MWF - 07/05 - 07076 - © Diagnosis WoW! Snooper The vehicular “good nose” – simply effective Individually removable, mobile diagnostic device based on the newest diagnostic technology! CAN bus capability, online updating, wireless. WoW! Snooper WoW! Snooper WoW! Snooper with WoW! Hotspot with handheld / PDA with USB connection* Art. No. 0900 964 715 Art. No. 0900 964 714 Art. No. 0900 964 707 Software Preinstalled WoW! diagnostic software l l Synchronisation software for the PC l Recovery CD l l WoW CD Preconfigured Bluetooth communication l l Online updates (via Internet) l l PC dependent Diagnostic tester hardware WoW! Hotspot (mobile diagnostic tester) l Handheld PC / PDA l Connection Bluetooth l l USB l l l Diagnostic tester hardware 16-pin OBD cable (length: 150 cm) l l l OBD diagnostic box with multiplexer l l l CAN diagnosis l l l Vehicle-specific diagnosis adapter optional optional optional Diagnostic software OBD diagnosis (vehicle specific) l l l EOBD diagnosis (standardised, P0 code) l l l CAN diagnosis l l l Service User helpline included included included Vehicular technology hotline optional optional optional Practical training/Further education optional optional optional The vehicles: l The most modern motor systems can be diagnosed via EOBD. l All leading vehicle brands are suppor- ted: – Audi, VW, Seat, Skoda, Opel, Ford Mercedes-Benz, BMW – Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia – Peugeot, Citroën, Renault – Volvo, Saab, Rover – Toyota, Lexus and many more The systems (vehicle dependent): l Motor l ABS / ASR / ESP / Traction Control (TC) l Airbag / belt pretensioner l Air conditioner l Automatic gear unit l Instruments / onboard computer l Immobiliser l Comfort electronics The functions (vehicle dependent): l Diagnostic base module l Diagnosis socket fitting position l Read and clear fault codes (control unit diagnosis) l System scan (automatic detection) of diagnosable systems, e. g. with VW) l Service reset (e. g. Longlife Service with VW) l EOBD diagnosis Art. No. 0900 000 040 Diagnostic expansion module (optional) l Read out data lists l Actuator test (component test) l Basic setting (e.g. throttle bodies and diesel pump VAG, ABS Ford, motor Fiat, immobiliser Renault) l Adaptations (e.g. EGR valve Renault, xenon light VAG, lambda probe with VAG) l Key programming (VAG and Opel to 1998) Art. No. 0900 000 041 The technology – Incl. multiplexer for automatic pin assignment – Incl. CAN bus diagnosis technology – Incl. online updates – Incl. Bluetooth communication for wireless work – Optional: context-sensitive software (additional information where it’s needed) + USB * also possible with your PC after a successful check by the WOW test CD!

WoW! Snooper - media.wuerth.commedia.wuerth.com/stmedia/shop/masterpages0000/std.lang.all/07076.pdf · WoW! Snooper The vehicular “good nose” – simply effective Individually

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Page 1: WoW! Snooper - media.wuerth.commedia.wuerth.com/stmedia/shop/masterpages0000/std.lang.all/07076.pdf · WoW! Snooper The vehicular “good nose” – simply effective Individually


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WoW! SnooperThe vehicular “good nose” – simply effective

Individually removable, mobile diagnostic devicebased on the newest diagnostic technology! CAN bus capability, online updating, wireless.

WoW! Snooper WoW! Snooper WoW! Snooperwith WoW! Hotspot with handheld / PDA with USB connection*Art. No. 0900 964 715 Art. No. 0900 964 714 Art. No. 0900 964 707

SoftwarePreinstalled WoW! diagnostic software l lSynchronisation software for the PC lRecovery CD l l WoW CDPreconfigured Bluetooth communication l lOnline updates (via Internet) l l PC dependentDiagnostic tester hardwareWoW! Hotspot (mobile diagnostic tester) lHandheld PC / PDA lConnectionBluetooth l lUSB l l lDiagnostic tester hardware16-pin OBD cable (length: 150 cm) l l lOBD diagnostic box with multiplexer l l lCAN diagnosis l l lVehicle-specific diagnosis adapter optional optional optionalDiagnostic softwareOBD diagnosis (vehicle specific) l l lEOBD diagnosis (standardised, P0 code) l l lCAN diagnosis l l lServiceUser helpline included included includedVehicular technology hotline optional optional optionalPractical training/Further education optional optional optional

The vehicles:l The most modern motor systems can

be diagnosed via EOBD.l All leading vehicle brands are suppor-

ted:– Audi, VW, Seat, Skoda, Opel, Ford

Mercedes-Benz, BMW– Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia– Peugeot, Citroën, Renault– Volvo, Saab, Rover– Toyota, Lexus and many more

The systems (vehicle dependent):l Motorl ABS / ASR / ESP / Traction Control (TC)l Airbag / belt pretensionerl Air conditionerl Automatic gear unitl Instruments / onboard computerl Immobiliserl Comfort electronics

The functions (vehicle dependent):l Diagnostic base modulel Diagnosis socket fitting positionl Read and clear fault codes

(control unit diagnosis)l System scan (automatic detection) of

diagnosable systems, e.g. with VW)

l Service reset (e.g. Longlife Service with VW)

l EOBD diagnosisArt. No. 0900 000 040

Diagnostic expansion module (optional)l Read out data listsl Actuator test (component test)l Basic setting (e.g. throttle bodies and

diesel pump VAG, ABS Ford, motorFiat, immobiliser Renault)

l Adaptations (e.g. EGR valve Renault,xenon light VAG, lambda probewith VAG)

l Key programming(VAG and Opel to 1998)

Art. No. 0900 000 041

The technology– Incl. multiplexer for automatic

pin assignment– Incl. CAN bus diagnosis technology– Incl. online updates– Incl. Bluetooth communication

for wireless work– Optional: context-sensitive software

(additional information where it’s needed)


* also possible with your PC aftera successful check by the WOWtest CD!

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