos chinos” son miembros de las pocas familias que manejan todas esas tiendas y el ferry de Almirante. Muy pocos utilizan el templo como un lugar de expresión espiritual y desde noviembre sólo he visto a dos miembros de la comuni-dad orando, aunque estoy seguro que otros también lo hacen.

Viví un año aquí en Bocas antes de descubrir que el edificio era un tem-plo. En mi investigación durante el último año también me enteré que había un segundo templo construido a finales de 1800. Este segundo tem-plo es la vieja estructura deteriorada

frente al Hotel Gran Bahía y que hace tiempo ha sido abandonada.

Mi curiosidad espiritual me llevó un largo mes de búsqueda de alguien que sepa sobre la historia y uso del templo. A través de Couyu en la pe-queña tienda en la esquina frente a la Iglesia Católica, encontré a Jorge Chin en la Panadería Isabel. La fami-lia de Jorge ha tenido la tienda y hor-neado pan desde que su padre inició muchos años atrás. Después de va-rias semanas de intentos, encontra-mos tiempo en su agenda para abrir la puerta y dar una mirada dentro de este desconocido templo.

Ha tenido muy poco uso debido a que las cenas de Año Nuevo fueron canceladas casi 4 años atrás. Los gas-tos eran originalmente pagados por la comunidad panachina, pero ahora es obvio que sin la atención que re-quiere, el templo se encuentra en un estado de deterioro y necesita limpie-


10The Bocas Breeze

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za (una gran limpieza) y fumigación. Parece ser un buen proyecto y una oportunidad para brindar a la Aso-ciación China de Bocas y quizás re-establecer el templo como un centro espiritual y cultural para la comuni-dad.

Mi objetivo es lograr que esté listo y disponible para ese propósito. Y es-pero que pueda estar abierto a la co-munidad en general como un lugar

de historia cultural con un pequeño espacio con tradición atrás.

Ha sido muy difícil obtener infor-mación, ni hablar de información acertada, ya que aquellos que más saben del templo y de la historia de la comunidad china no están dispo-nibles o no pueden recordar mucho debido a la edad.

He obtenido información de varias fuentes para poder al menos presen-

tar una idea de la historia del templo a las personas en Bocas. También he estado en contacto con un periodis-ta originalmente de Bocas del Toro, Alexis Sanchez, y quien ha sido de gran ayuda y se ha interesado en este proyecto.

Estoy intentando llevar un record oral de las historias para preservarlas mientras busco fotos viejas del tem-plo y de la comunidad china. Jorge Chin y muchos otros han sido muy abiertos y han aceptado mi presencia e intención. Me han motivado a abrir el espacio y utilizarlo para meditar.

La primera meditación guiada se realizó el 13 de agosto, con planes de abrir dos noches a la semana en temporada alta, una noche de medi-tación guiada y una de meditación

no guidada, un espacio de contem-plación. También, si funciona, qui-siera abrir el templo los domingos a la tarde como punto de interés.

Todavía hay trabajo que hacer en el templo y encuentro un tiempo para ir todos los días. Por favor, para si me ves a mí o la “monkcicleta” al frente y pasa a darle una mirada.

Estoy feliz de poder hacer este tra-bajo para toda la comunidad de Bo-cas del Toro.

Que el mérito que he acumuladode este esfuerzobeneficie a todos los seresconscientes.Que todos los seres estén bien,y que todos obtengan paz perfecta.

11 The Bocas

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Treasures of the Turquoise Crab (in Careening Cay Resort on Isla Carenero) is a hidden gem to be discovered or revisited. Off the beaten path, amidst lush tropical gardens, Treasures is a visually stimulating gift store with ex-quisite crafts and jewelry from Panama and around the world. Emberra woven baskets & masks, Kuna molas, Tagua Nut carvings, windchimes, stained glass lamps and sun catchers, ceramics, metal art, wood carvings, mosaics, in-cense, natural coconut oil based soaps & lotions, decorative rugs & wall hang-ings, signed art prints, colorful batik sarongs, …….and of course…..mag-nificent silver & gemstone jewelry, fill the walls, windows and attractive dis-play cases. Indulge in a leisurely walk through this eye catching store (best enjoyed with one of the many fabu-lous cocktails from the Cosmic Crab, a wonderful waterfront restaurant also on the resort).

