why kali won't rage

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  • 8/10/2019 why kali won't rage


    Why Kali Won't Rage: A Critique of Indian Feminism.

    by Rita Banerji Cal!utta India



    ). *$o unique fa!tors distinguish Indian feminism from the feminism in the

    $est. +ne it reje!ts the notion of a dee"&rooted tradition&fed gender

    hierar!hy in India de,ned dominated and e-"loited by men. e!ondly / it

    does not as!ribe the abysmal state of $omen in India to longstanding

    "atriar!hal o""ression and hen!e sees no reason to rage against it. While to

    $estern feminists these fa!tors might seem oddly "er"le-ing there is $ithin

    Indian feminism a rationali0ation of these outloos.

    1. uma Chitnis in Feminism In India a !om"ilation of 2some of the most

    in3uential $ritings on the !on!e"t of feminism in India4 5Chaudhuri )6

    des!ribes ho$ on!e $hile attending an international seminar on gender roles

    in Canada she $as a!utely !ons!ious of the fa!t that $hile the $estern

    feminists there laun!hed an 2angry tirade4 against the "atriar!hies in their

    !ountries she felt no su!h anger to$ards the "atriar!hy in her o$n !ountry.

    he goes on to elaborate on Indian $omen7s general 2disa""ro8al of 9the

    $estern feminist anger4 and their 2!onfused rea!tion to the 9$estern

    feminist em"hasis on "atriar!hy 9; "arti!ularly on men as the "rin!i"al

    o""ressors4 5Chitnis (&)erent in India from the issues in the $est.4 he "oints out

    that histori!ally India has 2al$ays been 9a highly hierar!hi!al 9so!iety4 $ith

    the hierar!hies maintained through !ustoms and so!ial beha8ioral !odes.

    he also notes that unlie the $est $here indi8iduality and "ersonal freedom

    are em"hasi0ed Indians !herish 8alues lie submission to su"eriors 2self&

    denial4 and 2sublimating the 9indi8idual ego.4 In other $ords Indian so!iety

    is so!iologi!ally and "sy!hologi!ally a!!limati0ed to the notion of a strati,ed

    so!ial order and $hat may a""ear as gender hierar!hy to an outsider is

    sim"ly regarded as !ultural obser8an!es by Indians. Also $hat $esterners

    may read as a forfeiting of the indi8idual self is regarded by Indian $omen as

    a "rioriti0ing of family and !ommunity o8er the indi8idual. ?en!e they see it

    as maing a !hoi!e in fa8or of the larger good.

    @. Chitnis further justi,es this "ers"e!ti8e of Indian feminism by arguing that

    after Inde"enden!e the Indian !onstitution 2granted $omen "oliti!al status

    fully equal to that of men. 9And thus Indian $omen did not ha8e to bear the

    ind of injusti!es that $omen in the West had to su>er be!ause of the 9;

    ga" bet$een "oliti!al ideals and realities.4 he !ontends that sin!e

    Inde"enden!e in )@ the Indian go8ernment has through its series of Fi8e

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    India lags far behind the others in 8ie$ of ho$ mu!h of this gro$th is

    in!lusi8e of $omen 5Rajadhyasha6. Women o!!u"y only ))M of "oliti!al

    oN!es in India !om"ared to 1)M in China. India also has one of the lo$est

    female litera!y rates in the $orld and in 1

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    tantamount to negligent homi!ide 5JLICHF )16. A 1ensi8e

    against $hat they see as their outright "erse!ution by Indian $omen. *hey

    ha8e formed an in3uential and e>e!ti8e lobby to mitigate one of the most

    !riti!al domesti! 8iolen!e la$s in India / the @(A . *heir !laim is that $omen

    are ram"antly ,ling false !ases of domesti! abuse and harassment and that

    men are the 28i!tims of gender&biased la$s4 . H8en if there $ere su!h !ases

    the "roblem !learly is in the im"lementation of the la$ and in the failure of

    the "oli!e and the !ourts to eN!iently in8estigate and ,le the legitimate

    !om"laints brought forth. et the anti&@(A lobby $as so fo!used and

    "o$erful in its net$oring and !am"aigning that it $as able to e>e!ti8ely

    ha8e its !ase "resented for hearing before the Indian Darliament.

