'ftssW^ •'1 VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896. THREE CENTS. Interesting Information About This Great Archi- pclago OTW Which Our Flag Now Floats. . - commence* In- March, the great**! heat beinjt experienced from April to the «oJ of May, and the third, which \ U eicoMi'vely wet, continues from June tothemiddlt of Novtnitwr. Oenerally speaking, the native* are. mild unit amiable, predisposed to re- ligious observance*, eitremly super- stitions. »uJ rery hospitable/; Thoa* oil OF FASHION: -GAfWQOD,- «re better and mote industriou borers thai) those of the other K Cut.it in twu strips leugth wine and sew ths eiids together. I,in* »"'"» »""« ISUH.W me ofnrr pwv- j WIM ami sew tno eud» together. I,in« i * u . ce# \ During *beir youth th»y worSf throughout »ith white ribbon. Upon ! jfith->energy and a certain mentalf-^—^— ——-•-- .—•;—Philippine I»l- • It .w»« not until the close of the six.! Tbe women are averse to- idleness, 'and* eoostirat* | teeatlt ccDiorr that the archipelago- baye a spirit of enterprise and often About the•:,£* of the. century an ^ world^TheylwlMitelfroeailCTwoia flve aWps. but in the north aoooaipUibH • little. In. 19GA Don ^trotttcjtoo* and^-^——--—-^~^~rz separste tbe. ' ••' '• : ~ Hodtu China Sea; '." ' . '. tevpeditittn : : ""'$*• themselves cheerfully for those'}- shinsSiili : tuwhoni they are attached. • . . . al island is about SOU miles east of" Bong Kong; it is the largest and nicest northern great islaud of the groao—*: Rtoup whicU, extending from five" de- Breei to twenty degrees north latitu<f>,"' and over,«. longitude of t»a degree* *<> V 117 degrees east of:(treenwil-h, "cover*'* v a north ami south 'line of Itfto u>ite».-;- and nil east and weat lineyjf aboilt 7'XH J It is estimated thatlljv*ertmp ossi- ' prise, HpdJIlinds.' of w'hn-h by far"".'"] the largerjiart are mi-re Uleti'. They lire of coral iind volcanic 'formation". ' the hitter often having tremendous eruptions. The:'largest - of tlimi.irr Lu/on, on the north, of neirjy Jl.jKW "ipiare miles area, aud . MjuiiUoau. » i v , the s mtheast, having an area of :17.1.V; l s(]Uaie'miles. The total tfrrfa i« r«n»- - putol at U4;000 s.piare mile?. 3 TliB-;chief seaport of the group is t«!aiid« and! founded u'Kp'auisM^-'sett Manila, overlooking a capacious bay V-eM at Sbt towa'of (Vim liuil it i* - '•'•• "' ••• ' " * " ' •"' jn^lpiFTK^teprfe i y d. . ; IWfqje. the daya .of Spa«ii»h*rDl8 \ there wa» yomidyrab.le oonimgroial in-1 etw'reti the I'hilippiues { China anil Japuu, but thin, which i ^nW^aTOranfTiafe*^erTipeit?P^ nd America had Iweu left free, nan i.ulerriipteil ut|d at times almost completely Mopped by absurd restric- tiousr diTvmed ti> 'secure; to Spain a monopoly of tloOAmericim trade. *r*or. a loug"'period' milt ii ^iuijle K^'lcull, £>vernmerit Htipei-. I t.»'"procoeil yearly. Klomtrejiaan is vlsitin • at . . " O . - ',':'•••' ' •'."'.' ' ••»':: "Mrs..H.'H. Kelly w'jjl makf a visit to rinladolplus iu a"vvm*ti or two. - and wllar ot taffiu <•!<•*•* , "'»*«* If*'" * n ! '*« l> * lk '»• ^ :n V iMwk. showing h< adv«iitaK» !* lul - H " *iU-»ail.nMt..^.U_rd»jri • ' fiiur-iii-lutnd ti* of white moun-j tletji'ije I'rwiu letl Oie prayer meet- hwo wiiru. The lielt tlnnip* ' i»K at the chapel Wednesday eve^iiiir;- uhltfctlT in frout. c"losinR..at ti»* left j Kdjielstro-hm bus re»i«ued his ,.,- •ide.wlth a mother of pearl buckle: sitioii as tiiucki-eper" in the (', .k I", Hruotth faced-: clcthus, armure, heii- works." •'••..'•: '-•• . rWf- C ft^ r *', w *'--''«"' »'••»»»••• f»eor g e»«nnl,Ss^^toWks^ velop stylishly by the mode, contrast- iug fabrics such as silk, velvet, etc., iyjuJ,-»j»|»lnilli W..*l|.»-dMMM>4-<W«>*ra atiou belli); used ((.ir.cuffs,' The skirt is cutTii s.eve'n Kores and tits smoothly across tire front slid over the hips, all the fulness at the back beillit lai I in iteep plaiiintf ti> i ., ;„ -~\, ,. ,, , ' "Mr».-Uias. S. lleadle and danabtur j visit ui Ohio an.lludimm. _ i •-'M r '.'Hawd#.n \* wurkitiMt <>ii tlit>.N"j<w i '' r * ^''M 1 ,' «>.iU|>«ny'» Imililiiij;, imw in • v'tiurse'ufoouiitrui'tioii. if»n" North - jivi** I Kive the fan ertWt. Thi) rover wlii-U. i.l (liut •vUion was nllon-o rruiu..MaiiiU'to A tlje ,:ari5..-;,.,u.|, « broiilerr, or \(. von •'-Ji "i-hi "• wllriitirk i»rt- oose'/yriii can I-i>« TvijuireM. rili 'suioottily njxilrThVclotll. To"! cut/this w«i«t Joi i l».|y of mediiini >ixc »]. yariU nf'. nialt'risl fortyfoni inches wiVI« will be re- ifil* at liir l.iMci t-.lV'tvlive The.>uiwllaj( f.ir the I'. A r. »urk* rai>iy"wfa?w!'5*rrmvfifmrfftrt»- .^e«t_^hii.iuinipui\'-iiaiiAuiiuaKiirtV' nri-n four [ yiirily of. .'!'"'.'>.' procure fringe or .'lull.m rj!lmii(?,. 1*.?" , •' : A »«a'udinii' collar inusT- lie.« n rn with this stock, which is tj^d I'lu. Itcv. ,1. i i. inctii'li nl Hit' idm ami i'vi<niui( at ]*i .lnv'f'Vi'illM 4 t:uiiKr. P . J l ' , will; her..li'iiiin' ' ri XATIVES. b^jtlmve 1 o.i| tbo ihe Philippine*, thi' . 'eiKhteeiitli''" amount of Liberty t-.d tof.ir.vi^n vei*^ lish commercial h< iu .Mimllii iii IS - T i l e <itb<M*~chief ports are lloitu Jnd I'UiH "Cebii on the ild i th * It bii, on the islands n i .the ;i.y. fi'r'iii \r iif h It.i/al i'l.inipuny of "•.With" the cltisti of ni'htViry a ; rertain be-all tti be- couced- >l«. :}:iirt:;ilrHt i-;nKr iiii<e \tiiH .eHtuh).i*lied l!'."' imil in lH:i4.'th» •rtrrrnt'^iiiiVpTmv.^eT^ .py rejected t>v t.lic ieiruUr ' '^^ It was jjive'u in hojtCir'of lii«soyereii;ri. uame.'ciuthe central part of the arclfi- 1'nder tbis uJja*rcii an ecclcsiiistii-nl -'.'; lielag'o. • '" ur' ) netuti<>iypi'iacipaUv° v <(f liionustic There are hftlf. a itozea other island** i>rder», w a ^ f p b ' f.oi'forei'Kn trade till THliV when.Cubit' was-also" open.eil, ' -I ani1>i>nliK'< (Mill-* ilanuoi, lloijo (I'liiijjy), Snal (j.iizou), Le««zpi or' Albany Vhtuoil) and Ta- 3t!S?rt^i?;ft»TCtPTum^ Kroup, the areas of which range fruai the cinetwnth ceiitury lias III'MU; t>iie.j' < '»" < Wyoi thUt of lthodtf Islaud ta that of Con- o.f <sppr<r»sion, rt'strii'titins. cm coin-11'*-''"' ''* v ^si»»kB(sBrai»*J»#iT(n>wTaiwnrfir^^ , but only Manila, lloilo and Ve proved of real importance, Sy .-ro.q.n<l Jiniabcra, by about =r3_ , V •iCEXK IX A!L~ES.U. sTUEET. HAXII.*; in l!*>i','-. Tlie •'uu.tpiracy was discov I b ef'h d i people, of whom a dn"a'r(e'!I race of Negritos, now tlriven into fhe-'. hioun- tains aud interior lands, seem.tobeihr descendants of t|ie aborigines. The- bulk of tfu> poplrlation'i* MaUyu:i. of'. risiair; and tbe plans hi the iilsiirfev-"! whom there ate numerous tribes; tht-: Jtiunistji were •1i*t-oncert.?d." Yet when |:- dirtieit and most pagan is know-n -a* the antboritiea procecle 1 .! to arrest the tk'urrotea, and vet they display ' th-*e known in-.!<• inViilreil tl...'T^I.^IMS' exemplary .ptalitiet They are «ne of ; nittMeresi ja force, amounting to sev- ; the most important monntaia'tribei of. er»l thi>n«and, but 'were dispersed! Luzon and are among the population.' wlieu Jhey «oTere<l battle iu the neiab-. I who \irtunll} escape oninivoron* ;'«'rh.>o.l of Manila. The Spanish Tarttiers, tlio mountains canals aud having a consioVrablr rep- utation as metnllnrgists. Their d° L . ,.,.._ ..... ..__„, Qesttt! morality )H favorably in co'nfra-?t. aa'dof aoiiasideraJile; naval tleet,- w.hicb j " ^that of their neighbors. ~ . -".^'^aitltle^r.thygoveroi^ent to' sup|rrt6i.s ! ' •:'3ere .«a» ike. scent? o'f'the ijirtJ^i The exports'Iron! the I'uited Stntcs I to the Philippines have alivuvn b«onJ I very iii*i^«iiiicaiil, although oiir ini- t-porliL'jruui .Uie^.ii.liliilitJiavii.....uftiiii :, I riiit>li«d liirgt) prOpurtlims. Tiic> prill-""" cip.ir in tides expinteti fioni this c.ouli- i try to tlie ['hilippiiiM.H aru tlour, petrol 1 : Viiui, leather KXioibt.'Vroii'uiid steel, etc. ; liiipoitsfroin tliu I'hilipines are chieily j -.ifffiir uiid ltcihji.. ' '~~~ ~ ' *~ ••''.The foreign-..trii.To of.thi? l'hili|>piUi'« has'atwayF beeii spbject to. great Hue ; fjtuatioii.i. The iiiHcciirily arising^ tiji' '.'• .j der. thti ~H|mni(«li itdiitiiiiHtration, "Jind^-r" ; til** coiiHUi|lient tlirsatisfatitifin oj tliii : -! native [)ii|iii!alinli. togDOier with ejn- ' I stan.tly recurriiig • insurroctionH, have ' preveii.ted th.r«t4 iHlands from duvelnp-'.,•' iiig th« riches-Mitb which natiiro has :" bw'iiutifnlly einlowed them. '(told. , Hji'lphur and Wrgo <li!|»jnitW of Kxcell'uliH' stcuiuing coaT^ara widely distribnt«fi . t.he country, ahd an itilelligeiit. . it, couplu lisiiieHS and' liuumnitv of spirit, . ' ' * . . ' , ' . * " ' ..over i • • - - ~"Vir, ivernnieut, coupled with enterprise for tht. tapport of the Spiin.isli"'sov- in ~ rr*i^atr." .The"last revolt, broke out'."..^. .*^a*tlluJi*a*-%. •ilh Ata«rJcan .' Coiumo<lt>re Dewer, |^ s-tt'ea. Vf^^el** (if^var \ujwl, two j' •*urt*»'' and the Sjmuiah A<lm,ir«! i :%•«. with t*n arruitreii Vf«sel«, in 1. .srlKi'h tiae iaJlt-r •«"»-% disaslruuHly tie- 'ill-J.'••..-•' ". '•':• / r ' " " V. j iumraliMtt ; dlcatu will huyii tra.t't (if: l. S'ctilli iivenne lill'l.ljintil II liiHtM fin .fnctiiry''o|ielu|{ite hit" .i( •"V cliu»e a largjillncf, Ulriclr.iV1'.'. t.ly. (IMJU il "lull <UI ti'ip ol.me (il 111.' |ilH)il(.ill bnib.linns.nl tlje wui k"H. . . •-• . . .. * ^ \ : The.aiictton (.ale of tli>"iiiaclilneiy-iif- ". . j H?uk pbicelaiit "riie^lay. Abjint t w.ciit.v.' ." .... . • . ' ' ' ; . t hV Inij .T"' wi'itv. I'II i.»..iii. - iind Hi.' '"• •• - • • i. tut n mi ', new• nfiirt- Tii>«ilay iiniini'irK.-M^th up. v.p.rupi'.iiili' i'cieii>Hiiie'« liv't'ltt' .clnldi'.-ii i »iillgn,,|- l -,.|t'i|H,,ljXi-lleer«. vlf. [t» ; II lli;...' hitf niiMT,,'iinilf rnlbi'K dwarfs the , |lii|.', -wliicli'slioilbl j«. lir^l.Mut llflet'l'i or twenty feel hit(l».r In HI llui- ilait •. It wait lliiyone.p.!et l.niK u iiiK^i it i( set : the-fee) m I In- grmi lid., mi t but fKTi lint ' forty six fftH IIIKII. '-• " ' . ^ * •• '•••ll |IIIIC ' nt , i Tb. \ liiive :T||H.' i 'niunnfiii'tni'e ; abniit l|H..ciiiii|i|i<t..|y il'« . ,<*il company, I'lintir/U I i)"»" ljJ.',!'u "hut ilnijn f''i |ii)uiiii. Lmt tlu'ii' U ; iii'ay In-' .,|.ieii..,;|.ii, Hi.. Irii^tN eiinlijrii\ . -fllC.l.iil'.v, It lien li.il lt'e....n''tlie [|el'C(itca.:' N -Avofkn unit tb,. t'stablisliiiii'iit <if. th». ""•>.l'ni't..!.d'.'Htat'i'^l'mjuetili! cumpmiy in i lliiioklyii. ' (tf Hit,, two tjii. Uarw'iio.r pluiil IIUN tli>i belter facilitien. iind IIIMI e room;, "in-. Ililul; lirtihiTlmit ..f tiie "• I ilerciilt'i*' i-iinipiiiiy; itf'\^etainei|. an a i salaried timplnyii of tln> xlniM<. .'. TliV .. •• nlmt duwii i-ni'tie lite.';• thIIiiiier.-lin'. t,, •;.-:• elnhim lliat.' ' \ •i:nVlijfji\ . : the witrkmmY tliein >wiii lo-i rnployeir, bill v muny uf WiTt^lit.OL*.SK FUONT'ANI) x :"A«'y-color at all.a* lon.#.as-it's r Cl| ..j is the colox thaV su^tr •••'* i-"-* " -~...- !; j». eebved by many tii women-. TW»II -.'find'' h'(/ wilhui iin*':,' «Kli:r WITH ' tin "wliVrt;.•.- Only four of ,tli"in r:C'jiUiI" iceit in the Wliiig.^ tjuililfli.' liiariyjHf |n bouriled here ;'J')j<.' ion}iji ity wf: furci; liVtirl .iirVVeHtlieid. if % me best,".-ii«a(f k/'EVery' {rirl should ({ite hwr.solillurl J e nauio tbtjiijwflioy sweetln'urt it pocket Bible ti) carry. •l"'"l' 1 ."- "'way tefully ilres»^T|" rn his'Vest pockft. Htrttjstlirs galhcred'! '-J«'»K": '.'f.royiilt'.-it iT rif rtliii f l i l r i l ' ! ' h K t'hthmii l n.Hcd Iu ''neekwVart.'XinitJ you scarcely havo combination!!. •/ Out! IJ{ tlieae t'oiiijsts of i)o plain red satin! et(^j-frt>m religion* |ii!rf'jilirnls »iid*<im«n" jfi>(rs ^ill^-iitfoTfTtlBit-fBHyiHt iillnts.fi ^^^'>^» can ;*hui 'at-by aji ! ! ' h .K •t' •will bo II to .learn Jlmt tin Till'tlio late war were ! b»l"'"' •" . .l''>iii|!lliii«iiJt our AnifiViciui, U«t Hilil.i g'i.v«n him by.r'i'i" 1 '' en pies "in tilo^iiml^'of •hiaiij;, j.'aiid it.i«pr.obiilile |iie«:,hereiifler/ill ; Ilg.ur.' iii • ni.aiiy. Kiyli«h inentiii. Jffi'i-i. '• «viiji..|ic« Hi.KHIJ(I last«-mi HH". \nix\.-.tit r his mother. '•* J«..i'i~tiiirni Tr,, jitiick with u /ri'i\ »»tjn 'how.in' front/ ,"" w ^ l " "*." Jndepelnleiit tre*»p<i! tli«! ,IVjn<»;.• irrdirateK. .that' be M jun- Hack' of Vim . ailk.*• loops, an; thrcifj •i*b«'i»t-il»tt'cti|«ii is iiuonf.thii occoni- '• Ke«eil of«o>..d, «hnle«i)iii«:ii|ynn i<i -• «lio*y lr>))JM'i)f whitejMiibr>iii]t.'ry with ^(''["binpnta .'most, coyete.l by woio«n. j wli^t h..;eat«, toil 'giiod iin 1 niii/i/ren ar.e, ; a bright r/il »a!irt..'o> tn'juit.ili^ni <>'jj ij" '.'«» |dctiir<l - i«- prvient«d : )i"cJSSIi'"' lie oil'jflil' {u be «'»riied "i«oiti»t .'alini/ pnyiuent, were unahlo to meet the" de A I'cr.owd._ of ?reihttjr» and! and B riot followed, '^ in.which foar! baulif rs.wef« h their oirn produce .arc coffeo and T\ITS or \f»M:r. v v j ^ y Q ^ j (»itr IJe v*. - a 11 < f "w fijlc Ii vii licrfii.wij -jjivt»| 'iyIJiidJt^iliilil „ Auothtjr element of the .{vjpntiti»;a'••';.>TliV; ar the L rnue«e a nl their, Mtfstiio*. o- Tir:#» li* (!ar«"dirK«rd. tb. ,-""l. . A _ •••I :1 V {' " } \\' x -?.*• -fe'

VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896 ...VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896. THREE CENTS. s taken; it U pleaaasf to the taste, and art* iptljr on

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Page 1: VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896 ...VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896. THREE CENTS. s taken; it U pleaaasf to the taste, and art* iptljr on


- '• '1


s taken; it U pleaaasfto the taste, and art*iptljr on the Kidney*,eU, cleanses the lys,, dispelt colds, head.rjr'aioi cures babitna)Syrnp of Figs1» thef itt kind ever pro.f to the taste and acstomach, vtoaM is

xuly beneficial m'iua onljr (ym the mostoeobleinfittancea, iU"qualities commend itre "made it the most

Interesting Information About This Great Archi-pclago OTW Which Our Flag Now Floats. . -

commence* In- March, the great**!heat beinjt experienced from April tothe «oJ of May, and the third, which \U eicoMi'vely wet, continues fromJune tothemiddlt of Novtnitwr.

Oenerally speaking, the native* are.mild unit amiable, predisposed to re-ligious observance*, eitremly super-stitions. »uJ rery hospitable/; Thoa* oil


«re better and mote industriouborers thai) those of the other

K Cut.it in twu strips leugthwine and sew ths eiids together. I,in*»"'"» »""« I S U H . W me ofnrr pwv- j W I M ami sew tno eud» together. I,in«

i * u . c e # \ During *beir youth th»y worSf throughout »ith white ribbon. Upon! jfith->energy and a certain mentalf-^—^— — — - • - - .—•;——

r .js is for sale in SOv all leading drag,liable druggist who 'it on hand will pro.Uy for any obe~wno

Philippine I»l- • It .w»« not until the close of the six.! Tbe women are averse to- idleness,'and* eoostirat* | teeatlt ccDiorr that the archipelago- baye a spirit of enterprise and often

About the•:,£*of the. century an

^ world^TheylwlMitelfroeailCTwoia flve aWps. butin the north aoooaipUibH • little. In. 19GA Don

^trotttcjtoo* and^-^——--— -^~^~rzseparste tbe.' ••' '• : ~Hodtu China Sea; '." ' . '.

tevpeditittn :: ""'$*• themselves cheerfully for those'}-shinsSiil i :tuwhoni they are attached. • . . .

HO STRUTumu&o. 04t.

trirsaa i. MMJUHI.

al island is about SOU miles east of"Bong Kong; it is the largest and nicest

northern great islaud of the groao—*:Rtoup whicU, extending from five" de-Breei to twenty degrees north latitu<f>,"'and over,«. longitude of t»a degree* *<> V117 degrees east of:(treenwil-h, "cover*'* v

a north ami south 'line of Itfto u>ite».-;-and nil east and weat lineyjf aboilt 7'XH J

It is estimated thatlljv*ertmp ossi-' prise, HpdJIlinds.' of w'hn-h by far"".'"]

the largerjiart are mi-re Uleti'. Theylire of coral iind volcanic 'formation". 'the hitter often having tremendouseruptions. The:'largest - of t l imi. irrLu/on, on the north, of neirjy Jl.jKW"ipiare miles area, aud . MjuiiUoau. » i v ,the s mtheast, having an area of :17.1.V;l

s(]Uaie'miles. The total tfrrfa i« r«n»- -putol at U4;000 s.piare mile?. 3

TliB-;chief seaport of the group is t«!aiid« and! founded u'Kp'auisM -'settManila, overlooking a capacious bay V-eM at Sbt towa'of (Vim liuil it i*- '•'•• "' ••• ' " * " ' •"' jn^lpiFTK^teprfe

i y d. . ;IWfqje. the daya .of Spa«ii»h*rDl8 \

there wa» yomidyrab.le oonimgroial in-1etw'reti the I'hilippiues {

China anil Japuu, but thin, which i^nW^aTOranfTiafe*^erTipeit?P^

nd America had Iweu left free,nan i.ulerriipteil ut|d at times almostcompletely Mopped by absurd restric-tiousr diTvmed ti> 'secure; to Spain amonopoly of tloOAmericim trade. *r*or.a loug"'period' milt ii ^iuijle K^'lcull,

£>vernmerit Htipei-.I t.»'"procoeil yearly.

Klomtrejiaan is vlsitin • at. . " O . - ' , ' : ' • • • ' ' • • ' . " ' . ' ' • • » ' : :

"Mrs..H.'H. Kelly w'jjl makf a visitto rinladolplus iu a"vvm*ti or two. -

and wllar ot taffiu <•!<•*•* , "'»*«* If*'" * n ! '*« l > * l k '»• : n ViMwk. showing h< adv«iitaK» !* lu l- H " *iU-»ail.nMt..^.U_rd»jri • '

fiiur-iii-lutnd ti* of white moun-j tletji'ije I'rwiu letl Oie prayer meet-hwo wiiru. The lielt tlnnip* ' i»K at the chapel Wednesday eve^iiiir;-

uhltfctlT in frout. c"losinR..at ti»* left j Kdjielstro-hm bus re»i«ued his , . , -•ide.wlth a mother of pearl buckle: sitioii as tiiucki-eper" in the (', .k I",Hruotth faced-: clcthus, armure, heii- works." •'••..'•: • '-•• .

rWf- Cft^r*',w*'--''«"' »'••»»»••• f»eorge»«nnl,Ss^^toWks^

ism.."-Si jfe* I


4 *


velop stylishly by the mode, contrast-iug fabrics such as silk, velvet, etc.,iyjuJ,-»j»|»lnilli W..*l|.»-dMMM>4-<W«>*raatiou belli); used ((.ir.cuffs,'

The skirt is cutTii s.eve'n Kores andtits smoothly across tire front slidover the hips, all the fulness at theback beillit lai I in iteep plaiiintf ti>

i . , ;„ -~\, ,. ,, ,' "Mr».-Uias. S. lleadle and danabturj visit ui Ohio an.lludimm. _i •-'Mr'.'Hawd#.n \* wurkitiMt <>ii tlit>.N"j<wi ' ' r * ^''M1,' «>.iU|>«ny'» Imililiiij;, imw in •• v ' t i u r s e ' u f o o u i i t r u i ' t i o i i . if»n" N o r t h - j i v i * *


I Kive the fan ertWt. Thi) rover wlii-U.

i.l ( l i u t•vUion was nllon-orruiu..MaiiiU'to Atlje ,:ari5..-;,.,u.|, «

broiilerr, or \(. von •'-Ji"i-hi "•

wllri i t irk i»rt-oose'/yriii can I-i>« TvijuireM.r i l i

'suioottily njxilrThVclotll.To"! cut / th i s w«i«t Joi i l».|y o f

mediiini >ixc » ] . yariU nf'. nialt'rislfortyfoni inches wiVI« will be re-

ifil* at liir l.iMci t-.lV'tvlive

The.>uiwllaj( f.ir the I'. A r . »urk*rai>iy"wfa?w!'5*rrmvfifmrfftrt»-


nri-n four[ yiirily of.

• .'!'"'.'>.' procure fringe or .'lull.m rj!lmii(?,.1*.?" , •' : A »«a'udinii' collar inusT- l ie .«nrn

with this stock, which is tj^d

• I ' lu . I t c v . ,1 . i i .inctii'li nl Hit' idmami i'vi<niui( at ]*i


t:uiiKr. P . J l ' , wil l ;



b^jtlmve 1 o.i| tboihe Philippine*,thi' . 'eiKhteeiitli''"amount of Libertyt-.d tof.ir.vi^n vei*lish commercial h<iu .Mimllii iii IS

- Tile <itb<M*~chief ports are lloitu Jnd I'UiH"Cebii on the i l d i th * Itbii, on the islands n i .the

;i.y. fi'r'iii \ri i f h

It.i/al i'l.inipuny of"•.With" the cltisti ofni'htViry a ; rertainbe-all tti be- couced->l«. :}:iirt:;ilrHt i-;nKr

iiii<e \tiiH .eHtuh).i*liedl!'."' imil in lH:i4.'th»•rtrrrnt'^iiiiVpTmv.^eT^

. p yrejected t>v t.lic ieiruUr

' ' ^ ^

It was jjive'u in hojtCir'of lii«soyereii;ri.

deco-lied with a brashnr tints and worksFOR HAMPLEm yonr local deol-aiuing it.., NEW VOBK.

uame.'ciuthe central part of the arclfi- 1'nder tb i s uJja*rcii an ecclcsiiistii-nl-'.'; lielag'o. • '" ur')netuti<>iypi'iacipaUv°v<(f liionustic

There are hftlf. a itozea other island** i>rder», w a ^ f p b '

f.oi'forei'Kn trade till THliV when.Cubit'was-also" open.eil, ' -I ani1>i>nliK'< (Mill-*ilanuoi, lloijo (I'liiijjy), Snal (j . i izou),Le««zpi or' Albany Vhtuoil) and Ta-

3t!S?rt^i?;ft»TCtPTum^Kroup, the areas of which range fruai the cinetwnth ceiitury lias III'MU; t>iie.j'<'»"<WyoithUt of lthodtf Islaud ta that of Con- o.f <sppr<r»sion, rt'strii'titins. cm coin-11'*-''"' ''*v


, but only Manila, lloilo andVe proved of real importance,

S y.-ro.q.n<l Jiniabcra, by about=r3_ ,


in l!*>i','-. Tlie •'uu.tpiracy was discovI b e f ' h d i

ed and fDON'T


chain C - -

GEARS'dard. ''i\s has

people, of whom a dn"a'r(e'!I race ofNegritos, now tlriven into fhe-'. hioun-tains aud interior lands, seem.tobeihrdescendants of t|ie aborigines. The-bulk of tfu> poplrlation'i* MaUyu:i. of'. risiair; and tbe plans hi the iilsiirfev-"!whom there ate numerous tribes; tht-: Jtiunistji were •1i*t-oncert.?d." Yet when |:-dirtieit and most pagan is know-n -a* the antboritiea procecle1.! to arrestthe tk'urrotea, and vet they display ' th-*e known in-.!<• inViilreil tl...'T^I.^IMS'exemplary .ptalitiet They are «ne of; nittMeresi ja force, amounting to sev- ;the most important monntaia'tribei of. er»l thi>n«and, but 'were dispersed!Luzon and are among the population.' wlieu Jhey «oTere<l battle iu the neiab-. Iwho \irtunll} escape oninivoron* ;'«'rh.>o.l of Manila. TheSpanish

Tarttiers,tlio mountainscanals aud having a consioVrablr rep-utation as metnllnrgists. Their d°L. , . , . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ „ ,Qesttt! morality )H favorably in co'nfra-?t. aa'dof aoiiasideraJile; naval tleet,- w.hicb j "

^that of their neighbors. ~ . -".^'^aitltle^r.thygoveroi^ent to' sup|rrt6i.s ! '•:'3ere .«a» ike. scent? o'f'the ijirtJ i

The exports'Iron! the I'uited StntcsI to the Philippines have alivuvn b«onJI very iii*i^«iiiicaiil, although oiir ini-t-porliL'jruui .Uie^.ii.liliilitJiavii.....uftiiii :,I riiit>li«d liirgt) prOpurtlims. Tiic> prill-"""cip.ir in t ides expinteti fioni this c.ouli-

i try to tlie ['hilippiiiM.H aru tlour, petrol1 :•Viiui, leather KXioibt.'Vroii'uiid steel, etc. ;

liiipoitsfroin tliu I'hilipines are chieily j-.ifffiir uiid ltcihji.. ' '~~~ ~ ' *~••''.The foreign-..trii.To of.thi? l'hili|>piUi'«has'atwayF beeii spbject to. great Hue ;

fjtuatioii.i. The iiiHcciirily arising^ tiji' '.'•.j der. thti ~H|mni(«li itdiitiiiiHtration, "Jind -r"; til** coiiHUi|lient tlirsatisfatitifin oj tliii :

-! native [)ii|iii!alinli. togDOier with e jn-' I stan.tly recurriiig • insurroctionH, have' preveii.ted th.r«t4 iHlands from duvelnp-'.,•'

iiig th« riches-Mitb which natiiro has :"bw'iiutifnlly einlowed them. ' ( told. ,Hji'lphur and Wrgo <li!|»jnitW of Kxcell'uliH'stcuiuing coaT^ara widely distribnt«fi .

t.he country, ahd an itilelligeiit. .it, couplu

lisiiieHS and' liuumnitv of spirit,• J . > ' ' * . • • • . ' • , ' . • * " ' r • • •

..overi • • - - • ~"Vir, ivernnieut, coupled with enterprise

for tht. tapport of the Spiin.isli"'sov- in ~rr*i^atr." .The"last revolt, broke out'."..^.



Conn.•r one 2*. vsrta«p. -»

Ata«rJcan .' Coiumo<lt>re Dewer, |s-tt'ea. Vf el** (if^var \ujwl, two j'•*urt*»'' and the Sjmuiah A<lm,ir«! i:%•«. with t*n arruitreii Vf«sel«, in 1.

.srlKi'h tiae iaJlt-r •«"»-% disaslruuHly tie-' i l l - J . ' • • . . - • ' ". ' • ' : • / r ' • " "V.

j iumra l iMt t; d lca tu will h u y i i tra.t't (if: l.

