Career Advising for Students interested in STEM Paul J. Kostek IEEE-USA WOIS Conference 1 February 2010

Wois Feburary 2010

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Career Advice for teachers and advisors of students in K-12

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Career Advising for Students interested in STEM

Paul J. Kostek IEEE-USA

WOIS Conference1 February 2010

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

A universal call for increased enrollments must also address employment opportunity and the impact of a globalization on the technology workforce

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Today’s Challenge

Competition for talent What steps are being taken to increase the

numbers of students entering engineering? How is the current engineering workforce being

utilized? How will companies compete for talent,

differentiate themselves and what impact will this have on business?

Where is the growth taking place outside the US and can we find ways to tap this?

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The Current Numbers

Engineering Students Undergrads all disciplines


2006-2007 Degrees awarded 73,000 undergrad 30,000 MS 6,000 PhD

Engineering Population ~1.978 million

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BLS Projections

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BLS Data

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Math – algebra Science

Physics, chemistry, biology Student competitons

Future Cities FIRST A World in Motion

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High School

Math Calculus Physics Chemistry Foreign Language English Communications

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What Students Need

Math & science are important as are good study skills

Use your creativity and like designing things Like taking on big challenges and helping people

solve problems Need good communications skill, teamwork and

the ability to influence others

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Educational Opportunities

Certifications 3 months – 12 months Industry driven – Cisco (CCNA), Microsoft (MCSE)

Associate Degrees Types of jobs – network administrators/technician

Bachelors Entry level for most engineering/high tech jobs

ABET accreditation Graduate

Specialized skills

PhD R&D Academe

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Bachelor’s Degrees, by Disciplines 2006-07 (73K)

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Undergraduate Enrollments

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What steps are being taken to increase the numbers of students entering

engineering? K-12 initiatives

Professional Societies Engineers in schools Job shadowing IEEE-USA Future Cities SAE Wheels in Motion

Trade Associations SIA Program to attract and retain undergrads

Companies Intel Science Fair Siemens

Federal Government COMPETES legislation

(response to NAE Study- Rising Above the Gathering Storm)

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Competing for Talent

Industries Aerospace Computing (hardware and software) Web – based Gaming Green Semiconductors Utilities

Companies Google

Degrees growing in enrollments Bio-Med Environmental / Civil Engineering

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Where is the growth taking place outside the US and Competition for

work India China Vietnam Russia Eastern European (Poland, Hungary)

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The Current Population

The conversation, whether in DC or Silicon Valley, centers on the next generation of engineers/scientists while seeming to forget there are over 1 million electrical engineers in the workforce.

Where do they fit in? Are we utilizing our current population? Does retention matter? Does how we treat the current workforce impact the

future workforce? Companies can now access engineers in Eastern

Europe, Asia and India, what will the impact be for engineers here in the U.S.A.?

Do we need to graduate more engineers , the same, or less?

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The 4 Generations

For the first time ever we have 4 generations in the workplace – WWII Baby Boomers Gen X Gen Y

The challenge how to integrate these very different groups

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The Challenge For Engineers:

Identifying in-demand skills and positioning themselves to fill them through:

Training Applicable experience

For Employers Finding engineers with in-demand skills Attracting/Retaining/Training

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The Skills Market

Software Java Web 2.0 Software as a service Virtualization IPv6

RF design Analog Design ASIC Nuclear

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Critical Infrastructure Protection Government/private industry

Utilities Nuclear Power Green Power (solar – wind- geothermal - wave)

IT Cybersecurity

Green revolution Autos/Transportation Buildings


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Other Factors to Consider

Productivity Automation and tools

Skills Training, gaining applicable experience

and finding employment at appropriate level

Impact of outsourcing and use of foreign temp labor

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What About the Boomers?

Working later, by choice or as a result of current economic situation

Large population that can be a resource to companies

Options to consider – Phased retirements Job sharing Telecommuting

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What good is productivity growth to workers?












Productivity Avg Earnings Production Compensation Median Hourly Earnings

Source:Average hourly earnings, production and supervisory workers, from Economic Report ofthe President 2006 Table, B-47Productivity, Real hourly compensation from Economic Report of the President 2006Table, B-49 with 2005 updated from http://frwebgate2.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate.cgi?WAISdocID=971353361824+9+0+0&WAISaction=retrieveMedian hourly earnings, Economic Policy Institutehttp://www.epi.org/datazone/06/wagecuts_all.xls

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Offshoring and the Long Term Impact on Engineers and Competitiveness

Is offshoring the death knell for the engineering profession in the U.S.? Or will it lead to increased opportunities?

