ili:li,tr|,il[",'gJ??ilRi,T3,i3trKT.i[';?$l^ii fi ilT;?',trh#? w&wx"$ewry B[NDINC cverbachwards tc help custcmers, running a tighter cperaticn and dcingthe ba:ics verywell afe emcng the steps belng lal,:n iry (tnry Pr6J..;r{5 ir ihs current €nvironrnent. "NOT LONG AGO, WE HAD THF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STIMULUS MONEY THAT ARTIFICIALLY PROPPED UP THE ECONOMY" HE SAYS. "NOW THAT'S DRIED UB WE ARE SEEING THE REAL STATE OFTHE ECONOMY." CW PRCDIJCTS DANNY ELASSMD Thefirm has credited its recent slrong tnvestment in marketing with spurring a renewed growth phase. l-lcweve r,its rrarl<eting dlrectsr Danny [Lassaad c$serves lnat many n;nufacturer: are "doing rt tcugh at the mornent" partlc![arly il theyare exporting. "0n ihe flip side, we're doing alrighl; we're brcklng the industi'y trenC by growing" he says. "But therearebusiness ln our sector that arehurting." llassaad pcints to anecdotal eviCence that c€rtain businesses aredown :15 ta) JO pef centin trade. "Nol Long ago, we had the FederaL Covernment stirrruLus money that artili.iaLLy propped up the eccnomy," he says. "l'lcw that's driedup,we are seerng the realstate of the economy. B',ti:i,t:>uad ;s opLi:rrislic fcr the futureand committe d to the irm continling t0 invest in its poteniial. "l <jon't think this perlod wiil Last," he says. "lf you clevelop product con5ume15 wanl; there will always be a marl<et for yorr gcods," he says. "This envlronment fcrces ls to become moreinnovative and run a tighter operatior," Assistlng CW Prodr:cts is a nrarl<eting pushallowi ng ihe conpany t0 aitfact new .ustomers. "Often, thereis a traCition tc cut costs in an environment Like this," liassaad says. "We dcn't subscribe to rhat phiLosophy. lnstead, we feel we have to lle better at whal we do and go bacl< to basrcs and the quality cf the prcdL;ct whiLe develcping a bettefunderstanding cf our custcrrers' needs and how we censupport their blsinesses." l-le slrggests it is a time to "bend overbackwards" to assjsl customers. "They needto l<now ynu arethejr b,:cl<b;lrre, ne sayl. "We'r'e helped support custorners by glving them a competitrve advantage. Youneed to get closer lo yolr customers and do the basics reaLLy well." KEEP REIN ON DEBTORS Marl< Watson, TWC general manag€r, nasncteda slowriown in retaiL sales but alsosipeesis that lle resuLLs aaross tne ccuntry have beenmixed. QleenslanC, for cxarnpte h;s s:fferec a greer rleal rncre than cther st3tes such as N5W and Victoria. "[',e'yctc is ne.vcu-< se I,hev arerurnlngdcwn debtand saving," he says. Rather than replace windowfurnishings, theyaredeLaying that , investment. "The Lacl< of sun hasaLsc beena factor and they're aisoinfluenced by the rising costof eLectriciiy andthelr day-to-day shopping," he says. Contributing to negative senliments have beenthe recent spate of natural Clsasters, with rebuiLding effortsexpected to become evide nt in 18 months to two years, as a signiicant delay is cften experienced befcre construction beglns. WILSON "l thlnl( the nextsix months wiLL be extremeLy difficult," he says. "lt coincldes with the traditional dcwn time for ihe window furnishing: industry irom Eastef to September. I think ycu would struggle tc frndan economist who wculd give a sjx-month read cn things at the moinent, but after 5eptember, I exp€ct it tc pick up agajn for our L:usy seascn cf October, Ncvernber December" Until then,he says the company is well piaced as it is noi highly geared and doesnol have a Lot of debt. "A strategy peopie can use t0 get by is tc havea tight reincn your debtors," he say:. 'Any business that does not wat.h its debt coLlecticn couldstruggle anyway, but whenthings aretight like they areat the mcnrent, it canbe a Lile or death is:ue." I I

WFA May 2011

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Article: Manufacturers Strategies For a Soft Market

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Page 1: WFA May 2011

ili:li,tr|,il[",'gJ??ilRi,T3,i3trKT.i[';?$l^iifi fi ilT;?',trh#?l*'n'


B[NDINC cver bachwardstc help custcmers, runninga t ighter cperaticn anddcing the ba:ics very wellafe emcng the steps belnglal, :n iry (tnry Pr6J..;r{5 ir ihscurrent €nvironrnent.


