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1)Which social condition was emphasized during the renaissance?

a) A rigid social class systemb) Religious conformityc) Mass educationd) Individualism

2) The works of William Shakespeare, Johann Gutenberg and Leonardo Da Vinci best support the conclusion that the renaissance: a) Occurred in several European countries in different fields of achievementb) Was limited to a narrow field of learning in many different European countriesc) Represents a range of intellectual achievement in one countryd) Strengthened religious unity in Europe by the spread of new knowledge

3) Which of the following is not an effect of African migration and settlement in the new world?

a) The development of an extensive trading system in which manufactured goods were exchanged for slaves in west Africa

b) The diversification of the population and the incorporation of slavery into the social systemc) The loss of thousand of slaves during the middle passaged) The utilization of land resources and the development of plantation economies on a larger

scale throughout the Americas

4) Neanderthals and modern man were similar in all of the following ways except that:

a) They were both nomadicb) They lived in cavesc) They were similar in physical appearanced) They knew how to make weapons

5) what factor(s) contributed most to the development of farming during the new stone age:

a) The invention of the plow

b) The knowledge of seed planting

c) The invention of the wheel

d) All of the above

6) The main reason early civilization developed in ancient china was:

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a) The natural barriers which provided protection from invaders from the north and south

b) The fertile river valleys which favored agriculture

c) The vast number of mineral resources found in southern china

d) The nomadic lifestyle of the people

7) In which fields of cultural achievement did the ancient Athenians make contributions to modern civilization?

a) The modern alphabet and surgical skills

b) literature and geometry

c) The development of legal codes and militarism

d) engineering and astronomy

8) Two outstanding contributions made by ancient Rome to Western civilization are:

a) Engineering and law

b) Military tactics and music

c) Drama and medicine

D) Agricultural technology and the Olympic games

9) Which of the following is not a feature of the Byzantine Empire?

a) Laws are provided for the society by the Justinian code

b) Emperors ruled by the democratic process

c) The empire’s extensive trading networks made the region culturally diverse

d) Art and architecture were highly developed

10) Social position and power during the feudal period were based on:

a) Individual wealth

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b) Emperors ruled by the democratic process

c) The empire’s extensive trading networks made the region culturally diverse

d) Art and architecture were highly developed

10) Social position and power during the feudal period were based on:

a) Individual wealth

b) Land ownership

c) The number of serfs on the manor

d) Willingness to go to war

11) The west African Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai experience great political and economic prosperity because they:

a) Were able to resolve tribal conflicts in their empires

b) Established sacred religious centers

c) Maintained highly structured social systems

d) Controlled vast reserves of gold and important trade routes

12) The influence of the Turkish Muslims in India in the eleventh century was weakened by:

a) The persecution of Hindus

b) The invasion of the Mongols

c) The inability of the Muslim Turks to convert Hindus

d) All of the above

13) How were the Inca able to adapt to their physical environment?

a) By building irrigation systems and terracing the mountains

b) By planting only corn and potatoes

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c) By building their cities on islands

d) By building causeways over the land

14) One impact of Mongol control on the people of Russia was that:

a) They were given inferior positions in government positions

b) They were deprived of experiencing the culture advances of the Renaissance

c) They were against the system of absolute leadership

d) Their economy was destroyed

15) Which of the following contributed significantly to the development and spread of art during the renaissance?

a) Humanism

b) The support of wealthy investors

c) The revival of ancient Greek and Roman culture

d) The printing machine

16) The Protestant Reformation:

a) Increase the power and authority of the Roman Catholic Church

b) Prevented the growth of religious intolerance

c) Put an end to the age of absolute monarchs

d) Inspired the growth of the industrial Revolution

17) Which of the following is an economic reason for the discovery and exploration of America:

a) The need to find a new way to travel to the Holy Land

b) The need to demonstrate that the new caravels were stronger than the older ships

c) The spread of Christianity

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d) The desire to find a new water route to Asia

18) The ancient Hebrews’ religious beliefs were historically significant because:

a) They believed in one God

b) Their religious principles became a major religion called Judaism

c) They later replaced polytheism in many parts of the world

d) All of the above

19) The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment were similar in that both

a) Emphasized the importance and value of human reason

b) Were supported by the Roman Catholic Church

c) Placed value on traditional beliefs

d) Led to the end of feudalism

20) The “divine right of kings” was the central political characteristic of:

a) The Age of Absolutism

b) The Age of Feudalism

c) The Age of reason

d) The Age of Exploration

21) Which of the following sequences shows the historical development of nineteenth century European colonial power?

a) Industrialization, imperialism, nationalism

b) Imperialism, industrialization, nationalism

c) Nationalism, imperialism, industrialization

d) Industrialism, nationalism, imperialism

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22) Which development of the industrial Revolution led to the other three?

