  • 7/25/2019 All Things Current -- June 22, 2016


    All Things Current: What you'll find in your June 22, 2016, edition


    The former Savoy Suites in Glover Park reopened as the Kimpton Glover Park Hotel last week

    !oastin" renovated a##ommodations and a new Italian restaurant $asolare% &all editions'

    HIST()I$ P)ESE)*+TI(N

    Burleith took a tentative step toward histori# distri#t desi"nation at a #ommunity meetin" Thursday ,

    !ut not everyone was immediately won over !y the prospe#t% &Geor"etown $urrent -upont $urrent

    .o""y Bottom $urrent'

    HU/+N SE)*I$ES

    )esidents near the proposed 0ard 1 homeless shelter lo#ation are in#reasin" their #riti#isms of the

    -%$% $oun#il2s site sele#tion pro#ess with a new #iti3ens "roup and the area2s advisory nei"h!orhood

    #ommission !oth #allin" for further study of the plan for 1145 Idaho +ve% N0% &all editions'

    6I7U() 6I$ENSING

    Glover Park2s )ite +id pharma#y staved off a fi"ht with the #ommunity2s advisory nei"h!orhood

    #ommission last Thursday !y si"nin" an a"reement that limits its hours of planned al#ohol sales and

    esta!lishes other operational re8uirements% &Geor"etown $urrent'


    Hundreds of 0ashin"tonians turned out for two #onstitutional #onvention events over the weekend to

    "ive their say on how the -istri#t should fun#tion as a state #ompletin" the final round of pu!li#

    #omment in the re9ener"i3ed push for statehood% &all editions'

    )E$)E+TI(N The desi"n pro#ess for the Hearst Park renovation pro:e#t "ot underway this weekend , !ut some in

    the #ommunity #ontinue to dispute the #on#ept of addin" an outdoor pool to the site% &Northwest


    Nei"h!ors of .ran#is .ield in the 0est End hope to start the se#ond phase of a lon"9term renovation

    pro:e#t later this year althou"h fundin" for the pro:e#t is still in dou!t% &-upont $urrent .o""y Bottom


    )e#ent floods at the Guy /ason )e#reation $enter2s pottery room were #aused !y pro!lems with a

    sewer pipe whi#h had #lo""ed with #lay in one se#tion and had #ollapsed in another a##ordin" to the

    -%$% -epartment of General Servi#es whi#h !elieves it has addressed the issue% &all editions'

    (THE) NE0S

    .lappers kimono9#lad ladies and dapper "entlemen in tu;edos re#ently took over the "rounds andhalls of Hillwood Estate /useum and Gardens in .orest Hills for the -e#o

  • 7/25/2019 All Things Current -- June 22, 2016


    Editorial> 0e=re "lad the -%$% $oun#il has voted to raise the #ity=s minimum wa"e to AC@ an hour for

    most employees and we hope mem!ers will look into ways at ensurin" tipped workers are treated

    fairly as well%

    Editorial> Tallyin" the results of this month=s primary ele#tion went smoothly !ut the -%$% $oun#il yet

    a"ain !ot#hed the s#hedulin"%

    Sherwood> The re"ion=s politi#al leaders are #ontinuin" to sound the alarm a!out the deterioratin"

    /emorial Brid"e%

    SP()TS &Northwest $urrent Geor"etown $urrent'
