XML and WebServices

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  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    XML and WebServices

    2-mark Q & A

    Unit I

    1. What are the three major asects to e!tend the enterrise "rom a constrained net#ork to

    broad reach o" #eb$1. Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Connection.

    2. Business-to-Employee (B2E) Connection.

    3. Business-to-Business (B2B) Connection.

    2. What are the three ke% desin e'ements that b% omission contrib(te XML)s s(ccess$

    1. No display is assumed.

    2. There is no built-in data typing.3. No transport is assumed.!" speci#ication ma$es no assumption about ho% !"

    is transported across the &nternet.

    *. XML +istor%

    !" is a meta language de#ined by %orld %ide %eb consortium ('3C) and standardied in1*.!" has gi+en rise to numerous +ertical industry +ocabularies in

    support o# B2B e-commerce, horiontal +ocabularies that pro+ide ser+ice to a %ide range o#

    industries and !" protocols that ha+e used !"s simple po%er o# combination to open upne% possibilities #or doing distributed computing.

    ,. What are the di""erent revo'(tion in #hich XML is 'a%in a major ro'e$

    a)ata re+olutionb)/rchitectural re+olution

    c)0o#t%are re+olution

    . What are the advantaes o" !m'$

    a.ml #iles are human readable.

    b.'idespread industry support eists #or ml due to its inepensi+eness andcon+enience in usage.

    c.&t pro+ides a %ay o# creating domain speci#ic +ocabulary.

    d.&t allo%s data interchange bet%een di##erent computers.

    e.&t pro+ides user selected +ie% o# data.

    .What is /'ectronic 0ata Interchane/0I$

    E& is o#ten used as the replacement #or business communication through con+entional businessdocuments such as purchase orders, reuest #or uotations, in+oice and shipping notices. This

    $ind o# echange ta$es place bet%een trading partners. &n order to interchange data using E& to

    trading partners must be agreed upon a common #ormat.

    3.What is W*c Wor'd Wide Web4onsorti(m$

    '3c is responsible #or the de+elopment o# %eb speci#ications that describe

    communication protocols and technologies #or the %eb .!" %as de#ined by %3c to ensure that

  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    structured data is uni#orm and independent o# +endors o# applications.'3c has laid do%n certain

    rules that meet to be #ollo%ed by the all ml applications. 0ome o# these rules are

    a.!" must be directly usable o+er the internet.b.!l must support the %ide +ariety o# applications.

    c.!" must be 04!".

    d.!" documents must be human legible and clear.e.!" design must be #ormal and concise.

    5.What is XML$

    !" stands #or 5Etensible mar$up language6 a language de+eloped by the 'orld %ide %eb

    consortium ('3C).&t is considered a meta language because it is used To de#ine other languages

    through the use o# mar$up language ,%hich add structure and !eaning to document.

    6.List o(t the reasons "or not (sin attrib(tes to store data.

    1./ttributes cannot contain multiple +alues, %hile elements can ha+e multiple sub elements.

    2./ttributes are not easily epandable to account #or #uture changes.

    3./ttributes are more di##icult than elements to manipulate %ith programs.7./ttributes +alues are not easy to chec$ against a document type de#inition.

    17.What is S8A9$

    08/9-0imple 8b:ect /ccess 9rotocol. 0oap gi+es set o# rules #or mo+ing data directly to the

    recipient or through and intermediate message ueue. 0oap uses common %eb protocols li$e;TT9,

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    1./!'ain brie"'% abo(t data revo'(tion$

    9rior to ml, ata %as closely associated %ith applications.!" strength is dataindependence.!" data description is not tied to any programming language, os, or transport

    protocol it does not reuire to depend any a+ailable to %eb connected plat#orms also !"

    pro+ides alternati+e to electronic data interchange.

    1.What is the ro'e o" !m'$

    !" is the set o# guidelines #oe describing structured data in plaintet rather than binaryrepresentation %ithin the short period, time.!" has been %idely used as language #or +ariety o#

    application ranging #rom +ertical industry +ocabularies to horiontal industry application to


    13. What are X"orms$

    #orms is an !" approach that o+ercomes the limitation #orms. oiceXML$

    oice!" is an emerging standard #or speech enabled application. &ts !" synta de#ineselements to control a seuence o# interaction dialogues bet%een a user and an implementation

    plat#orm. The element de#ined as a part o# oice!" control dialogues and rules #or

    presentation in#ormation to and etracting in#ormation #rom and end-user using speech. oice

    !" documents are stored on %eb ser+ers.

    16. What is X9ath$

    9ath is used to na+igate !" tree structures. 9ath gets its name #rom its use o# path notationto na+igate through the hierarchical tree structure o# an !" document. 9ath allo%s #or the

    section o# the node or group o# node through the use o# a compact, on !" synta. &t is an

    important !" technology due to its role in pro+iding a common synta and semantics #or#unctionality in both 0"T and pointer.