S'ctilli i ivenne lill'l.ljintil IIliiHtM fin .fnctiiry''o|ielu|{ite

hit" .i(


• " V

c l i u » e a l a r g j i l l n c f , Ulr ic lr . iV1' . ' . t.ly. ( I M J Ui l " l u l l <UI t i ' i p o l . m e ( i l 1 1 1 . ' | i l H ) i l ( . i l l

b n i b . l i n n s . n l t l j e w u i k"H. . . •-•

. . .. * ^ \ : T h e . a i i c t t o n ( . a l e o f t l i > " i i i a c l i l n e i y - i i f -

". . j H ? u k p b i c e l a i i t " r i i e ^ l a y . A b j i n t t w.ciit.v.' ." .... '.z * ." ' j c - * s. • . ' ' ' ;. t h V I n i j . T " ' w i ' i t v . I'II i . » . . i i i . - i i n d H i . ' '"• '.' ' .'»• ft " a

•• - • • • • • • • - **.:iH

i. tut n mi

', new• nfiirt- Ti i>«i lay iiniini'irK.-M^th u p .

v.p.rupi'.iiili' i'cieii>Hiiie'« liv't'ltt ' .clnldi ' .- i ii »iil lgn,, |- l-, . | t ' i |H,,l jXi-lleer«. vlf. [ t »; II lli;...' hitf niiMT,,'iinilf rnlbi'K dwarfs the, |lii|. ', -wliicli'slioilbl j«. lir^l.Mut llflet'l'i

or t w e n t y feel hit(l».r In HI llui- ilait•. I t wait l l i iyone.p . !e t l.niK u iiiK^i it i( set: the-fee) m I In- grmi lid., m i t but fKTi lint' forty six fftH IIIKII. '-• " ' . ^ * ••

'•••ll | I I I IC



, i Tb.\ liiive:T||H.'

i 'niunnfiii'tni'e; abniit l|H..ciiiii|i|i<t..|y il'«

. ,<*il c o m p a n y , I'lintir/U I

i)"»" ljJ.',!'u " h u t ilnijn f''i| ii)uiiii. Lmt t lu ' i i ' U

; iii'ay In-' .,|.ieii..,;|.ii, Hi.. Irii^tN ei inl i j r i i \. -fllC.l.iil'.v, I t lien li.il lt'e....n''tlie [|el'C(itca.:'N

-Avofkn uni t t b , . t 'stablislii i i i ' i i t <if. th».""•>.l'ni't..!.d'.'Htat'i'^l'mjuetili! cumpmiy in

i l l i i ioklyii . ' (tf Hit,, two tjii. Uarw'iio.rpluiil IIUN tli>i b e l t e r facilitien. iind IIIMI eroom;, "in-. Ililul; lirtihiTlmit ..f tiie "•

I ilerciilt'i*' i-iinipiiiiy; i t f ' \^e ta inei | . an ai sa la r ied timplnyii of tln> xlniM<. .'. Tl iV .. ••

nlmt duwii i-ni'tie lite. ' ;• thIIiiiier.-lin'. t,, •;.-:•

& • >

f/:. "•



- • . • •



: ' . • * , " '

• . • : . * • * "

t ' » :•!•'•*-' >

• • • ' ' ' • • ' • ' "

- • • • ' . . • ' •

elnhim lliat.'' \ •i:nVlijfji\ .



: the witrkmmYtliein >wiii lo-i

rnployeir, bill vmuny uf


x :"A«'y-color at all.a* lon.#.as-it's rCl|..jis the colox thaV su^tr •••'* i-"-* " -~...- !;

j». eebved by many tiiwomen-. TW»II -.'find'' h'(/wilhuiiin*':,'

«Kli:r WITH' tin

"wliVrt;.•.- Only four of ,tli"in r:C'jiUiI"iceit in the Wliiig.^ tjuililfli.' liiariyjHf|n bouriled here ;'J')j<.' ion}iji ity wf:furci; liVtirl .iirVVeHtlieid. • i f % m '

me best,".-ii«a(f k/'EVery' {rirl should ({ite hwr.solillurl Je nauio tbtjiijwflioy sweetln'urt it pocket Bible ti) carry. •l"'"l'1."- "'waytefully ilres»^T|" rn his'Vest pockft. Htrttjstlirs galhcred'! '-J«'»K": '.'f.royiilt'.-it

iT r i f rtliii f l i l r i l ' ! 'hK t'hthmii l

n.Hcd Iu ''neekwVart.'XinitJ youscarcely havocombination!!. •/ Out!IJ{ tlieae t'oiiijsts of i)o plain red satin!

et(^j-frt>m religion* |ii!rf'jilirnls »iid*<im«n"j f i > ( r s ^ill^-iitfoTfTtlBit-fBHyiHt

iillnts.fi^ ^ ^ ' > ^ »

can ;*hui 'at-by aji

!! ' h . K •t'

•will bo IIto .learn Jlmt tin . \ _

Till'tlio late war were ! b»l"'"' •" . .l''>iii|!lliii«iiJt our AnifiViciui,

U«t Hilil.i g'i.v«n him by.r'i'i"1'' en pies "in tilo^iiml^'of •hiaiij;,j.'aiid it.i«pr.obiilile |iie«:,hereiifler/ill; Ilg.ur.' iii • ni.aiiy. Kiyli«h inentiii. Jffi'i-i.'• «viiji..|ic« Hi.KHIJ(I last«-mi HH". \nix\.-.tit

r his mother.

'•* J«..i'i~tiiirni Tr,,jitiick with u /ri'i\ »»tjn 'how.in' front/ • , " " w ^ l " "*." Jndepelnleiit tre*»p<i! tli«! ,IVjn<»;.• irrdirateK. .that' be M jun-Hack' of Vim . ailk.*• loops, an; thrcifj •i*b«'i»t-il»tt'cti|«ii is iiuonf.thii occoni- '• Ke«eil of«o>..d, «hnle«i)iii«:ii|ynn a» i<i

-• «lio*y lr>))JM'i)f whitejMiibr>iii]t.'ry with ^(''["binpnta .'most, coyete.l by woio«n. j wli^t h..;eat«, toil 'giiod iin1niii/i/ren ar.e,; a bright r/il »a!irt..'o> tn'juit.ili^ni <>'jj ij" '.'«» |dctiir<l- i«- prvient«d:)i"cJSSIi'"' lie oil'jflil' {u be «'»riied "i«oiti»t .'alini/

pnyiuent, were unahlo to meet the" deA I'cr.owd._ of ?reihttjr» and!

and B riot followed, '^in.which foar! baulif rs.wef« htheir oirn

produce .arccoffeo andT \ I T S or \f»M:r. v v

j ^ y Q^ j (»itr IJ e v*. - a 11 < f "w f ijlc Ii vii licrfii.wij -jjivt»|

' i y I J i i d J t ^ i l i i l i l„ Auothtjr element of the .{vjpntiti»;a'••';.>TliV;

ar the L rnue«e a nl their, Mtfstiio*. o- Tir:#» li* (!ar«"dirK«rd.

tb . v /

,-""l. .

A _•••I:1V

{' "

}\\'x-?.*• - fe '

Page 2: VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896 ...VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896. THREE CENTS. s taken; it U pleaaasf to the taste, and art* iptljr on

« • • ! • •



idea in«• .typrigrapliirHl i«rr


If w*-<lll\-»7TVTlT«SiRv lu M'tlle thint f l l i j - qiirhtVuii tliiK-n*ii!nnn*r * H KhalibnV<> put iuoht \ f unr triiubli". Jiehindn« I IT n e i t •jirinV and Ilio town mit.v

, fuirh i j p t i t to attract « larger liliarathan n.Mial of lint Kit-t", pt'oplt* ul in ai'i-li

- • home ill lhtM*>ti>nlry, Huiooth and

very-HU'hir.nb|i«. feature to thi1 inim•'ospeftitift for a mjliiirhfiti'-hmiic. •

——•BppoTientsof-ilii' boulevard Uw$t ontalking of pro«piiftiv«i assessment* for"

. lil*W"t* which will iMpinl or ."irci'dim HI.U i,f ili.nini'i's to nli.ittifTK prop-erty . I'l uuk^titta^u—»itt«-t Irnt-i.nrr-liiflt'h us 'ii*. ii>.«i'>.»*f.i»'iit for bi-lirllts is

pro i id i 'd fi>r_iii tli.^bjlij ..liiiiii' van Im

"Tfui'lf, "Tloil lots'bt'^n fbT1 lll.il.'|rttmiil;.

in^ ill! ll/i* ivliilr: Jfut nut- fri**ri< 1» oii.j

tlir i .tl l /r fci'l.1 "rrt'llfi* lo n'ro^ni / i ' it*'

fire protection jfbich it 4W not RetHe had • long correapouitate* with.Hcrgan au tbe aahjeet which led tono IttpfijTemenf, sad reported thatBODS w*» to be-expected. - -rUr-Trwrvery iijUfh tn-earueat aboitt i t

The (bird member of ibe committee,(Iporgs II. Enibrec, objected to con-tracting with a oompany wbicb bail nowater to sell, ami objected tbat tbeoun*tract was for too lung a term and at tooliilih.a print. Ttie We>tfleld publics-eiwns to afrree with him about' it,hough preriontly approving tbe

(•our»<" of tbe other two in furtheringthi- juteretta of tbe local. vnmptoy.The thitijf wan simply (nerdo'tye, o.r

lR:-''Biiliniit^'i[sf'(- n f l i i ih f* 1 ^ ^ ** • *»*•*• •*•«* ^10. ^UflOJDn sUfl -PlIUll. «*PMlT,iwhil, tbToi.lerfe.1, forcSi' • .___^lJk- ._^-^- ,^: , -•: -~ /: { ^ ilcyiforertj So tooX tor xhtia '

New tine*'

,*?£•< fas ft/peli XeaCiaJ llfrt nita7^ TiiVUIlier; b h r t i n ii, A-7

uff, |ire«umal)lT, U> tbe personald l i n g entertain*.! forHergen and the

mon company lit Messrs. Hardenin) I>#-noi«.

It should bo": borneTn^tdiiiii, bow;;T(tr, tKlai tU»>w«jr la JierfertlT cleariir tlm (lew cyinjiaojr to «o" ahead,'hey'tiavii tl*etraujf)il>«' and the by-.runt contract. Aii.il if tbe town buys' Ar [ l j i t «t tlnrmntT)f" 1l)>i rtolllra

toril «aida hudrat real* «e« *"•» •poorly fed. people would be addictedtoporarty, beggar? *n'l crime." .Theenrm« of our.ttuenjent house jMiuhla-tion in that they:|i"re_ largely, on.p-fiorljakcw' breafl,- beer or1 icpnV*, and "eat

• .-• -•-.'•" .",'•:.• I few. vegetables, apd those ml a.reryXMda*-terfali Mrabik He' Bwt poor njuJHy. t h e y 'are. also_jdrea<l-BalaucH JUtlM—Pr«t»ti ari *fffflMr licking in the.inow|e<ige yf how- i

to buy economically and make • thimost of their food supplies, (iermanyis the only country where girls' art-taaght to be . earefal, economical andsuccessful lionaekeeprr*. They stndrit there as a man,studies the issieiiceof hia profession, „ / ! " » „ ;• The lecturer said »he-wanted to put

in a plea for the peanut as a, food„_, staple: Very few people realize its

Economic* ssnoriatioo, talue or.itu possibilities. It matter*on "Food and Its Halation not whether rt be eateii just a* it

lo Individnal Need*." Those » | io conies from Ibe shell, baked, in thedidn't mjnd th^/weaiher_werfc»el! letm of a peanut loaf, combined with

r coming tint. ._. jitale bread, or as part uf a *alad. jThe lecturer Iwgan. by eJplniiiing Haladtt ar« another thihff which A •«'••••••:

Port *laple_l'raltariaa« i r e t i el a» It HbiMld-Be

lad* Uftewr.It <rm raining all day Monday and

Monday nigb.1, and a very auall artdi-enre wer«*)irenent at tbe Prrnbyter-•an clvt|iel lo bear Mm. I>r. Mary E,Oreen, iireaideiit of tbe NationalHoniehold

THE c:'War * 1-^. ' V v ^ •• •


'cycleIs joor. wifeelJprepair all kinds

New! Second-ftaiul Wheel: .••_.'• Wheels, to reqt, and bicycle; 4juu. Lawn Mowers repaired and shar|


Is JOB* wh^Jn need>f>«i^irf IfW, caU on M .repair all kinds of wlteela, and^onarant8e our

an t»|iiitable prijje, as provided forthe franchise, i t ; m»y hob prove

id thing for We'ntllnlil jifj«r all.

U lh« ItaUlmiTo tin" Ivditor of

So many «r« iViking the i||ii!<<lionwlnrh 'h'eiid*^thtfuo' lioteH .that I mil

tint wal l , s h o w i n g t h e c l i emira l nom|ios i t iun o f food and t h e i r t iiiro|Kirtioni

rdinary food


•'ijfr hull ldof' flrciluMrrs i«

f^Vliyjti tlin tio'iiffV-iiMViiuijler:'

uiiv-.sivri'i, lit'n.Ti*!1 * o f - i t

niuiitti'.'.i'jui.initK'.' mi- i^tinuiir

' t)U-\ I./rtVfi* i

I'lfViisf a l i i r h {hi' putili.

i;r.*iiii|i'lr-wHI. b«. (.•iiiiii'.l

p-iiii'iit? fif tin* niri .surf will rcfu*.

ad\ill*,*'*!' I" pill mir fi.ilh in tlgtrrvs

I-OHI ivhi.-h^jir.' nut ffibtihiuN, alui'

—»»m%—miyjiniijrc.nl .II'IKI-V. -have- auv

-;fj.itli iu'an/ttg'i iK, nf.lei it KC.tH.iutiVlht'

hiiii.ls...f |ni)i|ii* OIIII'JHIH MII.I .iii.ty I.*.1

'Si'i'iisiid >.f .bVinf,'.. jiiilitji'imiKi'

the interest of iiiimuroii" rewders.j The elub ntiiuliers ttn thoiiHmi.lN;j.v<.t-jiyi«n thusft are mi -f^w -- iiitiTijf- < i'rf Huty or Heveiity iiiiliioiiH tlmt onn nuiv| look lohK beforii tlniliu^ mi answer toI hi«. .|iieii.*H eoni'eriiiliK it; "Tliref'ynai's a^n l_ri'.:eived from ii stiauKer,iin iiivitiitiun to join lltiif health I'lub.

.niiivinc ll toiili.two'jiii.il a bjilf. ye.aVs of JMIHIIIII: W i l l l ' l " l " ' l . ' r "'"""K |ht'"!(! '" , '» '

...I i'niitbli<ni'i*-to Ket.iii'i.r enou1 ili to (In.I out its i'iiiiis:mnl its value.1'he ltiiliton* .lleailth .'liib JH i.n a»-

will put fi.itli Kiii-iatirin of jlioiie ilow ni'lf wjio "wouldIliif ibr op iVinain \iiilf. ami of jhoMD^ inVniidN n(

Hi'iiii-iiiviili.lH who »oiili| Ki't well. Ita .."Hctt't f-?) Kiwi.'lv.•without, din-s

all, showing the cl|iositiun o f food and the iiro|Kiof emjlrtit the varioim ordinary foodjiniVlilctn. A third i-lmrt abownd iniltagrani tbe food Value in tbe differ-••lit ciiiixtitiientx of twenty-lire «entn'worth tit the' vafioii»-me»t*;;prriifriii,vegftaUlen, e tc , .from wbicb it wan»«<ii that the lii'Nt »lientfuriii«lii!il tlie^largest amount of iiii^iniBnt in theijiproper proportion". Nortbwesturiiupriiig wheat in the bust, the lec-

! turcr Hm'il, Corn, oat», rye_«jii^.bar-InyTltH all Kiiotrr ""T V

I'Nill.owiiiK thn rlmrf"taiue n K«u«ral paper on the ., ._tion of food, TIT dint, to iritliriilit.iliji>t'il«. lli'iins, -ii* a; steady diet, lire*Huiti.ble only -ivy people..nui{iiKt*<t Ut

• Inird liiljor. . K>ithiiij< could, li« irforiviu Iliinl j iiuouitifiil<i_for cbiltlren, invaltds or

to llii1 11,|,| j,,.i,|,i,, than -aj^rmieliinJL disC of

<;aus ijliiBtfjD-li^hHyaiK.I eat too lit-tie of." j '- "-. ~ -""•: ,.

Mfin'of sedentary habits should eatllftht food. Hucb foodii a» beans, peaand lentils shonld*1i6 partaken of epar»bply, if at all; the SSIUR U tmoMt inrats. Mutton, ami the , « . . •meat of Hsh art) less heaty and injuri'oils. * • : w"~ :

tadiegOxfbrd Ties:Low sho*i) wil( soon .be mncb more comfortable than 'Itjjli onaa_

ff« Well iliajwil foot so well. >Vehavei jnst, rgceiyed a-new line ortbem^-opera&d,common sense toes, with andtips. Fine goods for littleVuneT. In taiiH a'ud black*.