Joan & Stephen Crabtree, owners of Careening Cay Resort, have years of ex-perience in jewelry design, manufac-ture and sales in gift & jewelry stores.

Stephen was a reknown fine jewelry designer and owned stores on 5th Ave-nue in Naples, Florida for 25 years. Joan met Steve while working as a multiline jewelry representative. Romance, col-laboration and team work fueled their many future endeavors.

“In the summer of 2002, turquoise reemerged as the latest greatest fash-ion craze. One of my favorite stones, I started stringing my own designs us-ing turquoise as a focus and my own line of jewelry, Turquoise Crab was born. I strung necklaces while Steve drove to accounts, often selling neck-laces as soon as they were made. The line became very successful and the sales helped bail us out of debt”.

After arriving in Panama in 2005, Joan taught local women how to string her gemstone designs and paid a fair wage for finished products. One new mother was able to work with her new-born by her side earning nearly double the minimum wage. These necklaces were sold in galleries, boutiques, gift shops and museum stores in the States and are available in Treasures for re-

duced prices.“So many experiences evolved to

bring us to this point. As a craftsper-son, I was inspired by the exceptional art and jewelry I saw in the fine galler-ies I serviced on sales calls. I also exhib-ited in Gift Shows in Orlando, Miami, Atlanta & New York and met vendors with unique products that I dreamt one day I would have in a store of my own”. Joan & Steve also buy “Fair Trade” prod-ucts from around the world including Haitian metal art, handwoven baskets from Uganda & Ruwanda, decorative paper mache animals from El Salvador, handcarved wood crafts from Hon-duras, Costa Rica and Indonesia, del-icately handpainted ceramic parrots & toucans from Nicaragua, intricately decorated masks from Ghana & Indo-nesia, handpainted kites and beaded baskets from Bali, brilliantly colored telephone wire baskets from South Af-rica. The Molas she buys directly from Kuna women in San Blas, have been made into decorative pillow shams and are beautiful easy to carry gifts.

Hand carved Emberra & Wounan tagua nut animal designs have been incorporated into stunning necklaces

accented with silver and stone beads.If you are looking for a special gift,

jewelry or decoratives for your home, or just enjoy shopping, Treasures of the Turquoise Crab is a delightfully unique Bocas destination and definitely worth a visit.

12The Bocas Breeze

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Treasures of the Turquoise Crab (en Careening Cay Resort en Isla Ca-renero) es una gema escondida para ser descubierta o revisitada. Lejos del camino transitado, rodeado de jardi-nes tropicales abundantes, Treasures es una tienda de regalos estimulante para la vista con bellísimos artes y jo-yería de Panamá y de todo el mundo. Canastas tejidas y máscaras embe-raa, molas kunas, esculturas en nuez de tagua, llamadores de ángeles, lámparas de vitrales y vitrales, cerá-micos, arte de metal, esculturas de madera, mosaicos, inciensos, jabones y lociones de aceite de coco natural, alfombras decorativas y tapices, im-presiones artísticas firmadas, pareos coloridos y… por supuesto… joyería magnífica de plata y piedras precio-sas, llenan las paredes y ventanas y las atractivas estanterías.

Consiéntete en un camino sin prisa por esta tienda atractiva (se disfruta mejor con uno de los tantos fabulo-

sos cocteles del Cosmic Crab, un ma-ravilloso restaurante frente al mar también en el resort).