    27.What are the /'ement ;amin ?('es (sed in XML$

    D Names can contain letters, numbers and other characters.D Names must not begin %ith number or punctuation.

    D Names must not start %ith the string ml in any upper or lo%ercase #orm.

    D Names must not contain spaces

    Unit @ II

    1. What are the advantaes o" schema over 0

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    7. The synta #or de#ining T is di##erent #rom the synta used #or creating an ml

    document .But the synta #or de#ining 0 is the same as the synta o# an ml document.

    2. What are the datat%es in an !m' schema$





    *. What is 08M$ What are the di""erent 'eve's o" 08M$

    8! is a '3C supported standard programming inter#ace(/9&)that pro+ides a plat#orm and

    neutral inter#ace to allo% de+elopers to programmatically access and modi#y content andstructure o# tree structured documents such as ;T!" or !".

    The di##erent le+els o# 8! are

    (a) 8! "e+el G

    (b) 8! "e+el 1(c) 8! "e+el 2

    (d) 8! "e+el 3

    ,. What are the dra#backs o" 4SS$

    1. The bro%ser decides ho% to dispaly elements that the stylesheet doesHnt describe.2. /s bro%ser implements C00,some implementations may not al%ays be consistent.

    . Write an% t#o di""erences bet#een XSL< and 4SS$

    C00 0"T1. 0imple to use, and is suitable 1. &t is comple to use. #or simple document.

    2. Cannot reorder, add, delete or 2. Can reorder, add, delete per#orm operations on elements

    because it is elements. a%are o# the structure o# an !" document.

    . What are the di""erent XSL< e'ements$

    1. 0tylesheet2. alue-o#

    3. oiceXML$

    oice!" is an emerging standard #or speech-enabled applications. &ts !" synta de#ines

    elements to control a seuence o# interaction dialogs bet%een a user and an implementation

    plat#orm. oice!" uses !" tet to dri+e +oice dialogs.

    5. What is XQ(er%$

    Iuery is a '3C initiati+e to de#ine a standard set o# constructs #or uerying and searching

    !" documents. Iuery brings database uery processing to !".

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    6. What is Xorm$

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    1. What is In"o Set$

    / '3C initiati+e to pro+ide a consistent set o# de#initions #or use in other speci#ications thatneed to re#er to the in#ormation in a %ell-#ormed !" document. &n#o 0et is the basis #or a

    +ariety o# !" technologies. &n#o 0et supports distinctions that are important %hen di##erent

    !" speci#ications must interoperate.

    13. What is ?0?eso(rce 0escrition rame#ork$

    / #oundation #or processing metadata. &t pro+ides interoperability bet%een applications thatechange machine-understandable in#ormation on the %eb. L< emphasies #acilities to enable

    automated processing o# %eb resources.

    15. What is metadata$

    "iterally data about data. !" element and attribute names are considered metadata in that they

    may be used to describe the data contained in a document. !etadata isnt needed but it certainly


    16. What are the comonents o" ?0$

    L< is built on the #ollo%ing three de#initionsLesources

    /ll things described by L< epressions are called resources.

    9roperties9roperties are speci#ic aspects, characteristics, attributes or relations used to describe



    / statement consists o# a resource, a property and a +alue.

    27.What are ?0 vocab('aries$

    L< is designed to ha+e the #ollo%ing characteristics1.&ndependence.


    3.0calability.7.9roperties #unctioning as resources.

    F.alues #unctioning as resources.

    .0tatements #unctioning as resources.

    21. /!'ain abo(t cascadin st%'e sheet$

    Cascading style sheet is one o# the presentation technologies o# ml.

    C00 is an ml supporting technology #or adding style display properties such as #onts, color,

    spacing to a %eb documents.C00 origins may be traced to the 0;!" %orld %hich used a style technologOy called

    00" to control the display o# 0;!" document

    Each rule is made up o# a selector typically an element name such as an html heading orparagraph or a user de#ined ml element to the selector.

    0tyle rules ha+e the #ollo%ing synta

    0elector Pproperty +alueQ

    !ultiple style declaration #or a single selector are separated by a semicolon

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    The #ollo%ing code has sho% ho% a css element can b added to a html or a ml document to

    de#ine the color sie properties.

