WEDDING CONTRACT Name of Bride & Groom ____Toni Peconi_& Mike______________________________________________ Contact Phone Number _____________________________________________________________________________ Date of Wedding August 7, 2015___ __________________________________________________________ TERMS OF CONTRACT AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE TOTAL COST OF WEDDING PACKAGE___$4000______________________ - 5 hours of photography on the wedding day - Lindsay and a second photographer - Master Files on a disc with release - Complementary Engagement Session - 10x10, 24 page custom designed wedding album - engagement shoot with up to 3 files for save the dates - Online gallery of images - Engagement guest book can be added for $495 (includes all master files from shoot) PAYMENT SCHEDULE ½ the final balance due due upon signing contract - $2000.00 – final balance due 2 weeks prior to wedding – 07/24/15 - $2000.00 1. This agreement contains the entire understanding between Lindsay B Photography, INC herein referred to as Lindsay B Photography and Toni Peconi_& Mike _____________ referred to as CLIENT. It supercedes all prior agreements between parties. The only way to add or change the agreement is to do so in writing.

Wedding contract 2015 peconi

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Name of Br ide & Groom

____Toni Peconi_& Mike______________________________________________ Contact Phone Number _____________________________________________________________________________ Date o f Wedding

August 7, 2015_____________________________________________________________


- 5 hours of photography on the wedding day

- Lindsay and a second photographer

- Master Files on a disc with release - Complementary Engagement Session - 10x10, 24 page custom designed wedding album - engagement shoot with up to 3 files for save the dates

- Online gallery of images - Engagement guest book can be added for $495 (includes all master

files from shoot)

PAYMENT SCHEDULE – ½ the f inal balance due due upon s igning contract - $2000.00 – f inal balance due 2 weeks prior to wedding – 07/24/15 - $2000.00

1 . This agreement conta ins the ent ire unders tanding between L indsay B Photography, INC here in referred to as L indsay B Photography and Toni Peconi_& Mike _____________ referred to as CLIENT. I t supercedes a l l pr ior agreements be tween

par t ies . The only way to add or change the agreement i s to do so in wri t ing .

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2. Upon s ignature , L indsay B Photography shal l reserve the t ime and date agreed upon, and wi l l not make o ther reservat ions for that t ime and date . For th is reason , a l l depos i t s/reservat ion fees are non-refundable , even i f the date o f the wedding i s changed or cancel led for any reason. The re ta iner shal l be l iquidated damages to L indsay B Photography in the event o f a breach by CLIENT.

3 . I f the c l ient fa i l s to make whatever payments are required under th is agreement , then a l l ob l igat ions o f L indsay B . Photography shal l cease wi thout any fur ther ob l igat ions there to the order ing par ty .

4 . With respect to a l l the payments there under , a serv ice charge of 1 .5% on any unpaid ba lance shal l be charged . I f co l lec t ion i s necessary , the c l ient shal l be so le ly respons ib le for a l l co l lec t ion cos ts , inc luding reasonable counci l fees . T ime i s deemed of the essence wi th respect to a l l payments there under .

5 . In the unl ike ly event that L indsay Br indley i s unable to photograph the event due to a major acc ident , i l lness , any causes beyond her contro l , L indsay B Photography wi l l make every e f for t to secure a rep lacement photographer . I f the s i tuat ion should occur and a su i tab le rep lacement i s not found, respons ib i l i ty and l iab i l i ty i s l imi ted to the re turn of a l l payments rece ived for the event package and nei ther par ty shal l have any fur ther ob l igat ions or addi t ional l iab i l i ty under th is agreement . L indsay B Photography takes the u tmost care wi th respect to exposure , t ransporta t ion and process ing of the photographs . However , in the unl ike ly event that the photographs have been los t , s to len , or des troyed for reasons wi th in or beyond L indsay B Photography’s contro l , L indsay B Photography’s l iab i l i ty i s l imi ted to the re turn of a l l payments rece ived for the event package . The l imi t o f l iab i l i ty for a par t ia l loss sha l l be prorated based on the percentage of exposures los t versus to ta l number of or ig inals .

6 . Lindsay B Photography shal l de l iver a CD with h igh-reso lut ion images that which wi l l be copyr ighted and are property o f L indsay B Photography. A d ig i ta l re lease wi l l be provided to the c l ient for pr int ing . A t the t ime of de l ivery , the c l ient may obta in pr in ts for personal use only , and i t not author ized to se l l pr in ts , enter them into contes t s , d i sp lay them on webs i tes , pos t photos on on- l ine pr in t order ing s i tes l ike Shut ter f ly , Snapf i sh , e tc . , o f fer them as samples to recept ion s i tes or author ize reproduct ions thereof by par t ies o ther than the photographer . The use o f the photos on Facebook i s permit ted as long as the name L indsay B Photography and webs i te , www.l indsaybphoto .com, i s l i s ted under the photos . I t i s recommended that the c l ient obta in repr ints and enlargements a t a reputable photographic lab . L indsay B Photography wi l l not be he ld respons ib le for the qual i ty o f the images pr in ted outs ide o f the photographer ’s s tudio . Once images are re leased to the c l ient , L indsay B Photography has no fur ther l iab i l i ty wi th regards to mainta in ing a copy in her archives . Dig i ta l f i les are subjec t to natura l degradat ion and data corrupt ion over t ime and i t ’ s the c l ient ’ s respons ib i l i ty to backup such f i les to prevent data loss .

7 . Lindsay B Photography shal l have the r ight to d isp lay or publ i sh any of the photographs taken to th is agreement and the c l ient hereby agrees and consents to the same. This agreement qual i f ies as a model and property re lease .

8 . For wedding packages that inc lude more than 5 hours o f scheduled t ime, the c l ient agrees to provide members o f L indsay B Photography, L indsay and her ass i s tant , a meal o f some k ind . Meal breaks are taken when d inner i s served to gues ts and do not exceed 15-20 minutes . I f scheduled events that are s igni f icant to the wedding day

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are tak ing p lace a t th is t ime, L indsay wi l l forgo the meal break and photograph these events .

I/we the unders igned Contract ing Par ty , conf irm that I/we have read the here in Agreement and I/we are fu l ly fami l iar wi th the contents thereof . This Agreement shal l be b inding upon us and our he irs , lega l representa t ives and ass igns .

Br ide or Groom’s s ignature : Photographer ’s s ignature :


Date : Date :