Joan & Stephen Crabtree, dueños de Cay Resort, tienen años de expe-riencia en el diseño de joyas, manu-factura y ventas en tiendas de regalos y joyas. Stephen era un renombra-do diseñador de joyas y ha tenido tiendas en Quinta Avenida, Naples, Florida por 25 años. Joan conoció a Steve mientras trabajaba como re-presentante multilínea de joyas. El romance, la colaboración y el trabajo en equipo impulsaron sus tantos es-fuerzos futuros.

“En el verano de 2002, la turquesa resurgió como lo último en la moda. Como una de mis piedras favoritas, comencé a encordar mis propios di-seños utilizando la turquesa como centro y mi propia línea de joyas, na-ciendo allí Turquoise Crab. Encordé collares mientras Steve llevaba las cuentas, usualmente vendiendo los

collares ni bien los ha-cía. La línea fue muy exitosa y las ventas ayu-daron a librarnos de las deudas”.

Al llegar a Panamá en el 2005, Joan enseñó a mujeres locales cómo

encordar sus diseños de gemas y les pagó un salario justo por los produc-tos terminados. Una reciente mamá pudo trabajar con su recién nacido a su lado ganando casi el doble del salario mínimo. Estos collares fue-ron vendidos en galerías, boutiques, tiendas de regalos y de museos en los Estados Unidos y se encuentran en Treasures a un precio reducido.

“Muchas experiencias se han desa-rrollado para llevarnos a este punto. Como artesana, fui inspirada por el arte excepcional y las joyas que vi en elegantes galerías en las que brindé mis servicios. También hice una exhibición en shows en Orlando, Miami, Atlanta y Nueva York y conocí vendedores con productos únicos que soñé tenerlos en mi propia tienda algún día”.

Joan & Steve también compran productos “Fair Trade” de todo el mundo, incluyendo arte de metal haitiano, canastas tejidas a mano de Honduras, Costa Rica y Ruanda, animales decorativos de papel maché de El Salvador, artesanías de made-ra talladas a mano de Honduras, Costa Rica e Indonesia, papagayos y tucanes de cerámica delicadamen-te pintados a mano de Nicaragua, máscaras decoradas intrincada-mente de Ghana e Indonesia, come-

tas pintados a mano y canastas con cuentas de Bali, canastas de cables de teléfono brillantemente coloridas de Sudáfrica. Las molas que compra directamente de las mujeres Kuna en San Blas son hechas fundas de almo-hadas decorativas y son hermosas y fáciles de llevar como regalos.

Diseños de animales de nuez de ta-gua de Emberra y Wounan tallados a manos han sido incorporados en preciosos collares con cuentas pla-teadas y de piedras.

Si estás buscando un regalo espe-cial, joyas o decoraciones para tu hogar o simplemente disfrutas com-prar, Treasures of the Turquoise Crab es un destino maravillosamente úni-co de Bocas y definitivamente vale la pena visitarlo.

13 The Bocas

Page 14: August 2014 Edition

MONTHLY HOROSCOPESThis monthly horoscope column in no way endorses recommends suggests or in any other form infers actual fact. And under no circumstance should be considered valid information for the purpose of life decision making. Should you have any comments or suggestions regarding this column, please feel free to keep them to yourself.

This column is created and written by John Schneider. Mr. Schneider is currently assuming no responsibility whatsoever.JULY 2014

ARIES March 21 -- April 19As an Aries it is no surprise you consider yourself to be a go getter, self-starter, and ready at the drop of a hat, or any other article of clothing to undertake an adventure. Of course an adventure, at least for you requires that others share in it with you. You see yourself as the leader of your would be band of adventurers, and rightfully so. After all your ruled by Mars, and at present Mars can be seen clearly in the evening sky winking like a floozy on the Barbary Coast, egging you on to do something, even if it’s wrong. Should you choose to proceed, which of course you will, employ cau-tion regarding your traveling companions, especially Capricorns, Cancers, Virgos, and the universally accepted wet blanket of the zodiac Libra.