    =0T?"E T?9ER6tetMcss6@T&T"E P#ont-sie -largeS color redQ


    22. What is 0 8CT?9E root-element 0?0TE! 5#ilename6@e#ining attributes in T

    => /TT"&0t element-name attribute-name attribute-type de#ault-+alue@

    e.g. =>/TT"&0T payment type (/T/ 5chec$6)Eample


    => E"E!ENT memodoc(title,bodytet)@=> E"E!ENT title (9C/T/)@

    => E"E!ENT body tet (9C/T/)@

    => /TT"&0T title name (/T/ 5T eample6)

    ml code

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    =U ml +ersionR61.G6U@

    => 8CT?9E document 0?0TE! 5document.dtd6@

    =memodoc@=title@ Eternal dtd =Mtitle@

    =Bodytet@ This is the body o# eternal Td =Mbodytet@


    2. What is va'id !m' doc(ment$

    an ml document con#orms to the rule set out by a T the ml is said to be +alid %ith therespect to that T.

    U;I< @III

    1. What is +

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    The 980T command is a reuest #or a ser+er to do something %ith data deli+ered as part o# the

    980T message. 980T %as included in the 4TT9 speci#ication in order to deli+er ;T!" #rom

    data to a ser+er #or processing by some ser+er program.

    ,. /!'ain XML-?94.

    !"-L9C, %hich does remote procedure calls o+er the &nternet, is a great eample o# out-o#-the-bo thin$ing. &n con#ronting the communication problem o# ho% a program on machine /

    can get some code on machine B to run, !"-L9C ignores the di##iculty entirely and delegates

    the transport to ;TT9, #ocusing instead on the details o# %hat to say, not ho% to get the messagethere

    . What data t%es does S8A9 (se$

    !"-L9C uses !" 0chema data types to speci#y the parameter types o# the procedure call.ata types include scalars, numbers, strings, and dates, as %ell as comple record and list


    .What is S8A9$08/9 is 0imple 8b:ect /ccess 9rotocol that o##er plat#orm, language /nd transport

    independence #or data echange bet%een partners and 0uppliers. 08/9 is an !"-basedprotocol #or echanging in#ormation in a decentralied distributed en+ironment. the #undamental

    change brought about by 08/9 has been the ability to mo+e data any%here across the %eb.

    08/9 has opened opportunities #or etending the enterprise

    3.What is +

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    08/9 #ault occurs %hen an application cannot understand a 08/9 message or %hen err or

    occurs during the processing o# a message. The in#ormation that can be returned as a part o# a

    #ault includes the #ollo%ingW 08/9 code 08/9 de#ines a set o# #ault codes #or basic 08/9 Errors, although an application

    may pro+ide its o%n codes.


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    15. 0i""erence bet#een S8A9 and II89C8?94 & =?M/$

    08/9 &&89,8L9C,AL!Ei. Tet based protocol that uses ml

    ii. /ble to mo+e more easily across #ire%alls.

    iii. 08/9 is standard dri+en Binary protocolsThe process is some%hat tedious these protocols are +endor ri+en

    16.What are the arts in the S8A9 messae$

    08/9 message consists o# these parts

    W 08/9 En+elope 8uter most element o# a soap message. / en+elope element is a root o# a ml


    W 08/9 ;eader &t is optional usually header pro+ides in#ormation about directing 08/9 ser+ersto do processing be#ore passing the 08/9 message.

    W 08/9 Body the ml document to be transported is loaded in the body element.

    27 What is !m' ?94$/ protocol #or doing remote procedure calls o+er the 'eb %here the in#ormation about %hat

    procedure to call and %hat parameters to pass are encoded as ml in the body o# an ;TT9 980Treuest to a ser+er.

    21. 0e"ine S8A9$

    W 08/9 is an ml based protocol #or echanging in#ormation in a decentralied en+ironment .

    W &t is a combination o# ml and http and made #or data trans#er through %eb en+ironment.

    W 08/9 allo%s ml to mo+e easily o+er the %eb. 0o de#ines an ml en+elop #or deli+ering the

    ml content and gi+es a set o# rules #or ser+ers to do this :ob.W 08/9 consists o# three parts

    1. Encoding rules that control !" tags that de#ine a 08/9 message and a

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    3. "ayout o# screen presentation

    D !" 2.G is a %3c standard recommendation.


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    / 'eb ser+ice is anything that can de#ine itsel# +ia an internet. The things that can be epressed

    as %eb ser+ices

    1. 0o#t%are Component or /pplication, 2. / !o+ie re+ie%, 3. / tra+el pac$age

    ,. List o(t the advantae o" Web services techno'o%$

    1. ecide on the ser+ice it %ants to pro+ide2. 9ic$ a registry #or uploading its in#ormation

    3. ecide ho% to list its ser+ice at the registry

    7. e#ine eplicitly ho% users can connect to its ser+ice

    . What are the major asects o" Web service techno'oies$

    o / ser+ice pro+ider pro+ides an inter#ace #or so#t%are that can carry out a speci#ied set o#


    o / ser+ice reuester disco+ers and in+o$es a so#t%are ser+ice to pro+ide business solution.

    o / repository or bro$er manages and publishes the ser+ice. 0er+ice pro+iders publish their

    ser+ices %ith the bro$er, and reuests access those ser+ices by creating bindings to the ser+ice


    . List o(t the ke% techno'oies$

    _ & is a protocol #or describing 'eb ser+ices components that allo%s businesses to register%ith an &nternet directory and ad+ertise their ser+ices.