I believe the answer lies somewhere in between. Offshoring will eliminate opportunities in some fields

and industries, while opening up others. The question is will we have trained people to take

these positions and will they be positions people are interested in?

We shouldn’t presume that because positions are created that they will interest the current population.

How will we retrain and utilize engineers? What incentives will be provided to the engineer to move into new fields and relocate?

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Impact of In-Shoring

We really don’t know the impact of non – U.S. companies locating here. How many U.S engineers are being

employed? How many are bringing over their own

employees – L1, H-1B? Could this lead to increased


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Competing in a Global Marketplace

Doubling of global work force when China, India, x-Soviet join

Human resource leapfrogging: developing countries invest in university education; multinationals spread modern technology

trade, offshoring, immigrationGreater supply competitionShift in balance toward capital More difficult for market forces to help workers

Source: Richard Freeman

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Technologies Software Semiconductors Sensors

Industries Power Telecom Defense and Homeland Security

In-sourcing Semiconductor Automotive


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Realities of Competing in a Global Market

The $800 engineer A Russian engineer with 25 years

experience vs a U.S. engineer with 25 years experience and a 96K salary

If the work doesn’t involve national security or local customer interface – who gets the job?

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Differentiating Yourself - Engineers

Skills are not enough, engineers need to have: Business knowledge

New business models Understand the customer’s needs Learn how to apply skills in new areas

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New Ways of Thinking for Engineers

Technology: What are the key emerging technologies and how are they being used inside and outside your industry, company and region to create proprietary advantage?

Business Models: Are there new business models emerging that you can adopt or adapt to deliver radical improvements in the way you and others do business? Will these improvements drive profitable growth by creating proprietary advantages in the way you do business? Can you expand not just “your share of market” but also “your share of wallet” by adding new business models – for example – if you currently have a product business, can you add information, services or solutions? Can you expand into adjacent businesses by either taking over activities that use to be done by someone else in your industry, expanding into new markets, or adding new products?

Source: Lynda Applegate Jump Starting Innovation HBR 9/24/07

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Differentiating Yourself - Employers

How do your differentiate your company from others?

What makes your company the one to work for?

Money? Technology? Flexibility? Making a difference? The “It” factor?

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Legislative Reponse

Legislative solutions to limit or prohibit offshoring will not succeed, however there will be a need to develop incentives for retraining and hiring of engineers. The U.S. also has challenges when looking into having a population of engineers to work for the Federal government (and states also) along with developing the next generation of defense systems and maintaining today’s systems.

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Legislative/Policy Changes

COMPETES – Focus is on STEM, R&D, currently under consideration for renewal - 2010

Tax incentives for companies, why not individuals – training, relocation

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What Others Think

Succeeding in the Global Economy A New Policy Agenda for the American Worker – Authors: Aldonas/Lawrence/Slaughter – Sponsor The Financial Services Forum

Calls for a new policy agenda with innovations to facilitate adjustment by workers, communities and firms

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Adjustment Policies - Individuals

Combine Unemployment insurance and current Trade Adjustment Assistance program into a single Integrated Adjustment Assistance program

Wage insurance Portability of health insurance Assistance with geographic relocation or

establishing a new business retraining

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What’s Happened Before?

1989 NSF Future Scarcities of Engineers and Scientists

Lead to similar effort, but by 1991 the Peace Dividend had kicked-in and engineering unemployment grew to new records – surpassed by DotCom implosion

New Economy of the 90’s – DotCom We’re still impacted by what happened during

this period

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Students that are flexible and open to change will find success

Companies that are willing to be as innovative in employment as they are in technology

Provide opportunities and encourage employees to take control of their careers and contribute to the success of the business

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Thank You !

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Succeeding in the Global Economy available at: www.financialservicesforum.org

IEEE-USA Website – ieeeusa.org EETimes www.eetimes.com The Offshoring of Engineering – National

Academy of Engineering – www.national-academies.org

Michael T. Gibbons - Engineering by the Numbers – ASEE.org/colleges

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Other Factors to Consider

Salaries We’re not seeing salaries for professionals

climb at a rate that shows a shortage New Grads

CS $53,000 (vs $60K in 2000) EE $51,000

Working professionals 20 year EE – $108K (EE Times Salary Survey) w/avg increase 4%