The f irm has credited i tsrecent slrong tnvestmentin market ing wi th spurr inga renewed growth phase.l-lcweve r, its rrarl<etingdlrectsr Danny [Lassaadc$serves lnat manyn;nufacturer: are "doingrt tcugh at the mornent"part lc![arly i l they areexport ing. "0n ihe f l ip side,we're doing alr ighl; we'rebrcklng the industi 'y trenC

by growing" he says. "Butthere are business ln oursector that are hurt ing."l lassaad pcints to anecdotaleviCence that c€rtainbusinesses are down :15 ta)JO pef cent in trade."Nol Long ago, we hadthe FederaL Covernmentst irrruLus money thatart i l i . iaLLy propped up theeccnomy," he says. " l ' lcwthat 's dried up, we areseerng the real state of theeconomy.B' , t i : i , t :>uad ;s opLi : r r is l ic fcrthe future and committe d tothe i rm cont in l ing t0 investin i ts poteni ial. " l <jon't thinkthis perlod wii l Last," he says." l f you clevelop productcon5ume15 wanl; therewil l always be a marl<et foryorr gcods," he says. "Thisenvlronment fcrces ls tobecome more innovative andrun a t ighter operatior,"Assist lng CW Prodr:cts is anrarl<eting push al lowi ngihe conpany t0 ait fact new.ustomers. "Often, there isa traCit ion tc cut costs inan environment Like this,"l iassaad says. "We dcn'tsubscribe to rhat phiLosophy.lnstead, we feel we haveto lle better at whal wedo and go bacl< to basrcsand the quali ty cf theprcdL;ct whiLe develcpinga bettef understandingcf our custcrrers' needsand how we cen supporttheir blsinesses." l- leslrggests i t is a t ime to"bend over backwards" toassjsl customers. "Theyneed to l<now ynu are thejrb,:cl<b;lrre, ne sayl. "We'r 'ehelped support custornersby glving the m a competitrveadvantage. You need to getcloser lo yolr customers anddo the basics reaLLy well ."


Marl< Watson, TWC generalmanag€r, nas ncted aslowriown in retaiL sales butalso s ipeesis that l le resuLLsaaross tne ccuntry havebeen mixed. QleenslanC, forcxarnpte h;s s: f ferec a greerrleal rncre than cther st3tessuch as N5W and Victor ia." [ ' ,e 'yctc is ne.vcu-< se I ,hevare rurnlng dcwn debt andsaving," he says. Rather thanreplace window furnishings,they are deLaying that

, investment. "The Lacl< of sunhas aLsc been a factor andthey're aiso inf luenced bythe r ising cost of eLectr ici iyand thelr day-to-dayshopping," he says.Contr ibuting to negativesenliments have been therecent spate of naturalClsasters, with rebuiLdingefforts expected to becomeevide nt in 18 months to twoyears, as a signi icant delayis cften experienced befcreconstruction beglns.


" l thlnl( the next six monthswiLL be extremeLy dif f icult ,"he says. " l t coincldes withthe tradit ional dcwn t imefor ihe window furnishing:industry irom Eastef toSeptember. I think ycuwould struggle tc frnd aneconomist who wculd givea sjx-month read cn thingsat the moinent, but after5eptember, I exp€ct i t tc pickup agajn for our L:usy seascncf October, NcvernberDecember"Unti l then, he says thecompany is well piaced asit is noi highly geared anddoes nol have a Lot of debt."A strategy peopie can uset0 get by is tc have a tightrein cn your debtors," hesay:. 'Any business that doesnot wat.h i ts debt coLlecticncould struggle anyway, butwhen things are t ight l ikethey are at the mcnrent, i tcan be a Li le or death is:ue."