a) The introduction of the factory system

b) The increased production of goods by industrial workers

c) Increased urbanization

d) Unsafe working conditions in factories

23) Which of the following is not a factor that contributed to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914?

a) Nationalism in European minority states

b) The system of military alliances in Europe

c) The revolution in Russia

d) The desire for imperialism among European countries

24) The two nations that became major world powers after World War ll were:

a) The United States and the Soviet Union

b) The Soviet Union and Germany

c) Great Britain and the United States

d) Japan and Germany

25) A major overall phenomena of the Industrial Revolution was:

a) The invention of the printing press

b) The transference of scientific technology from England to other nations which caused the countries of the world to become more interdependent

c) The building of new airports and automobile roadways

d) Goods became more expensive

26) Which geographic feature had the greatest agricultural influence on ancient Indian civilizations?

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a) River valleys

b) Mountains

c) Deserts

d) Rainforests

27) The main reason(s) why early humans migrated from one region, or continent to another was:

a) To find climates that they were able to adapt to

b) To find animals to hunt

c) To find additional food sources

d) All of the above

28) Which of the following contributions to European culture can be attributed to the Muslim empire?

a) Developed calligraphy and produced great artwork

b) Furthered the study of algebra and geometry

c) Developed anesthetics and performed complex surgeries

d) All of the above

29) Which current human activity will result in the increased production of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

a) Industrialization

b) Deforestation

c) Widespread use of chemicals

d) The disposal of toxic waste in rivers

30) One method that the Sumerians used to survive and overcome the limitations of their geographical environment was:

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a) To move to the cooler mountain regions

b) To build dams to regulate the flow of the rivers to prevent flooding

c) To take fertile soil to desert regions

d) To redirect the natural course of the rivers

31) Which of the following is not a reason why the first European explorers came to the new world?

a) To spread Christianity

b) To show that it was possible to sail around the entire world

c) To find gold to increase their wealth

d) To find new trade routes to Asia

32) In ancient Athens all male citizens had the opportunity to participate in the development of the government process and the selection of their leaders. This situation is an example of:

a) Totalitarianism

b) Feudalism

c) Direct democracy

d) Absolutism

33) Which statement best describes early exploration and trade routes?

a) The Spanish had more worldwide routes

b) Portugal and Spain were the main countries that fostered exploration and had trade routes

c) The routes extended over all the world’s major oceans

d) All of the above

34) The treaty of Versailles contributed to the economic collapse of Germany by:

a) De-valuing the German currency

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b) Requiring that Germany pay reparations

c) Demanding that German forces be removed from all occupied areas

d) Preventing Germany from joining the League of Nations

35) A major result of World War l was that the United States:

a) Became a world power

b) Opposed German reunification

c) Was unable to reduce its national debt

d) Had a significant decrease in trade with allied countries

36) In which of the following ways were the Bolsheviks able to achieve a peaceful foreign policy?

a) By uniting with the neighboring Asian states

b) By giving the Germans a portion of Russian territory in exchange for the their removal from the war front

c) By using the Trans-Siberian Railway to develop friendly relations with countries in the Atlantic

d) By joining the Allied countries at the Paris Peace conference in 1918

37) All of the following led to the Russian Revolution except:

a) The Russian army’s refusal to stop rioters

b) The food shortages and widespread starvation among the Russian working class

c) The effects of the Industrial Revolution in Russia

d) The frustration over the numerous Russian failures during World War l

38) The political ideology(ies) developed by the Communists in relation to their authority and the Russian people was / were that:

a) All land belonged to the people

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b) All means of production were owned by the state

c) All class stratification was abolished

d) All of the above

39) Which of the following situations contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany?

a) The government’s inability to deal with the public humiliation felt by the nation as well as the economic crisis

b) The threat of attack from neighboring countries

c) The destruction of German factories and farms

d) all of the above

40) Mussolini’s fascist government in Italy and Hitler’s Third Reich government in Germany were similar in that:

a) All opposition was brutally suppressed

b) They were strongly nationalistic

c) They were dictatorships

d) all of the above

41) Which of the following situations is an example of totalitarianism in Germany in the 1930’s?

a) The establishment of two-party elections

b) The encouragement of private business enterprise

c) The decline of the German economy

d) The government control of the media

42) Which event happened first and led to the other three?

a) Bolshevik Revolution

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b) Treaty of Versailles

c) World War l

d) Fascism in Italy

43) Which event in Europe after World War ll was responsible for the beginning of the Cold War?

a) The occupation of Rumania and Hungary by the Soviet Union

b) The installation of a communist government in East Germany

c) The reunification of Germany

d) The formation of NATO

44) Which of the following events directly led to America’s entry into World War ll?

a) The invasion of France by Germany

b) The sinking of the Lusitania

c) The attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor

d) The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

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