    _ '0" is the proposed standard #or describing a 'eb ser+ices. '0" is built around an !"-

    based ser+ice &nter#ace e#inition "anguage that de#ines both the ser+ice inter#ace andimplementation details.

    _ 08/9 is a protocol #or communicating %ith a & ser+ice.

    3. What is U00I$

    & means ni+ersal escription, isco+ery and &ntegration. & is a protocol #orcommunicating %ith registries. The core o# & is the & Business Legistry, a global,pubic, online directory.

    5. What are Web Services ?eistr% 0irectories$

    _ 'hite 9ages holding basic ser+ice-pro+ider in#ormation_ ?ello% 9ages listing ser+ices by category

    _ 4reen 9ages describing ho% to connect and use the ser+ices.

    6. What is WS0L$

    '0" is 'eb 0er+ice, e#inition "anguage. '0" is the piece o# 'eb ser+ices #rame%or$ that

    describes ho% to connect to %eb ser+ice pro+iders. The '0" speci#ication supports thebuilding o# %eb based computing ser+ices that target computer programs rather than human


    17. What are the risks in Web Services$

    !aturity i##erent implementation may not %or$ together.

    0ecurity 08/9 messages on port *G bypass #ire%alls. 0o net%or$ administrator has to

    implement necessary security to pre+ent attac$s.

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    Transaction Transaction must be speci#ied outside the %eb ser+ices #rame%or$ such as .NET

    or A2EE.

    Con#iguration !anagement Change management is not addressed.

    11. What is ebXML$

    eb!" is Electronic Business !". &t adds process to e-business interaction. &t represents aglobal initiati+e to de#ine processes that can interact o+er the %eb. The e##ort o# eb!" includesmultiple speci#ications that de#ine standard %ays to echanging business message,

    communicating data and de#ining and registering business processes.

    12. What is

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    The main components o# .NET 9lat#orm are,

    8perating 0ystem

    0eries o# .NET Enterprise 0er+ers

    .NET architecture is isual0tudio.NET (0.NET)

    13. What are the ke% inredients o" the .;/< rame#ork$The $ey ingredients o# .NET

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    2. List o(t the Web Service 9ack in =2//$

    Aa+a /9& #or !" 9rocessing (A/9)

    Aa+a /rchitecture #or !" Binding (A/B)

    Aa+a /9& #or !" !essaging (A/!)

    Aa+a /9& #or !9 Lemote 9rocedure Calls (A/-L9C)

    Aa+a /9& #or !" Legistries (A/L)


    1. What is XFMS$

    K!0 is a '3C initiati+e that targets the delegation o# trust processing decisions to one or more

    specialied trust processors to gi+e businesses an easier %ay to manage digital signatures anddata encryption .&nstead o# relaying on proprietary public-$ey in#rastructure implementations,

    companies can use standard inter#aces to %or$ %ith di##erent +endors to handle issues

    surrounding digital certi#ication chec$ing, re+ocation status chec$ing, and +alidation.

    2. 0e"ine XFMS str(ct(re$

    K!0 speci#ies protocols #or distributing and registering public $eys and is suitable #or use in

    con:unction %ith the proposed standard #or !" signature and as a companion standard #or!" encryption. K!0 has t%o parts

    !" $ey in#ormation ser+ice speci#ication(-K&00)

    !" $ey registration ser+ice speci#ication(-KL00).

    *. 0e"ine X-FISS$

    This de#ines a protocol #or a trust ser+ice that resol+es public Y$ey &n#ormation contained in

    documents that con#orm to the !" signature speci#ication. / basic ob:ecti+e o# the protocoldesign is to minimie the compleity o# application implementations by allo%ing them to

    become clients and there by to shielded #rom the compleity and synta o# the underlying 9K&

    used to establish trust relationships.

    ,. 0e"ine X-F?SS$

    This de#ines a protocol #or a %eb ser+ice that accepts registration o# public Y $ey in#ormation.

    8nce registered the public $ey may be used in con:unction %ith other %eb ser+ices including -K&00.

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    . Stes invo'ved in XML encr%tion$

    0electing the !" to be encrypted.

    Con+erting to canonical #orm i# using entities or namespaces %ith pre#ies.