    )=. *he resistan!e to the anti&@(A lobby from $omen7s grou"s $as errati!

    $ea and ine>e!ti8e. In fa!t e8en the Dresident of India a $oman and a

    la$yer at that seemed to agree that men are justi,ed in their !om"laints of

    being abused by $omen $ho $ere misusing the la$ to "erse!ute them. In an

    inter8ie$ she said that domesti! 8iolen!e la$s lie the @(a $ere 2subje!ted

    to distortion and misuse to $rea "etty 8engean!e and to settle s!ores4

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    5Ram6. *he u"reme Court of India on its "art has urged the go8ernment of

    India to mitigate the @(A arguing that the !ourts 2!ome a!ross a large

    number of su!h !om"laints $hi!h are not e8en bona ,de and are ,led $ith

    oblique moti8es 9and that for the !ourt 9; to ,nd out the truth is a

    ?er!ulean tas in a majority of these !om"laints 9; Criminal trials lead to

    immense su>ering 9; 9and e8en ultimate a!quittal in the trial may not beable to $i"e out the dee" s!ars of ignominy 9from a!!used husbands and

    their families4 5*he *imes of India Amend So$ry Oa$6. In a !ountry $here

    life and sur8i8al has be!ome a fundamental issue for $omen $here do$ry

    related 8iolen!e and murders ha8e risen at su!h monstrous rates they78e

    assumed the a""earan!e of an e"idemi! ho$ does a la$ for the "rote!tion of

    $omen !ome under the s!anner and not "ro8oe a furious and outright re8olt

    among $omen7s grou"sU

    )@. +ne of the most ob8ious reasons for the "assi8ity of Indian $omen in the

    fa!e of su!h e-treme tyranny is that this is a so!ially and !ulturally

    !onditioned res"onse. in!e gender is e>e!ti8ely a !ultural !onstru!t it is!ustomary for girls and $omen to assume a !ode of beha8ior and res"onse

    that is ty"i,ed for "eo"le of their gender in their o$n !ommunities 5Cra$ford

    11&1=6. *he an!ient religious te-t of India *he Oa$s of anu "ro8ides the

    "rototy"e for the ideal Indian $oman:

    A girl a young $oman or e8en an old $oman should not do

    anything inde"endently e8en in her o$n house. In !hildhood a $oman should

    be under her father7s !ontrol in youth under her husband7s and $hen her

    husband is dead under her sons7. he should not ha8e inde"enden!e. A

    $oman should not try to se"arate herself from her father her husband or

    her sons for her se"aration from them $ould mae both her o$n and her

    husband7s families !ontem"tible. he should al$ays be !heerful and !le8er

    at household a>airsV she should ee" her utensils $ell "olished and not ha8e

    too free a hand in s"ending. When her father or her brother $ith her father7s

    "ermission gi8es her to someone 9in marriage she should obey that man

    $hile he is ali8e and not 8iolate her 8o$ to him 9e8en $hen he is dead. A

    8irtuous $ife should !onstantly ser8e her husband lie a god e8en if he

    beha8es badly freely indulges his lust and is de8oid of any good qualities

    9; It is be!ause a $ife obeys her husband that she is e-alted in hea8en

    5Soniger ))E6.

    )E. So!ility is still the most e-alted "ersonality trait in Indian $omen and a

    mu!h sought after attribute in "ros"e!ti8e brides in the matrimonial !olumns

    of Indian ne$s"a"ers. H8en $hen the "ros"e!ti8e bride is a !areer $oman

    she is e-"e!ted to 2also4 be 2domesti!4 / a $ord that im"lies !om"lian!y.

    +ne of the "rimary reasons $hy families resist edu!ating girls and are een

    to marry their daughters o> at a younger age is that the younger and less&

    edu!ated she is the more she is regarded as being tame and easy to !ontrol.