Oood.liue of children's^nd mines'; shoes also, in

aro on the decline, ami enptrinl litreHIIOIIIII IIU taken not toOvertai theni. IThey nbonbl e«t KIOW, not »tiumlati j

> nml ubataiu front utronjf Ii (in r« ttu!' anil i orTii Milk, bren 1 mid liutter mid ifruit sliould filriimli the hrrutt r part i




upi u i


„ T u « « «as a buiiiPreabyterian Y. Pman«e Honday ereu

»• E. Kirkham retto-iUy for tbe »ummal«o expected bark a

. The BeT. XT. A.the Baptist chnrch.''ord from Bayoune 1

\ The subject of the"a Greene'a sermon,ing will be "Sated b-• The po.tponeil ent.Crescent branch V

. (H'-en Tuesday eventbe Preabyterian cba|

The Holly Mreetlunch delayed by. tlgood progress baa bei

• 'tiaK «he cirenmstani• C O , yalvertpi b,

to. taie dpwn the wside scbool bnildio*

Z'jnH'Laccprding to tp<Ther«;Willbenoga

at: the Athletic clobI'laiiitield team have t

tin ilitt

| ^ u i t h n i i t i l i i m j , | , | , , , t , H l t l , (],t o u h i i h o n i n u n In l o n g frtntH » | i , , n | , | I

t h o u t i t i n i i m if I I N I I I

of their hill of fare.Iiivali.U Hhonld adopt

ret'oriiuieiided for chiJdreji, , * . *At tlm - close of her Iei'luri*: l»rV

(iri'fii announced her readiness toiniHwer «uv i|iU'»tiuus ,\rlii.-h ini^htt be

. . .. | linked if BIUI.was able,.»i.d'twenty v ;ryiJ.'KiniiiuK wilb infant*', ,iiiotlu'f'«j intereiitiiig uiiniiteH wero' wpent in .die i

liiil-k is' H I P only perfect ilii't, and in« so*;. , .( ' . irow's iibilk tht! bent; dtlbntitut**.. One'J In,the couroo of ht;rrepliesiiliegave*.KtattMiicnt wblrli' iiiiiuy niothers would I the^following recipti ftir^hrown breail,di'biiti! «ith fhe leiHiiror was that in- ! which slui.Hai.l was,nniro wHjilpsmup

w i n nut.

"We Svoilld rolillt illt.^ the'who ari< disrii*itMl.' iiuir>hi•way iii lienltTi wJinroVei'X

It! «r,,,:,,., ,,f liiinjaij ^n,,imi|,i|i

lives of n||w t h W l l i u

i» ill theto Knint

"tji.o I and -would be liked


this IIICHKIPH" AIIIIIIIK '''•'. pt'opluwho havtf j.iiniuHtHrte phjwioiai^Htiii'-

fed crej|iii,-orupper putt of tlm .milk," diltrtttil ...uu .<niiter at Hint-, hut- after tht; jrjiil.l 0i*earh.»M nix wet'kH of a^u the whole ofiuilk/'iuiiy bp foil. Honiu authority has' <>f lufdasnes, a teuspoonfulHiiiil lately tlnit liio«t of thii di»eiiHes ihalf a cupful ' (if t.if iiii.l.lUi'lifti are dun lo malniitritioir^Hteain two hours riud b lli

Hff\ion of ^rmiliii); nii.M'iiiJpriviS.fXt'

n l iIt nuni l l I n t > \ l u l l t i n f m m i I H ) t i n

t l i i l p o l l t o f t i n K • * * r n i i u l i t M h l i

f. M i N I i m i . | p i M j i i t i n ^ I | I H I M t i n

p i o ^ r i NH o f i n \ i I . I I O I I t U . k t l i t m l I . II

< l e l l i ' V o f t l i . 1 t i m e - * m t ' l t l i n - t r e l l i l o

, _ - • - , • - - • - - - . » • • » \ ' i r u m

f.Uiili.i inn in lo ti'iirli people the law*.of health, It in thus that our pativntsKet tlit't'lmif bi'iiel|t:,fro|ii,ti«.-'' : >

liali>toiiitt>H lii.v.' lulli'li to nay Ulio.lta new priiu;iple ywhitjli they oall

jv*((|mii!*," i.iid foncrini i iK whb'h thertiI"H mij.u' oiitsitlu'Kke.|)iJorHm and niock*iii);. Hut: "(Iliinit"" is uotliiii|t in.irttin.I' l,'s» tlm I.

velojiiiMmtjiav'.'»ll ass isted ''K'1'-. ' l' l l t l- !»•»• thiiiK about it i», •• , ;, i »• •:. mi'iiilv t i n ' n a n u v with, perhaps, thfaiu.it: fliither and farther -.....•."....• • • - • • • - ' - -

liusiut'Ms il

to iVnvt. tl , : . . . . . . . . .T . , , , , . .„ ,„ ,„ . ,»r.i...r j , , , , - , , , ! , , , ! , , , . „, ih,,. fact that it coinbrliiiid-i.il- thf'race for n foiiipi'ti.'iii'i.. - tiarler btiitiK tliB.ri'ari!fe-iin*inilslit' linn WOILIMI biirili'i'ami KIOWII poni-Jiinvfliint; eliie in iiatni't'.'"..

• n i tw ra]itillv ii'iul niore ntoiidili-'liimi i . 'I'1"1 htnt.tiiiarteiM-..f.this ^Miiifmotbanvolher vU*< . •'•Aii.niie f a & r i'li.s. Hub Wrent o i irNat^mtl <>l'i''il- +»

"•• . / t'oiiiit'i'ttnu IhermrIINO.I to )nj I'..IIH|.I.'I .'.I tin' liiu'kl.sHU1 i.f l i r ;,,,|i,,ii,.* <llnMiiilii.il. ' ' -A ! Tin' sniiunt'r, lion>j<jif. its pri'Hidt'iit,

Webhter KdK'erlvoii in oniVoftuir owilSew Joriiov fijiiniK-a' fow iniies ''u/i thi



better for n-Hiniflii cow., —, Tlrti sterilisation ofi>iuch Advocated of lilt

two yeurtJiiti »fbild ilum

Hit ((Irahaiii (lour IIIBT 1bittt " ' '

_uidu'idiral«-Ui-uU_uuiutu4i nil iv»A.llai Sli'veiisonaiid_Seiialor

Hit1. [ Itislnip llonilrix and ofliVrs

l'liti real mission ol

e potties, correctly written'and at lowest marke*.a p l e r a t e s . v v . - y - • . - , . • , , • . , . . : . . . . / . .-• "• : . .'•.. ••-

Buyin|/ief(|ng artd'renting oflgedl Estate.: _,; •:. .._:i.;__.O f t ! S ^ p e r a "ouse filot^k.f - Cranford, N. J

Wow York Office, 34, Pine Street.-Tel f nlnone Cal l . 3 7 8 8 Cortlandt.

_ ini'.l inntead ofpyfipimi^tj(iriihaui.jn_^

nimlo ii'T^hran and poor Ihuir.'j •Asked t^innke « lull of fare for il!

twenty-jVjy-ceut dinner for four or tivi) i

and ProvisionsT

iiiL>-<t of it Ind '



~- —in other word), the'^..__™-i,£ronn.lJi[raii1J,#!i

take the water from;' - - -pirar s rdnor i l f e TFSJ

which formerly rau u'plot.. -

JJavid Peyser haslols ..in Willow av<

' Manor, lying bbtneendeiice and the .Moodea»j, and will l.uil.l.- ,'

'- Don't forBet that. tl,.nine* is ih force. i T l i o

: - htg_an.th« siilewaHcrtjpi6nt a lamp, is SjjTpHe,.tit-e of the peaCe^rtpon cmade. ... VV1,1 .

At the Uueii sl're(ibyt«fian•'nnejf the .int)*r*reiitirely of-tgWe

\ /l™eu—table'clotliK, uatowels,-etc., etc/.

It bus been'decided'ti(». Hamner will preacl:>Kldrhitp«tiitlw*>BgiBi^ieH .!.' HtjiWt MacCoi

pirljTit. during *

ale, to

1 soup and a pea-L!'ie'v._with.i>ren.l_aiidl(nt-.

Hbo- uiiiktH apcaimt loafof twncini's^ttf-hre- ' " ~ ' — " - ~ •" ' '

\ t itlur IH itmi «v|ien_"*iu*J*Lti'nines fruit jar, ym iUe cover ont|it; im' alid HsX/\i in a -ketllo. i'f•old water. y<v\ the ketljiK oh tht»

stove mnl iiljf w tli» wilier tln'o'ttitito aboil; tli«H|/M it usidt;, ki'ttpiiiK tbe jarin theyater iuilililru.il*... \ teni[W- .

ii'iiHir J fruitarian*

|.JiiiipB^oSkeiT in lint water

and w|iiee/cd out, butter Ifiimn JIJIOIifiinrt of peanuts in uliell, raw; tiuTte,

iRCntll'lp font with hlltur, HUI1"B« rvTliot «it iipur. bime I potato aala.l flio pmuiits ilionlil IK



mil kill i

Nowpiiic)ii"stlw. |'

-.sissippi, (milf l l s t HI,' i ; n r .

WilitMi tli.ilLJifh.pfle.. or'iir-iiwin t'li j ntl l i ,fin' iit'wspjjjmii.

.vonn« lit'it••' Kently','/|irofun''l>v, jiitid .I'oiiitinuoi

tht' tt'lira't fitiiii..'!' oil Hit'. iiOrthweKt

«.tiv.il,'s n'li'li.'i'ffliTfi'anii' of iniiid'

. "JIIIJK tilVl il.'bts vtlii.-h no oiif "••••-

- iUH.bi.s iHiitti't^> Tor the l lrstjfuu1

tv-Yj-is.Of t i l l '

r d'ili-

In i i l _.. . , , . . . . Ill OHM rv.nv,

I tli.'iefo|-i!<^|>t'rliap« •lersejitt'S owe ailoiibl(Xifiit,v to this health club.-mi'tr-

l'.in"a hijt* print .an ^'tho Kreitti.'.Muuatioiinf it» kind On it'i'ord.".

I', t i yj*,i.KSrixi"*i


J i

— Is. it —

> '.Tbi>. "'ituiitioii''•wafv.r-.siip'pty

d l i . t b . , , , , ,

h > 1 ' 1 ' " ' ' » '

.Moililli'.l milk, a prt'paration ofcream.and »iiKnr of iiiilk, has het'iihighly recTilnTiielHledrKmlitir-nsii liai^b.'tm'.tttvhdetl. with gootl r.cKults. Hut'iiothitiK is*t\iiitn HIP good as *imitln>r'«milk -for babies. Infant luortnlily isIrediii'ml to thrt«> per .'tint. w*hq~r<; JitjV.•a|i bn thuijfed. | rrouriotary iiifiintlt.'foods do iii.lui! hiirni than good, Tli*(t'oturer thimglit if BIIIV ha.)' jtheAliiw-.inukiiiK p\»yer silo might prohibittliuifl i - . e . . . .'--.: ••••'• *.. ' ; . -: ...'. • . ' • ' - - K •

: . -A* tlui'i'hild grftWM ol.ler motlit)r»;MIIOIIM Hi)ppriutt'iiil his " diet tiiirrfiillj t >'er)'aiTil not lot him uiit what ho. Hkes.tB™'

- (i— " " " »obtlliid, of loiirm, and . hnp|>etl

Mimaroin, «h« naid, might Itntrvtul with . lit»HI> tounklo smutiiitishrooniN, milk mid in Miriousotlitrways.

Hi. Intent fad in du tilijj i>i fruit —tiirliiniwni , | Ii, r#» i t ,» .M.'i'itHy—**t

ubu l i \e entirely uponfruits and nittK Iliu leiturcr

ll.tiirn ill) worLhsOlctinUai

25c. Cash.

j pnrptt Ttirringnemea of. Air Hamner

K piece of tno footktone IB beitix built ar

--lir-eakwster, from thetitjKaMruan utreel, mar 1tastnard nloug the koiit

- o n Vr T K-Mut-Counet

t him vat «lint he likes \ g r , t nns txprvsU. . . , l i , ldru . ,b . l l , , f fun, xlitmlil !„ Uhould have kMitnia.lt up largcl) from t,i«al« »LU« 1milk 111AI fruit Moat on. , a daC is ' "


uWfauiily tif live. iu.'ChicaKiidisp^lise.l with ciioking andbills, ^ttiid'StHUiiod--to rt'tuin theirHlreiigtbXnml Vigor perfectly' 'fheybuy fruit and."iiiit>^y~wiiiii.esub; andi'at them mostly ru»-, ,l>nt not alto-gether, of t'pur^e. Tho father is aniictivebil'Siiit'H!. lnmi, the ehlcNt.tlmigb-.ter in taking ii'.couri»» in a utiiversity.nhil there ifrv tliri't' younger rliililrVn.It is a curious noil intertvstint; experi-luent. . _ •'• •• - \ '•':

Kvery one in the srtiall aiKlwuct'wasmitcli .inuiresteil,'aud iim^h rt-was exprott^vd that tht* weh^Uer:

maiiy nwiiy. \ '

(.'asino sliiillliil.oni-,1 t o n r-be played off this evcuii

;. Iffeen tefltn N'ol 11, Hunt.and team..Xo. la . MeBsicI

•The whint touruiimeiitAVeilnesday evenihg,

A \X. CVT." U; cuke -Iheld this afternoon, frpithcTieshyteriari cliapel.

Union Water Company,Organized x8oi. /IIncorporated 1S70

Tho UNION•WAx.ER;b6MKPANy;-sUpplies*-the....,.au^y:S

of the villages of Fanwppd, Westfieldj Cranford and Rose lie withwater for domestic USQ . \ • v / ~~7-' - '< \-: •

r "The Pirresiand/Swe^t^t That Natur? CanYieW."

I'ridii^iuiijurtt.y of .theVcouiiuittti't'

^ i b l o as pl l t"l1 Pnlatabl, r.> purt In

„ mldm.i „. tp. i . -hal . l i' «l<«»«ud ««..tH

nignatnres ,xjf a isiiilHi'ieiit ,piitrodsto begin their street

ict\ It cannot'be. [ic-.jf i M c s . s i i x v i i i i ' o i i " 1 '><•«>

• 'f•i%ht t

tha- thai

"a|nr Wiit.'v cru'iipi

. ,„,.„,„ ,tompliKliiij

1 It.tru I| ,m ,|,,

resitlciicu of bur-daughter., MrFoster, at. ]lerkrh<y pliieo" and j l>«t

,.•^..,,,.,11.1.street, yf. lui^iinuitia,. (,^.,11 tlj st>Vfnly-six "ycati.. fiii,,.r«| »wvi.'i'>.TChiljweii. lii'l.l liu-sdiiy jiftfinoon at the4Jn<n»v. th... Itev. <!fo. I'IJIIUM, tin-eh,» | turt. of g't^d dii-tury, .mil should V».

- Hutli't tht'iii bu eaten at . ...niciil«. Jliioli ert(ipg lii'lwi'f'n peals i»! tleuts to vnAure an iucouu''"^-^mcriciui Vi<*C which 'shtnil.l be I I'ay'tlie wist of- thir jtoryii^i-aUili.'

