BOOK REVIEWS 293 N. T . SHEAHAN: Determining Transmissibility from Cyclic Discharge. Ground Water. Vol. 4, No .3 , Jul y, 1966. A simplified method for determining the coefficient of tran smissibility by applying Stirling's Approximation Formula to the factorial function s in the Theis and Bro wn equ ation for dra wdown in a well due to intermittent or cyclic discharge . (Auth. Abs.) PAUL BA UMAN N: Technical development in ground water recharge. In Ad- vances in Hydro-S cience, Vol. 2, 1966, Academic Press, New York . A. M ERCADO and E. HALV EY: Determination of the average porosity and permeability of a stratified aquif er with the aid of radioactiv e tracers. Water Resources Research, vol. 2, No .3 , p. 525-53\, 1966. DAVID LEWIS and OTHER S: Tracer dilution sampling technique to determine hydraulic conductivity of'frac tured rock . Water Resou rces Research, vol. 2, No. 3, p. 533- 542, 1966. Water resources and f uture water requirements. Hydraulic data. Californi a Dept. of W ater Resources. Vols. I to V, 1964-\ 966. Th is massive work, comprising 2270 pages in seven volumes, including appendices, provides information on the water resou rces of the va rio us maj or divisions of Californ ia with reference to such matter s as clima te, pre cipit ation , stream flow data , availability of ground water, ground-water levels, and estimati on s of future land use and wate r requirements and water sur pluses and deficiencies. The surpluses indicate the qu ant ities of wa ter ava ilable for st ora ge or e xport , while deficiencies indicate the amo unt of water th at could be imported or the amount of storage required. Inf ormat ion is given also on surface and ground-water quality in the various distri cts. J. W. HARSHBARGER, D. D. L EWIS, H. E. SKIBITZK E, W. L. H ECKLER and R. L. KISTER: Arizona Water. Geological Survey water supply paper 1648. United States Governm ent Pr inting Office, 1966. H. PALOC: Carte hydrogeologique de la France. region karstique nord- montpel/ieraine , notice exp licative. Bureau de Re cher ches Geol ogique s et Minieres, 7, rue de la Federation, Paris, 1966. SUBIN PINKAYAN: Conditional probabilities of occurrence of wet and dry years over a large continental area. C olorado , Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 1966. (Hydrology p aper no. 2.)

Water resources and future water requirements. Hydraulic data: California Dept. of Water Resources. Vols. I to V. 1964–1966

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N. T . SHEAHAN: Determining Transmissibility from Cyclic Discharge. GroundWater. Vol. 4, No.3, July, 1966.

A simplified method for determining the coefficient of tr an smi ssibility byapplying Stirling' s Approximation Formula to the factorial functions in theTheis and Brown equation for dr awdown in a well due to intermittent orcyclic di scharge. (Auth. Abs.)

PAUL BAUMAN N: Technical developm ent in ground water recharge. In Ad­vances in Hydro-Science, Vo l. 2, 1966, Acad emic Press, New York.

A. M ERCADO and E. HALVEY: Determination of the average porosity andpermeability of a stratified aquifer with the aid of radioactive tracers. WaterResources Research, vo l. 2, No.3, p. 525-53\, 1966.

DAVID LEWIS and OTHERS: Tracer dilution sampling technique to determinehydraulic conductivity of'fractured rock . Water Resou rces Resear ch , vol. 2,No. 3, p. 533-542, 1966.

Water resources and f uture water requirements. Hydraulic data. CaliforniaDept . of Water Resou rces. Vols. I to V, 1964-\ 966.

This massive wo rk, co mprising 2270 pages in seven volumes, includingappendices, pr ovides info rma tion on the water resou rces of the vario us majordivisionsofCalifornia with refe rence to such matters as clima te, precipitation,strea m flow data , availabil ity of gro und water, gro und-wa te r levels, andestimati on s of futu re land use a nd water requ irements a nd water sur plusesand deficiencies. The surpluses indica te the qu ant ities of wa ter ava ila ble forstorage or export, while deficiencies indica te th e amo unt of water th at co uldbe imported or the amount of sto rage required. In formation is given also onsurface and ground-wat er q ual ity in the various distri ct s.

J . W. HARSHBARGER, D. D. LEWIS, H. E. SKIBITZKE, W. L. H ECKLER andR. L. KISTER: Arizona Wat er. Geological Survey water supply paper 1648.Un ited States Government Pr inting Office, 1966.

H. PALOC: Carte hydrogeologique de la France. region karstique nord­montp el/ieraine , notice explicative. Bureau de Recherch es G eologiques etMinieres, 7, rue de la Fed erat ion , Pari s, 1966.

SUBIN PINKAYAN: Conditional probabilities ofoccurrence of wet and dry y earsover a large continental area. Colorado, Col orad o Sta te University, FortCollins, 1966. (H ydrology paper no. 2.)