Workshop 01 – Discovering Our Interprofessional Teamwork Workshop 01 – Discovering Our Interprofessional Teamwork ver 16D12M14Y 1 © TEAM C – Toolkit to Enhance and Assist Maximizing Team Collaboration Workshop 01 Discovering Our Interprofession al Teamwork

Workshop 01 – Discovering Our Interprofessional Teamwork ver 16D12M14Y1© TEAM C – Toolkit to Enhance and Assist Maximizing Team Collaboration Workshop

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Workshop 01 – Discovering Our Interprofessional TeamworkWorkshop 01 – Discovering Our Interprofessional Teamwork

ver 16D12M14Y 1© TEAMC – Toolkit to Enhance and Assist Maximizing Team Collaboration

Workshop 01Discovering Our Interprofessional Teamwork

Workshop 01 – Discovering Our Interprofessional TeamworkWorkshop 01 – Discovering Our Interprofessional Teamwork

ver 16D12M14Y 2© TEAMC – Toolkit to Enhance and Assist Maximizing Team Collaboration

Goals of the Workshop Series

⟩ To assist practicing professionals to identify the strengths their current team practices bring to collaborative practice

⟩ To build from the team strengths in creating a ‘dream’ team functioning environment that:

o enhances the quality of care provided to patients and their chosen family member

o effective interprofessional communications across health providers, patients and family members that leads to best practices in health care delivery

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⟩ To build onto team strengths in working together to:

o Allow health providers to be fully utilized to their full scopes of practice

o Ensure all members of the team’s knowledge, skills, and expertise are used within teams

⟩ To create an action plan to integrate strengths and enhancements to team functioning

⟩ To test the operationalization of the ‘dream’ in achieving identified team functioning outcomes

Goals of the Workshop Series cont.

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Appreciative Inquiry

The 4-D Cycle (AI Commons http://ai.cwru.edu)

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National Competency Framework

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Interprofessional collaborative practice involves a partnership between a teamof health professionals and a client in a participatory, collaborative and coordinated approach to shared decision- making around health and social issues*

*Orchard, CA, and Curran, V., Centres of excellence for interdisciplinary collaborative professional practice. Prepared for Office of Nursing Policy: Health Canada, 2003.

What is interprofessional collaborative practice?

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⟩ Interprofessional care -- all health professionals work together in developing a plan of care with a patient

⟩ Multi-disciplinary care -- each health professional assesses the patient on his/her own and all the health professionals may or may not discuss their individual plans for the patient

Interprofessional vs. Multi-disciplinary Care

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⟩ What is your current understanding of interprofessional collaborative practice?

⟩ What needs to be in place across your agency to make IPCP a reality?

Collaborative Practice

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How we gain an understanding of each other in our society

How we are educated

Why is collaborating across health provider groups not always the norm?

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Choice of PT



Perception of role of PT &

of other s

PT Program

Correction of myths about


Persistent myths about others


Our Socialization

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Education of health professionals is uni-disciplinary

If we apply social contact theory*...

*Pettigrew, T.F. , Intergroup Contact Theory. Annual Review of Psychology, 1998, p. 65-85.





Our Education…

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⟩ Language

⟩ Communication patterns

⟩ Ways of patient/client encounters

⟩ Perceptions of knowledge & skills of other health professionals

⟩ Codes of ethics

Reality: All health provider groups develop their own:

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⟩ Cooperation

⟩ Coordination

⟩ Shared decision making

⟩ Partnerships

Collaborative Elements

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Focus of this workshop is on ‘discovery’ about your team:

1. To review goals for the team’s care

2. To review principles for teamwork

3. To identify strengths in teamwork

4. To review the roles, knowledge, skills and expertise within the team

5. To reconsider where shared knowledge, skills and expertise exist in the team

6. To discuss areas where working relationships enhance teamwork, and

7. To discuss ways teams members are used effectively

Workshop #1 Goals

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[ ] Introduction to workshop series[ ] Goals/principles for your teamwork[ ] Ratifying principles for working with each other[ ] Strengths in our teamwork[ ] Roles, knowledge and expertise in team[ ] Exploring where shared roles, knowledge, skills and expertise exist in

team[ ] How working relationships enhance teamwork[ ] Ways to enhance how team members are used effectively[ ] Reflection/summary/orientation to next session

Workshop #1 ‘DISCOVERY’ Agenda

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⟩ Take a few minutes and discuss what are the goals for your team

⟩ Please enter each one onto a coloured post-it and then place all post-its onto a flip chart sheet

⟩ Compare all provided goals and eliminate any duplications

⟩ Confirm the set of goals for your team that by consensus are agreed to

What are the goals of your team?