"" '^^itSHS^MltitHynly fmit j ^.«SF«HtT-vriti« :afFtii{iy--(.s«^l^uilertaker dray w.m in charge. .. • (.>l"' " ' ' ''-been h'nfi^Wntpt^

the signatures- of '.•.thirty .of tlio.'^titrc Jkuepers and jeveutv-tlvt* to' IOt> resj/

oh will

'imwVjintraot for'ieu y.;«C'lUpiiiiy li.is." been

<1 •b«iiig..-Ji'j"i11 i i t i <

i > t i x . n r \ \ li< u t » 1111] « | i \ h n s i n i t l u i

1 In i t ] n i s » u t " M i i t . " f s n i p l y

J l i t t a r t 11 \» | r M u t i n y f i r u u t . r

V S M I Ihci-w-Tiil«i the Itrooklvi•i.Kiii.d,;tli,.) |1»' lu'»BJ}t«r^Sb

i'r liytlrmit

. . .a l l . d i

Thfii.g.iVd !m-kf if it niny 1,fe(ti*li,-nmy be lu't'onittoil .• if.ii- in this>'ay; ('. W. llahli'ii, - oiie"- nu'iubcr tifthe '.town yimimitti'.",' slijircd in-tte;jiit'juilice of' ..mauy " Vesttlohl •Uii.lOriiufoid): .peojilt. "iij^in'.st yi'tAwX.licrgou..i:" and" thi» l-iu^fi Water | tht

In itihlitipit;j ..to thi

)'.••*- H"" St'lmyler, iu .Iticbiiioud.i V*C. j'iiiia.vbo.t'iitou r»udef«Xbut Httl'•-*• •••••••-•• •• ' ' - J-iiijiirious

,.. being_l:anght_i'<*vlil and

;»•«'« tnken' sick .almjjiifi;iTn-ini-iiiatt'tyupon, heir u t r i v a ^ l C : - . ^ , 1

; ' :-:- . v V . , . . I . I I , ^ n u ) ^ uuer,: .XlicfaiuilycaiiMUiTCrauford in l.s'S.1 a ftill uieul of staple victual'siiiiti livt'tl tlrsiniriVt<ii.avemie, where people, perhaps; «at VtiHi-'liiui!A. V., MadiJtrfiJiowQiTOi^Mr.. llotiiiet tht'y iiiay: aciiuirc' tlie liShit.i

^ In Janet S893, tho water BiipnJted bjr the C>m|'unr vvao,inuly«iJ by Alftnllnon, EJI] ,a l*»idia< by.tirauliv expert of Bcistfa, asnl pruubuuuf .1 tyr blih to Ma "wat^r of great.orgatvlij

H4T;" linU In a'letter tp OWTcr llm IMmp.in>1'ii p:ilrniw ha.ml.lnr "Vnll nriHnJw»aBjmlt»-*iu having MTKOud a. -"up|ily, anil you n«vtl -liax'u no nuiloty irliaf arer as to -lt»

. Tlio InK'iwt oltbo Cornimny Is IdeatllloJ w'ith'thirrtllagt'S In which its plnnt ll located,and It U th'apolicy ol-ttit! aiunogemeat lo'doits lull sbaro lu-^romots their Rrowlh anjl

The .Company Refers; To All, Its Patpons.[•ju sl to. • call on parties w£o dol\.i, I'.TUiB, loetboi of service, etc.

tlevotSF?I~to THe"'UhuuiiB and cxtrn bosjfor tlie KolilieiH whtiare toin future Dattlos iu Cuba

An exhibition of thuKilfrre, a ntu tire t

t .impound iu to bt (,i\ 11111 I'hilip Jalin'H hit oir

line; near Hoiifh. A sniill be put up mid s.t 011Xll h t


«-olIl>t S >otl.Uuututo

'.sfmiid.J U i , .« , , . r rim dim sweets, «•«•*»»•"•»«•«'.«»;«». •* wide « t r i p -

futtht'rmor.., should be e a t e u W an wide etiougb so that ,«ne trip over ai'-tscntial part t i the meal, and ubt as «»«U>uce street will'be enonRb for thean added rulisli/JiiRink-. after makiiiK time.. The 8t.rCeb>iu front of tbe»<orcr

' ' M»M ""'•' 'il

q Water.Oompanyf _ .At 68JBroad Street, Elizabeth, N. j :

nud b i i i a i H,,, 11Ulr% l xM \ tars nui Out

),„ r l I t , u L « h i i n t u t > Vr« N \\ \ ustiMiiinl Vhs II l I t t t I n . in t r lib

ODiupiiurBergon nutfor tbe luiirs,Trento

• ' I '

on the couimittee,xWVstficld . fir* vd»

":r»5T^K:5^7^.-ifiUtail)li'-i^1.-'• thiit the w tfer lp*r«!i(..nrt!. • was' iufittffiHent for ^ffec••Bres-^that AVestfield wa

. ' s - ',•• i ' i - '.-•:.• • • ; . . ' • , • ' • ' • • • .

: ' * : ' - ' . * i ' - ' - ) V :* ; ' • • ' '•'. ••

llii»ln*.'ia Xt»lf«.>liiibbcr tires for cavriiiKivs arc outfit

iiilcru iinpioyemt'iits >>hich havetj ittar. Tbey,-.ar» .t'rtnoiuii'al

!h; tlriviug is iliiiit,1, »n.lconifurtal.lt>.: l'ink.

way. MiitvaroiiTis il staple food which»•«' value too liltle: It isclu-ap, nholc-si.uu' and nutritious, ami :\ wS'll bal-

| niiccil futul'.-..' OiTe great recoiuin«>iiila*-t '''i tion it'has. is.that it i-an tuily lieuiu.lt'[^"j/ituu thi; best rljiur—tliuirric{ami tto.sirable i>i;t'vert "nay.

-mill be Kprmkl.d tnict a*often at tht•*trull\ n sid.iut stroils ami ^rt.it

tiki nut ull tinut to m n 1Hulking mud .if: the tlust. ,lt|iected tliat the "service will baged.^o that I'lvlcra and J>eil.will liavit. no caiiiie foi:. cosi^plaiiit

Imu'sehuldtfr slionld be1 " the suuill sain



. . . . . . . - _ . A to carry ou{ the j'lan,'whichThroi^htiiitrthVcducIitioiialpt-citid i*'''\°l '"' wllccted iu iusta

the diet is of tufjitiuoit iiii,wrt-<uw.' «wkly , as the service is ron.lel'hysi?nl ilcvelopiui'ht is .juitc/as im- . , _ . , „ - : - . - _ _ -.-•*-.portaut at this time as uielltiil (level- ~ Kiwt M»i> to limr ••.*l«»lm.

uiivut. Cereals ami iVvflfc-V sh(<nli{ Th« .map of .lames Cook,

omae, Opposite Station, jNorth Avenue -;

g ju«e Onxilf^ri, uhuh is aiu 11 tnr<nbt s*-"

Tbo mehibers of'the Vtent branch, h«\i. bet.11 111lemoiniK posters midcitnls attnehid to tries 111tt>pre\ent .lisfi^urafKin 1iin.l further tuli^it«s In

p]ipainw*ce I h t ipeinTPv Ji(]lleRte

inLnlbars not t<of th« ntutlu town of

tKliecis-iary rr mlpost on frees J bis is nmupturns «lluMieniplinsi7t t

Mrs .Purcella^s rocinnifto bt sent to Ne^Jt iseVtht tiel.l Shott i i lreteirejturc until \\t»\U Thttrsiluy iushiptiKiit Magazines T10Nsix uiotiths old illnstrateil j

other Rou.l rt oiling >mnf i Y i i T p i



Hergcir.' i'thvr deiiiocriHwas ^ehicf • of the

be forwarded from time 1..amp, uhlreMr thnt iuux.ot

- \ju parsiiume of a rtxulntidiftv the Houxthold I ronouiu.te&vf the A illttf,te Iiiij>rn\emotion, of which committee "Mris chniriimn Jho. re«ohadopted at tbe iueetiuK^if M

t o u r fettionsof iron pijie>n diameter inside* Hi byroad traqks nt ,the brvttie LiiiLdlu ineiiuo crosmnj;ml] be pnt 111 der the trackstlHiouttl -»ateriraT «t a .lei tblieioir the, level of the pre-and enheft This u ill j rolinvli ample room for the uj>re\eiit th» f looing >f the .ftnd cellars iri that Vicinitynveiiife,' in fnture.' But tufreeholders deepen-the obamlirook or/otherwise' increai-tpacitj 111 some >»*) and mitomnn.ler the North avenu

tbat bridge mav iery l ike lrbn.iL a. L l

^ g vans,and every-—handling . furniture -


we had la-tlaiacity of tbe uatcnrnj- n'm.lge n er*y little morf thathe railroad colvertaml pipe 1tbe pnttmg' in of tor additio•nill Irt loose a flood oT wa«ver opain gets Bigb enongboirry awav the v bridge c'r t«the roadbed 03 either. «ide^uf 1

Page 3: VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896 ...VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896. THREE CENTS. s taken; it U pleaaasf to the taste, and art* iptljr on

a l r s " . . .Ifso.caHon na. Wt


d Wheel•ies.

«'*•the., V. P. S."C"JE

man»e Monday evening. :8. E. Kirkham return, to Granford

. to-day (or the mmtner." B. B. Carri.alao elpected Wlc ahortlV.

E. 0 . Maroner it ont ajcaio afterlua long .leg, ^ typhoid ferer

Ther. i m i K Wat Trinity church

i« Tuitioir hi I••*»•-*• <h#

d t? 5*"??* t h# w »»*»•••*«• ta« Cnit«d SUtea. M<1 nn

f o»u«»K «i»«»mb.ra gtv. oh»; n t o 0p,e Ed&ecmhe rJtZeXbarsaa; from a-ten dajV ti.it in X«vYork.

• MV«. Siirah; Al KidderrW Brook-

XtiH, Agn»a« n l

Adjoining:i FlreHouse.

Ties: ~'oM»b|e Ibau "high, janea.We ua\e jnut received atoes, with and without

'nJ black*,lioea alao, in tans—this

.ER,OE S T O R E .

w expected lack .hortlT .k ~ V u""n8 >§'• delegate to

"tbe-Bapti:ford from ^ «»„,»„

;'f The .ubject of the RerTcleo. Francis Greene', .ermon.> u * W ^orb-ing will he "Sated by Hope," °- 'Hie poKtponeil enterUinmeut of the

,Cre.oent branch. V. I. A - will hefh"» T«..da, eveni^, Miy 3", :the Presbyterian chapel

to hold , t , an

room* next Jfonilay.e'__.._„.. A nine froiu the Sew Vork|- pont--

office will play the Cranford ball teamthis afternoon.ou Rooaerelt Manor.

£. \V. Auxtirj and J, A. Ilibson weretCe Kue.ta -ol Governor Yoorbpe* »t

' ' Sea ~" '

B progre« ha. beentrinjj the circumstances.

take down the w

ha. been made con-idt

(JrW, Gidion E..LadIow, E. K.Adaiutf "tteorg* O. Teller, Jamea C.Miller, itmn- W, Fergnaon, E "Bead)*, X-C. Hant, George SjtoiEdmrind B. Uortod, T»Ul. f l l .

.Nine other, who utbacribwl 50eent. each were 8. H. TifladV, ,V. A.lUrnctt, 0. O. Volrertoa. Cliarle* f,8tr»ttoD, 0.-O. Colin,' E. T. Oldbatn,I>. P . Ireiugr, E. Beadle, Jr.,,E. W;Hart Total, tl.SO, Caah, SQ.oentit;from M. F. >Vheeler, Si eeuta.

The schools contributed aa follow.

KAL£ - CombiBMioak. bumra aad V*HB* boi la

qaartwtt) oak with tanevstriur. C'M Hpe•til Mil (or #« . iditreu or to^alw «U«



Sbftfiog tod Hair Cottirj^ Parlor• tmUm' »04 Chlldrw't najr Culttnf

r . '•- . . - ' U i t Ht»mpuolD«. • -

I*. I). HAM,

CiTil - Engineer and Snrreyor.Aor CrWiforJ Pr«i»rll«*Lo«U*il.

Traaronl Xs|« a HpwUit)

Roome,- Rath Blook.

: flag was' finally- flag jtule wa» finallyraised yesterday on It ctb * c-orner.»nd the new dagirtm,«»ed during theevening <?. B

- — A 4 , M I M . , . ™ , r . . .Iloom S, Mln T w t e r ; . .l tpom*, Mlaa l lroirn. . ...Iloom 7, Xlta»: DrniatMit

MB », Ulta Vrwl«nJ . .""l«a JJawua . . . ,

i i\Ot«h

- LI*ark, wl)o"havebeeu'vifiF

I'laiiiriekl team have <-»nr^d ,'),„ , f ^ •,,.."?-l','K» »»,"K"rin/oa the plan.

. tl.U. 4«

. . • ].M:••-; i.ii... ' .t>!>

.':. .;o

.-•.' irsfc• 1.S0


Dy t»»ra e»o\ a 'wo

Or tl» ai»|. o jnn.l


TfOIt BALK-AV-H-roiteJ ,ut,i«, „,,.•C. •tmrr.lu.t, ri«bt K-ruS.Vinl.wB.*,.

LAGGREN & BALL,1*5 Bread St. lUubcth.

In full


Mr. . . r . . . ] l i , ,» . w i n i ' l liuaUwv ra«B«i(f - from $44 to tdT.'AO,•—'liioli iHoumingilalo llr

iveitt. Hlse of

M1I1 HI lr>lnl>)<- li >L«. t> r-ntor (. r-alr li r J rlvati* m i lru>« i>r1»»S iv !] crallTK lu«litr-»» 1 rulrjl

Wal ra(i* for l »»t» tf h


Still at It.

»P*elal Ha««a.




We arc >llil at la* oM •!•» I, (>

lhaa « w tr« «lll wll uolll (i.1 I bo fullovl&a lojuoiyl prlova

1' T»¥e , -._.„T-,—-OTWT »fde~or"i}re


ireTreubjtjiriaii ihnrcli,formerly rnu airosit tut* grnxn- V

J U I M H . 4 I w

—" • • , J »t ItlK lollOWlBB

_ ^ ^ _ ^ . Wh h> ao.t wt.ro v.-u are t,. l«. | . « . I - i» i j S ^ l w ^_thajLjL-Jat>ie-^lele(;a. ! tl'i-'f r.4wBH*r-4l-«rtit-^n«- >—• i. ~-^r - ' ' "•»»«-•"»»•»-"'

(>r>*rarlM i




Carpenter: and: Baifrfer,Room 9,-Opera House BiockT^

i, whoopened jl jeMelrj afore 111bn.i4iu>u\ acquaintance1) IU

resented on theap|ieariiiB twioe^l

at lowest marke*.


Cranford, N. J.Pine Street.at.

r iiaA/iuutiT ao(]iiiinitanci'9 iu ('rnufuril. , _ . „

lols -BU Willow. » v « u e , - i . W T ^ « t e B « u t ?Ul4i*hni.W ; ; _. ... Tn t l l B ^ r n o . m . widfi.-mor« oiai..,:] ' . ; :Manor, lying J*tyreeti hi*prwentrs<i, . Mr». .1. M.. Mjrrh-k, of Hr*.klyu. H ,.„,,,. ^ , r t f l l . ( i / w u i i i , , ; , j n fh« t ' " 'denoe and the Moody hoiiH-^foiuK;..m town on a vi»it to her"dmight^r, !,,. ^ . . .w l i y- ijjfeloi.ff." Thi« "»d- | » ' .eaM, and will l.mluV. -^ Mr.. J. A. W o i ; . - M r . . S, f-U^H. i,Veiipcchfl; ahunltt I* lizard b ^ L D f l l.-Don't forBtt th.it. the li^rcle .«rdj- 1!".".U"r','¥r- ««"'»r<l H.tnother. in »««w J^y,,ry m,,I,1jpf,.,( the Ifnioii, if-fort JF^QIj

nine* is ill force. •', Thoueuully for i id-, TV^JM« -ftj"^ ls--^-^~-i ^ - J ,~~^ : i i i o^nthe^^so tr t htfii' toC IVS^tiSlilKlT ^ 1iugjjn.tho »id«wa4)crnHt(t<Titi>rk:ivitlr- "~>rrs~E." W.'Anntiti.Biid Mr«.;JJ-. -K. | | o JV^ oB/iau foi- the "faith timt-is iu ' •6tlt n lamp, i.iSjj-rftHeotibleJjyitiiv/»«• i\t»ati?r had their cjirriitgifH out i lit-rl" V ' ... • "Itife tif the iieace^rlpou foniiiluiiit iifinir <lV««lh»-<»"» - " '• ' '


|::;jf+l1ainferli!iif;.Deci)rat»r..Fran".. ,.™. . l . , . ( ,^ ..ial l lorn'u chrrrlw. s i l iTai l i im; prrtb. '

•ll»rli>». | * r Hi.I**** tiHiu*, i>»r tjtIlotollir, &-|b l^vi

ir.oUu»a*r <_Clln>a.\ vaniila

li"U . j .'It/l-olllu ' ..'•»•«. -il. t ill

g u tli« »id<*out nlttiup, i«$.>,tiu> (if the iwurQ^tlpou ciiinde //

U tho lui'eii sale, tof L

be held by th.A l

U tho luieii sale, to be hell'ri«bytefian Ladi««' Anl MicntyTnneKtho oIlermpN Mill <<>nw«t HI-

ly of titli l b b l

heir carriage^ i.utaftenioon ttrrtake theW l d ^gueHtK of .. _

to and from tratnit,

'If.you want a. tlrstralass uvchiiiK'ivjiti;rtiiiuui(->it, ilear hdmu, at n Ionpri.ru, nave n^vtTliiiriulay en


oxford.;liecks wit

._ _. .-—. •-••.« •••"> uuuiieuoui-'pn.Be, Have n_j«ft TliiirKilay eyehi^ijt-jorueu—rtahl© cloth)*,, uaitkinn, dciyli H, the ,OQiioerJ*in-the "Opera liouse m iiid,

^to«el»,-"etc., etc/. • ' - 'of the IJafmst. viiurch btiildiiiK^filiid.x It huR been decided thiit tho l tev . j . 'fjitf ho»|iiul collection,vi'hwh >>'«" j.

(». Hnmner will preach «t_Jlho_(tar^ _tif tig^J!stlt-tBfc<>tr'tr1|y*-"-**


lteVi .t.'Hefl>ert MacCoiinell'Iiiay M'IJI.-Tiljr^the 'pirllrtt dilring'TiFc'asiohiil iih-Bencea o(/Mr- Hamner.

Apiecev"f two-foot wall of roujilrKtpne IB lieiiig built apjiarentlr 115 4

•^liM*kwst«r^wojn^he*iirWWi^i:sjt:~" KaelmaTf ^Ireei, iifcaf' TTimipton hall,

eastward alouc the nqiithjivier baukj•fc.' _ • ""'""" ° '»««• aim UI11011 aveiii" Tlt^*'«^'tl^hB^Tirt^prree-in"MlreTirrvitCTlr-^-*--7T- . (?n»iitwi ali i if l l<il .*.n . . .1. *~ _. . . . ' ' _J> '. . • : vi .