    Encrypting the resulting canonical #orm using public Y$ey encryption.

    0ending the encrypted !" to the intended recipient.

    . What are diita' sinat(res$

    / digital signature guarantees document authenticity. &n combination %ith 9ublic-$ey encryption

    it is used to authenticate the identity o# the sender by encrypting %ith a pri+ate $ey and to

    +alidate the content o# the message by transmitting a copy o# the digital hash o# the message.igital signatures can be used in a range o# applications #rom online credit card purchases to the

    +eri#ication o# comple legal documents.

    3. What is sin'e-ke% cr%torah%$

    0ingle-$ey cryptography is the basis #or classic encryption. &n the past, the encryption systems

    used a single secret $ey #or encoding and decoding in#ormation. ;o%e+er, single $ey encryptionsystems #ace the problem o# ma$ing the single $ey $no%n to the message recipient. &n electroniccommerce, single-$ey systems are e##ecti+e #or secure communication bet%een #ied de+ices

    such as /T! machines and ser+ers. ;o%e+er, single-$ey cryptography does not %or$ %ell on

    the %eb.

    5. What is (b'ic ke% cr%torah%$

    9ublic-$ey cryptography enables secure communication bet%een parties %ithout the need toechange a secret $ey. 9ublic-$ey cryptography uses a comple mathematical #ormula to

    generate t%o separate but related $eys, one open to public and the other pri+ate, $no%n only to

    one indi+idual. Encrypting %ith a public $ey ensures con#identiality. &t is the basis #or pri+acy,

    authentication, data integrity, and non repudiation.

    6. What are the !m' sec(rit% techno'oies$

    The '3C is dri+ing three !" security technologiesD !" igital 0ignature

    D !" Encryption

    D !" $ey !anagement 0er+ices

    17. Write the stes "or XML /ncr%tion$

    1. 0electing the !" to be encrypted.2. Con+erting to canonical #orm i# using entities or namespaces.

    3. Encrypting the resulting canonical #orm using public-$ey encryption.7. 0ending the encrypted !" to the intended recipient.

    11. What is 8X$

    The 8

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    technology out sources and consumers using %eb an 9C based so#t%are. The #ocus o# 8

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    D 0e -

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    1 @marks

    U;I< I

    1.Loles and /d+antages o# !"

    LolesW ml is a metalanguage de#ined by %3c.

    W ml is a set o# rules and guidelines #or describing structured data.W ml goes beyond its technical speci#ication.

    W ml has been the dri+ing #orce behind other standards and +ocabularies.

    W ml is a speci#ication #or de#ining ne% mar$up language.W ml gi+e rise to +ertical industry +ocabularies in support o# B2B e-commerce.

    W ;oriontal +ocabularies pro+ide ser+ice to %ide range o# industries.

    W ml in#luence has been #elt in three %a+es,#rom industry speci#ic +ocabularies to

    horiontal industry applications to protocol.W ml has enabled industry +ocabularies and protocol.


    W ml #iles are human-readable.&t %as designed as tet.W 'idespread industry support eists #or ml.Tools and utilities are pro+ided %ith

    %eb bro%ser,database,operating system.

    W !a:or relational databases ha+e the capability to read and generate ml data.W ml support the interpretation and trans#ormation o# ml data #or %ebpage display

    and report.

    W ml must be compatible %ith 4!".

    W ml design must be #ormal and concise.2.Eplain brie#ly !"The Three Le+olutions

    The three re+olutions are,

    1. ata Le+olution2. /rchitecture Le+olution

    3. 0o#t%are Le+olution

    ata Le+olutionDnderstood ho% data %as #ormatted and ho% process it

    D9ro+ide alternati+es to specialie E&

    D !" enables the creation o# program independent data #ormats

    DEplain about !" 8rigin and Cultures

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    -!"s origin arein 04!"

    -!" has emerged #rom a document culture

    -!" opens up options #or treating code as data/rchitectural Le+olution

    The !" technologies pro+ide %ay to mo+e #rom tightly coupled system based

    on eisting established in#ra structures such as C8LB/,L!& and C8! to looselycoupled system %hich can %or$ on the standard TC9M&9 protocol.

    0o#t%are Le+olution

    !" helps to build so#t%are in this re+olutionary %ay.The ne% idea is to createbuilding bloc$s that can be used in combination %ith other building bloc$ that are eisting

    or yet to be created.

    3.Eplain 'eb0er+ices. 'ebser+ices is both a process and set o# protocols #or #inding and connecting to0o#t%are eposed as ser+ices o+er the 'eb.

    'ebser+ices builds on a 08/9 #oundation J #acilitates so#t%are interaction.

