Why Do We Take Things for Granted

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  • 7/29/2019 Why Do We Take Things for Granted


    ]hy `d we tbfe thikms adr mrbkte`4

    Oy _bji Bo`d

    Phe sijpcest bkswer td the bodve questidk is oegbuse we hbve td6 its ik dur kbture+

    Phe regekt evekts ik Gyprus (adr thdse reb`ikm this p iege bt b cbter tije# Ij tbcfikm bodut

    the obicdut grisis da Jbrgh ?>27) hbs gbuse` b jbldr uprdbr dk the iscbk`# bk` ik abgt# the

    ektire wdrc`+ Cdgbcs bre prbgtigbccy up ik brjs# bs their very civecihdd` is bt stbfe+ Evek bs I

    write this# thdusbk`s da prdtestdrs acdgf the streets# bkmry bt the pdcitigibks bk` dther

    buthdrities thbt hbve gbuse` this `espdk`ekt turjdic+ Phere is kd wdrf segurity bs

    thdusbk`s cdse their ldos# kd mubrbktee dk sbvikms bs their hbr`*ebrke` gbsh is tbfek bwby

    oy sijpce `bycimht rdooery# bk` kd bggess td gbpitbc wicc resuct ik huk`re`s da sjbcc

    ousikesses shuttikm `dwk bk`$dr aicikm adr obkfruptgy+ Phe prdspegts cddf ocebf bk` the

    gurrekt mekerbtidk kee` td wdrf hbr`er thbk ever td rembik sdje ikfcikm da stboicity adr

    their ghic`rek td hbve b `egekt auture ik+

    Ij kdt mdikm td md iktd the egdkdjig rebsdks oehik` the gdccbpse# dr the aikbkgibc

    gdksequekges bk` jebsures thbt kee` td oe tbfek+ I wicc cebve thbt td the teghkdgrbts bk`

    dther prdaessidkbcs thbt hbve the fkdwce`me bk` expertise dk hdw td aix b ordfek gduktry+

    ]hbt I rebccy wbkte` td expcdre is b psyghdcdmigbc eaaegt pertbikikm td sugh tijes bk` why it

    is bccdwe` td thrive uktic sugh gritigbc spbrfs jbfe us bwbre da it+ I bj tbcfikm da gdurse

    bodut why we tbfe thikms adr mrbkte`+ ]ith these lbrrikm evekts gdjes the su``ek bk`

    arimhtekikmcy rebc pdssioicity thbt dur every`by ciae# ardj the jdkey gdjikm iktd dur obkf

    bggdukt every jdkth td the rdda dver dur heb`s# gbk oe tbfek bwby ardj us oy the jere

    whijs da himher pdwers# whbtever they jby oe+ Phe sbae wdrc` we dkge fkew bk` bssuje`

    td bcwbys oe there td gbre adr us is kd jdre+ Phbt rebccy puts thikms iktd perspegtive+ ]icc wehbve add` dk the tboce adr dur kext jebc4 Gbk I wbcf sbaecy ik the streets ik the ji``ce da

    the kimht4 Dur very obsig kee`s bre bt stbfe here+

    I fkdw# I jby oe mdikm dverodbr` with this sdbpy jecd`rbjb# out these vitbc gdkgerks bre

    gertbikcy pbssikm thrdumh jbky pedpces jik`s the cbst gdupce da weefs bs they wdrry dver

    their auture bk` their ghic`reks autures+ ]e bre b spdict mekerbtidk# I gbkkdt `eky thbt+ Uktic

    the grisis pdukge`# jbky da us lust tddf it adr mrbkte` thbt dur kext jebc# dur kext pby

    ghegf# evek dur hduses# wduc` oe there `by ik bk` `by dut adr bk ik`eaikite perid` da tije+

    Kdw thbt these jimht oe tbfek bwby ardj us# we bre prdobocy cddfikm bt thej ik b whdce

    `iaaerekt cimht+ ]e gbk perhbps bppregibte thej jdre# hdpeauccy adr cdkm ekdumh td ghbkme

    the wby we view thej adrever6 pergeive thej ik the wby dur pbrekts bk` their pbrekts sbw

    thej# whigh is why they tdice` cdkm bk` hbr` with their ocdd` bk` swebt td jbfe sure we

    were ceat b `egekt cembgy td pcbge dur aeet dk+

    Wd why `d we tbfe sugh obsig hujbk kee`s adr mrbkte`4 Dke rebsdk thbt is ocbtbktcy

    dovidus is the jbteribcistig `rivek sdgiety thbt we hbve grebte` adr dursecves+ ]e bre

    surrduk`e` oy b jbkiaeste` gucture thbt adguses dk mree` bk` lebcduscy+ ]e gbk aeec it

    whek dur keimhodur shdws daa thbt kew gbr# dr dur gdccebmue prdu`cy `ispcbys thbt cbtest

    mb`met+ Wdgiety tbumht us td wbkt# iksteb` da td kee`+ ]e `dkt rebccy kee`thbt cbtest sjbrt

    phdke `d we4 Out we gertbikcy `d wbkt it+ Phese wbkts hbve superse`e` dur jdst obsig

    hujbk kee`s bs the tbrmets td bghieve ik dur gdjadrtboce kike td aive ciaestyce# where wewdrry jdre bodut whbt td webr thbt `by td wdrf thbk where we wicc aik` dur kext jebc+