• . . .^ t imt in ICV HI 'lilt!CaMiio gluilllelioard—tourunnient—IH to11' played off this evening nt 7 to betffeen team No. 11, Huston and Klase,Hint team Vo U . Mcf »iek and DHIHOIIIhv nhmt toiirilaluelit is to t.tillA\ednthda> e\onuiK.

AW* C T. I' cuke sale is IMIJIKheld this afternoon, from '!•! to "1, inthe 1 ' i e b t n I l fh

TrTuity chiirchJva.'ipoiitjKiued.-oii «c-•A)iiut of the l)»d"weatlier and: c<)ii««-ijuunt xmall." attendance. It wili~lietaken ii|i on Triuity Suudny. • "

Tho Epwoxth- Iieagiie willh Kpwita regularW ' d lAVediiuBiluy evening Hndholiln «(mw-i pS r ^ - ' - " ^berry and ice cream htNtjiral ob Mrn; .. - Mattr«Me« mad

Work Done at Owner's

>*alt p. rkThrpriact . rn

' I"**. * I ^

., % B. WOODRUFF,^

aero of glnss^.af'VVostfiolcJ,N . J ; T < ; - •


y ^ y pr Sforo nl Cranford1,^ C u t Flowers

RS. f . F. GREGORY, M'g'r.\ l U ( M II»Tni I 11* will

d maiU

and I'IIIOII a\emics 1'lie publi

panyOrganized x8oi. /{

held this afternoon, from !! tothe 1'ienbyterian i Impel fhe pnnAvill be ile\oted to tiie puTh

(s the inhabitants >.\,and Rose I lo wittv

B Can YieW."y n n ,

> "water o( great or-Xoa are-tfrbe*oo«rntttoty wbat«>t>r as to Its

hlcb it» plant li lacatad,note tlielr growth nqil

... bo devotied to ttie purchase of<leli(iacijL>B mill t'xtru hospital^suppliesfor tlie Aoldieia who ore to he woaoil«din fiilurol)»Hlus in Cnba

An e.Thiliit.ioii of the"Kilfyre;" a Hew tire c ,V'ompbtind, is to be given this .eveiiing'•» 1'hilip Jahri's Itft oir AVnluiit"ave~-une", near South. !A -aihalK- liiiil.lingJll he:,piitup nnil »i;t on ilre.nud theX -...id lie'ejfjuignialtedfjni'cjtly liy the

•'" ' "j>o)vder

The mehibers of'the.V. I. A., Cres-cent hriiuch, have been-'in fhe habit'of;removiUK poatera atijl ..lulyertisingcards '.attached to- trees in C iiufard,to jireveiit.- disH^urufidii , of the treesiind further tidiut;8» in Craufor.d's

^N^ l»'enernl nppearBB'ce. They nriy-how-7—^CwSS ;™™fi..ir*- •--...—••.1,1 liy (heir

•use iif^Kilfyru, which is 11in n tinXnbe ' ' *

-ffie anniiul .iiuutin^ of the liooand Ladder N^oiiipHny • wan- IwsldAV«dne»d»y eveiiiuf;.—Thii annilal eleo*tioil rti.Hiilte.il.in tjie .re-election.of thethen encumhent.olHciiiliitall', withouta iLugle.-diaiiettttiig voice or 11";..ec»ut1noiiiiuntioii for auy'oftice. Tneolllceri)'are n« follows: flowsrd Cox, presi-;d'eiit?A.- HI Miller,- .ecretary':-C. Itnr:iii' : . rr ' '"T ' ^ '• --

\ U Miller, miretarv. (Willmnin, tiuancial seiretary, 1) 1^\llnuiH, foreman1*, lieii \ew 1111111, llr»ts t t H E C

rCaij)ot^iMfr,.., .„„,„ „„„,„„. .- :.'Oopd»pjgck>Ml for >hi|.j.iiig.'.:'~'".

-Drake-Bltfgk,- neac-Dejiptr'IlL_- JP*A3il"OKI».

SEND - Mifc- A

Some PricPN,

I tsdles1 Up blcjcle boots,. , .XS i .9B^ w T W F 6 i p r ^ o ^ ; $'5JfUflifftao

Bicycle Ordinance.AN OIII)I.NA.Si;rEt(.jv»fiil»l" tb«'u.'(iir.f

i I'lf.yelw. trlcyrliw''nii'O 'almlW-vylit-*

KHwi-naHilial o f .•nrriiiKMi. uii'il Vili

•Harry E? Crane, second ,„»- ^ w * > " ' . ' •"«'". "!-«««valU, ».,u',rJ» i",?:J ( l h " m " " ™ " r t <• ^ . T OIM.A.SKU ,,v ',.,.: i T o ^ M . ;

Coinn.mey.l (h« i.V.w,,.!.!,, otOanf*"" '™ • I. Hen-atliT nil t.fi-yrln., trltvefa'

A'.K.|!?.W.i STtvitr.:«!uaru- «ni'l 1 .„r&


siNtniit; ,Tohn IVBterson.'treasurer; Ai'.-W. (lrHbe,vicpre»eiita.tive. • r-;


••: - t^i i iM.»tt i . ,<; . .^, , . . • i.ii^i. iiii,,nn.»ifhK ,!,;.„•,;*,,,?o-h*fUJj/ii,,'' • :

'I\w annual receptio,, ohhe Wednea- 1 1 ^ ^ ^ : : ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^"'""^day M irmuK duV t«ok place at the ' ""'-' '"'' ' ' 'Ciioino last AVedueaday '""


. ' • _••• • / • *T « I ' ' > » T « U . M . » * U I l.rli.i; i|.ih;,ii(,,n» .<«


t% r U I I U IS UlJIf 1 '••;"•'•'•" "'*; "W"'1" '.or,m '.J'wMy .i;nr• ' . ' v ^ \ - ^ • • • . ~ ' y y ' t j • • " • • • • • ' • i j ' i ' i . - > * % i * ' ' . ' . ' • . ' • • "

Carpet Cleajiinp: Works

itii» I'tirt.fif tb«i foitni >i A : full lino / i f n»-

-•how th H t*iir*f D'/vlIIri* lir rnrrln-irrHt; tiO'ljr«(i «nw wlib'- i i i l i l^r llr»ii or put

''IIIJ*T* nrr • • i i ^ r K W«. nr») fluit'iifm 'Hi.f«»^ In i'tpnf"!1*! ii'»», iiml mil

Au«l iimkn' rmitrn'rta for th4 rnrfiKklntf MU<1 **lAXntit \>f **«rinMii ittnt (lcior-1 cf>T«Fti'jft o ( '

WILLIAM N. OIUY, Cfinf.rd, «. J.

*-^ilZ*~.*~~-, - " •*;:


II. 1 .Elm 8troot, WESTFikLD.

C ino: last - W e d n e a d a V - ^ i ^ l ^ i l i , ^ , ^from a t o 5, provlug a very cbaruii:i({ j ln-ll ntiaclmd t<> iliii.lmii.l'l.. l.ar olnuoh . ' '''and BUCceHKfnl ftllu'tioD. T h u i i r o - j mnehlrw. wliWi «rli«n.. min? 11my.be lii-nrJ:- ' .M*1JX -MAltll'LV- jrqmn;.i his .v»|i--iframlasted . aboiit th't;ee-<juarterH of ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ i ^ - ^ A i l U extrlirt direct from the vanilla;nil liuiir^ the rest of 'tlie" time, beiii(,'de- n0J »iioIi^ii^Wu'tt-iit^-'jp('i(ier''raTo"~«ri'lVfVH,''ii«"intt"i:H6- tofikn jfn » make*'Voted to refreKhiBents and Pociol con- •|'«-'"1 ttmo n-n miles |»-r hour.' '• • I . .• . . • i .-•' • . "*' ...

* • 7 •., .. . ;.... .•"••• -, Hi:r. I. It »liiili:Jiiiiinl»Wful'i<i rl'Jp'nny f ' t o n h i s o w n pr.«iaiMes a i id gi iari i i i t i ; i '«. . . . '.'•'. . ,', ' blcycl*. trlcyclp or^lmllAr vt'lili'l.* upon lUn-'\ \\ , , , ; - , , ' l l » unik..M , i t lm^ tr,,lf vP r o f c e d u i K i ! - w e r e , b e g u n b y rthe » | , i . , K U | i i , wi l l i l i f Hi- Jlth.lt.' of tlio Tnwn- >}'.' t - I U . W t s • " " P r •'""•*'.

HUift'O'K o f " T h e . Htar S p a n g l w d ' D a t n j »lil[>; tlm term >i.lii»riiiit^" i.^..i i>. y,i-,.lrj=itfJ.M'f«^i^H-^-.t<rr-].i|i1 .."). tl ;TCrUJ-tiVTiTnial'TStlo«impo»ed o l . \ f r i » r j n n ' * " L " B n""">l»K «'>y »Mi f iwa lk feUilout n» I- . . . : . - - •


Mr,..Porcell>i,s recefvinK literature ' , M-lm ' W* h"*ian- (1-f W<»>W u^,"'<' » f *V ' „. )tobe sent to Xe^Jeiser "uldlera;-'iiV ^""rm<>- :of-, correspondence .of the ^ i * ; , ^ 1 , " * » ^ { ' . V ? ' ' ' ^ 1 ' 1 1 ^the field, fito-illrWi^good liter*-. feW, *•*<Ie?t'of J'U^'^'l'" *"" ^ X f t f c W t e

W e s t f i ^ .p e Garden1 / / . • ' • • , - , • ' ' . • ' V • - ' • " ' • • •

Spot of Jersey.

GASiiTTEil-iSfeam and Hot WIIM

v';,;,,-.- Htillng. . jTinning aii4JioUlrHeatl4

Estimates furnUhjjd/for Sewerand Water connections. -" -

i~~^iaijij^tcLyiau^ptrUnctr .—

Patrons.'jnrttes t7ba do not atof service, e t c

Elizabeth, N. j : .

[JSEtenue.', ETC., .afely, atvinsured -


W . E 8 T P I E L D , ^T. J.

xir^Jiford; pi, j . "

shipment MaKa/mes Hosix months oil!, illuxtrate

other Rood lro, on.Inhich

etmmOT^o^enu^omnoTOr^iibe forwanled from tune to tiuio. Ui

thettof t

on, of m i t t e e ?Ir l ois chainuiiD I ho re«olutiun

the I'edWatioti.. .,.A vocal • -dnet-^'.

OfTlce, OhrorYard, Center

Scommit . . . . ^ . . • n . u myujiwi iii.iiii I I » l'Il|J

r>| "^1;"_",7.',r"'r:'i "~- '"*'v ".*"V'""V" I minntes, devoted, mostly to 'talk oftekof tlieAillagelraprovementaasocin- v» , , , i. , • , . . •* •••" • ;"tion.of which committee Mrs, 1'orcella ^/ i° . r *' f ".^"A T a9?V^r'

•i» ..(,»'r1Ilnri- 'Fl>« ; i » l n i , , » -u-o'. » -^cb» embalmed 1,4 Mrs. Cas^l l ' ,little QOOKT st>- pppnlar here. Jfr5,_i

•Saiifrater afterwards rejiited one of. her I, 1 u u i o c t i i v u u u i , l i r a j i . j n i n i i i r i t t l i w n p ( | j m j 4 : •.•'•' . , ' . ' , . ' • ' , . , - ' • ' . • . ' ,

•"'in. diameter inside lie: by the Taif. j . There was a it)lo *jl»y'Mr>.'JohnWni-road traqks at ,the b w K near1'-, .'The .Dreaiir," with Mis« ,Miiiui.i•ttie Lincoln avenue crossinc. >. TIIPTI i-...»i-...i~- -—:—;—;-. 1

adopted at the iueetinfj^f Afay lj>t o u r fettionsof iron J'ljie fonr tiet

: i r f i w i - J J l & !*.^:°y.»* «*'j:t*-^r, .to cure h«BW.ch£Juild 2 'rKliriji.''' ' • : . • ••/••' " - • : - T > , I


( H I S T ,l l l I

3I«HIIIALI lUlp Clvky

CBAHfOlff,'It J

,-il>e Lincoln aventte crossiiift. _ 'They"" .be pnt.nt'der the trucks us an -ad-. . i u . . u c | . u > . u > » « mi.-.,uw»!i'ii.i. »u.-uu-1. . i ; e i r e » h m e n t s f o l l o w e d , w i t h a iat(-

. ilitioaal waterway-«^a-Jle!4h^tM-o-fee4^c^)-TOcotn'jTamniCTt:byfhi^ -', beiow the level of the 'nroeirt nines I TI. . . -f»-;;.,. -I.'.TI ".-.1 •• ... :. beiow ther level of the presein pipes

ftiid cnlyeft. This will probably fur-nish anipls joojir for.the water andi>revent/the*fki<>'Jiug of the'dporyardwfind ceflars iri that vicinity >on Southnvpnrfe' in 'future."- But unless the.

rrlaiid an accompanist IIiefreshment-followed, uith a inn 1

) t > O l ]

30 Choice LotsFOR SALE,

BARNETT CYCLE CO.v Wtieels bou^ht,""«Qlii, txclTan^ed, rented awl rejiaircd

k ffiiraUd

irt«,I'o»ltfyM»rlirM,l'«wlT™y'«,, , ...it JVJI«», SIIVJI (iynlnKJrll. Cut

i.'livnr,'-ll'/wen, Wh<»t' lirnu,- <lr»"ii.iifniio" " ' - "••• • Hl!»U1Jlli«, ,N>w HUM F'>tilil»!«,.

freeholders-deepetMne—clMnoel-Jal=thi=faf}jbrook or/otherwise' increase its,"-b-a--|\a!

The Casino hall : and stage Tterebeautifully decorated with t\overtiand blossoms,.the, alulf colori., white!

ami K'uLit. fariiishin^ • the -})rev»ilinKtints. Tlie,chair* wefe SrrangedTn

eel groups, aiid,thejeutire^jrepara-

All work gffiitranU.'ed.-/ .

f u l l l i n e o f b i c l

.'. pacity in.'irtoia under the

. w e - H I U C M W - H 3 : - L K " t ^ a s t e . • • •' - •.•:•'•'"'' • ~—'• :•.• ' •

waj and make pore . Thecostnlneiiof tlie ass^mWeiT la--Xbrtliavenue bridge, dies werVelegant, many of the.ni r'jVV-(ota nnder the North avenue bridge,

that bridge may ery likelr be carried

'ates areid every—-'niture

.'n«jQd':aR., we;. hail.-'iast ramuiei'.:' .• -Thecapacity of the waterwar' uhdet.thebridge isvery little mor£'thau that ofthe railroad culvert'amVpipe now; andtlie pnfting in oftne additional pipewill let loose a- flood, 6T water, if itfVver-sgatn -gets high enongb, to eitfa^*• carry; a way Tthe * lijid^e Wr. teaf • away-the.r6aJuedph.eithei;. si<(e'fcfit. '', . :f.

r » —""j *I-M. «>f.

^Jungly beautiful About two hun

tncini1«d a great uiarfyinrited guestsfroiii Cranlurd, nnd clhb repreaenta-"" ei/from" jirooklyn; Xew Bntntmck,

i.way;»Oraiigen8hort Hills, S'ewrlUtnnn*, BtaiWeufield and Plain-


pifiroodr-n'ew* will befpnifil-oa fh.if•'" )»g<f last colunin this

Jolinson A venue.• • - ' " V ^ r ' . • " ' . ' ' • • . ' • " ' • • : • / • • ' • " " • ' • • • : . ;

y-;$20Q:cadi< f23ca^i;balance, ...Qoii remain on moirtgage; or-bep' . 'rJK^i-fj^mmtMf^-fayrntofST ~^'Titles fjuarjjnteqd ,by SecurityTitle Guarantee and AbstractCompany, . " . - .


A full line of bicycle sundries at resonableces" Twentieth Century'L $159prices.- Twentieth Centur#^amp, f l ^ a

OPera Block, Cranford.

.Fountain*, l'li.nl.ti..l DiUiH-Uw l''<uatNln«,Io>.\ut»ilor TIiKrinwnHffrfii 1'r.i'lllloJKiftf fooil,.<J|I|I;II Maftnn, I V K . Q . f i f l . IV'Wdtir; rllVxmy ,,11111 rt/lt.>IJorT'ir i'Hr«ut •Cifil*, A'ttiitlvhu-

•kl'iijiltryVnril. :'•'..!." . ' "• • ' •'

Nev/ YorJc and New Jc r s ( i7^ • :':.;.; -Agents for .'