    'ebser+ices /rchitecture

    'ebser+icesRrepository[client[pro+ider./ ser+ice pro+ider -- inter#ace #or so#t%are that can carry out a speci#ied set o# tas$s.

    / ser+ice reuester--disco+ers and in+o$es a so#t%are ser+ice to gi+e business solution./ ser+ice pro+ider\manages J publishes the ser+ice.

    Key Technologies.

    W &-ni+ersal escription, isco+ery and integration.- / protocol #or describing %eb ser+ices components.

    - & allo%s businesses to register %ith an &nternet directory so they can ad+ertise

    their ser+ices and companies can #ind each other and carry out transactions o+er the %eb.

    W '0" Y 'eb ser+ices escription language.- /n !" description o# both the ser+ice inter#ace J the implementation details o#

    ho% to connect to and use a particular 'ebser+ice.

    W 08/9-0imple 8b:ect access protocol.-/n !" based protocol #or echanging in#ormation in a decentralied J distributed


    -08/9 is a protocol #or communicating %ith a & ser+ice.'eb 0er+ices Lis$s

    1.!aturity 2. 0ecurity 3.Transactions 7.Con#iguration !anagement.


    - ebml adds process to e-business interaction.- NMCE

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    &nternal T

    The T can be declared %ithin the ml document.The synta #or using internal

    dtd is=>8CT?9E name o# dtd]describe the elementsX@.

    Eample #or internal dtd.

    Eternal TThe dtd can be declared as an eternal inter#ace.&t may be an eternal to an ml

    source document.The synta #or using eternal dtd is

    =>8CT?9E root-element 0?0TE! 5#[email protected] #or eternal dtd.

    e#ining attributes in dtd

    The synta #or speci#ying attributes in dtd is,

    =>/TT"&0T element-name attribute-name attribute-type de#ault-+alue@Eample #or de#ining attributes.

    9ossible attributes type

    Eplain the possible +alues %ith their eplanation.0ome o# the +alues are


  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    - 9arameter Entities


    'hen an !" data is parsed, all the !" is processed ecept the data inside the C/T/section.

    Unit @ II

    1. Eplain brie#ly ml Trans#ormationUml is supported by se+eral technologies that allo% ml to be manipulated and

    modi#ies in +arious %ays. These technologies include 0"T, "in$, 9ath, and Iuery.

    [_ 0"T 0"T is used to trans#orm an ml document. 0"T uses templates and

    rules. The trans#ormation language 0"T may be used to Trans#orm ml into a +ariety o#

    #ormats(#ig2.1F).0"T and css may complement each other._ "in$ "in$ %ill enable bidirectional %eb lin$ing._ 9ath 9ath is used to na+igate ml tree structure. Eplain #rom (#ig2.1).9ath is

    used to speci#y nodes using their location in an ml tree._ Iuery Iuery brings database uery processing to ml,

  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    /TT"&0T element-name attribute-name attribute-type 5de#ault-+alue6@

    some o# the de#ault attribute +alues in T(Table/-2)&mplied /ttribute

    The synta #or implies attribute +alue is as #ollo%s

    =>/TT"&0T element-name attribute-name attribute-type &!9"&E@

    U;I< @ III

    1. Brie#ly Eplain /bout ;TT9 J !"-L9C

    ;TT9;TT9 is an important building bloc$ #or using !" as a 'eb-based messaging

    protocol. &n 12 that the #ace o# the &nternet %as changed through the use o# a simple

    reuest-response protocol $no%n as ;TT9.

  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    are deli+ered to a bro%ser instead o# a #ile system. The #irst ;TT9 speci#ication %ritten by

    Tim Berners-"ee is a study in simple elegance. Clients reuest #iles #rom ser+ers using a

    simple tet string o# the #orm4ET Command


  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    system. There are 2 types o# architecture patterns.

    D"ayer 9attern

    D9ipe and

  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    "ayers li$e osi layer concept are also adopted here.


  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    The transport protocol used by C8LB/, C8!, L!& or &&89, 8L9C, AL!& &0


    08/9 8+er+ie%(1)Encoding rules that control !" tags.

    (2)Lules #or echange application de#ined data type.

    (3)Con+entions #or representing remote procedure calls and responses.08/9 !essage 0tructure

    08/9 consists o# 3 parts

    Eplain 08/9 en+elopEplain 08/9 header

    Eplain 08/9 body

    08/9 esign 9atterns

    0o#t%are architecture pattern pro+ide a high le+el conceptual +ie% o# a so#t%aresystem. There are 2 types o# architecture patterns.

    D"ayer 9attern

    D9ipe and 1. Eplain about 'eb 0er+ices TechnologiesU

    'eb 0er+ices Technologies'eb ser+ices depends on se+eral enabling technologies 08/9, &,and '0".