  • 7/29/2019 Why Do We Take Things for Granted


    ]e fik` da `um dur dwk mrbves dk this dke+ ]e bsfe` adr sbaety bk` segurity+ ]e wbkte` b

    steb`y ikgdje bk` b `epek`boce auture bk` b white pigfet aekge+ ]e `i`kt wbkt td hukt

    dur add` bkyjdre bk` hbve td ouic` b shecter ardj the rbik every kimht+ ]e wbkte` td sceep

    whdce*hebrte`cy fkdwikm thbt we werekt mdikm td oe bwdfek ik the ji``ce da the kimht oy

    the sduk` da cedpbr`s kioocikm dk dur bkfces+ Phese bre rebsdkboce bspirbtidks bk` we

    wdrfe` hbr` (jdre dr cess) ik ouic`ikm b givicisbtidk thbt wduc` bghieve these mdbcs+ ]hbt

    we jby kdt hbve rebcize` is thbt this seksbtidk da weccoeikm gdjes bt b heaty prige+ Bs we

    scdwcy ouic` dur wbccs brduk` dur hdjes# feepikm the cedpbr`s dut# we adrmet dther

    `bkmers# jbikcy the dkes we gbkkdt gdktrdc+ Phe jdre gdjpcigbte` we ouic` dur hduse da

    gbr`s# the jdre cifecy it wicc abcc ardj the cimhtest tdugh da ukadreseek girgujstbkges+ Out we

    bre docividus td this# bk` we gdktikue dur `bicy ciaestyce fkdwikm thbt the cedpbr` is

    thwbrte` oehik` thbt wbcc+ Phbt docividk# thbt iccusidk da sbaety is whbt `eseksitises us td the

    pdssioicity thbt dur gbr`s gbk gdje grbshikm `dwk updk us bky jikute+

    ]e ijjerse dursecves ik repetitive rdutikes# ikgessbkt hboits# bk` iksuostbktibc ruces thbt

    adrj the gdrkerstdke da dur civecihdd`s+ Out bt bky mivek jdjekt they gbk `isbppebr#whether oy bk bgt da Md` dr oy the seca*`estrugtive tddcs da dur dwk jbfikm+ ]e gbkkdt

    rebccy oe ektirecy td ocbje adr this gygce+ It is bater bcc ik dur kbture td wbkt td aeec sbae# sd

    we wicc ek`ebvdur td bggdjpcish this dolegtive bs oest bs we gbk# usikm whbtever jebks

    kegessbry+ Phe prdocej is thbt the jebks oegbje tdd vbst# bs we hbve gdkkegte` dursecves

    dk b mcdobc sgbce thrdumh teghkdcdmigbc bghievejekt td the pdikt thbt ia bkythikms mdikm td

    oe `dke# it wicc oe `dke oim+ Bk` the oimmer they bre+++

    Wd abr I hbve oeek spebfikm da tbfikm dur very obsig hujbk kee`s adr mrbkte`+ Out dk the

    dther si`e da the spegtruj# we bcsd seej td oe imkdrikm the sjbccer thikms brduk` us (I

    shduc` sby cess simkiaigbkt out they brekt rebccy)+ Jdst da us md bodut dur `bicy rdutike

    sebrghikm adr jebkikm# ukbwbre thbt it is bcc brduk` us# reb`y td oe pcugfe` bk` ekldye`

    areecy adr bkydke whd gbres td trucy bppregibte it+ Phe oebuty da kbture is b prije exbjpce6

    dke whd stdps td gdktejpcbte dk the vbstkess da whbt kbture hbs bghieve` ik its ciaetije

    wicc aik` thejsecves ijjerse` ik b wdrc` da ikaikite wdk`ers+ Yet we jdstcy ocdgf it dut

    ardj dur view# fkdwikm it is there out kdt rebccy+++fkdwikm+

    Ia we sebrgh ikwbr`s# ik dur dwk secves# we wduc` bcsd oe bjbze` oy the iktrigbgies we

    gduc` aik`+ Ever sikge dur `istbkt bkgestdrs `egi`e` td stbk` uprimht dk twd cems# we hbve

    expbk`e` dur jektbc odr`ers bk` evdcve` the boicity td oe seca*bwbre6 ardj b ydukm bme we

    bre boce td questidk dur jdtives# td ijbmike b wdrc` oeydk` durs# td grebte brt dut da

    kdthikm+ Yet I aeec bs we mrdw dc`er# we jdstcy squbk`er this boicity# bccdwikm it td cie`drjbkt bs we jeghbkigbccy md bodut dur `bicy rdutikes sd we gbk lust met oy+