TAURUSApril 20 -- May 20I foresee the next several days a deep yearning for tranquility. This will likely mani-fest itself in the desire to seek the color green in all its forms. This could be a walk in the jungle, large salad, or something as simple and costly as a perfect emerald stud for whatever physical location you feel would be most appropriate. Try moderating your desires in regard to the last example, as this will not be the first nor last time hygiene or the lack of it, has played a role in your undoing. Midmonth you will have an opportunity to annoy the heck out of a subordinate. This person could be an employee or someone in the service industry who you feel is treating you unfairly/inappropriately. Let Venus guide your actions by responding lovingly, and in so do-ing diffusing the situation.

GEMINIMay 21 -- June 21Always with Mercury in retrograde misunderstandings, especially in casual conver-sation are likely. Which as we all know often transpire in conjunction with a quick aperitif, social drink with friends, or more likely, a raging drunken binge. That’s not necessarily aimed at you dear reader, but as the old British war poster reminds us, “many’s the slip twixt the cup and the lip”. My point here Gemini is your sign reflects your personality which is dual in nature. This being the case you often interpret things in more than one way. Sadly a loud bar is not a great place to seek clarity, social intercourse sure, but clarity not likely. Lucky number, multiples of 25, say yes to proposition nine, part B only.

CANCERJune 22 -- July 22Believe and you will succeed. Hi Cancer, expect, act and own your future has been your mantra for some time now. Well guess what? The first two weeks of the month will show just how positive your positive thinking was. Perfect peace at last, like soaking in a warm bath, the summer sea in some limpid pool, or settling comfort-ably into your lover’s embrace. Finally a sense of serenity/security and piece. Want more, best day for investment, Thursday plus lucky numbers 3, 8 and 9. Don’t both-er to thank me, but instead just enjoy, and for the love of Mike lose the moodiness and embrace the joy.

LEOJuly 23 -- August 22In retrospect , apologies for last months terrible Leo pun, I’d be lion if I didn’t say it gave my editor paws for concern. Yikes that was even worse, but now let’s get se-rious Leo. First and foremost, with the summer sun arcing higher each day through the month, you find yourself hard pressed to control your restless energy. If you’re not cautious that undirected energy will, sure as kittens are cute, get you in deep Dutch. So come on Leo, think before you leap. Try finding an appropriate project, one that suits your gentler nature, rather than one that only massagers your gi-gantic ego.

VIRGOAugust 23 -- September 22Romance will have to wait, first like your pal Libra, seek balance. When I was in primary school I anxiously looked forward to the month of June. First and foremost, as it announced the beginning of summer, warmer weather, and the possibility that through some great accident of luck my parents might gather me up for a trip to the beach. There I would find myself, just like you Virgo do now. Hopefully facing the sea with your feet firmly in the sand at the waters edge. Too poetic or cryptic, I doubt it. You know as well as I do Virgo nothing less than symmetry can fix what ails you. So follow the stars, make a plan that allows for that symmetry to occur. Early this month Mars is in your first house exerting on you the desire to travel. Pack light and be ready to eat something unfamiliar, or perhaps in your previous cultural experience, unimaginable.

LIBRASeptember 23 -- October 22When necessary, in trots the old dog chasing car metaphor. The point is, dog catches car, but dog can’t drive car. Perhaps dog could learn to drive car. But how much time, and what breed? And what type of car, and furthermore who lends a dog a car anyway. Or maybe dog owns the car, where did it get the money to buy the car. All complicated questions, and all to make a simple point. For months you have been chasing a goal which even if attained will be unmanageable, expensive, and ultimately self-destruc-tive. So instead let’s reconsider the dog scenario, and take note of this often over-looked point. For every dog you see driving, you see 10,000 sitting in the passenger seat with its head out the open window, ears pinned back by the breeze inhaling the universe in complete wordless bliss. Take away, if you don’t know where you’re going at least you can enjoy the ride. Come on Libra do the math.