    The 'eb 0er+ice /rchitechture

    / ser+ice pro+ider

    / ser+ice reuester

    / repository or bro$er

    Key Technologies





    & is a protocol #or describing 'eb ser+ices components that allo%s business to

    register %ith an &nternet directory so they can ad+ertise their ser+ices and complaies can

    #ind each other and carry out transactions o+er the %eb.& #rame%or$ speci#ications

    The & 9rogrammerHs /9& 0peci#ication

    The & ata 0tructure 0peci#ication


  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    Con#iguration !anagement

    'eb ser+ices pros J cons

    08/908/9 is a protocol #or communicationg %ith a & ser+ice. 08/9 simpli#ies

    & access by allo%ing applications to in+o$e ob:ect methods or #unctions residing on

    remote ser+ers. The ad+antage o# 08/9 is that it can use uni+ersal ;TT9 to ma$e areuest and to rece+e a response. 08/9 reuests and responses use !" not only to target

    the remote method but to ]ac$age any data that reuired by the method.

    2. Eplain about eb!"Ueb!"

    Electronic Business !" represents a global initiati+e to de#ine processes around

    %hich business can interact o+er the 'eb. &t is the technology aimed at bringing the

    bene#its o# B2B data echange to global audience o# small,medium, and large businesses.The broad e##ort o# eb!" includes multiple speci#ications that de#ine standard %ays o#

    echanging business messages,conducting trading relationships,communicationg data in

    common terms, and de#ining and registering business processes.

    The $ey players behind eb!" N&CE

  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    0oap pro+ide loosely coupled message based architecture #or per#orming

    interaction. ;o%e+er to use the loosely coupled %eb space #or commercial ser+er based

    interaction. &t is +ery necessary to add transactional capability. To add transactionalcapability middle%are are depended %hich has it roots in tightly coupled ob:ect system.


    / transaction is a set o# so#t%are operations. / transaction should satis#y the #ollo%ingproperties called /C& properties.

    1./tomicity- Either all o# the operations should be per#ormer or none o# them may be

    per#ormed.2.Consistency- Le#er to data consistency.

    3.&solation - 8nly one transaction can manipulate data at a particular time.

    7.urability - &t means that update made by a committed transaction persist in the

    database regardless o# #ailure that occur alter the commit transaction.0ECL&T?

    The secured soc$et layer and transport layer security protocol and doing %ell #or %eb

    based E-Commerce.

    0oap and 'eb ser+ice protocoloesnt address security issue. 0oap specialied security implementation #or transaction

    ml on .NET and A2EE.&ENT&T?

    'eb based net%or$ need a %ay to authenticate and +alidity user. To do this system

    +alidate user based on permission stored in database.9/0098LT

    9assport !icroso#t authentication ser+ice that allo% user that as the %ebsite and

    ser+ices. The passport can be integrated in !icroso#t hotmail E-mail ser+ice and entry #or

    !icroso#t .NET ser+ices.The "iberty /lliance 9ro:ect

    &t is a alternati+e to passport. &t is used to create uni+ersal digital identity ser+ice based on

    open ser+ice.7. Eplain about .NETU

    .NET is a !icroso#t #rame%or$.

    !icroso#ts .NET is an umbrella term that describes !icroso#ts strategy #or deli+ering

    so#t%are as ser+ices across the %eb.

    .NET is an initiati+e represents a de+elopment #rame%or$ that integrates earlier

    !icroso#t technologies %ith ne%er technologies built around !".

    .NET allo%s de+elopers to build a ser+ice-oriented consciousness into so#t%are up #ront

    rather than as an a#terthought.

    The .NET architecture includes se+eral technology components

    1. e+elopment tools.2. 0pecialied ser+ers.

    3. 'eb ser+ices.7. e+ices.

    The .Net plat#orm consists o# #i+e main components

    1. 8perating system layer.

    2. .NET building bloc$ ser+ices.3. .NET #rame%or$.

  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    7. .NET ser+ers

    F. isual 0tudio .NET.

    / Common "anguage Luntime supports di##erent languages #or .NET


    The .NET #rame%or$ is architected around a uni#ied hub and spo$e programming

    model designed to ma$e di##erent languages interchangeable. The .NET approach to so#t%are integration is based on a hub and spo$e con#iguration

    %here a +ariety o# languages are translated into a C"L.

    C8B8" can be used to de+elop .NET applications

    UnitG >

    1.Eplain brie#ly about the securityUThree 0ecurity reuirements

    DCon#identialityR@Ensuring that in#ormations not made a+ailable

    to unauthoried indi+iduals.D/uthenticationR@/bility to determine that the

    message really comes #rom the listed sender.