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    ?en!e these are the brides "referred by the husbands and in&la$s.

    )G. *he abo8e "assage from *he Oa$s of anu also "ro8es $hat theories of

    "ersonality de8elo"ment indi!ate && that built into e-"e!tant gender roles are

    the so!ial 8aluations of the gender that is ho$ inferior or su"erior a gender

    is raned in a !ulture. In fa!t Indian religious te-ts e-"ound on the inferiorityof $omen e-tensi8ely. A!!ording to ?indu !reation theory $omen $ere

    !reated from the lo$est and most im"ure "art of the body / the feet. arious

    te-ts des!ribe $omen as lustful la0y "o$er hungry de!eitful mali!ious

    and 8engeful by nature 9; 9and men are ad8ised to ee" guard on $omen

    at all times or they $ould bring great distress to the family 9;4 5Banerji e-

    and Do$er ) sin!e there is an im"ulsi8e adheren!e to sti"ulated so!ial

    beha8ior and gender roles that is resistant to rational e-amination and!hange 5As"y G6. Indeed Indian $omen7s refusal to rage itself is an indi!ator

    of internali0ed subordination. tudies of human so!ial beha8ior sho$ that

    anger as an emotion is usually "ermitted to grou"s only in the u""er rungs of

    so!iety sin!e it indi!ates so!ial "o$er 5*idens6 as indeed the anti&@(A

    men7s lobby demonstrates. +n the other hand the a""ro"riate emotions

    allo$ed for the subordinate grou"s are sadness and remorse. *hese not

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    sur"risingly are the most often e-"ressed emotions by Indian $omen in the

    !onte-t of their dismal state.

    )(. *he Indian $omen7s refusal to rage besides being a !ulturally instilled

    res"onse and a sym"tom of internali0ed subordination might also be a

    histori!ally ado"ted strategy of sur8i8ing an aggressi8e "atriar!hy.ubmissi8eness often is a strategy for sur8i8al in the fa!e of the most

    e-treme forms of 8iolen!e ones that dire!tly threaten sur8i8al. ?ere "assi8ity

    be!omes a learned res"onse. i!tims learn to be!ome "assi8e $hen they are

    re"eatedly made "o$erless through the in3i!tion of 8iolen!e or their

    resistan!e is 8iolently !rushed if and $hen they try to raise obje!tions or

    resist their o""ressors 5Pones )()6. *here are other indi!ators for this in the

    res"onse of Indian $omen to traditional "atriar!hy. *hese res"onses are

    sym"tomati! of Battered Women7s yndrome and the question that needs to

    be e-amined is are these also e8ident at a !olle!ti8e le8el and in the

    $omen7s mo8ement in IndiaU +ne of these sym"toms is the in!lination to

    romanti!i0e e-istent gender dynami!s $hile the other is a tenden!y to self&blame 5Follingstand6.

    ). Women7s rights a!ti8ists in India often deny the "o$er "lay of a 8iolent

    "atriar!hy in India and go to great lengths to e-"ound on indeed

    romanti!i0e ho$ Indian men ha8e histori!ally fought for $omen7s rights in

    India. ?o$e8er many of the issues that indi8idual male a!ti8ists had

    !am"aigned against during the British !olonial "eriod su!h as sati the

    burning ali8e of a $ido$ on her husband7s "yre $ere not so mu!h a $oman7s

    right issue as a human rights one. *he equi8alent for e-am"le $ould be the

    ,ght against $it!h burning in the Jnited tates. Furthermore the "resen!e of

    a fe$ so!ial male a!ti8ists is not re"resentati8e of ho$ Indian men in general

    felt about or res"onded to the re"ressi8e often inhuman !ustoms targeted at

    $omen. Suring the British !olonial "eriod there $as tremendous resentment

    among the Indian men to the attem"ts to en!ourage edu!ation of girls and

    $omen in their !ommunities. en felt their !on8entional "ositions of "o$er

    threatened by edu!ated $omen and !ontended that edu!ation ruined Indian

    $omen by stri""ing them of traditional 8alues and $esterni0ing them su!h

    that they negle!ted to satisfa!torily ful,ll their domesti! duties. *he "oliti!al

    and e!onomi! autonomy of $omen $as an idea that $as un"alatable to e8en

    some of the most "rominent so!ial and "oliti!al ,gures of this time lie

    andhi $ho also maintained that $omen7s rightful "la!e $as the home andthat their strength $as in $oring to ser8e the family and !ommunity