Page 2: WFA May 2011


A turnarotnci rn n;rketse ntrmenl i r a l reaiy beingnoted lcr 7011 by sevefelbu:irre:ses in the wini jolr,i r rnr :h ings:ecict ' .! \ l i lscn Fabrirs has cbserveddenrand rel l l rning after a'natairle relai I sllwic,.vr:'in Ar: t ra l l ; , which i t t r ;ce:back tc the glcbal lnancl ;Lrr isi : . " l I lool< t]rne fcrlhe reCuctlrn in ret; i lde nrard to i iLte I throL.rghtc rnanufacluring; hcwever,lhere w;s n (orslcefair le

sLcyrCc,iln Lata last year,"says Jennifer DcrneLly,:eni lr rnarl<eting aocfdinaior" lhe reduct ion in de manCwar .c i lpcunded by thesubstar l ja l and enr. lur lng:nrr :ase tn the Ausl faLlardol lar This has Led n.lanycuslrrer: cffslrcre fcr iheir.:orrr ing cf prodL.lcts that afemore price senslt lve ai ld Lessd rffe re nt i alec."Alsc ..r trbtt ing to mJrl(€t.of ldit ions have been thesubsiant i r i increasc: tn:he ccsi ci raw i l ; tef ialsend the slcwdcwn in localretal l spenClng, leading tc;n cveral l reducl ion in thedemarC. "Th:: in i reaseln Iosts anC reCurtr ln in

. l€rnaid h.rs Le iJ tc verychalle nglng i ines ove Ire.eni ncnths," Dcrne l ly5ay5. "Th. l f | appe;reilc have an .f fert cr lheirdr: lry that lel t l rke€vefycne w;s hclCing bar i<ard e{fect ivelv tre;Ctngwate r, warl ing fcr things tcseir le bacl( dow-n."Dcnnelly seys the mafl{eiin general ancl prices seernto h;ve stabtl ised aftefthese n:ajcr l-Lurir.'lations." l l appeer: as i i we arencw staft jrg tc 5ee l ighlat lhe end cf the tunnelwi lh derand ronrngback," :he :ays. 5he ncie5a rncre po:rt lve olt l loklr iJ renewe C e ne igl i anC

optir-r i5n wlihin the indu:tryccmpareC tc L.st year,anl ic;patrng a nrcre stableand pc: i l ive year aheld.!ugge:t ing localmanufacl lrers need to lnCmcre ef lrciert ways forprcducing and r l t l - fe re nt;ai ingthenselves irom cverseas.cmpet j lors, she pcintsto in i t lat ; !es lnCertakerby Wi lscn F:blcs. Theseirc iude a lc.u5 onincreasing r f ic lencie : ardn l l ferentiated proCucimir, wlth a l ice :rce tc usethe Arsir ; l ian Mlde lcgrcn j ts i : l inC iabrics recentlyacq !r r rd.



Sini larly, 1(rt5€t Manuiaciurirg nanagingdireci l r Lew l lebbeck ls c lnvlncei that 2411wil l prcve a better ye;r icr nanuflcturers irAusiral la. " l 'm rcnfident i t wi l l be betle r than2014," he says. "1 :n always posi t ive thcugh.I think you ian alw:ys l lck at ihe docnr andglcrrr , but peopie i f€ st i lL br i lCing hcme:and they arr Cecorltrng."le stfe:ses that lh€ i fend io decorate hasbeen prcviCing a bo.st to the sale ot .ur ta insrnd the .cnpnny's [ :vc tracl<ing systen:. "Thedeaofdtrng siCe i : re l t rn ing laf a i l i ta in5 duet l their abi l i iy to prcvlC€ insr lat icn," he says."Pe ople are much lrorr i t*-are ci pcwe r bi l l ; ."l lebbeck also rnle nrls tc betle I prorncle lhe[vo sy:tern af i{ ]r requests irorn wjthin theindu:try. "We h;ve tc pfcmote the ene rgy-eff lcrert: iCe cl [vo," he says. "People havebeen te l l ing rne we ne e d ao ge t t le stciy tr i ."



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