SCORPIOOctober 23 -- November 21In your gut you feel the heat, could be a fever, but likely it’s residual anger or em-barrassment over your stupidity regarding your now definitely defunct romance. Two of your favorite organs are suffering stasis in the worst way. I don’t have to tell you which ones, [hint one is your heart]. Remember proximity in understanding is not the same as recognition of consequence. For instance, “stand up, shut up” one gets you punched the other delivers you unscathed. My favorite of course, the vast chasm between Plato and your ruling planet Pluto. One has you considering philos-ophy, where as the other has you howling at the moon for temporary meaningless gratification. Which by the way due to your stasis will not be, excuse the play on words, forthcoming. Short fix, your elemental Bro water, the key to hygiene, first your home, then your body, and ultimately your mind.

SAGITTARIUSNovember 22 -- December 21Doubt destroys, forewarned is forsworn, read on. Good old Sagittarius, better known as Mr., Ms., or Mrs. temporary. Nothing more hilarious than two Sagittarius dating. They’re both so inconstant, they appear more like spinning magnets at-tracting and repelling each other than human beings. Now that is not to say they’re not good lovers. We all know they’re ruled by Jupiter, and like Jupiter have ring after ring, or layers if you prefer, of romantic or sexual possibilities to experience. Sadly their inability to settle, be tied down, or for that matter even discuss it, lim-it their longevity romantically speaking. As a Sagittarian you find yourself bored easily, and use that excuse as a lever to separate yourself from any possible long term relationship. Your partner should be aware of this, and further aware that the emotional remoteness after intimacy is just a precursor to even greater emotional shutdown should they not be wise enough to flee after the fact.

CAPRICORNDecember 22 -- January 19Whip cream may be on the menu, but there’s a cost. If you’re looking for a steady Freddy or Betty, look no further than the Capricorn. You can be sure they won’t look

at anyone else but you, unless there is a mirror somewhere in the house. Then sit back and enjoy the obsession, which by the way they came by honestly, although mistakenly, as they incorrectly believe they were conceived in a clown car cruising aimlessly around the circle of Willis. But lose the mirror and their focus bounces back to you and the bedroom faster than a super ball in a paint shaker. And here’s the beauty part, buckle up baby because once you get past the austere reserve ex-terior for which publicly they are famous, you’ll be pleased to discover they have more twists than a German corkscrew. Lucky number’s, six, eight or if you’re ready lucky 10.

AQUARIUSJanuary 20 -- February 18It seems if you’re looking for a good time, fleas, lyse or herpes. Aquarius on the half shell should be on your menu. Aquarians love science and the process of creation, whether in the laboratory or behind a barn. Incredible curiosity from the cradle to the grave gives them a head start. Look in most child Aquarius toy boxes and your almost guaranteed to find hand tools, a scale models of the Washington Monument, Eiffel Tower, or some other semi-phallic attempt at architecture. P.S. Look a little deeper and my guess is somewhere near the bottom you’ll find a kama sutra coloring book. Aquarians navigate their way through life mesmerizing those around them, mostly with their unpredictabil-ity. Should that fail look for charm, but always look for a hidden agenda. PSS. Aquarians are great listeners, who knew?

PISCESFebruary 19 -- March 20Out at last, and Congratulations Pisces, the emotional roller coaster ride you’ve been on is just about to come into the station. Please be sure you gather up any emotion belongings before leaving the psychosis and entering the world of the normal. We all know it’s hard to make a good decision with only limited information. Cheers Pisces, for you have made the correct decision regarding your future endeavor. Ex-pect fearful moments, after all this is part of your nature, but don’t lose sight of your goal. You share your creative desires with many greats including Enrico Caruso, Chopin, Renoir, and my personal favorite Johnny Cash. So suck it up Pisces and don’t be dissuaded in your vision no matter what.