    5Banerji e- and Do$er 1E

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    1=. *here are indeed um"teen la$s and authori0ed "ro8isions for $omen in

    India as is often "ointed out. But the reason most $omen don7t a8ail of them

    is be!ause far from being a sour!e of "rote!tion and em"o$erment they ,nd

    the legal and !riminal system maes them e8en more 8ulnerable to abuse.

    *he manner in $hi!h these la$s are o8ertly disregarded or 3outed by the

    8ery agen!ies meant to u"hold them lie the "oli!e and judi!iary reinfor!esthe message of the auto!rati! "o$er and ruthlessness of a "atriar!hal

    system. A majority of ra"e !ases in India are ne8er e8en ,led $ith the "oli!e.

    *he general fear "arti!ularly among the $omen of the lo$er e!onomi!

    strata is not just that the "oli!e $ill disregard their !om"laints but that they

    might see it as moti8e for ra"e. *here ha8e been numerous !ases of $omen

    being ra"ed by the "oli!e $hen they $ent in to ,le a ra"e !harge 5*he *imes

    of India irl Who A!!used6. In 1ort in !atering to the demands of dalit men as $ell as u""er

    !aste men. he has ho$e8er sho$n no interest in e8en addressing the issues

    o""ressing $omen let alone a resol8e to "ro8ide a safer and more gender&

    just go8ernan!e for the $omen in her state. What female "oliti!ians in India

    understand $ell is that they may be $omen but their "osition and "o$er is

    de"endent only on their ability to a!no$ledge and ser8e the dominion of the

    "atriar!hy. Indeed no female "oliti!ian in India !ould e8er ho"e to !ome to

    "o$er by announ!ing gender&equality as her "oliti!al agenda.

    1E. *he frequen!y $ith $hi!h $omen turn on $omen in India $here mothers&

    in&la$ and sisters&in&la$ "arti!i"ate in the grou" abuse and do$ry murders of

    married $omen is "robably one the most glaring signs of a des"oti! and

    dangerous "atriar!hy. iuliana *edes!hi a holo!aust sur8i8or in an

    autobiogra"hi!al a!!ount des!ribed her e-"erien!e in the $omen7s !am" at

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    Birenau. he tals about $hat ha""ens $hen $omen ,nd themsel8es

    "risoners of a des"erate situation $here their 8ery sur8i8al be!omes a

    sour!e of !om"etition among them. 2H-as"erated the mass of bodies

    be!ame bestial or mad and in this hell !on3i!ts of ra!e !lass and !hara!ter

    e-"loded 8iolently. H8en "rison friends;had moments $hen they $ere

    o8er!ome by bestiality 9;4 51

  • 8/10/2019 why kali won't rage


    $hi!h is re3e!ted in an e-traordinary in!rease in the "ra!ti!es of hy"ergamy

    !hild marriages and sati as obser8ed in this "eriod 5Bhatta!harya ))6.

    1. We !ould "robably add to this list female infanti!ide as $ell. Lot only is

    there a religious san!tion of this "ra!ti!e in the edas / the s!ri"tures of the

    highly "atriar!hal edi! !ommunities that dates ba! to the ,rst millenniumB.C. but as some of the earliest oN!ial !ensus re!ords in the late nineteenth

    !entury under the Colonial British go8ernment sho$ that the systemati!