    Hbvikm adur wdrfikm cijos# ariek`s thbt gbre# usikm ecegtrigity# the cist is ek`cess+ Phese bre

    bvbicboce adr us td oe mrbteauc adr bky tije we wbkt# out we ghddse td imkdre thej bs mivek

    perfs thbt wicc oe with us adrever+ Phbt is uktic dke `by they su``ekcy `isbppebr# bt whigh

    pdikt we rebcize hdw jugh they bre trucy jisse`# usubccy tdd cbte adr webr+ ]hy `d we set

    dursecves up adr this abicure4

    Phe jd`erk bme hbs ordumht bodut b phekdjekdk thbt abgicitbtes ik tbfikm these every`by

    thikms adr mrbkte`6 thbt is dur gdkstbktcy `ijikishikm bttektidk spbk+ ]e bre odjobr`e`

    ardj bcc `iregtidks oy b`vertisejekts# evekts# bk` pedpce thbt bre gdkstbktcy vyikm adr durbttektidk+ ]e hbve oegdje ukboce td adgus dk the sbje tbsf adr tdd cdkm oeadre we bre

  • 7/29/2019 Why Do We Take Things for Granted


    ikterrupte` bk` dur gdkgektrbtidk require` ecsewhere+ Phis hbs oegdje ijoue` ik dur

    kbture td sugh bk extekt thbt it hbppeks withdut us rebcizikm bkyjdre+ ]e gbk dkcy reb` b

    aew pbmes oeadre dur jik` wbk`ers# dr wbtgh b vi`ed dkcike adr dkcy b aew jikutes oeadre

    we met odre` bk` jdve dk+ ]e try td grbj sd jbky ektries iktd dur `bicy bmek`b thbt we

    bre ukboce td bppregibte sdjethikm adr tdd cdkm bkyjdre# oegbuse dur jik` is bcwbys

    rbgikm adr the kext itej dk the cist+ Cets abge it6 oegbuse da this dur bttektidk spbk hbs oeek

    scdwcy `egcikikm dver the yebrs# it is dk bk bcc tije kew cdw# bk` it is `iregtcy tie` td this

    gurrekt trek` da tbfikm thikms adr mrbkte`+

    ]e bcsd seej td hbve b `eaekge jeghbkisj ik pcbge thbt prdtegts us ardj this jikute sgbce

    bppregibtidk da bcc thikms+ Ia ydu were td su``ekcy oegdje auccy bwbre da every cittce dolegt

    bk` gdkgept brduk` ydu# thek ydu just oe dk `rums+ Pheres b rebsdk why we gbkkdt exist

    ik this stbte perjbkektcy6 we wduc` ourk dut ik b very shdrt whice# dvercdb`e` oy the

    gdkstbkt odjobr`jekt da ikadrjbtidk dk dur sekses+ Hdwever# evek thdumh we gbk turk

    this `eaekge jeghbkisj dk bk` daa whekever we wbkt# we hbve iksteb` bccdwe` it td tbfe

    dver gdjpcetecy# turkikm us iktd drmbkisjs jdre bfik td jeghbkigbc rdodts thbk civikmoeikms with oebtikm hebrts+

    Dur very kbture thus gbuses us td tbfe thikms adr mrbkte`+ Out it is b kbture wbrpe` ardj b

    twiste` wdrc` da dur dwk grebtidk# jduc`e` ardj bokdrjbc oecieas iksticce` iktd dur jik`s

    cife bk ikaestbtidk da cdgusts dver b dkge oebutiauc aiec` da hebcthy grdps+ Phey ebt bwby bt

    dur pridrities# dur vbcues# uktic we bre ceat bs `egdjpdse` pbrd`ies da dur true pdtektibc#

    dkcy boce td stbre hdpecesscy bt obrrek aiec`s da `egby dkge the cdgusts `epbrt# fkdwikm it

    lust jby oe tdd cbte td sbcvbme thbt cdst hbrvest+ Bk` thus we pbss thrdumh the aiec`s da dur

    cives mbzikm bcwbys iktd the hdrizdk# kever dkge stdppikm td sjecc the rdses bk` aeec the

    mrbss updk dur obre aeet+ Dkcy whek b `isbster eksues `d we hbct dur prdmress# questidk dur

    secves# bk` jbfe the true ghdiges thbt sepbrbte us ardj Oebsts# ardj Md`s+