MONTHLY OVERVIEW OF ASTROLOGICAL INFLUENCESWow, this could be a tough one to simplify. As I write these lines both air and earth signs are squaring off for a cosmic tug-of-war. It said there is no winner in war, only those more satisfied with the outcome than others. In any case to a person those governed by the elemental sign air find themselves itching for change, travel, or a yet to be defined personal need. Yes sir, air signs are blowing up the beach ball, squeezing into their Speedo’s, and heading anywhere that they can hook up with water, not the elemental sign, but real honest to gosh water. For these folks it feels like the last day of school, Fourth of July, and the anticipation of Christmas all balled up into one. You’ll know these folks by the exuberance of their step and the ridic-ulous smiles pasted across their faces. If you see one don’t be jealous, remember instead what I said about those more satisfied with the outcome than others. Now let’s get to the other end of this cosmic tug-of-war, our earth signs. Earth signs are like the ants in the story of the ants and the grasshopper. You might remem-ber the grasshopper fiddled around, basically screwed off, while the ants doggedly put food/supplies, hell I don’t know what else, aside for a time of need. There’s no wrong or right in this overview, just different ways to respond to the same overall opportunities that sweet ass summer can provide. I myself am on the cusp resting in the center of the seesaw between the two opposing desires. For the rest of you fire and water types, from what I can tell your loyalties are pretty evenly divided between the two camps, so no help there. My advice, jump in and act on your first impression, don’t wait for cognitive thought. What I’m saying here is do what feels right.

14The Bocas Breeze

Page 15: August 2014 Edition



TITLED WATER LOT IN BOCASTOWNLarge Lot, 324m2, 18m frontage, $200,000 facing Bocas Yacht Club On Calle Sur @ Calle 5 CallBuena Vista Realty 6747-7738

3 SEAFRONTHOMES-ISLA15 min to town, also avail9 acres Undeveloped land, 6977-0255

380M2 PROPERTYOVER WATER4 apartments and dock. Good in-come. $250,000 Call 6218 3219

TITLEDBEACHFRONT LOTNext to the best hotel on Basti-mentos. Build on land or sea. Con-tact John 6561-9462 sloopj4@yahoo. com

BEACHFRONT VILLATITLED HOUSEOn the windward side of Basti-mentos island. Surf, fish or dive just steps away. City water and electric. Beautiful inside and out. Contact John 6561-9462. sloopj4@yahoo. com.

TITLED LOTS ON BASTIMENTOS500 to 1200 sq mts. Incredible sea and mountain views. Located above Bastimentos town. Financ-ing available. $38 TO $49K Call JB: 6583-0037www.


35FT HOUSEBOATCompletely Rebuilt, 90hp Yama-ha 4 stroke, complete duerhaul, asking $18,000, Inquires call Ri-cardo at 6478-6765

NEW 22’ SELF BAILINGCENTER CONSOLEYour engine or mine. Callfor Photos and specs.6480-6325 [email protected]

NEW 15’ NANACORE PANGASelf-bailing with console, Call for photos and specs [email protected]

22’ X-WIDE CENTER CONSOLEUS built, 150HP, Bimini top. Call for photos and specs. [email protected]

INFLATABLE FOR SALENew inflatable with or without 15HP motor. Call 6480-6325 earlmeck@

FISHING BOAT FOR SALE27FT Boston Whaler set up for fishing. Boat available with or without engines. Call [email protected]

30’ EDUARDONO, 115 SUZUKI (800H)Call for photos and specs 6480-6325 [email protected]

23’ PANGA, 75 YAMAHA (MARCH ‘13)Call for photos and specs 6480-6325 [email protected]

18’ SPORT BOAT US BUILTCenter console, 85hp yamaha Call for photos and specs [email protected]

PANGA FOR SALE20 foot wooden panga very good condition. Always kept under boat house roof. Very stable and quiet in rough water. No fiber-glass slap. Locking front hold. willhandle 30-70 hp motor.