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Team Goals

⟩ (to be completed)

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⟩ respected for their knowledge and skills?

⟩ valued by all team members?

⟩ comfortable entering into discussions about plans for clients with all of you?

⟩ they can ask to take responsibility for aspects of plans for programs/activities to address client needs with all of you?

⟩ they can trust each other?

Would all members of your team feel…

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⟩ Explore with each other what the principles are that you use to support your effective teamwork

⟩ Enter each one onto a colored post-it note and then place on a flipchart

⟩ Compare your set of principles with other sets developed by other team members

⟩ Vote on which are most important by using five (5) votes each

Principles for Teamwork

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Principles for Teamwork

⟩ (to be completed)

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⟩ Explore what are the strengths of your teamwork currently

⟩ Enter one on each post-it note and then post all on a flip chart

⟩ Review all suggestions for duplications

Strengths of the Team

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Strengths of our Teamwork

⟩ (to be completed)

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⟩ Is your knowledge about each other's knowledge and skills accurate?

⟩ How well does your team use each other’s knowledge and skills?

Teamwork & Collaboration

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Using Worksheet #3

⟩ Jot down in column 1 what is your role, knowledge, skills, and expertise

⟩ As you do this work, consider how you can enhance the work of the team

My Role in the Team

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What can other members bring to the team?

⟩ In your small groups, share with the group what you have written down and listen to what others have shared.

⟩ Take notes as you listen to your fellow group members and enter their roles, knowledge, skills and expertise into your worksheet #3 column 2.

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Who does what on the team?

⟩ Review the roles, knowledge, skills and expertise that each team member brings to the team

⟩ Discuss your current understanding of their role

⟩ Ask them to clarify your understanding and add any missing information

⟩ Make corrections to your notes when needed

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What are the shared knowledge, skills & expertise amongst your team members?

⟩ Explore what is shared knowledge, skills and expertise across the team members that can enrich team work

⟩ Enter these into Worksheet #4

⟩ Share with each other

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What working relationships enhance our teamwork?

⟩ Explore what aspects of your team members’ working relationships really enhance your team’s work

⟩ Enter each issue on a separate post-it note and then add all to a flip-chart sheet

⟩ Review all identified enhancers and eliminate duplications

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Shared Knowledge, Skills and Expertise

⟩ (to be completed)

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Teamwork Enhancers

⟩ (to be completed)

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How do we use our team members effectively to achieve our team goals?

⟩ Explore how individual members of the team are used effectively within the team

⟩ Enter each idea on a separate post-it note and then place all on a flip-chart sheet

⟩ Review all postings and eliminate any duplications

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Using Team Members’ Knowledge and Skills Effectively in Our Team⟩ (to be completed)

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Role ClarificationLearners/practitioners understand their own role and the roles of those in other professions, and use this knowledge appropriately to establish and achieve patient/client/family/community goals

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Role Clarification


⟩ Describing their own role to others;

⟩ Recognizing and respecting the diversity of other health and social care roles, responsibilities and competencies;

⟩ Performing their own roles in a culturally respectful way

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You ‘discovered’ your team strengths in...

⟩ Setting what are common goals for the team

⟩ Determining what are team principles for working together

⟩ Determining what roles, knowledge, skills and expertise exist within the team

⟩ Finding where shared knowledge, skills and expertise exist in the team

⟩ Sharing our working relationships within the team

⟩ Discussing the ways we use to work effectively together

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⟩ What was most useful to you from this workshop?

⟩ What was most surprising to you as a result of this workshop?

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Getting Ready for the Next Workshop

⟩ What worked well today?

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Next Workshop

Workshop #2 will

⟩ Reflect on Workshop #1 and what you have discovered about your team

⟩ Consider teamwork principles that support team strengths and the team’s existing communication structures

⟩ Review what works well in leading the team, managing team meetings and what helps to address conflicts in the team

Ahead of the next workshop:

⟩ Review work completed in Workshop #1

⟩ Complete Worksheet #6

Workshop #2: Our Teamwork Effectiveness Next workshop is (date)