Prairie State Tncubators I Brooders.


at* b*a*H l i e Vollre itodk and read will 'nrwe ire

naa«Bat>I« priMji. JIB. EDIIJMUi »EBBIX«>, who bat b^Sfa t i e B>aJaeu?aFUI«Afltf r«r I He pa*l j * » ; « * ! lt

vH^^'^.^^lr'^^^'iiuapasoiaicE.'• • • • * • ' ' ' . • . - • • ' , . ' < ' • ' . ' ; * . ' " . * » . • " • - * •• 1 . ' • • • ; ' . , ' . ' • * • • . " . ' • * ' : * ^ - ' r " - - i ' v ' * . " • •


. Gr~.

We sell all .kinds of Bone- C


Page 4: VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896 ...VOL. L KO.12. CKAXFOKD, Jf. ^SATURDAY, Jf AY 21, 1896. THREE CENTS. s taken; it U pleaaasf to the taste, and art* iptljr on

... ^ _ J z, f"


mot^rr. ibal n afifea veatK n o t AU4ntsfau.Mr.erfl. Cura cvana*(era Itnotlri sta Utopia fire. AMrtuaUer'.ltx H-m-l* <•». n.'r.ro <r K«w Torfc

Of tilf SSMI tni"n wlt'r frrl.huj'ln tti«Crlmi-na n i *a DOT ««r» Twka and Rua-Biaun

•>*• '•»-'' •»'tla<.


. mail r

«Jo cure -«r llr»O. »^litn(<>Ji*i>IIInc

|«irini fpri f*ju\ke <.ur-i--ib1ili'-in».hii**3*!!!*. *r»>*4l>ll*«. lft.|frf--*lfijr hall*.¥tnc ft**: al*<i. tur-ra and i,r»T*ul«cal!<ro« an-l »«f* »i»"tt *m tt»«, ft-ct.

n n M i «t all. <lrw«g!»>', <,r « l i t If- . l « iwt-M -.tanit>».rr>1*-*itn-t Ilinrni*-«li Mini* Ayi-oii*, llfjfjliljo, N. V.

r«--<<nt1r aold-a4 a l V falli-j

tw>ush; a c°n>j I K T M - . • ' . •;

•thatk-r italo V>nr <t t .n. A!!ri.'« r''-tt-r-a»tTa JH.wdi-r for tlie fwt. Ir

Tli* l-jwlaf <-alt*» tfatbvr oil Iba lot,-Til"* pfa^rful Mnatln-f--. uf th« ic^nl'

i Wale tbf (taint «•< b o « of atr-7l Arcady.

*J<.'>». a I»-T'JII llcwlr wine. It* fllfhl,Ml) Ij- a f c i »II|» from II. til l ien lal..—

An aMJt>r«-l ala£ UftuD lb« pi »ij»jtatn'a

llaiara lit* it< lui.an I «ul(T« tin >5miu«r air

ll i» mm .ItiU il'ivii'lvbtD I tlii"ll«unt hll|»,

An! with l lie •7/ti'liiK v' i ' v «lil|"|""f-«lll»('•/ai^V^uiftf w'a tuiltiifc from Ut« toir.u 1**-

i Valiir" tit« Vitilt Itil'i tti*i arrri* "f tilnttl.; An*) iti.tlin l''trlafirlit nirt mir"|i JIII'I f'*n,; Wtll-(."-lh«-«l«pilUl'Uy»' lit. "IM.u lttr.jll.|. lIMiug a iuutneul to a|»j«».ir ngiilu.' _ -

i Tim -f'ahit'Mani mlrMr«<l ln-tl>M brca7! la-

Aa Aaciwi C — W i

j i w o fomr ahrla* pf JCliaato t o n tba dla«aw Aaa^a u Mr. Vltoa"4 n c «r« a » l < w c r 4 bway ot traatlaa; tbla aHUetlnn U wilnlarowb of nrrj notiaahold, aa la allow a bytho «ip«rl<tniM of Karl A.' Wafnrr.tba•loTan-yaar-oM aon of ftaont* Vwnar. of(15 Dili Ht, Arkanaaa « l y , Kan, Tli* fat Itn t.lla Iha atory a» fallow*

"Oicr a year mgn," be aaya, "K»rl « utak*n witb Ht. Vltua' danea" S53 eootlnuad10 ttrtjw wort* during fl»e montha h« n u

fatiTii inrnlyj" 1 »tl"l we eoulil not tiliitar-•tan,) a word ho MM. If* bream* Y«ryttiln,. liMt HIM tin of- tli; rltfltt lug amiaefHneJ riuomn«l to- Invjoraa -il nopelfiaa. In*.mlM. Wn had at'out-ffrven unvbf>{Mi'%lif>alir* Wllilanta1 t'lnk, l'UliVfoiwralji Mopln

jrarii rmwsmftnilad tn my wlf* by a Ia4y

lar'aimoilon by tin |>MI«. • \- • '"I tfoutfht al ioiof tti<*mAt'ODe«;and i

11 o 11 o e d n*for


n-i IH.14M1)£i| b'inlnii".

rowyrif lt»i.*K«tula .o i / ( ? !cur- I..r •ireailtiK, mUmi. ani liol^ t l r i l .

Try >M.>-.liiy. HoM t<r all itrug-n<l «hn« utorf**, air. Trial V

i ftojt.N.V.

« lb» Mlua out <•! rentth« cr»»tn«t i-Hflifbrt f'l»-

Usbtalnt. atrarkl *

ol it ti> be hud. "~

t "SI I 111 ut iii'i-spt tlmfT'6 n •

• -No; I .!«>i'u..ftii-Kthnl —Vi

ji'l'iled fuji,u'tliHr. p

"Tbat wan all mootha ago ami tb«r» bill

-Talad froln alt narlyj><*rl-'>illti tru{'toaj_A«U

at<tara.l. T««r It .wil i n i lk l'.ir.r<U.Can-Iy (*.lhatil?. fitfircqft.ll|MHIou furartf.

Kke.Se IfCC C fall, druxgliia refund uibnay.

Mi«»Oliluiitj(lc --,lui-k HiHtftt'ilinil- « mairmk'" |iro|<n«al

I-.,.;-XVI..,., JuraInk

•na»3lanfamili^wbiaiiinilnii to n.w.h?m««, kloJI»ih» Urn on tba luiarlh wllli j von l" anroaii bronchi trim tt)«61,1 tBsr.l»uw; ....";

liiT TOniiot hnlp but fwl tint Dr. Wlljlama'' 1'lni I'lIU for Pale I'dopln an> tU» moat re-

- •»»!I'lrr*. Klnndlk* MapFrom (*'r)'l * '<'mnil»«l**tt'i nfflrlaldrvk* <;«r-)itrr Ar »<>.. <>|,.ra,l

•ui'lr'fi hl»wfni{ to lnitnklnd n< Dr. Will.lnrm'Tliik Mil* tor l'al«,1'aofilo; Actingdlr«?HVon tlw tjlod'l and nt*rven, ItivlicprT

tlliK llifl lj'iJy,.-«Kulntlnn tti» luwtiojii.y rmitiira the atr»ni(tli aud h"»ltli'ln th»

mhitiiatml patlmit wlmn xv«ry ojttfrt of theltivplnUn utnri>9 MnaTnllini(. y? . •,'J'ln'idi pllla am (.old Iii txuA.al 50 iwntaaoxnr «l«.lHn>M-fur.t'i.Mf1ind may lm_Ji»d

l I ? i ' ! l l l ' "

T«kT n / ' u r t A r-iitiV-ln Jlrif l>ny

l.«iat|V>. llr-imrrOmuliioTllit'!' T»-!UTM1 III'II.«>' ifTt f^iU l

Iliii»ii?i;i'i«i1iii«lli(i><i«f<'i"iii<'riinii)i i w wduiii W ii'.')ii..ii»i-« ti.ii

Opium'l«*^p*fdw«.ltlir«Bt>tneVMd«aillj1 " ^

\<-u I h'nt - j u i i ;

\/S\ nu^MiKit I')i;\n Illltn yiji

^ til liloodiiriily ivitliout

. ,1c -i Ifii: ("UIIIIIK

r ; ... .y |a Uloodnirtm « clean ricln. "• K B

ycAt ADahaba.1 eiirht cattj

b*(rinala»t», aay. fromIba middle ot March. V\land the total weight *iteen to fortv tana per arrfr,to the finality ul the toil aml>er of y'tut which bare elafMed aincethe manure vaa applird ,T ie jbaban,» natire hoot which re«eral>lei a aoytheblade, •• preferred to the g n u i "mowerdrawn by ballock«,-»» the clean cut offanner in le»* - injariou* to the firuaa'tqiible than the -dipping action of'Hie latter, which reduce* the numberof cuttinga from eight to two. On

jxxir,"'nariiantirecl ImiiT :6niljr pue cropcaribe cnt for bay inOclptiefi;^ *r ;r "•

.'fh". Jiarruakin^ »«a«on b«((in» inthe inidillx of Hepteiober. ' It i« ini-posaible to make Rood bay beforelhi« time, far, #Ven in peripila whenthere ia no rain, th« ((round in »o wetthat mointnre i» drawn up by the bay,wltipli, quite in,l*p«)]<lently-of Ihiarir(Miut»l»iire, ilnca not dry properlyin the bniniil atmosphere. There, areforty-eight good upec ieaof natnralgraneii, »oiu« of wliicu are aa vomniilna* any Ilritiah gtaaii, -and fre<|aentcatting develop* A ftn'e iinality of pro-duce.—lllackwell'o Magazine.

Th . Praalrtmf. War M«p.y

»r« admitted to the *>^ room. Tbo>ewho ifre- thus favored nee lomethingnovel in.the way of war planning; Avery larn» map baa been prepared

y pgvery larn» map baa been prepared and,inouuted with d b k It

tlift Atiut 4joth aulea anil tlio •i»laiulg_j.-,--

y n p ppuuted with a wooden back.

nhow* tlift Atiantir Ocean withIt



-*L>i>nlLili.-iit'i.i1l,v, 'I'liiit,titv tiiurft ild't'^ it t-tiNt vtnr.it vi'tir t o

'I'dm Tl t ' t i - r—Wel l , ii'ly-lifti' In-

betwien. -The map cover«. that partif the ocean from the biinka of New--

Tonndland to the moirth of tlui Auta-?.oit. Wheu'the meafiiifenieiilii are({ivfii noine iilea can lie forined of thelicale.' The length of tilt) nia'p i"i per-liiipa eiKhteeri feet"anil tliii wititli inten feet. Little paper «hi|mhnv» been .

with the niimoii plainly printml.Kn Huipa, repreaoiiling • tho' two '

, iL'j,-jir.evflistened .in tbe.it. )>U'c«i>..up_.n yiitir.bliwil nml fefP it cleau, by ' t j j o I l l B p w i t | , ,,!„„_ :nl,,| Br« movedlip the l.<y;livi'r anil (lriviim all lm-.i from llnyt t ( , l U y t o r(>1.fP.,poll,l .with

the ' mirveiuenti of tho "hipr The' lTrenril«"iiti

v tlip 8«rri<tarif'n of War and

..t^li^r^o^r^^^^- ] tl^S&^^^V^Si. • C'tintr.il HI 1-aUieit iiAnil.. ! and Htriilegy Hoard buvo. before them

.»('i ix-i IIU>< . I I H « I.jt-|it imin yipr-;»urjihti lip tlit-Imylivt'r unit tlriviiiB nil ini-ji.<rda\,iiiii>1 il idu't'ji inl bn'i' »u iiiKniUi-I'MrKifH trom .tlw body. IU-KIII t,,ilny to |tin*. }<\w MV,.1I , .«I ' I t.uvrvMiiiiK I.1 Z'\f,[ ''""'i'f'v1','"'"' l ' l " " 1 " ' . Wwkjie«l»,:;

Hhl.XJnrij . - -n hitt t i l l voMnyl Nod ; CimturfU,—h^nqty for ten ccnti. -Allflftw-

fl culuii tu t \ V U

The: t'oiilrhl men ,(jot oviir ihoirlmiiil» by I'uiintniit pruetico ivua beingillaoniKdil. O n e cited tlm caao of anartint who' i» nlliiclod'with pnl«v a»'

Hint tin tiuinot MiiufV Ina fiwil-

ihn nxacit p(initionn of the rfavica up toth» latent information a4 theydifiouiia\\\» plans frftiii Hlay/.to day. ThewholD gaiiie of war, .-tin far an the At-

(oncerneil, with tlm


.No amount of argument can convince tiie experienced,"""honest jjfocer thaf any: otfiet' soap wlirglve Brcusfoniew"

such general satisfaction as Ivory Soap. " He knows thatthey prefer Ivory Soap to new kinds, of unknown quattty^

IVT5rjrSsap~wii! sell becaiiseThepeople-wantother'soaps may look like Ivory, but his customers want

but they come back again and again for Ivory Soap, andthey insist on having it. / , • - , . '


7 V w»t. Aoafr aa J [Mtaaed. a mlttLll»tn t be; mjiitc oi h«r Mr.

Ttiv tttbbri

I -

refflou '.Bo loairc«ult,l« k a w i r v , I

Uiit tboa«wba dwell ift'tbalBuild loti>ly a1nhli<9 of our.,

Aad. back to eanb at els'

Foil <>rtjh«y >r>»k to q» t'jrLit* ia >o rude we .la'ant^b

Wo tblak thf-n In a'taraR pi:Nor kbow wu live aaul labo

Kot w'len tba year cruar*>wiWith sloKlnr lilrjj na.l !)m

Tb<< dta,l non-tali* a holM.itAn<l u ire tUi'lr hj-atrcl

Jntlo. .>

Tbev cairiu iolces memory!Coin< .lro|> awhiio'yi'ur

Fors^t th« »irtb ao.l all lt« vAnd llvtt with u*. your apl

Taatr thr opo i Ii4uoin thanNr»0lH —anil <M-tt»n f '

RHEUMATISMa-a^aaa^ ^ ^


FOR DECORATIHB WALLS flHO GEILIH6S :(rrocer or paiut dealer and do your own leal- U M I a O I H H I somining.TUi» tuatortttl in made on iioibntiflo principles by machinery aud milled

ftllH l t i i t u ft»¥-»orjOoaU«nrf O l t W f a ^ing tlint cnu puasibly be made by hand To HE MIXED WITU COLD WATEB.

•aTHEM) FOR. HV>HM.E COLOR i: \KUH and if you canboipnrchase th-is tpaterial from yow local dealers let aa know ami we willput you in tho way ot obtaining it.T I I E MKBALO CO., W.W P l t l G l l T O V , %. I., \KW . O R E

• Wiint uj -I- nil thi« siriaa-att«* r-4«*tv plai-^-^»r;hMphrirt

. L-l j u < mt t'i >HB1II« ot |,,>wtAn 1 If ink < n •leitth nml n)l

Tin | atli luu jr*a,l"l? for n nl1 hi- rn 11 in nix | iad# on f'>i

To I atttx I jl 1U t.".rniiB rlijhtHb( i l l l»(» tln» wltblo of ma

"Vt ,1 think It rx •foon-ynii rvii*« > I'rf' I tlm liu nan life at If

Lr taint I f-ilihfiil iin.i IKJJU11" | illfitt • .ill 1» nlvavs -

Ami t!iiwi-r» ol fragrant ttli'cls

To.aufTvrliiK follow mortal*I.li^li^J'M!->"tfe.J^"T.\!"i * *ajm

lt io i t i i r - i ^ i f i s j uVlt.ni* r*l i vrrr Mon.Tn on iw^oui li

l>Ut t-\| ill «[>«!, LllulU ft tf<HIM h link-lit'tn up II Un of t

Ami li'inlH yuur own HDUI snjT t i fiii"* it ih ^.orntloli tliti, •

u > t a n U j -

• Moot. . .I .* H>ru i ' r_ _. . . .1 UlC tVUUULJ '

Oolf llbaa bav<* t)m*u niwiiml on tbnutil< i>t ibnMlla Tarn) hill Id rl i Hum" (or

m l l u l oil lilt n id « I|PI il 1H» f i o l

l in | i>iuiy

i n itI Mi» SICiiitiiiit

vim, HIv man

I-* * , trrful C< "ItSlT-n Hun

,1111111 llll^lliluc- ULUIU1

t I l kSl l l l l l i luc

suit Illakt .