$1000 6690-0766

18FT CATAMARAN FOR SALETwin 4-Stroke 50HP Yamaha, low hours. Contact Earl Meck 6480- 6325 [email protected]

21’ EXQUISITE PANGA140HP Suzuki, Call for photo and specs. 6480-6325


APARTMENT FOR RENTFully equipped, $400 per month Call 6246-2105

HOUSE OVER THE WATER FOR RENTAvailable for $700 per month. Call 6218-3219

FOR RENT LONG TERMCabin 2 miles from town road to Bluff. Across street from beautiful beaches. Call: 6713-7310 no smok-ers. $600-month

HOTEL LULA’S BED & BREAKFAST$50-60 per night; Private Bath, Air Conditioning / WIFI Hotspot 757-9057

EFFICIENCY APARTMENTExcellent security, WIFI, Pri-vate bath and kitchen, $350 per month. 6725-0429 or [email protected]

LONG-TERM RENTAL ON PRIVATE ISLANDIn Bahia Honda. $600, single - $700/couple per month plus elec-tric. 2 units available. Adults only. Wifi, A/C, hot water, dock. Call 6915-2040 or [email protected]

HOME IN BOCAS TOWN3 BR, LR / DR, KTN, 1 BANew Beds, Frig, Stove, Fans.Modern. Stucco. Tile floors.All iron bars/gates. Fenced.Laundry/Storage available.Front Garden & Rear Yard.Handicap friendly. 1st floor.$850 per month. + electric.Water / Trash / Parking inc.Tele / DSL / SkyTV available.Kids ok. Pets?? Smoker no.Contact Larry: [email protected]

OVER THE WATER APARTMENT FOR RENT1BR/1BTH thousand gallon water supply, city and rain water col-lection, Internet, cable television and security cameras.  Also emer-gency generator with 24-hour electrical backup capacity. Quiet neighborhood Dock with 2 1/2 foot draft and private anchorage with 15 ft draft. $800 per month all included. We are seeking qui-et respectful and mature tenants only, small pets acceptable.con-tact John at 672-5042 9-5


SAFE HOME SECURITY SYSTEMS OF GSM Wireless Systems, no monthly fees, no land line. Calls up to 6 numbers with built in cell phone, siren, panic button. Also have GPS Tracking Units, Video cameras, Alarms for Elderly.

NATURE AIR TICKETS TO SAN JOSECosta Rica--Bocas. Normally priced at $215 one way , for sale for $160. Contact Carmen or Sa-sha at Hotel Palma Royale or call 757-9979

BUGGED?It doesn’t have to be this way! We can insect-proof (chitras includ-ed) your whole building or just your bedroom. No job too small. bocasironcur [email protected] 6835-6683

HOSPITAL POINT HOUSE Hospital Point, Isla Solarte, private home available Nov. 1. Long term only. Solar power, rain water, beaches, fruit trees, views, nature trails. contact [email protected], call, or visit. 6686-4541

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS6900-9890 or 6811-7714

MEN WANTEDFor hazardous journey Small wag-es bitter cold months of complete darkness constant danger safe re-turn doubtful contact ShackletonElephant Island

15 The Bocas


Fire (Bomberos) 103

Bocas Hospital 757-9201

Almirante Hospital 758-3745 / 758-3286

Changuinola Hospital 758-8232

Port Authority 757-9447

Airport 757-9208

Bocas Marine Tours 757-9033

Electric Company 757-9228

Cable & Wireless 123

Direct TV 758-7090

Banco Nacional 757-9230

Directory Information 102

Air Panama 757-9841

Immigration 758-8651

Ambulance 757-9201

Police (Policia) 104 / 757-9217 / 9485

The Solar Biz 6126-1253


SGT. Díaz 6111-6424

Cpl. Sánchez 6649-7581

DIJ 757-9777

Page 16: August 2014 Edition






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BE PART OF THE SOLUTION:[email protected]


2121 Sixth Street, Bocas Town, Isla Colon507-757-7233 or 507-6949-3389

[email protected] or [email protected]