    "ra!ti!e of femi!ide in India had already resulted in a highly se$ed gender

    ratio. *he )ragemo8ement in Hngland se8eral $omen7s organi0ations su!h as the Women7s

    Indian Asso!iation ahi amiti and the All India uslim Oadies Conferen!e

    emerged all o8er India. *his rising 8oi!e of $omen in India $as not only

    !hallenging the o""ressi8e traditions against $omen 5su!h as sati6 and

    demanding fundamental rights su!h as the right to edu!ation and "ro"erty

    but they $ere also "ushing for their right to equal "arti!i"ation in the "ubli!

    s"here / su!h as in the right to 8ote to join "oliti!s and the right to $or. But

    $hat $as "arti!ularly un"re!edented in this "eriod $as the number of

    autobiogra"hi!al boos "ublished by Indian $omen. In these boos $omen

    freely 8ented their o"inions and feelings and des!ribed ho$ as house$i8es

    they $ere literally treated lie sla8es and made to ser8e the demands of

    large e-tended families ho$ it a>e!ted their health and $ell&being their

    brutal e-"erien!es as $ido$s their su>o!ation by traditions that "rohibited

    them from going outside the house or meeting "eo"le or tra8eling or e8en

    getting an edu!ation or a job. Women $riters from this "eriod $ere o"enly

    !riti!al of traditions that !rushed Indian $omen. Dandita Ramabai !alled the

    "ra!ti!e of segregating $omen in s"e!ial quarters as 2shameful4 and a

    terrible 2!ruelty.4 Kru"abai atthianadhan $as !riti!al of ho$ Indians raised

    their daughters lie 2inferior4 beings. ibha8ari hirurar taled about ho$ it

    $as Indian men7s egos that se-ually 8iolated and re"ressed $omen. *here is

    2an unmistaable fury in the $ritings of many $omen4 in this "eriod a furythat is not !ontained that does not !ringe from o"enly !onfronting the Indian

    male "atriar!hy and emerges in fearless and e-"li!it e-"ressions 5Banerji

    e- and Do$er 1E1&1GE6.

    =). Indeed $hat is "arti!ularly !urious is ho$ this 8oi!e and fury of Indian

    $omen fell silent soon after India7s inde"enden!e. Indeed des"ite the

    es!alating 8iolen!e against $omen in India today $ith "ra!ti!es lie do$ry

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  • 8/10/2019 why kali won't rage


    use aggressi8e "ubli! and media "ro"aganda to !reate a so!ial and

    "sy!hologi!al en8ironment of a!!e"tability su""ort and esteem for those

    $ho do 8iolate gender norms. *he fe$ attem"ts to engage $ith the "ubli! on

    gender issues ha8e been indire!t and suggesti8e lie 2a8e the girl !hild.4

    tudies sho$ that messages that are u"front and e-"li!it that do not shy

    a$ay from stating to the "ubli! $hat is una!!e"table about gender basedbeliefs or "ra!ti!es are far more e>e!ti8e and im"a!tful 5Lorris6. o a more

    a""ro"riate "ubli! message $ould be: 2Killing your girl !hild is a !rime.4 2If

    you ill your girl !hild you $ill go to jail.4 Hqually im"ortant is the ne!essity

    for the feminist mo8ement to demand full a!!ountability from the !riminal

    and legal systems on their utter failure to im"lement la$s or to safeguard

    $omen in India and !om"el them to ful,ll their roles.

    Wors Cited

    Agal Renu. 2India7s TBride Buying7 Country.4 BBC Le$s outh Asia. A"ril

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  • 8/10/2019 why kali won't rage



  • 8/10/2019 why kali won't rage


    Lorris D.5editor6. Women edia and Doliti!s. Le$ or: +-ford Jni8ersity

    Dress ).

    Rajadhyasha adha8i. 2Hmerging India Oea8es Women +ut of *he Ooo".4

    *he *imes +f India. ay

  • 8/10/2019 why kali won't rage


    &&&& . 2JLA *o Fo!us on India7s Child arriage Ills.4 *he *imes of India.

    e"tember 1

  • 8/10/2019 why kali won't rage


    JLICHF. *he tate of the World's Children: Women and Children *he Souble

    Si8idend of ender Hquality. outh Asia Hdition. 1