A < irg < i. f r«llnw | Inn lumlitr bat 11 onh l | , i-l fn>r J Y u . t i it im'ia)

"Kitinifi 1

li-ll mn huw vimMl II llCllllt Ml,

CHI i»" fl>lll| llful inning t» the

I l l t i II I

I M l l l l l l I

liilln«Jh|4nhtui I «iu,luiit,', I

l i t t 111 \

it to bo.Altnimt it 'piirullul diiKtt i i Jjj.nl n f i '

vttorun militiiir wvll knmrn in KiinnaiI'll}, "l'»K !•••«' Hmlth. Hlultll liIICIW in tho Hi)lilkirn' Home in Ijeavm-worth Wllun in lvanaaaOity liq U»IHIto run a UHili »IULI atthu ilty bnl)

inanity et mmUt-of-the-inm

t*v 1'iiit

To t« r .

>" baa a i rarl 1 » |«"itln-1 t(i him.\ . xaiiiFilat flOO.OHO.

Tho follow uijf h Uer to Mrs IMnUham fmui Mrt M U\NK NO .'15<

,/along aTitlo I l-a»t SIIM|IH1I-IIHIII Alt , l'liUntUlphla,birill Smith Imi t h / p a U y in an 1'a . N » ninarliiibl<<Htiitt mi ut of ro

' nliirming (li'giet When ho r»mt>i the J " ' ' '"""',"-v ! rule iiml IIHUH It at tho turgit it jnrku »tt>li

nn.lliwllan r.irwr.r.• - - laulvl.tliartltv Ilia t l f l j ,

*~ craillurtirr ilruBK *l* rrfuuil Ltouer

j uruuiid in HIIOIIw " I tuiti nimlil «»m,

jn In"i Iv iiiuiiiiir that

hu KIIIIII mil hit tlm

Tli» Canary I

fiiit «ni i1111 > Hai

Ur t uttmm


un » u h »ur »»-lilackur In nn

1 1. nbiiut to pull the trigger hit liniid, i ulul the next umtaiit thti imlL

riugH Iho pnlsii>d mini him hit tlmbull * eje —lvmisutt ( l ty Star / '



Smith touit"t In Kiiii^nt ( i ty freipicutly, nud M htu hum liktt to go tn

l>t<j»iinanrntl>ritr<st V, ni. ,r m-rum* unit fm imuit i mil Limit • '\\U\ I * ""'looting gnlliry on Wnliiut utrotitS V A . H / . , ^ ^ , ^ HO d.a'r, MM. h . i . i i t d,.,». I "I"1 otutt l ietarKit . lU» „ g,i.H it it K.tMtl'li wi '^hifTi l iuT K itiMtl.ii.K . IM. hin... Mil v. b u n at I fl>«t '..id e i i i o j i l f o k i u ^ l o n g

t l t l l t V.I

I S h i - II IK l i l t K< "1 " ' l ' I? t o| l u l l M i l l t o l l i r K * till t o m i l b u t

m i l l tt> M i n i » ) H , I i l b i l i . It". I

n h , u l I I II < i . t H e X H i l i t H i i i i f \

nlioiit i l . i t ii. tin lu i i t nun,I i t I fuiiudMnl nut nt IIUIIII

M i s llnwa in I n u g i . l i i H, fun v ni IIIII* i n t i i i h d i o n Kit.il iTut m i t t not' M ] i t b \ of m i IOM Mi l l o n c r a

I I I " - \ \ « l | l , I M l I I I ! l 1 lL l ' * 1 t t \ t l f \ O t l l ' . > • ' . , .t iMi ig to pn»\t it ' I'oii t g n u up tho Mnp, thoihiiifi

. , i, , . i . * . \itirtU tif LtitiuiKMlort> Luttrtuci1, tht<(hull., . u , » , . l in.l.Mi.1,,1 «l.v , I i r o K . ,„„„„.„ , , ((i „,„ encaptako ,

Mi« ( u...l,.l..|, Ki.t ».. nitliK..,.,, «I,, a a f l , | m u , xUJZ\y iiobl, , t o . r nt1 ««k. .1 l.,;r t. -IIIB Unit •.„„„ ubm, I ^ ^ ^ , - ,„ ft, u ,. , . . . . . .bl , hitlN nil) k « . « U b , I , „ „ , „ , „ , ( • * , „ , , „ , , , l i m t l t fliogal

\ . .u .i,.i,r,,i itiiot ho, rmii« | t I l t l v £ r t l o w ,'llttt , „, „ " h , ,to tl.ii. «»«„ , ,„ f,i „ , t , , m , ar . l ra,„-,.„,, ,„ ihv l m l l u , l B , ! i 0 , , a H l 0 0 ,

I'm... I ilid tin (ouiUii i i nijiiatiio Uikn i n , . , a t - t h * glurioiiH clow o(I tlmuKht Im « » - a ibiinip Mauim»y w j n o i t - | , l , had-th<i-tiiapiratinn-to pen

\ n d run 1II>\II tliniigiil .yni nppr that diitpatth wlmli hits lauiuuzeiltony I ' l iua-Af . . nidi o f \ . m thtuild ( ,1 1 U 1 fj, u l l r hitlory "Wo have metlime «ctu linn kt.k « h t u I t i n d In t U M ,„,„„„ Mn\ t | , erar« ourn " It«mk ofl noun. « o i t h l i . « inllioud „ , . «n i ton on hli HlidT hat n U i u u o f aMitt k i mi pni t of tint IUIII H»t!ti M-ttlu ^ •'UI.UI, »n tliP halt of »n_olil Utter, und" " " ' ' [ tho atlditioiiHl luformiitioii til it g*\<a

lln< Hi>pliunl-A.m iiiipiidKiit little *lio m/e- ntttl tiumlur of "tlfo out my,iitij» \ o n titi^ht tt» lui nu or^au ' IIAIUDU, "IMU itlnpn, tno bri£n, ouoHitler » luiltlti litnlfiiil of it, i l u u a | »ihooiibi uid onu stoop

I ft(m m«r l l i f ,M,mli>.\ \\'>J1. Uio , * luru j(t IIVOLC nss\im mm,-"!' tli'fii t HI. mn )n, iluiik tti\ o u II -i 'tun lliatjiM name un tho i"tr

.t>ur-< "

_ _ ' . H u n , 'itnri>tl tin uid JIUIKC to h nm i nt ml j in t;—lirw iQili litiu ' . ont >' I nn> Mill Imd m i l tbo ntuk v>uIMIOIIOI*. ami tho l i i n t t no lint rut '

M I X M I l t l t i l t I K . i i l l t l l a

mill tin jiitln! ilm Ulul with ,leno ho |tioii).ht wluil u I nv\t.i tho

«)ttvr, tlm ti'iuliiiiod -to propvl the

< >muio being


From Mrs.' Rank to Mrs. Plukliam

" 1 ni'i itunn find uortli with which ,to thaiUc^Mi. for whnl 1,M|IU 1, [>|nlwl iami \ n f i t a b k (.oui[H)Ulid hav douolor me '

/ '• NIIIM ^ cirs nn't> I hail w omb Iroublo iand dot. tort d for » long tmu, not stcluff <<•" linprmi un. nt At tuiiLH I 'woiihl f u l \ M U Liiou^h, and other 't lmiVwai qilsirablt So it Wmt on Juntil lust lh<i>i>ir, I M t soiiiLthlngttrnblo irecpiii); over mo 1 kaiftv not 'wbirt, but ktpt Kitting worsts I lan Ihirdli, i \ p l i l n ^ u \ fcillnjra' at thattime- 1 wan so tl.prev.td In spirits ,that I did not w ish to IIM. although 1had iwrithliifj tu livu for I l i d h j sUnli i ui M-r> ut.Moa»J niiiht not 'alujpa id w i, nut hafo to bo lift

>\f>uhl ut i

PL- ,I _Vrali- vu S I B'r^d C\««rre TralTi -a Fesi'-ig C-et s^tctt e olH ' - ; s Sarsapsn.l^-an?—tcgn toHA- '. ICDAY ard -ca "rs tl e g c,tgeed .! s su-f lo do }c»

Hood's SarsapariilaI.Anw^a •<.n>lnl M«llt|nr Al) tlrlikll|.ti i x sn e k ,«ll ,„

Ii aa • -a-v .am aa aa fM • • ' lat ^ ' I o f ' ** >r " I'1"1"' I ' " "> « • > i

| B | C 1 | 1 H B | | • ,(">' itbittiHb tonu intiiuliiWiOn i \ I I lUIIII I II < l » t i > ' l « <<>« ^ > - a ^ ' t . . n t u i , i i i K « » ,• 1 I B J % | | I B | | 1 | | fll i I >\t>-»f tlSU- llttultpmt 1 b. th,.IVtlUllllaln ( """"'>"> •""' ' « > • » " : > < « ' • - ( »

• • »^a* a» • • • « • • • • I Hil|d-» HI Ml l « i \ n o f < i l l (MOlllUt*** • • » • * • « • na lnc «"JIIICAUliTlin»r , , , . , „ , u , I , , , , . , , , . l , , , !1! el. i . „

leaonnla. wlUmhltll 1 har« bwa atriclnl for ' "*•'"* " ' | 1 1 U '" ' il nil I Hi jl \ i l tot«r twenty yrara avl I r«tt-»axUlAl£9>carrll .till I i* | Ivftsul . t i t h t l u ' litlKtl ill,)fcaTTclveanviaorriTlitribananTptbfrrrmr- u , i ( . , , ,.(i ,.„ . . . . . . . r_,,., t .«y I ««»• rrrritlrt 1 .salt cfrulniif roc-m « Hi u>tMmuit.iiit HI to j»«u f r i fn, l«

• ' >ion,y fn«iU<-at hf'm «u ittir«r« lvm In rtiuit lm tho unto lilt or tho inTeoi wiLatetusia ilL u , 1 ( 0 , 1 1 1 1 ( l l , , , t r

7 <inli- ' l o ihi» tho' | In 1 niiimilinW'l\

l u ut i t t i s o l i d \ t i u 1

i l i » « i i t H t i i > u i . » t i l t h

f\ VU»%» l ( .» slit.ublf' mm L 1 boll

* luru J(I piaie OS^WLII a i m \\wPuriif}; a fi'iirfut \uutt>i "torin, wlulohut(,' in the ) arbor, of Newport, hebAiuil lliut ii lULl^hunt- vtutaxil. iiad lieeii-iriMil on II rtif M\ null's distantHeat onto junmud his bar^t. ami »aulto tho i ro» "Ooulo, my bo^a, \io are^»ut(; to tho roluf of dtiipni'tikot) sea-

-uitii pull iinnj That act was appi null il by tho ouiiutry uliiu^t as much»»tlto battlo on Lake Krie Duringthtt MO\UHII Mrtti tloneial Si.ott rev j

1 inUiHiUl thought 1 would lose my |jnltul No ouo knows whit t-»-iiilun.d

" 1 (.ontlnuul Mill win until the lastof K>bruat-\ HIIIII I sa« i u a pirnr atisti uoniil of iv U<U nhaso i i s e w a sal'fiila- to nine and nhu Ij-ij b i iucum! bv l.itlm E rmlOiann \tjfeta.bio Co upii mil , I dtKriulmtl to lr\ |- |and M l buti r afti.r thV first i lO i c

t i lO i c innrtinupd tali ng It, and lo ,\u\ am awil l v o m v i ami i can s-iv^tr<)m uijluirt 'Thaa'J l.od for »tu.h V m i d Uclno • \cln

of not le guns fromJ Jll l^tltLl l i l t ) lOni l VI C*\IL t\ •^^t.41 II VKI «1 thti tlt-ot, tiv b i u«td jin »hure I'erry- '| c>mi'ht>l bit on oiu lOtidltloi—tlint

"nhti tMi tht ^u IH s i tho tifliotrs auti,iucu iiill«t LO uls<

nraiuoA to w rite to hir ct I.v nn Mass.lor Sih co. All Ruuli Ktura aro accna n d a u s w e n d b . womtnon

RA D W A V ' S "PiLLS.v

Al»nirth' f luoivItaR flfM« of jt t I * tii'^r ttir «1 ai^nrt< L l W b

For three years we have been experimenting with,

developing and perfecting

Bevel=Gear; tl

Chainless Bicycles.Price $I25 u »" *'"•»•


,__ This work has .been in the hands of the — ~most expert cycle engineers in the pro-fession and we have succeeded in build-ing a bicycle\that everyone who hasriddea admits is a better hill climberthan any chain wheel yet made.

Columbia CtiainWiieelsJ75,Hartfords^OrVe(leilesJ40^5

POPE MFC. CO., Hartford, Coik

dialogue (ret m m Any Columbia dealer, or by SuU {or one 2-ctat tbxp .

• \


in JIVUI* A fuLi IE *f rn


Jn.l*«r 11*

Fool's Haste is Nae Speed." , Don't. Hurry the Work Unless You Use


Die u ttljuiLr o

tltllLll |1lM till) J>10tl '

bi>\ In1 i , -tul1 liilao|ihii it<

"I Imve thi*i rt M it li a tuvt utill! ito doubtJOII ili'iiro sin


.. Hooka on ltlsU Stirl<rt |To put u book IU a bookene. o i n I

j<hi>lf o \ ( r - ' H foot troui tho groumlnuaii« th»t xou Mill lime tt) ilinib forit \\ ith tho loiaiuou, d o i e sltuttiUKip atoplatl ltiT till* lunT xui ui oul^ih^lit ctpondtturn of lulnir, but the-.rouble tlu< f,t ttmg of tho boo«, uiuj1'iimre it not tho lmut seruiui one. [

Ouo alioultl no. ir p it « b iyi . iljjJiugh Iif it II\H a nu\' Intnl.iij^ beriin«e, ai Ithe heat t\*e\ tin It lit hi r oi the boo'ii |

"• ' up, rot, ami pen«h *"




SAPQ -^ .1

France is the largest purcuaaiVrgeuti:

OPIUM•eiuiu our i ign i sif OIIH.IM> »nd p i t

11^ bat I.. our <ltt-*fO

, , . . . liTtliOi;<Miwanil tht> ordinary Kcroseiur itTuM',! th'i*' laluli am mortal tucmiis o( Jill Iwuiul Itlo "K-lildh I tniokn vhioh atuid ou n JiicU thelf,,,-e.l lli,l io<{ I llteu, n^aui tWftuer par.tiel<?» ottlustWo tiro «enJ- rise, lotlireT ami jitirk to the booV

• • x .. . . . . . bivMmtfj tibliteraleiL Th«a book is. tlfcu,

- L u idon I ^I imu-tal fv>v i

T .i,,ir ~ j It IDn-u"A 111 t U Eta v . p

in the I!u"loj salntrh uhicfilurtli Tiittl<< uoiider nnivhunltl liuvti 'iloue HU; foe n<liir fftthtl foiuht RullautFechril cuimi' m the «ar, Ithan foiix of .her uncles,"tlozeus of cousins to boot, vtho^e n hose name* art endefenders of, thtrUmoii

Congtf.inelttV no eim jieeprised at learning that lie

" }^an^ of hofiieaiCku^Hs when• in unsympathetic I.on Ion

particular Decoration Dayin the print, Iiioomibnrv «ti•hi. «a^ ftaving with her friMalcolm* —»he heard notiBoine aud bn*tle—trhn.u tic

'edlv ha\e Rneted htr inMas", 1ltr 7u;nf;i mt.it tono record** of IOUII t^ M-IINtery~ or ui-iJ"-T>lt.nni~ iwliendead npQie JLcwho bru IK^t up htrably never C I C L he ml of }fay !

"It"» a shivnio,"ring Ilia t o t T e e N u ^ fDouues only dau>h^r u'uieven a single llowtr ow^grme+-and thu Hei'oratAnd W t l y thei* must"HCuion xoltTieTs bane1? 11 tlicejiiLterien '

T-in last rcflectioi msp&ho pnlled the uell rope sttcalling the iimpering tlomet

"I nant a calilegram »oatto mj father—Genernl Dorrraid. The servant "did tiotatirj nsed \lrpody thu quitbury liui'clipM WUH -JTOTI Ithe vhius o£ 13ct*ic DUTTUO;a»re> heire-u itntt «J)iil"il evdtune. Withiu fifteen lair

n e wssoa Ui niy to-.ltoffice «ho-c cableR-ann artan 1 in rue *ttiini;<e-- tu'reiclerk tra* -ipellin!; oat thi«e

* G* fit rii John l>ojra*-5 iio-ti.s^ f- my * y in*r cv u lc-1



G<»a-.rat Dowiha>e thought reganhng thi-

_pen»ne method of feefciuction, he -\nsvered promptlyBefore noon licsueply

-"Cotista iSuidoipt. C-irmll