    Data integrityR@Ensuring that %hen in#ormation arri+es at itsdestination.Enoding and decoding methods

    D0ingle-$ey cryptography

    R@Both the sender and recei+er should $no% the secret $ey.R@Each $ey is replaced

    eg a %ith b, b %ith c. so on

    isad+antageR@decoding $ey must be communicated #rom

    sender to re+cei+er.

    R@&t does not scale to the %eb.

    D9ublic $ey cryptographyR@Based on complementory public and pri+ate $eys.

    R@No need to echange a secret $ey.

    R@use mathematical #ormula to generate $ey.Con#identialityR@Encryption %ith public $ey ensures it.

    /uthenticationR@ Encryption %ith pri+ate $ey ensures it.

    ata &ntegrityR@Ensures that the message recei+ed is the messane sentigital integrity

    R@&t is li$e %riting your name across the #ace o# a document.

    R@&t guarantees document authenticity.!anaging certi#icates and pri+ate $eysS

    R@Lepresent trusted entites in %ebsecurity.R@limited li#espans #or allo% changes in circumstance.

    2.Eplain brie#ly about i) !" 0ecurity

  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    -!" Key !anagement 0er+ices


    - K!0 is a %3c initiati+e- targets delegation o# trusts processing decisions to one or more specialied trust


    - it is one o# the three %3c speci#ication that de#ine the ml security architecture!0 0TLCTLE

    - speci#ies protocol #or distributing and registering public $eys

    - suitable #or use in con:unction %ithproposed standard- K!0 has t%o parts

    - 1.the ml $ey in#ormation ser+ice speci#ication(-K&00)

    - 2.ml $ey registration ser+ice speci#icayion(-KL00)

    -K&00- de#ines a protocol #or a trust ser+ice

    - basic ob:ecti+e is to minimie the compleity o# applicatrion implementation

    - the ml signature speci#ication does not mandate use o# a particular trust policy

    -KL00-de#ines aprotocol #or a %eb ser+ice that accepts registration o# public $ey

    -a client ser+ice may reuest that reregistration ser+ice bind in#ormation to public $ey-the protocol pro+ides #or the authentication

    3.Eplain brie#ly about i) !" igital 0ignature

    ii) 4uidelines #or signing !" documents!" igital 0ignature

    The !" digital signature speci#ication de#ines boyh the synta and rules #or

    processing !" digital signature.signatures pro+ide integrity,message authentication and

    signer authentication ser+ices #or data.igital signature Elements

    The elements are

    0igned&n#o-in#ormation that is actually signed

    Canonicaliation!ethod-indicates algorithm used to canonicalie the signed element

    0ignature!ethod-speci#ies algorithm used to con+ert the canonicalied signed&n#o into

    signature +alue

    Le#erence-includes the method to compute the digital hash and the resulting digest


    Key&n#o-indicates the $ey used to +alidate signature.

    Trans#orms-list o# processing steps applied to resources content be#ore digest is


    igestmethod-speci#ies algorithm applied to data a#ter Trans#orms is applied.

    igestalue-holds +alue computed on the data being signed

    0teps in signature generation

    1. create a 0igned&n#o element %ith signature!ethod,Canonicaliation!ethod,and

    Le#erences2. canonicalie the !" document

    3. calculate the 0ignaturealue based on algorithms speci#ied in


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    7. construct the signature elements that includes signed&n#o,Key&n#o and


    4uidelines #or 0igning !" ocuments_ !" relies on substitution and trans#ormation

    _ Content o# eternal stylesheet should be signed i# its re#erred

    _ The in#ormation that %as presented must be signed_ Trans#ormations may alter content ,so the trans#ormed data should be signed

    _ The security o# o+erall system depends on the security and integraty o# procedures and

    personel as %ell as %ell as procedural en#orcement7.Eplain brie#ly about i) canonicaliation

    ii)!" Encryption


    !" canonicaliation is the use o# an algorithm to generate the canonical #orm8# an !" document. !" is sub:ect to sur#ace representation changes or to processing

    that discards some in#ormation.

    The steps during the creation o# a core canonical #orm include

    Encoding the document in the ni+ersal Character 0et T

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    3.encrypting the resulting canonical #orm using public $ey encryption

    7.sending the encrypted ml to the intended recipient

    Encrypting ml data-1.ml subelement and content Encryption

    -2.partial ml element encryption

    -3.encrypting ml element content onlyF. Eplain the applications o# !" as occuring in three %a+esU

    _ 'a+e 8ne ertical &ndustry ata escriptions

  • 7/27/2019 XML and WebServices


    - The oice !" standard pro+ides a plat#orm #or +oice applications

    - oice !" documents describe con+ersations

    - oice !" supports #orms and menus.D